
Oct 26, 2017
Has anyone ever posted the same thing in the same thread twice because they forgot they posted in it the first time?

I auto watch threads I've posted in to avoid this.
Oct 25, 2017
Outside Perth Scotland
I started reading William Shriner's Rise of the third reich a few months back because I only had a surface knowledge of Hitler and his rise to power. Reading it I found out Goebbels first name was Paul which floors me because at some point during the early period he must have looked at the other guys and realized Paul the Nazi just wasn't going to work.


Oct 26, 2017
I started reading William Shriner's Rise of the third reich a few months back because I only had a surface knowledge of Hitler and his rise to power. Reading it I found out Goebbels first name was Paul which floors me because at some point during the early period he must have looked at the other guys and realized Paul the Nazi just wasn't going to work.

Reminds me of one of my favourite comedy sketches:



Oct 30, 2017
I started reading William Shriner's Rise of the third reich a few months back because I only had a surface knowledge of Hitler and his rise to power. Reading it I found out Goebbels first name was Paul which floors me because at some point during the early period he must have looked at the other guys and realized Paul the Nazi just wasn't going to work.

I first read that as William Shatner and now I'm just disappointed


Oct 25, 2017
I was hoping with the advent of spring we would see some slightly warmer weather but apparently next week is going to be the coldest of this winter season lol.
Oct 25, 2017
Outside Perth Scotland
I leaned against a bush while I was drunk walking the dog last night, went right through it, landed on my bum in my neighbour's pond then flobbed around trying to get up. Murphy dog decided to join in the fun by jumping in and out the pond splashing water everywhere. Then lights went on and there was Joan asking me if I wanted a bikini. It was a bit embarrassing really.


Oct 25, 2017
I leaned against a bush while I was drunk walking the dog last night, went right through it, landed on my bum in my neighbour's pond then flobbed around trying to get up. Murphy dog decided to join in the fun by jumping in and out the pond splashing water everywhere. Then lights went on and there was Joan asking me if I wanted a bikini. It was a bit embarrassing really.

Is this a plot for a new Miranda episode?


Oct 25, 2017
If we're tracking, I don't believe I've fallen into a pond drunk. Or, I've forgot.

I'm also pro-snow. I mean I know it causes a faff and a half, and for my job it's faffy to ensure web traffic on school closures is handled, but, if it's going to be this fucking cold for so long it could have the decency to look pretty from it.


Oct 26, 2017
Newport, South Wales
Snow days are awesome. Just looking out the window now, i reckon there's another one tomorrow on the cards, trains are already cancelled.

Hope everyone in BritERA is staying safe, warm and well with this weather.


Oct 26, 2017
My trains are actually running fine, I don't think anything stops Great Northern. I'm still working from home though.
Oct 25, 2017
Outside Perth Scotland
The roads are so bad now I was expecting to spend the rest of the night in the staff room but I've just been told the army are going to give some of us a lift home. I was hoping we'd get a shot in a tank or a helicopter but there's a couple of jeeps sitting outside, still it's not every day the army takes me home


Oct 28, 2017
Working from home today and yesterday myself. Work's aboout a 30-40 minute walk for me normally but basically all my team live a bit further away and seeing as they're not in I'm not in.

Loving the weather myself but it causes me personally very little disruption.


Oct 25, 2017
If we're tracking, I don't believe I've fallen into a pond drunk. Or, I've forgot.

I'm also pro-snow. I mean I know it causes a faff and a half, and for my job it's faffy to ensure web traffic on school closures is handled, but, if it's going to be this fucking cold for so long it could have the decency to look pretty from it.

Stupid past Jon, you've had to start work at 6am most of the week to deal with the snow stuff. At least I was right that it now has the decency to look pretty.

The roads are so bad now I was expecting to spend the rest of the night in the staff room but I've just been told the army are going to give some of us a lift home. I was hoping we'd get a shot in a tank or a helicopter but there's a couple of jeeps sitting outside, still it's not every day the army takes me home

I bet you've always wanted an army man to take you home etc etc etc joke (that's quite fun though)


Oct 25, 2017
Work as a supply teacher. Had shifts for the first four days of the week but my agency called me up this morning at 8:00 and said they had about two schools call up this morning lol. Kind of needed this day off. Kids having to stay inside all week has made them extra hyper.

