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Oct 25, 2017
If this is purely the Russian collusion I don't think there is any straight to the traitor point.

The other investigation will most likely render more.


Oct 27, 2017
Idk why anyone is expecting more than this...

Barr: I have reviewed the document and I can confirm there was no collusion. Everything was legal and very cool.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, if indictments are done and Don Jr and Kushner weren't one of them, then this is most likely nothing.

Yeah, that's my feeling. If Manafort, Jr, and Kush were not indicted over anything relating to Trump Tower meeting, that says there was no evidence of anything criminal about that meeting. Which was the biggest piece of "evidence" there ever was. If that was a dud, I think that's a wrap.

Best we can hope for now is that once Trump is out of office, he gets indicted for campaign finance violations etc -- if a grand jury and prosecutors think the word of convicted perjurer Michael Cohen and the Enquirer dude is enough to prosecute.


Dec 7, 2017
I'm confident there's evidence of collusion, but I'm worried about Barr and the senate republicans.
Dunno if this really means anything but it's been pointed out that the House Judiciary is being briefed but not the senate... which apparently is not the norm. Not sure though.

Also "no more indictments" means nothing, DOJ position is to not indict a sitting president, so maybe it was handed off to SDNY.


Oct 25, 2017
I expect absolutely nothing.
The sky falls.
Trump reigns for 10,000 years of darkness.
Wolves eat the sun and the moon.
The world burns.

This way if literally anything good does come of this I can feel an ounce of joy.


Oct 30, 2017
There's a reason Trump was talking about making this report public. He and his cronies already know that there is nothing substantial there to incriminate them.


Oct 25, 2017
This means jr and potus are not going to be indicted on Russian interference. There was no collusion between trump , jr and Russia at least

Not necessarily.

Robert Mueller was always going to finish the investigation and it's conclusions and leave pending indictment for others. He wasn't going to stick around until everyone is behind bars. Investigations will probably go on for years from this(like SDNY).

And his report may very well recommend Trump be indicted or impeached. He wasn't going to do it himself.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
New York, NY
So to my understanding, Barr the AG gets the report and if Mueller suggests an indictment and Barr refuses they have a system in place where the report automatically gets released to Congress and Barr has to answer why he didn't choose to indict.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Yeah, that's my feeling. If Manafort, Jr, and Kush were not indicted over anything relating to Trump Tower meeting, that says there was no evidence of anything criminal about that meeting. Which was the biggest piece of "evidence" there ever was. If that was a dud, I think that's a wrap.

Best we can hope for now is that once Trump is out of office, he gets indicted for campaign finance violations etc -- if a grand jury and prosecutors think the word of convicted perjurer Michael Cohen and the Enquirer dude is enough to prosecute.
Bingo. This is all looking pretty dreadful and grim right now across the board.


Oct 27, 2017
It's so weird the posters saying nothing will happen since 2017 thinks this means nothing will happen. What a rigorous analysis we can all rely on.

Maybe those folks can just coordinate themselves into one group and elect a single poster to represent them? They can simply quote a post any of them made back in 2017 every 10 pages or so and make everyone else much happier.


Oct 27, 2017
If the investigation clears Trump then at least you can take some level of solace knowing he's merely an idiot rather than a blatent traitor 🤷‍♂️.

It was always a possibility... Arguably, the most likely reason.

He's just a fucking moron. We see proof of that every day.


Nov 9, 2017
Just remember, that no matter what this report says, Trump is still a fucking fascist and must be removed, along with his ilk. Him having done or not having done anything illegal doesn't affect that.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like nothing's going to come from this.

Mueller could come forward with absolute proof that Trump's guilty as fuck, and the spineless piece of shit Republicans will just jam their fingers in their ears, call fake news, and nothing will happen as usual.

I really, really, want to be wrong.

To be fair, this is probably what's going to happen.

But the Mueller report will be a historical document, and an acid test for American voters to see where their allegiances really lie; with justice, or with racism. Once this comes out, you'll know exactly where other people stand based on whether they take it seriously, or dismiss it.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Trump 2020

I sort of wonder what the current and upcoming reaction at GAF would be given things had continued on without the incident. There was some hardcore, "This will destroy Trump and everyone close to him, fuck you and die if you disagree" (and I was 100% part of it, not even gonna deny it).


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I'm expecting it to be others did the Russian collision and there isn't anything on Trump.

Question though, does this include the possible obstruction stuff, or is that entirely separate?


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Holy shit the despair in here is suffocating
Oct 25, 2017
My expectations are rock bottom, hard to feel like it matters. Russia is just another drop in the bucket of the horrible shit he does weekly.
Remember last week when he encouraged bikers to get violent with his detractors? Nobody did shit. President of the United States using his platform to threaten people with violence for opposing him and it doesn't matter. If that doesn't matter then why should I think this does?
And oh look today the US was going to put pressure on entities that do business with North Korea because North Korea is an inhumane nightmare and Donny just cancels it out of the blue with no explanation. Gee I wonder what that means. Everybody knows what that means. This man is the president.
So what if he's guilty. He's guilty every fucking week and somehow it doesn't mean shit. Add it to the list. What the fuck

As you can tell I'm feeling a bit discouraged. There are 1000 reasons why this shitstain needs to go and this is just one of them. I hope this one matters.
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