
Oct 25, 2017
so if I'm understanding correctly, it's not competitive in any way, but sometimes there might be real players to get loot off of, is this correct? there's no real goals outside of collecting stuff to unlock more stuff? Unlike BR which you try to be last man standing. Am I gettin this? Thank you for your explanation

Other players will get your loot if they kill you, so it is competitive in that regard


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 17, 2022
I've really been enjoying DMZ solo queuing so far. I got the gun from the chemist, and finished some of the early quests. My main gripe is the lack of any economy and home base progression system.

The strongholds and narrative quests do seem pretty difficult to do solo. My xbox gametag and activision ID are the same as my username here if anyone wants to teamup for some chill exploration and/or questing.

You can be laying down inside the train and get instakilled passing the guards at the village
This happened to me. Taking cover in the corner of the train, then got melted instantly by some random bot I was passing by. I was sure it must have been a human player at first it was so quick, but no killcam confirmed it was a bot.

There's a weapons crate: orange area for it is marked on the map, it's somewhere inside that zone and is a yellow pelican case. Bringing that out successfully gives you a unique reward (up to 7 times I'm told), including a weapon blueprint and operator skin. When you pick it up it pings all players.

Oh, so the case is just sitting around? I assumed the juggernaut was carrying it.


May 23, 2018
Has anyone managed to loot a supply drop? I'm having a hard time identifying where they are on the map. I get the notification and the plan flying but where they drop out of the sky is a mystery lol


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
so if I'm understanding correctly, it's not competitive in any way, but sometimes there might be real players to get loot off of, is this correct? there's no real goals outside of collecting stuff to unlock more stuff? Unlike BR which you try to be last man standing. Am I gettin this? Thank you for your explanation
Every big event any squad triggers in the DMZ is broadcast to everyone else (might be limited to one's vicinity). People were leaving others alone the first day or two from my experience, but tonight people were getting a bit more nasty hunting one another (which makes it fun!).


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 17, 2022
Has anyone managed to loot a supply drop? I'm having a hard time identifying where they are on the map. I get the notification and the plan flying but where they drop out of the sky is a mystery lol

From my experience the supply drops show up inconsistently on the map. I've looted supply drops from the plane and the boss helo (and was killed soon after by other players), but when when the game notified me my captured SAM shot down a supply drop, I couldn't find it anywhere.


Oct 25, 2017
Things I would do to improve the AI in DMZ:

1. In some places their number could be reduced. It's weird when there is like 20 guys in a random spot where there is no strongholds or anything major
2. Reduce their accuracy. It's insane how they will often shoot you from seeing a pixel of you a mile away.
3. Decrease Damage by about 25% overall
4. Less likely to spam grenades. I literally just died cause 3 AI decided to all throw grenades at me while I was on a roof.


Oct 27, 2017
I love that the AI is so oppressive. Game would be boring if it wasn't. Enemies are often as threatening as real players.


Nov 2, 2018
I didn't realize there were bots at first. But after I got about 10 kills, despite not playing a PC shooter in years, it clicked that something was going on.

It was enjoyable, but I stink on kb&m. Found myself fumbling with the keys more than anything.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
so if I'm understanding correctly, it's not competitive in any way, but sometimes there might be real players to get loot off of, is this correct? there's no real goals outside of collecting stuff to unlock more stuff? Unlike BR which you try to be last man standing. Am I gettin this? Thank you for your explanation
As with all games, the goal is to have fun.

If you're looking for more of a twitch shooter experience then I'd advise against both Warzone and DMZ modes, and suggest the regular MP. Much faster paced and it's all PvP combat without any bots.


Oct 25, 2017
You should not be able to hunt down players with a contract in DMZ when there is less than 5 minutes left. It's basically a guaranteed win since you will be struggling to get to extraction before time is out. It feels just unfair and unfun.

I love that the AI is so oppressive. Game would be boring if it wasn't. Enemies are often as threatening as real players.

The problem is that their just straight up unfair. Enemies will spot you from ranges a player wouldn't and can lazer you down with pin point accuracy. It doesn't make it fun to get killed by an AI an instant. Not to mention a couple of other problems with the AI.

