Deleted member 11093

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Oct 27, 2017
Call of Duty Overwatch sounds disastrous.. and frankly.. nothing like Call of Duty. God bless those playtesters.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if we see reused assets of it in this.


Oct 26, 2017
Houston, TX
I'm pretty pumped for this reveal. More so than I have in a long, long time for CoD. Just don't repeat the terrible weapon drop (lootcrate) nonsense from Bo3.


Oct 27, 2017
I've picked up every cod this gen except for blops 3 and I'm still pretty pumped. Cod is my guilty pleasure game lol.
Oct 25, 2017
If battle royale is actually happening, that'll be another skipped COD game for me. All support is going to be for it and every other mode gets neglected.


Oct 28, 2017
I have more than a thousand hours played on all the Blops series and I liked BO3 despite being futuristic, so I'm excited.

Hopefully they won't reveal BR and focus on it to much.
Show us the goods Treyarch.
Oct 25, 2017

Black Ops IIII

Modern Warfare IIIIII


MW's is extremely easy to predict


Nov 2, 2017
Rumors has it that the Overwatch-style MP really bombed with playtesters and that Treyarch changed course, which seems to be the case based on some of the MP teasers we've had which confirmed the Pick-10 Create-a-Class system and Perks.
A rumour made by a no name journalism student who admired he lied about stuff later for attention
Oct 25, 2017
Charlie intel also said MW2 Remastered was coming then changed their mind. I guess if there is a SP tomorrow we will know
Well the general opinion of that is that it was coming(and would kinda work with the no Campaign for BO4 thing) but the reaction to campaign only was so bad they backed off.

Charlie Intel was initially against it coming despite reporting the rumors/speculation until it was so much "evidence" they stopped saying it wasn't happening.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm excited to see the next Black Ops MP. Treyarch's CODs are my favorite.... Their engine feels so much better.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They definitely have a grappling hooks.

I know a lot of people are craving for boots on the ground gameplay, but BO3 felt a lot more strategic with its exo usage. A strategy I loved was running out of a door turning for example to the left so the person chasing me would expect me there, then jump back on the wall, go above the door, land on the right, and surprise my opponent as he comes out the door looking on the left. It's the kind of strategic element that boots to the ground gameplay doesn't allow, and makes for spawntrapping and stomping all too easy on certain maps, while exos (and possibly the grappling hook) help overcoming such difficulties.

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York
I don't think it'll have exos. BO3 was primarily ground combat for the most part.

I like BO3, don't get me wrong. It was way better than the Advanced Warfare garbage. But it's still a lot of running the wall, grappling hooks, using guns with ridiculous scopes, special abilities, etc. Its fun but it's not what I honestly expected with what was rumored. I already own BO3 and it's populated enough to fulfill the whole wall running thirst.

Ugh, conflicted. I guess I'll see what the reveal is about.


Nov 7, 2017
People like black ops but hated on infinity war for being futuristic due to fatigue. I wonder what the reaction will be now


Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017


This mechanically luddite sentiment of "boots on the ground" is completely pointless to me. Give me interesting gameplay options with a futuristic setting and complete freedom of movement. AW's gameplay deserves a sequel to properly expand on its mechanics, which was sorely missed in WWII. BO3's wallrunning was a step in the right direction. AW's movement + BO3's wall running would be perfect for me, and Infinite had a perk in its multiplayer that basically did this to a minor extent.

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That's really disappointing to be honest. I'd consider buyig it if it's more like Blops2 but if it's anything like Blops3 then I might as well pick up Blops3 with all its DLCs for cheap.

*sigh* this will probably be the last futuristic CoD for a long time. I can't see Activision returning to the era if this doesn't break previous CoD records.