
Nov 1, 2017
I don't know why we are generalizing the issue here and saying it's happening in all companies.
Yeah this attitude doesn't make sense to me. I see it as blatant whataboutism or trying to present their comment as "hey, I'm not a fanboy singling one platform out" when the whole fucking point of the thread is to single a company and even some specific employees out.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Those don't mean what they say they mean. Microsoft owns a major news network, spends like $20 million lobbying in a given year, and has close relations with the us government. They have a lot of sway when it comes to getting a message out.
They don't own any major news network.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
I want to know why people thought Microsoft would clean up Activision Blizzard in the first place? It was one of the most baffling things I read while the acquisition was announced. People were shouting on the hill about how MS would fix the company, yet we have no evidence of this whatsoever.


Oct 30, 2017
Call me pessimistic, but it feels like this type of shit will never fucking go away.

I've experienced toxic work environments first-hand... I can't even imagine how shitty it gets in these larger corporations.


Alt Account
May 24, 2022
I want to know why people thought Microsoft would clean up Activision Blizzard in the first place? It was one of the most baffling things I read while the acquisition was announced. People were shouting on the hill about how MS would fix the company, yet we have no evidence of this whatsoever.

It was more wishful thinking than anything else. However, the fact is no one knows if MS will "fix" AB no matter how many PR blurbs Spencer puts out.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I want to know why people thought Microsoft would clean up Activision Blizzard in the first place? It was one of the most baffling things I read while the acquisition was announced. People were shouting on the hill about how MS would fix the company, yet we have no evidence of this whatsoever.
Unky Phil or something. The tech industry's bad enough, thinking the *videogame division* of one of the most prominent companies in the tech industry would be cleaning up any significant amount of toxic culture is purely wishful.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck Microsoft then, clean it up

Lmao, Alex has Bored Ape pfp.

Fucking of course he does. Least surprising part about all of this.


Oct 31, 2017
It's amazing how some people still try to separate Spencer from the rest of the company and paint him as some kind of messiah. Gamers are weird.


Oct 27, 2017
Tech industry continues to be shitty. Honestly, is that difficult to be a normal human being and nice to other people.


Dec 11, 2021
Agreed. Though I'm also not sure why the main focus of the thread is now on Xbox instead of MS in general and of course on the specific examples in the article, such as Kipman and the Windows vr division.

This might be shocking to you, but you're posting on a discussion board dedicated to the discussion of video games and the video game industry.
The xbox division, you know, the one that operates in the aforementioned video game industry, is a part of microsoft, a bigger part of it than ever before.
It isn't complicated.


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
There needs to be a mass exodus (removal) of toxic employees from Activision when the acquisition goes through.


May 11, 2022
Those don't mean what they say they mean. Microsoft owns a major news network, spends like $20 million lobbying in a given year, and has close relations with the us government. They have a lot of sway when it comes to getting a message out.

Edit: I said owns when I meant partnered with nbc. That's a big difference!
That... doesn't sound kosher.

My mind immediately went toward the acquisition. Positive PR type deal? I suppose worse has been done.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
It's amazing how some people still try to separate Spencer from the rest of the company and paint him as some kind of messiah. Gamers are weird.

Yeah I will never understand it. I have nothing against him, but he has been at Microsoft for a long long time, has been in a manager position for a long time, and so is certainly not ignorant about what is going on. It is why people were calling for Yves head at Ubisoft; he may not have done anything himself, but he was fully knowledgeable about what was going on, was in a position where he could stop it, and did nothing. Spencer apparently has enough sway to change the entire course of Microsoft gaming, but not to take care of issues?

He has also said nothing about the abortion fiasco either. Most of the executives across the gaming industry haven't, but that really sums up how similar to them he really is.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
There needs to be a mass exodus (removal) of toxic employees from Activision when the acquisition goes through.

Sadly in my experience, management isn't gonna clean out management like this. Not unless it's a major fuck-up, power struggle or PR disaster in the making. Continuity is important for integrating the business into the wider organization.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Sadly in my experience, management isn't gonna clean out management like this. Not unless it's a major fuck-up, power struggle or PR disaster in the making. Continuity is important for integrating the business into the wider organization.
Layoffs aren't uncommon with mergers, but that's strictly for employees considered redundant to an existing structure or whose role isn't part of the new shared business plan. (i.e.: Executives use it as an excuse to cut what they consider dead weight).

They're not going to lay off toxic devs. I'd expect QA layoffs first and foremost. (You don't have to respect the unionized QA members when you plan to show them the door anyway.)


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Layoffs aren't uncommon with mergers, but that's strictly for employees considered redundant to an existing structure or whose role isn't part of the new shared business plan. (i.e.: Executives use it as an excuse to cut what they consider dead weight).

They're not going to lay off toxic devs. I'd expect QA layoffs first and foremost. (You don't have to respect the unionized QA members when you plan to show them the door anyway.)

That sound like what I'd expect. I was referring to the general management specifically, they always seem to mostly hold on to their positions. "Redundant" employees are always the first to go.
Dec 4, 2017
I don't think people are trying to downplay the situation saying that almost every company is like this in this business.
I get the feeling that people are actually sad that almost every company in the gaming industry is like this.
Places like Bungie seem to be the outliers


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
I don't think people are trying to downplay the situation saying that almost every company is like this is this business.
I get the feeling that people are actually sad that almost every company in the gaming industry is like this.
Places like Bungie seem to be the outliers

Destiny 2’s Bungie Faces Its Struggles With Workplace Sexism And Toxicity

Yesterday, IGN’s Rebekah Valentine published an incredibly in-depth article detailing a wide range of issues at Destiny 2 studio Bungie, which span a number of years and a number of topics. Topics, which are sadly all too familiar.

