Deleted member 1726

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My god I had so much fun in control last night, played against a group of low level players and they put a spawn beacon down in their spawn in militia (they were attackers) and I easily spawn killed them every time, I felt dirty, I got 4 attack choppers as well due to care packages it was pretty hilarious and in fairness none of them quit out.

Then had a really good game in slums, radiating enemies defending the zones through walls will never not be funny.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I personally love how most specialists have abilities that work towards teamplay and can be used effectively for playing the objectives. And I'm also very glad that the killstreaks are far less insane than they used to be. While the dog can be a pain in the ass, everything else can be countered by staying under cover, whereas before you'd have advanced UAVs or HATRs revealing your exact location and direction, dogs and such following you anywhere, and so on. On the other hand, the small maps with lot of open areas mean that hellstorms can be brutally effective. Saw a guy get like 8 kills with one, 5 with the spray, 3 on the respawning squad with the main missile. Mad shit.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I really hope they keep working on optimizing the PC version and dont just assume it's great on performance just because everyone with high end plays it great. Get lots of stutter in multiplayer sometimes and also Blackout with some pretty bad framedrops in Blackout because of it maxing out the cpu so easily. While I think its a step up to a great PC version with this game I still feel more effort went into optimizing the console versions compared to this. Hopefully it gets the love it deserves with patches.
My fiancé is on the Xbox One X version.

Believe me, there was hardly more effort with optimization.

Deleted member 16452

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not really a CoD player (more into Battlefield/Battlefront) but for some reason I impulse bought this game on PC.

Thought I would be getting some terrible buyers remorse by now, but nope, zombies is amazing and for the first time ever I am actually enjoying a BR game.

Now I just need to get good lol. Usually play on consoles so this is quite the challenge.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
So someone is going 1.0 in a match. Oh no, the game is broken. I think the people who are going 4.0 in a match without body armor are a bigger problem than them. Armor is fine.
Exactly. MP Armor has two clear use cases:
1. If you die a lot
2. If you play Hardcore (subset of #1)

Otherwise, you're probably better off running another perk.

Would love to see a Youtuber break down which guns are affected most by Armor though.


Oct 27, 2017
So someone is going 1.0 in a match. Oh no, the game is broken. I think the people who are going 4.0 in a match without body armor are a bigger problem than them. Armor is fine.
The problem isn't "armor breaks the game", rather "armor is an inconsistency that rewards bad players". Just because it doesn't completely ruin the game doesn't mean it's somehow fine. It's not necessary, and should be removed (maybe even replaced).
Exactly. MP Armor has two clear use cases:
1. If you die a lot
2. If you play Hardcore (subset of #1)

Otherwise, you're probably better off running another perk.

Would love to see a Youtuber break down which guns are affected most by Armor though.
The GKS, MX9, and Spitfire go from 6 shots up close to 7 shots. I don't have stats on any other weapons, unfortunately.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
So weird to see everyone complaining about COD WWII. Still having a fantastic time with that in MP.
Anyway, BOIIII is pretty amazing. Had some great times in Blackout's single mode.

No crashes yet on PS4 Pro.


Nov 22, 2017
No good semi-auto assault rifle until level 34, kinda shitty. Semi-auto is always my go to for ARs

Cliff Steele

Oct 28, 2017
It's amazing how this game seems to skyrocket on PC. After years of decline on Pc they made the change to and voila, it sells like hotcakes.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
The problem isn't "armor breaks the game", rather "armor is an inconsistency that rewards bad players". Just because it doesn't completely ruin the game doesn't mean it's somehow fine. It's not necessary, and should be removed (maybe even replaced).

The GKS, MX9, and Spitfire go from 6 shots up close to 7 shots. I don't have stats on any other weapons, unfortunately.
I think from a design space it lives in a place closer to Martyrdom, less so Juggernaut. I know that's not a particularly enticing comparison :P
It's basically a handicap for players who are having trouble surviving, implemented in a way that isn't particularly beneficial or gamebreaking for better players.

EDIT: Although it will probably be banned for ranked and competitive.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
It's amazing how this game seems to skyrocket on PC. After years of decline on Pc they made the change to and voila, it sells like hotcakes.
Well the BR is probably the main reason tbh.

Also the armour letting you survive one extra shot is a lot. A lot of gunfights I survive while being one shot. On PC especially where there's more sweaties, it's definitely an advantage. And yea fmj isn't on every gun, and you have to sacrifice a sight, grip, long barrel, etc.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So weird to see everyone complaining about COD WWII. Still having a fantastic time with that in MP.
Anyway, BOIIII is pretty amazing. Had some great times in Blackout's single mode.

No crashes yet on PS4 Pro.