1. They don't show up on Heart beat sensors
2. They seemingly have little to no foot step sounds. So it's very easy for them to get around you because they make no noise.
Oct 25, 2017
I got off for the night but some absolute legend on Reddit did a first comment gets an M13 drop right as I was closing it the app.
What a relief


Oct 27, 2017
Got two wins tonight. Feel like I'm getting the hang of the map and the various guns.

So are headshots not automatic downs anymore with the sniper rifle?
DMZ introduction


Oct 25, 2017
Faction Missions


There are 3 Factions:

White Lotus
Black Mous

Each Faction has their own set of missions and they start at Tier 1. Once you complete every mission in a Tier, you move to the next one.
*Black Mous asks you to finish all Tier 2 missions from the first 2 Factions to unlock their own set*

These missions ask you to perform specific things within a game. Some missions ask for 1 thing, or they may ask for a set of things. In the picture above, look at the right side of the screen. These are Tier 2 missions, so they ask for more compared to Tier 1.
*Unless a Mission asks you to Exfil as part of their criteria, they will be completed in game once you're done*

When a mission is complete and you're back in the lobby, make sure you swap it out for a new mission.

These missions reward you with different things:

Contraband weapons

They also offer XP. You can check the rewards in each mission before selecting one.

These missions will be your main goal.

Contraband weapons


These are weapons you'll come across during a run. You can find them when looting, killing AI and taking their weapon, buying them or killing actual players and looting them.

These weapons come with their own attachments, which you can't change, and the only way to actually keep these weapons is to escape with them.

You can keep a total of 20 weapons in your stash and can destroy them to make room for others.
*At the moment, there is a bug where if you try to destroy some weapons, it may show another. So be careful until this is fixed!*

Insured Slots (see the picture above, which shows the slot)

Is there a specific weapon with attachments that you like using during Multiplayer? This slot is where you can equip your favorite to take into the DMZ. You can customize it to your liking.

Be warned, though. If you die, there will be a cooldown on that slot. Meaning, you won't be able to use your favorite weapon until the cooldown period is over.
*Escaping the game with money can decrease the cooldown! More money = more time off it*
*You can unlock 2 other slots when you reach higher Tiers in the Faction Missions*



The light green icons you see in this picture are Contracts. You pick one up and you're tasked to do something. Kinda like missions but these are only available during the game. Some examples:

Kill a High Value Target
Rescue a hostage
Find the radioactive caches
Hunt another sqaud

These Contracts reward you with money. Some may lead to loot, as well. You're free to choose which ones you prefer.

Buy Station


At Buy Stations, you can purchase Gear, Contraband Weapons or sell junk loot.

Gear consists of armor, backpacks, killstreaks, keys.
Contraband weapons are self explanatory.

When I say "sell junk" i'm talking about all the crap you'll end up coming across that has no real purpose other than to sell. Toothbrush? Lightbulb? Comic? Sell them all! They all have a value to them. A toothbrush might give you $10 when sold but a laptop might give you $2000.

*Look for the shopping cart icon on the map for a Buy Station*

Keys and Keycards

Keys are used to open up various locked doors. When you highlight them in your inventory, they may give coordinates that give you a general idea of where it may be. It's up to you to visit that part of the map and look around. Be warned, though, they are in random ass places all over the map.

Keycards are for Strongholds. These have AI guarding them inside and out. This is where you'll come across riot shield AI as well.

They usually have good loot so definitely check them out but be prepared!

Both Keys and Keycards can be found throughout the map. Enemies might drop them. You might loot them from human players. Or some can be bought at the Buy Station.

So what exactly is your goal in the game? What should you be doing?

1) Faction Missions
2) Contracts to earn money
3) Finding weapons to escape with
4) Upgrading armor and backpack
*Armor starts with 1 bar. Max of 3 bars. You'll find armor plates to recover when they're empty
*You start with a small backpack. There is a medium and large one, which lets you carry more stuff. They can also let you carry an extra weapon!

It's really up to you what you want to do. It's a big playground.

