
Oct 25, 2017
So I just got a Wheelson and after I ran out of fuel my MCM went into automatic fire. So I looked to see if it was an issue and if course this bug has been around since MW2.
Oct 25, 2017
Finally got to 55 and finished the battle pass.

Not in love with the gameplay on this one so far. I think it's a step down from MWII, and a few from MW19, but I don't hate it. Significantly better than SHG's last effort.

Tried Hardcore for a few matches and liked that, though. Feels like eating at the adult table.


Oct 26, 2017
Wtf is this shit, sentry is immune to damage, wasn't even getting hit markers shooting/meleeing it point blank.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Content creators want to stomp noobs for content.
They will literally go die 1000x just get a good video or clip.

2. Fanboys of the content creators/influencers that many don't even play the games get riled up because "their streamers, etc are being punished etc" they are beaten over the head by these people that its ruining all games.

3. SBMM is priority over connection

Interesting. I can say I have been noticing more high ping searches. But I like the SBMM…


Oct 27, 2017
Ending up caving and grabbing the game on the mini sale on battle.net and while MP on this game still doesn't grab me that much - holy hell I am addicted to Zombies. Didn't expect to be interested at all, but so far its all I want to play.

Hopefully it doesn't burn out too quickly and they keep adding story missions as it goes, but for now.. its justifying the purchase for me easily.
[Zombies] Portal codes and contract/mission rewards


Nov 6, 2017
Just done the Zombie vault Easter egg chess board thing, loved it and now trying to figure out at least one glyph code🤔



Dark Aether Map

You can find the location for the red worm usb drive in the military base

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Oct 25, 2017
Did they disable the cargo mission in tier 3 because people were farming it?
Haven't seen one there in days now.

Also the something with the longbow is screwed up in Zombies.
Mine is invisible every time now and I get the weird flappy and with it


Oct 25, 2017
can anyone recommend a good overview/guide to Zombies? going to jump in this week. have never played Zombies in CoD before.


Oct 26, 2017
Did they disable the cargo mission in tier 3 because people were farming it?
Haven't seen one there in days now.

Also the something with the longbow is screwed up in Zombies.
Mine is invisible every time now and I get the weird flappy and with it
I saw one earlier today. I'm not sure if an escort mission available blocks the delivery one from showing up.


Oct 25, 2017
So…is the Karambit broken or something? It feels like when someone is holding it and you shoot at them it just does hit markers, and they get priority with damage. It's been every match there's just some guy running around with it and they are absolutely unstoppable. It's sucked the life out of it for me.


Nov 6, 2017
Did they disable the cargo mission in tier 3 because people were farming it?
Haven't seen one there in days now.

Also the something with the longbow is screwed up in Zombies.
Mine is invisible every time now and I get the weird flappy and with it

Its the same type as protect robot, so if you see protect robot, and cancel it and the drive car mission should aplear nearby


Oct 27, 2017
I'm at .65, but I don't care. I'll quit out of Wasteland and Derail. Might as well just call it Sniper Elite.

Mines at 0.92 and likewise I don't care. If the level already started and I'm thrown in then chances are I'm leaving because there's a clear reason spots opened up and often it's because the team is ignoring the control points and and enemy is stomping them. We also quit if certain levels come up and we are thrown in.

As for k/d I have no idea, can't see the point in even checking because it literally means jack shit. I don't play anything but dominion and I'm not going to be one of those annoying players who think their K/D ratio matters in that mode or that their killstreaks are more important than the team winning.

My group will literally jump onto a control point while cooking a grenade knowing full well we will die but will hopefully take enemies with us as they come to stop us taking the base haha.


Oct 27, 2017
Heck I'd like to but the battle pass for spawn and the clown (forget his name). I may consider it because those operators look awesome. But not sure if I'll be able to complete.


Oct 26, 2017
Heck I'd like to but the battle pass for spawn and the clown (forget his name). I may consider it because those operators look awesome. But not sure if I'll be able to complete.
I haven't checked recently if it's working, but you were able to go AFK in resurgence and just stay in there for hours. I completed that pass in about a week. I would leave it on over night. Only problem is it's best to go in on quads, so you'll be messing with a team by not playing. And make sure you have parachute auto deploy on
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Nov 6, 2017
I'm having a new weird bug~~

Where effect like if in poison fog or using special skill stay, but it disappear if I switch weapon.

And the game crash if I have the screen effect and activate ability.


Oct 30, 2017
My god the servers last night were terrible, lost a lot of decent rewards over three matches that disconnected.
I'm betting this gets worse when the new season starts and then worse again when Christmas hits.
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully, I need more Alejandro and Valeria in my life.
Legitimately wish the campaign had just been Alejandro and Valeria themed as they originally intended.

Actually think that story of them together in the military then her leaving to take over the cartel would have been a nice little story for this short of a campaign.