They're not either. Their outspoken (rather brave) support on issues like gun violence/racism/human rights is appreciated though.


Oct 25, 2017
"Doesn't like conflict" is honestly a disqualifier for a CEO. The reality is that steering a corporation is going to mean making decisions that will absolutely piss people off. You can't agree to every contract, sign any agreement, etc... You're going to have to be the person who tells people every week (if not every day in a company as big as MS), "Sorry, this proposal you've probably poored quite a lot of time into and would change your life isn't going to work for us."

All the progress and still apparently the worst place in all of MS. They must have started from a pretty bad place.

As for Zenimax/Besthesda, it's a matter of when not if we'll hear something similar. They employ thousands of men after-all.

This is true, though I'll say in my experience, non-publicly traded companies do better about listening to employee concerns. You aren't legally required to report every little thing about your financials to a big group of shareholders, so you can kind of eat some small losses (from firing a problematic employee to paying for additional worker support) without getting read the Riot Act over it. My current company takes that stance and it's all pretty smooth (because our very small pool of investors don't really care to dig into why we fired so-and-so, but a group of shareholders might if they think they sniff some lost share price over it).
Dec 4, 2017

Destiny 2’s Bungie Faces Its Struggles With Workplace Sexism And Toxicity

Yesterday, IGN’s Rebekah Valentine published an incredibly in-depth article detailing a wide range of issues at Destiny 2 studio Bungie, which span a number of years and a number of topics. Topics, which are sadly all too familiar.

They're not either. Their outspoken (rather brave) support on issues like gun violence/racism/human rights is appreciated though.
So there are no outliers


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
This is true, though I'll say in my experience, non-publicly traded companies do better about listening to employee concerns. You aren't legally required to report every little thing about your financials to a big group of shareholders, so you can kind of eat some small losses (from firing a problematic employee to paying for additional worker support) without getting read the Riot Act over it. My current company takes that stance and it's all pretty smooth (because our very small pool of investors don't really care to dig into why we fired so-and-so, but a group of shareholders might if they think they sniff some lost share price over it).
This is always going to vary, of course. The absolute worst employer I ever had was a small private company that had an absolutely toxic CEO and COO. Things did get better after about a year and a half into my time there, but only because the company board found out the CEO had been committing embezzlement and sicked the feds on him.
Nov 3, 2017
Exhausting and infuriating. Props to the journalist Ashley Stewart and their sources for their invaluable work and contributions.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
I want to know why people thought Microsoft would clean up Activision Blizzard in the first place? It was one of the most baffling things I read while the acquisition was announced. People were shouting on the hill about how MS would fix the company, yet we have no evidence of this whatsoever.

Because the problems at activision blizzard are negatively impacting the company and its potential going forward. That and they're much more public than the problems at MS.

Also as sad as it is I think the improvements people were hoping for probably had more to do with how they treat their game franchises, not their people.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
Wanted to say this as well, maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation here but they can't do anything about it yet since they do not own anything officially yet?
What can they possibly enforce when you don't own anything yet?
The article is less about Activision and much more about how toxic MS itself is for women. The activision point is more of a footnote 'how can we be taking on a toxic company such as AB when we haven't fixed our own problems yet?'


Oct 27, 2017
...And yet people continue to prop up these corporations or executives like they're personal friends of theirs.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
...And yet people continue to prop up these corporations or executives like they're personal friends of theirs.
To be fair I think this is new information to a lot of us. Similarly with Jim Ryan, he'd made some PR blunders and some annoying anti-consumer stuff but last week was the first time I'd realised he was a shithead right wing apologiser. And I think people on this forum have responded as you'd hope. Even the staunchest of PS fans have been clear in their message: Fuck Jim Ryan. Similarly I'd hope we see the Good guy Phil stuff come to an end in light of this. Fuck Xbox. Fuck Jim Ryan. Fuck Sony.


Jun 20, 2018
To be fair I think this is new information to a lot of us. Similarly with Jim Ryan, he'd made some PR blunders and some annoying anti-consumer stuff but last week was the first time I'd realised he was a shithead right wing apologiser. And I think people on this forum have responded as you'd hope. Even the staunchest of PS fans have been clear in their message: Fuck Jim Ryan. Similarly I'd hope we see the Good guy Phil stuff come to an end in light of this. Fuck Xbox. Fuck Jim Ryan. Fuck Sony.
Sorry but why are you talking about phil ?.....this is a little too much, even if microsoft does have some bad shit, phil didn't do something wrong ( for now of course). Feel like , since the one from sony is shit, phil need it to be too. For now , he is good ! the day if something go out about him, you can be "mad" at him .........
Even for sony, why fuck sony in general ? there are some good people there too....doesn't need to be this "radical" about it.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
Sorry but why are you talking about phil ?.....this is a little too much, even if microsoft does have some bad shit, phil didn't do something wrong ( for now of course). Feel like , since the one from sony is shit, phil need it to be too. For now , he is good ! the day if something go out about him, you can be "mad" at him .........
Even for sony, why fuck sony in general ? there are some good people there too....doesn't need to be this "radical" about it.

The head of a company/division is responsible for the shit that goes on under their watch. With the reports of sexual harassment claims being buried by HR in Xbox, Phil is complicit.

No one is saying every single employee is bad. Obviously there are good people there, and the women who are the subjects of harassment are also part of that. But the culture of a company is ultimately what people are talking about. This is like responding ACAB with "I have an uncle who is a cop who's a good guy". The statement is categorical.