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Oct 25, 2017

Uno Venova

Oct 25, 2017
I mean, looking at what Trump has gotten away with for two years i don't think the defeatism is that irrational...


Oct 27, 2017
If the report has gold and Barr is a regular Republicans hack instead of a Super Saiyan Trumper, I have to imagine he will be gobsmacked by it.


Oct 28, 2017
Is there any way to be sure that Barr didn't quietly have Mueller start shutting things down once Barr was installed? Surprised the report is just suddenly complete when it always seems like more is coming to light. I guess Mueller was always ahead of what we were finding out though...

Low expectations. Still dreaming of Trump family going to prison.


Dec 7, 2017

#REPORTABLE: A "small number" of Mueller's staff will remain in the special counsel's office for a short time to help close everything out, #DOJ spokeswoman says. Mueller is still technically special counsel, it's unclear how long he will officially remain as such @MLevineReports


Oct 27, 2017
The Mueller Report was always a way to feel good that something was being done about the Trump insanity. Now it's over, which means nothing is being done anymore, and no one ever had a real expectation that anything significant would happen at the end. Nothing has happened so far, why would it now?

This is 100% false. Trump and his organizations are under multiple criminal investigations by SDNY, and those cases pose a far greater threat to him.

The cynicism is pathetic. Let's wait for the report AND the results of the other ongoing investigations before we hang our heads in shame and give up hope.
Oct 27, 2017
Is there any way to be sure that Barr didn't quietly have Mueller start shutting things down once Barr was installed? Surprised the report is just suddenly complete when it always seems like more is coming to light. I guess Mueller was always ahead of what we were finding out though...

Low expectations. Still dreaming of Trump family going to prison.
The letter specifically says Mueller was never told no for anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait for the Trump 2020 takes. Oh wait, there were already some in this thread. Most people don't care about the report. They can judge Trump based on his history as President, and it's not good. His favorables might see a small peak for a couple of months and that's about it. By the time 2020 election comes around nobody will care about Trump still yelling about no collusion. People will be talking about his latest scandal, twitter rant, or locking Brown people in cages, banning trans folks from serving the country, or mocking dead veterans.

Also, investigations towards Trump are far from over. Who knows what will happen.


Dec 19, 2017
Anybody here old enough to remember the 9/11 report and how anticlimactic that was? Good times...

Anyway, despite my usual cynisim I am open minded as to how this all pans out. We don't know half the story of what's been going on in DC since 2016, all the cat and mouse games, backstabbing and espionage.

I do know bad guys usually get away with their shit. Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, all those fuckers got away with their crimes, so why would Trump and co be any different? What gives me a little pause is the constant mantra of 'state charges', which is appealing. We'll see anyway, one way or another.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Folks, just because the big indictments didn't come before the investigation was closed doesn't mean anything. Mueller's job was always to investigate, and it's pretty clear that the indictments he's served up until now have been a part of that. The big stuff was always going to come later, one way or another.


Oct 27, 2017
We need the Needle back with:
"Probability that something/nothing will come out of the Mueller Report."


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait for the Trump 2020 takes. Oh wait, there were already some in this thread. Most people don't care about the report. They can judge Trump based on his history as President, and it's not good. His favorables might see a small peak for a couple of months and that's about it. By the time 2020 election comes around nobody will care about Trump still yelling about no collusion. People will be talking about his latest scandal, twitter rant, or locking Brown people in cages, banning trans folks from serving the country, or mocking dead veterans.

And they'll be talking about his win and where the Democrats went wrong in losing yet again.


Oct 25, 2017
At least we can get our lives back, and continue living this terrible timeline in peace.
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