That or about her escape after MWII


Nov 2, 2017
Legitimately wish the campaign had just been Alejandro and Valeria themed as they originally intended.

Actually think that story of them together in the military then her leaving to take over the cartel would have been a nice little story for this short of a campaign.

That or about her escape after MWII
Seriously. They introduce two superb new characters with actors that really seemed to lean into it, and then they forget they exist in the next game that's a direct sequel.

Just one more reason I still haven't bought MWIII. Free Alejandro!
Oct 27, 2017
Legitimately wish the campaign had just been Alejandro and Valeria themed as they originally intended.

Actually think that story of them together in the military then her leaving to take over the cartel would have been a nice little story for this short of a campaign.

That or about her escape after MWII
That would've been great. I remember when the rumors of the next Warzone map being inspired by Mexico I was so hyped.


Oct 26, 2017
Using the lockwood 860 with the barrel that adds extra pellets (I think it's the last one you unlock). Really consistent and speedy. Using my shotgun claymore build on hardpoint is a really easy way to get scorestreaks.
I'm off shotties for now, since I've maxed them all out, and it's just camos remaining for them.

I still have some pistols, all the snipers, marksman, some smg, and brs left to max out. Dunno what it is about the Tyr, but I like it so far, even with the trigger delay lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, double everything has ended. Still have quite a few weapons to go through to unlock those zombie camos but thankfully I got like...

35.25 hours left of Double Weapon XP Tokens to use as I please lol

My hand hurts so much after grinding today cause I decided to do a bunch of guns aren't full auto... That takes it toll when you can't just hold down.


Oct 26, 2017
Would that have been faster?

Granted, even it was, you have to take into account the mental damage that also incurs from long Rust/Shipment sessions.
I was getting like 4-6 levels a match, even in the mw2 playlist. But in zombies, unless I was gonna sit there in an outlast or escort mission, there's lots of dead time going mission to mission.

I just got the Tyr to 18 in 4 matches, 2 of those with double xp in MP.
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Oct 25, 2017
Solo players what is your win/loss ratio? I'm a pc m/kb player with 206 games played and I'm at 0.68.

So I'm like a 90% solo player, but...

PS5, Controller, W/L is 1.18 @ 75 games.

I've been primarily playing zombies lol

Fucking hell, I'm only 10 hours away from having 48 hours in zombies ALONE already this year lol


Oct 27, 2017
Tried Hardcore for a few matches and liked that, though. Feels like eating at the adult table.

For any CoD hardcore is always recommended. It's the only mode I play.

Feels a lot better and less frustrating over how many shots it takes to take someone out. Less grenade spam. I think it's three same-team kills and you get auto-kicked so less random shooting everywhere.

I love Hardcore search-and-destroy. Hardcore makes it ultra-tense.


Oct 27, 2017
Can someone tell me how the hell to build the Longbow where it 1shots like every single video and clip?
Every build I try it still takes 2

They have got to fix these spawns

View: https://youtu.be/_VEwWPCsV3s?si=ramx5uaxDHMXdjxR

View: https://youtu.be/eov1CiT4hVo?si=XRMyHhQmEwATUrlJ

I'm starting to think half of them are intentional.

just yesterday I spawned and then an enemy spawned right where I was looking on scrapyard. Like I can understand this happening on Rust or Shipment style maps but Scrapyard is a normal MP map!


Oct 27, 2017
So what's up with all the sniper rifles? I literally played like 5 games of terminal 24/7 and the entire other team was using sniper rifles.


Oct 25, 2017
So apparently the double weapon xp was fucked in zombies in particular? Lol

Cause during the event it seemed to soft cap at 6 levels and hard cap at 9.

But now that the event is over, if you go in and use your own double weapon xp token, someone reported they leveled up their gun 13 times in one match.
Oct 25, 2017
just yesterday I spawned and then an enemy spawned right where I was looking on scrapyard. Like I can understand this happening on Rust or Shipment style maps but Scrapyard is a normal MP map!
Its crazy, I've seen it on Derail and Wasteland like they are so massive how does this happen.

One of videos I posted as well you can see I spawn across the entire map from teammates right into a group of enemies... why.


Oct 26, 2017
So apparently the double weapon xp was fucked in zombies in particular? Lol

Cause during the event it seemed to soft cap at 6 levels and hard cap at 9.

But now that the event is over, if you go in and use your own double weapon xp token, someone reported they leveled up their gun 13 times in one match.
Probably why I felt zombies was a waste lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Its crazy, I've seen it on Derail and Wasteland like they are so massive how does this happen.

One of videos I posted as well you can see I spawn across the entire map from teammates right into a group of enemies... why.

Feels like they prioritize revenge spawn. Like sometimes I get a kill and turn around because I know the game is gonna spawn him at my back.