Some other random notes:

- Open your map and highlight each icon. They will tell you what they are. Highlight a contract and you'll know what needs to be done.
- SAM turrets are on the map and they shoot down aircrafts. If you control one, the enemy can come and control it themselves.
- UAV towers give a constant UAV around the tower. You'll see where enemy AI is. A notification is sent to the lobby so everyone knows it was activated.
- When an enemy opens a Stronghold, there's also a notification and the Stronghold icon on the map turns red.
- There are Ammo Caches, where you can replenish your ammo and find some weapons.
- Need to refill/repair your vehicle? Just pull up to a Gas Station. You'll hear a "Ding" and it'll start refilling/repairing automatically. If an enemy is near you, it'll stop.
- When you want to escape, there are 3 Exfils on the map (the blue icon guy). When you call it in, it takes a few moments to arrive. You'll then have 30 seconds to get on it but once you do, it'll take 5 seconds to leave.
- Don't be surprised if people camp out the Exfil. Be aware of any cars that may be around and just give it a double check before running to the plane. You can kill people inside of the plane, fyi. Or you can escape with an enemy, if you're lucky.
- There is a train that runs around the map. You'll hear the horn when it's near you. Each car has loot. Some have orange boxes, which means better loot.
- Supply drops come around when there's 10 minutes left..maybe a little less. Look at your map and you'll see a plane going across. You should see these orange icons afterwards, which are the supply drops. They take a few to actually drop though so keep looking up to keep track.
- If you happen to not have any more weapons to use for a run, equip a throwing knife. You can kill enemies instantly then take their weapon.
- Enemies go down but don't die right away. They can still shoot you when on the floor. Be careful with that.
- Enemies in general can be pretty crazy, especially in groups. You would think they have lasers because of how well they shoot you. And the range they see you is pretty far. You can sometimes be sneaky but still be careful.
- Other than vehicles, parachuting is another quick way to get across the map. You go really fast and glide well enough to cover a distance pretty quick.

There will be games where you won't see any human players. But there are ways to look for them:

- Choose a contract to hunt other players but be warned they'll know they are being hunted.
- Be aware when AI are shooting something. Chances are, it's another player.
- Players can activate certain things on the map which might give away their location.
- Exfil areas are a good way to meet people. If you go to the area yourself and you notice you can't call the helicopter in, that means someone already called it. So check your surroundings!
- When you ping an exit, you'll see the exit icon turning into a helicopter-symbol whenever a helicopter is coming. There`s also a green light in the sky (coming from the flare) after other players called a helicopter, so you'll immediately see when someone`s about to extract when you`re near an extraction point.

I'm sure i'm missing much more but this should be a general idea of how DMZ works. I would suggest just going in there and messing around. Who cares what weapons you lose. So what if you die too quickly. It's how you learn so don't be discouraged! It can seem boring or overwhelming when you don't come across other players or you just hop on with no direction. Once you get a feel for things, think about what exactly do you want to do. Accept one of the Faction Missions and that should be a good way to guide you through the map.

Good luck and enjoy! And don't forget about that proximity chat! Have fun with it and mess with some people, lol.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
So maybe it's just on PS5 but...

If I spawn near Terminal in DMZ, there is a spot you can go without a key that has 5 orange chests. You can get some incredible gear from it and it's great considering if you spawn there with nothing you instantly have a bunch of stuff.

But it's risky, but not because of the enemies. The FPS drops loooooooooooow in that spot specifically and it always feels like your one step from crashing. So beware.
Oct 25, 2017
So maybe it's just on PS5 but...

If I spawn near Terminal in DMZ, there is a spot you can go without a key that has 5 orange chests. You can get some incredible gear from it and it's great considering if you spawn there with nothing you instantly have a bunch of stuff.

But it's risky, but not because of the enemies. The FPS drops loooooooooooow in that spot specifically and it always feels like your one step from crashing. So beware.
Yup on PS5 the stutter and freezes are terrible there for some reason.


Project Lead
Aug 31, 2018
DMZ is at the same time frustratingly close to be my preferred mode and the worst one. The base loop is decent fun but it is really hurt by having no economy at all which IMO limits its depth and replayability. You have all these ways to push your luck for tons of money only to see it convert to XP. I do hope they have plans to add some sort of a system there in S2, it would be amazing.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. Whenever I spawn near the airpot, I just run to a different location, lol.

Can confirm that it doesn't happen in WZ2 proper. So much be all the additional loot / AI that is causing it.

Also Fuck 2v2 Gulag. I hate the fact that I got a kill and then died to the other person and I'm still eliminated. What is even the point of 2v2 if your still eliminated as normal? It's just more punishing.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017

Great post! Just wanted to add one thing regarding this part:

- Exfil areas are a good way to meet people. If you go to the area yourself and you notice you can't call the helicopter in, that means someone already called it. So check your surroundings!