I had my share of fun with WWII, but I'm not sure I even played the game this year? Until Christmas or so it was fun times, but then I kinda just... didn't feel the need to play it. It was enjoyable for what it was, but in the end it was a standard Call Of Duty experience with nothing particularly memorable (multiplayer-wise). Black Ops 3, on the other hand, is something I did play since then.


Oct 27, 2017
I think from a design space it lives in a place closer to Martyrdom, less so Juggernaut. I know that's not a particularly enticing comparison :P
It's basically a handicap for players who are having trouble surviving, implemented in a way that isn't particularly beneficial or gamebreaking for better players.

EDIT: Although it will probably be banned for ranked and competitive.
Oh, I'm almost certain that it and the entire category of burst rifles have already been preemptively GA'd in competitive circles. I foresee a very boring initial season of competitive Call of Duty, on-par with last year's STG-44s, PPSh-41s, machine pistols, and sticky grenades.


Art Manager
Oct 27, 2017
I've always wanted developers to give players the options to add light sources in photo mode but good god! The UI/UX in BLOPS 4's Theater Mode is perplexing to say the least. It's such a turn off. It feels so unfinished.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I don't care what others say. The ICR isn't just dominant because it's the starter gun. It's also dominant because it's the strongest rifle. It's absurdly better than the others.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Man, idk if it's cause I'm older or what, but I'm just not good at CoD anymore. .500 per match lol.

Nothing to do with age, COD its getting less arcade-y with each game, which means that is easier to get melted in matches if youre up against people playing together with friends. This time around working together can put you at a huge advantage, especially if everyone knows how to work with their specialists.


Oct 27, 2017
Jesus I'm still downloading the 51 GB update.

Is this for blackout? I can't imagine a game with no SP having a file this large to download!
IIRC, the base game is already on the disc with everything intact, but the day one patch includes so many changes to the final product that it's essentially asking you to redownload the entire game.
Man, I don't care what others say. The ICR isn't just dominant because it's the starter gun. It's also dominant because it's the strongest rifle. It's absurdly better than the others.
You're not wrong. I can challenge it with the KN-57, but last night while I was grinding up High Caliber II on the Rampart-17, I was getting thrashed. The ICR is just too good. It doesn't help that the SMG category is pretty bad right now, leaving most players with the option of either using the Titan (pretty good) or Augur (really good) to combat it.

Handicapped Duck

▲ Legend ▲
May 20, 2018
Played Blackout and battle royale for the first time today with friends. Holy crap is it a ton of fun. We were messing around driving trucks and boats and were having a blast. Getting on top of the silo was great, camping there until we were forced to move after the penultimate circle enclosure. Highest we got was 4th place, people are really good at Blackout.

Zombies is fun, though I haven't played zombies since Black Ops 1 so I was overwhelmed with all this new stuff introduced. Maps are huge, no clue on what I was suppose to do along with crazy enemies and mid boss type dudes. Thankfully I had a group that did know what they were doing. We made it to round 26 before dying.

Multiplayer is still just okay, maps are not that great, way too many corners that need watching and just weird layouts of verticality like the jungle level. Network/host lag is real and was having trouble getting killed behind walls or dying after shooting first. Spawns are the worst, had two enemies spawn directly in front of me to kill after killing them 10 seconds ago. I also die a lot still from bad spawn placement, really hope they fix it because it's killing my enjoyment of multiplayer.


Oct 31, 2017
Yeah, completely understand the love for Blackout. It's a great mode and not the shallow cash in I expected when they first announced it.

I think I'd be open to keeping it if there was a road map that detailed how they're improving/adding to it. E g. Are there new maps coming, new locations, vehicles, gadgets etc.

At this stage the mode is great but I know that without lots of new stuff dropping, it will be short lived (for me).

Multi-player is a step down from MW2 and BLOPS for me. I can't stand the maps and classes. Without sounding too negative, I do wonder how people prefer this to something like Battlefield - but I guess it comes down to pace.

No argument there. BLOPS was my favorite game in the series followed closely by MW2. I don't like Battlefield because the pace is TOO slow while COD has gotten way too fast. BLOPS really was the sweet spot for me when it came to pace. The maps were also awesome. Now they're just a bunch of random crisscrossing corridors that get you shot in the back every 30 seconds.


Oct 25, 2017
I.. I just can't play this game at night. You start getting matches where you watch a kill cam and the person is moving and aiming at speeds that are just unfathomable. They ignore Ghost and Dead Silence and will turn 180 degrees and shoot you before you can get a shot off. You can pump them with almost your whole magazine and then they gain speed and just shoot and aim with a level of precision that shouldn't be possible with a goddamn controller.

Seriously, play really late at night only if your a masochist.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
The problem isn't "armor breaks the game", rather "armor is an inconsistency that rewards bad players". Just because it doesn't completely ruin the game doesn't mean it's somehow fine. It's not necessary, and should be removed (maybe even replaced).