Deleted member 8197

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Here I am like an arsehole going into work all week as usual. To be honest I've been impressed that TfL haven't completely shit the bed regarding the tube - aside from my route home being suspended on Monday it has been relatively smooth sailing.


Oct 25, 2017
Here I am like an arsehole going into work all week as usual. To be honest I've been impressed that TfL haven't completely shit the bed regarding the tube - aside from my route home being suspended on Monday it has been relatively smooth sailing.

I've been surprised how well Paddington and GWR coped for most of the week - right up until yesterday when I arrived at 7:15 and it was snowing inside!

Walked to work all week and it's been a little slippery but ok (40 minute walk to Soho). Today I'm working from home though as GWR said there would be more cancellations

I made that post referring to this week.
Doh didn't notice the jump in dates


Oct 27, 2017
fuck this weather!!!!!!

Had two days of working at home but managed to make it in today, took 5 of us a couple hours to dig our way out of the estate, which was a nice sense of community really.

Hopefully it doesn't come back :(


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
I want SMTV Live back, complete with the Pokerap and Challenge Ant.


Oct 26, 2017
Hello U.K gang, I need some advice but didn't want to start a new thread.

I got an amazing job after 18 months of struggling with freelancing and being made redundant (I'm a graphic designer). The job is cool and in the movie industry.

On my first day walking to work I start sweating profusely (this was yesterday, monday) followed by feeling super run down all day. I now realise I have the flu.

Today I have left work at lunch time as I am a shivering/sneezing/coughing/aching mess and it's like my brain is in a cloud. This would be fine normally except:

1.It's my first week at this job, and both days I've been super ill.
2. The boss is rarely in, I've been for an interview, had a trial shift and worked one and a half days and have spent about 20 mins with him total (he didn't interview me)
3. I don't have my contract yet, I have been leaning on the boss that I need one but he's been too busy. Talking to the others who work there I can tell that it isn't because he is doing anything wrong he just has a brain like a sieve.

What do I do? I don't want to spend my whole first week out of action with no contract, and I don't want to reinforce I want a contract while taking time off as I'm worried that will reflect badly. From his point of view I'm worried it looks like I've joined the company and instantly started freeloading as soon as he isn't around.

The upside is I am good at what I do and he has been impressed with the work that I've put out in my short time being there.

My current plan is to battle in to work as many days as I can even if that means I get sent home right away... but that seems stupid and childish. The only other thing I can think of doing is saying to my boss if he doesn't want to pay me for my sick days it's no problem, if I take off tomorrow I would have been off sick longer than I've been in.

I really don't want to fuck up this opportunity.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand you don't want to make a bad first impression, but you really shouldn't go to work with a flu, not just for the sakes of your own recovery, but so you don't spread it to your work colleagues. We've literally had one of the worst weeks of weather in a long time, I'm sure they'll understand you caught something, especially as they've actually seen you and sent you home already.


Oct 26, 2017
I understand you don't want to make a bad first impression, but you really shouldn't go to work with a flu, not just for the sakes of your own recovery, but so you don't spread it to your work colleagues. We've literally had one of the worst weeks of weather in a long time, I'm sure they'll understand you caught something, especially as they've actually seen you and sent you home already.

After all that I woke up and was absolutely fine.

Thanks for your input tho, gave me a confidence that it was going to be alright


Oct 26, 2017
After all that I woke up and was absolutely fine.

Thanks for your input tho, gave me a confidence that it was going to be alright

Companies here usually have a bit more compassion if you go in dying one day so they can see you're ill and then they're like ehhh.

I started my new place a while back and was dying like yourself and by coming in and dying it was although hard, a good look as shows you're dedicated.


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
Oct 26, 2017
Went for a haircut today. Only cost £6.

Checked the price list as I was leaving - she'd given me the OAP discount. Feeling old.