When you ping an exit, you`ll see the exit-icon turning into a helicopter-symbol whenever a helicopter is coming. There`s also a green light in the sky (coming from the flare) after other players called a helicopter, so you`ll immediately see when someone`s about to extract when you`re near an extraction point.
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The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
It takes stupidly long for me to get a match for anything. Really turning me off from trying to play the game, and just go back to GOW.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 17, 2022
Yup on PS5 the stutter and freezes are terrible there for some reason.
It's the same on Xbox Series. The big lag spike did glitch me through the door into the terminal without a key, so that's something.
Is he carrying it? That makes more sense. I thought he was just guarding it, because we found them together.

The juggernaut is carrying it. When he dies the yellow area disappears and it shows everyone the exact location of the case.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
Faction Missions


There are 3 Factions:

White Lotus
Black Mous

Each Faction has their own set of missions and they start at Tier 1. Once you complete every mission in a Tier, you move to the next one.
*Black Mous asks you to finish all Tier 2 missions from the first 2 Factions to unlock their own set*

These missions ask you to perform specific things within a game. Some missions ask for 1 thing, or they may ask for a set of things. In the picture above, look at the right side of the screen. These are Tier 2 missions, so they ask for more compared to Tier 1.
*Unless a Mission asks you to Exfil as part of their criteria, they will be completed in game once you're done*

When a mission is complete and you're back in the lobby, make sure you swap it out for a new mission.

These missions reward you with different things:

Contraband weapons

They also offer XP. You can check the rewards in each mission before selecting one.

These missions will be your main goal.

Contraband weapons


These are weapons you'll come across during a run. You can find them when looting, killing AI and taking their weapon, buying them or killing actual players and looting them.

These weapons come with their own attachments, which you can't change, and the only way to actually keep these weapons is to escape with them.

You can keep a total of 20 weapons in your stash and can destroy them to make room for others.
*At the moment, there is a bug where if you try to destroy some weapons, it may show another. So be careful until this is fixed!*

Insured Slots (see the picture above, which shows the slot)

Is there a specific weapon with attachments that you like using during Multiplayer? This slot is where you can equip your favorite to take into the DMZ. You can customize it to your liking.

Be warned, though. If you die, there will be a cooldown on that slot. Meaning, you won't be able to use your favorite weapon until the cooldown period is over.
*Escaping the game with money can decrease the cooldown! More money = more time off it*
*You can unlock 2 other slots when you reach higher Tiers in the Faction Missions*



The light green icons you see in this picture are Contracts. You pick one up and you're tasked to do something. Kinda like missions but these are only available during the game. Some examples:

Kill a High Value Target
Rescue a hostage
Find the radioactive caches
Hunt another sqaud

These Contracts reward you with money. Some may lead to loot, as well. You're free to choose which ones you prefer.

Buy Station


At Buy Stations, you can purchase Gear, Contraband Weapons or sell junk loot.

Gear consists of armor, backpacks, killstreaks, keys.
Contraband weapons are self explanatory.

When I say "sell junk" i'm talking about all the crap you'll end up coming across that has no real purpose other than to sell. Toothbrush? Lightbulb? Comic? Sell them all! They all have a value to them. A toothbrush might give you $10 when sold but a laptop might give you $2000.

*Look for the shopping cart icon on the map for a Buy Station*

Keys and Keycards

Keys are used to open up various locked doors. When you highlight them in your inventory, they may give coordinates that give you a general idea of where it may be. It's up to you to visit that part of the map and look around. Be warned, though, they are in random ass places all over the map.

Keycards are for Strongholds. These have AI guarding them inside and out. This is where you'll come across riot shield AI as well.

They usually have good loot so definitely check them out but be prepared!

Both Keys and Keycards can be found throughout the map. Enemies might drop them. You might loot them from human players. Or some can be bought at the Buy Station.

So what exactly is your goal in the game? What should you be doing?

1) Faction Missions
2) Contracts to earn money
3) Finding weapons to escape with
4) Upgrading armor and backpack
*Armor starts with 1 bar. Max of 3 bars. You'll find armor plates to recover when they're empty
*You start with a small backpack. There is a medium and large one, which lets you carry more stuff. They can also let you carry an extra weapon!

It's really up to you what you want to do. It's a big playground.