What exactly is wrong with rewarding bad players? Good players are rewarded with killstreaks which are far more devastating than a person being able to have more life in one gunfight after he spawns. I am just trying to wrap my head around why exactly you think it needs to be removed. There are lots of things in the game that are unnecessary. Should we just go remove everything that is absolutely not needed for the game to function as an online shooter?


Oct 26, 2017
Maaan, I can't wait to unlock the fake micro UZI. It should be perfect for the sort of run-n-gun gameplay I've always loved in CoDs. Needs level 52 though.


Oct 27, 2017
What exactly is wrong with rewarding bad players? Good players are rewarded with killstreaks which are far more devastating than a person being able to have more life in one gunfight after he spawns. I am just trying to wrap my head around why exactly you think it needs to be removed.
Armor allows a bad player to consistently be a more difficult person to take down in a match for completely artificial reasons.

Rewarding bad players with a system that makes them harder to kill does not help them improve and become better players. It just makes them used to being able to get into a scrap or two before death. It's not going to help the very worst players, but those who can improve can potentially be held back due to how armor works.

Not to mention that, not unlike the Smart Pistol in Titanfall (but to a lesser degree), body armor often benefits experienced players more than it benefits inexperienced players, helping them clutch gunfights that they almost certainly would've lost. While it doesn't act as permanent base health, it does ensure that the initial skirmishes in objective modes like Capture and Hardpoint are going to be in their favor, and as long as their team can hold the points in spite of them dying, will consistently be an advantage they have.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What truly needs removed is FMJ, it always ends up using one of my slots because of that extra damage.


Oct 25, 2017
As for Blackout, is it just me or is the timing of the initial storm really unforgiving in comparison to Fortnite? It feels like if you land on the outskirts of the map and get into any kind of firefight, you are pretty much dead to the storm if you don't find a vehicle a good amount of the time.

I guess my internal "time to get out of here" clock needs time to adjust, I dunno. I feel like it could be a minute or two longer to start.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
Armor allows a bad player to consistently be a more difficult person to take down in a match for completely artificial reasons.

Rewarding bad players with a system that makes them harder to kill does not help them improve and become better players. It just makes them used to being able to get into a scrap or two before death. It's not going to help the very worst players, but those who can improve can potentially be held back due to how armor works.

Not to mention that, not unlike the Smart Pistol in Titanfall (but to a lesser degree), body armor often benefits experienced players more than it benefits inexperienced players, helping them clutch gunfights that they almost certainly would've lost. While it doesn't act as permanent base health, it does ensure that the initial skirmishes in objective modes like Capture and Hardpoint are going to be in their favor, and as long as their team can hold the points in spite of them dying, will consistently be an advantage they have.

Ok. That sounds like a piece of equipment that some players will take to gain these advantages. Some players will not, and take other equipment to gain their advantages. Just like with any other piece of equipment in any Call of Duty game. Seems to be working as intended?

And I dont know why you care about bad players improving lol. If they want to take some armor and win at least a few gunfights a match then let them. You got dudes running around getting multiple chopper gunners a round and this guy winning 3 or 4 fights because of armor is what is concerning you? For real?


Oct 27, 2017
Ok. That sounds like a piece of equipment that some players will take to gain these advantages. Some players will not, and take other equipment to gain their advantages. Just like with any other piece of equipment in any Call of Duty game. Seems to be working as intended?
The difference with body armor and other equipment is that other equipment don't directly interfere with the consistency and pacing of gunfights. It's an item that a player can have that you can't account for that will impact how long it takes for a gunfight to resolve. The rest of the equipment in the game doesn't work like that.

Working as intended? Sure. Creating a good meta? Definitely not.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Here's a thing... "good" and "bad" are almost completely relative. It's a player versus player game... The vast majority of "bad" players cannot become "good" because that's impossible.

Aside from that bit of maths, a big chunk of bad players cannot and will not learn (I am one of them).

Following on from that, if the "bad" players have a really crappy time all the time they will stop playing. Suddenly the people who were "fairly good" have become "bad" , get fed up, and stop playing the game. Now the "good" people are left at the "bad" end of the spectrum. And so it continues.

I wish some "good" players would realise that their entire experience is propped up by hordes of "bad" players willing to throw themselves into the grinder over and over again for the fun of an occasional kill.

Give them some perks that let them get an unexpected kill every now and then. Yes it will suck when you're on the losing end BUT the game would suck a lot more without them in the long term, I promise you.


Nov 2, 2017
Bought this for blackout - which is good but I'm not convinced long term its a PUBG or Fortnite killer. The problem with it is a lack of variety. The map is fairly samey - the end game becomes very samey - the winners are usually those with the sniper rifles who can actually use them. Sure it will evolve but for me its a fun diversion. An hour of playing a BR game where it pays to be aggressive. My main issue with it is that I do not care. I don't care if I win or lose. In PUBG I was invested after 5 minutes survival to really try and win. Same in Fortnite. But in this? I don't know. It just seems like at some point you're getting sniped from a player you've never seen in the game before. PUBG had this sort of thing but the skill required to kill people was higher so it felt better.

However, whilst I have my doubts about the longevity of BO, what has surprised me is how fun the multiplayer is. Reminds me of BO2, which was the last COD MP I really enjoyed. This is really fun. I won't be playing it for ages but it certainly grabs me more than WW2 and the past few entries have. #Batteryforlife


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 25, 2018
Bought this for blackout - which is good but I'm not convinced long term its a PUBG or Fortnite killer. The problem with it is a lack of variety. The map is fairly samey - the end game becomes very samey - the winners are usually those with the sniper rifles who can actually use them. Sure it will evolve but for me its a fun diversion. An hour of playing a BR game where it pays to be aggressive. My main issue with it is that I do not care. I don't care if I win or lose. In PUBG I was invested after 5 minutes survival to really try and win. Same in Fortnite. But in this? I don't know. It just seems like at some point you're getting sniped from a player you've never seen in the game before. PUBG had this sort of thing but the skill required to kill people was higher so it felt better.

However, whilst I have my doubts about the longevity of BO, what has surprised me is how fun the multiplayer is. Reminds me of BO2, which was the last COD MP I really enjoyed. This is really fun. I won't be playing it for ages but it certainly grabs me more than WW2 and the past few entries have. #Batteryforlife
They're going to have different modes like close quarters.


Oct 26, 2017
Guns take far too long to kill and yet I'm getting blitzed in two bullets from everywhere. Classic COD. Couldn't make it up, the guns are SO weak. Takes forever to get my gun up, before I can even aim I'm dead.

H A T E T H I S.

Blackout is boring af by the way. No way that is going to kill off other BR games.

Deleted member 2321

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Lag got way better for me over the weekend.

By Sunday evening it was completely gone.


That gave me the opportunity to focus on other things and BOY is the audio in Blackout broken.

It needs a complete rework.

I sometimes get killed seemingly out of nowhere only to see that someone pulled up right next to me in an ATV without making a fucking sound when I check the killcam.

Do not waste your time closing doors behind you - enemies opening doors does not make a sound either.

Your teammates though.... They can be 100 meters away and loot a basement, but it´ll sound like they are right next to you.

And finally my own character sometimes (often actually) makes sounds that do not match my actions at all so that I think there´s someone else in the room.

Audio has to be redone from the ground up. It´s a complete mess.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Lag got way better for me over the weekend.

By Sunday evening it was completely gone.


That gave me the opportunity to focus on other things and BOY is the audio in Blackout broken.

It needs a complete rework.

I sometimes get killed seemingly out of nowhere only to see that someone pulled up right next to me in an ATV without making a fucking sound when I check the killcam.

Do not waste your time closing doors behind you - enemies opening doors does not make a sound either.

Your teammates though.... They can be 100 meters away and loot a basement, but it´ll sound like they are right next to you.

And finally my own character sometimes (often actually) makes sounds that do not match my actions at all so that I think there´s someone else in the room.

Audio has to be redone from the ground up. It´s a complete mess.

Yes, audio is very inconsistent, and it doesn't help that there's specific perks to make sure you aren't heard. But even without them I encountered people making no noise. Even had a kill where I was using paranoia but the game never beeped despite the fact the dude walked on me, aimed at me and killed me. Neither the steps or the beep made any noise. Blackout has an excellent foundation but it needs work.

Deleted member 2321

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, audio is very inconsistent, and it doesn't help that there's specific perks to make sure you aren't heard. But even without them I encountered people making no noise. Even had a kill where I was using paranoia but the game never beeped despite the fact the dude walked on me, aimed at me and killed me. Neither the steps or the beep made any noise. Blackout has an excellent foundation but it needs work.

I wonder if these perks and trying to balance audio around them is what causes the problems in the first place.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if these perks and trying to balance audio around them is what causes the problems in the first place.

Could be, not unlike how the fog of war in multiplayer is causing a lot of issues, with enemies occasionally popping up even outside of a fog of war. I wouldn't be surprised if the game accidentally ticked or unticked certain audios as things overlap, or even, I wouldn't be shocked if there was some sort of engine limit on the sounds that can be used at the same time (with 100 players there's tons more sounds than usual to calculate), because for sure there are people who sneak up on you without footsteps, without door noises, withour reload sounds, and in some cases even without shooting sounds (no silencer manages to kill your audio completely).