Some other random notes:

- Open your map and highlight each icon. They will tell you what they are. Highlight a contract and you'll know what needs to be done.
- SAM turrets are on the map and they shoot down aircrafts. If you control one, the enemy can come and control it themselves.
- UAV towers give a constant UAV around the tower. You'll see where enemy AI is. A notification is sent to the lobby so everyone knows it was activated.
- When an enemy opens a Stronghold, there's also a notification and the Stronghold icon on the map turns red.
- There are Ammo Caches, where you can replenish your ammo and find some weapons.
- Need to refill/repair your vehicle? Just pull up to a Gas Station. You'll hear a "Ding" and it'll start refilling/repairing automatically. If an enemy is near you, it'll stop.
- When you want to escape, there are 3 Exfils on the map (the blue icon guy). When you call it in, it takes a few moments to arrive. You'll then have 30 seconds to get on it but once you do, it'll take 5 seconds to leave.
- Don't be surprised if people camp out the Exfil. Be aware of any cars that may be around and just give it a double check before running to the plane. You can kill people inside of the plane, fyi. Or you can escape with an enemy, if you're lucky.
- There is a train that runs around the map. You'll hear the horn when it's near you. Each car has loot. Some have orange boxes, which means better loot.
- Supply drops come around when there's 10 minutes left..maybe a little less. Look at your map and you'll see a plane going across. You should see these orange icons afterwards, which are the supply drops. They take a few to actually drop though so keep looking up to keep track.
- If you happen to not have any more weapons to use for a run, equip a throwing knife. You can kill enemies instantly then take their weapon.
- Enemies go down but don't die right away. They can still shoot you when on the floor. Be careful with that.
- Enemies in general can be pretty crazy, especially in groups. You would think they have lasers because of how well they shoot you. And the range they see you is pretty far. You can sometimes be sneaky but still be careful.
- Other than vehicles, parachuting is another quick way to get across the map. You go really fast and glide well enough to cover a distance pretty quick.

There will be games where you won't see any human players. But there are ways to look for them:

- Choose a contract to hunt other players but be warned they'll know they are being hunted.
- Be aware when AI are shooting something. Chances are, it's another player.
- Players can activate certain things on the map which might give away their location.
- Exfil areas are a good way to meet people. If you go to the area yourself and you notice you can't call the helicopter in, that means someone already called it. So check your surroundings!

I'm sure i'm missing much more but this should be a general idea of how DMZ works. I would suggest just going in there and messing around. Who cares what weapons you lose. So what if you die too quickly. It's how you learn so don't be discouraged! It can seem boring or overwhelming when you don't come across other players or you just hop on with no direction. Once you get a feel for things, think about what exactly do you want to do. Accept one of the Faction Missions and that should be a good way to guide you through the map.

Good luck and enjoy! And don't forget about that proximity chat! Have fun with it and mess with some people, lol.
I think we might need an OT dedicated just to DMZ, and this deserves to be the OP. Great post!

Can we threadmark Hispanicguy DMZ introduction post? It's a good one.
^ Alternatively, this at the very least.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
Thats the exact mission im stuck on,
Can't get it solo or with a squad.

Literally the only mission I haven't finished and its blocking me from getting BlackMous.
It was getting so frustrating running that mission literally all day yesterday and today and not even getting close.
Have you tried doing it by taking over SAM sites? All of the crates I've gotten via the controlled SAM sites have contained at least one killstreak, usually two. Maybe I've just been lucky, but probably worth a shot if you're still struggling.


Oct 25, 2017
I had to update my old GPU driver to play this, something I really didn't want to do because it screws with my multi-monitor setup :( I'm now forced to use Fullscreen mode in some games.

DMZ is pretty fun from the couple of round I played, it levels up everything at a decent rate, and I could see myself playing it a good chunk. I don't care about BR at all, unless they do the smart thing and bring Clash too. I'll try to get a couple of friends to play it.
Anyone getting these weird render artifacts? anything that is defocused is really grainy and/or dithered. Can see on the characters edges and the BG object. Have never seen it before on COD on PC. Didnt have this on WZ1 PC, or the MW2 PC beta. I have a 3080, and Ive tried all the render settings. Also getting a lot of lag or the game gets really framey at times even though my frame counter is 100+ frames.

Yup I get this as well. Its even worse if im using DLSS. I dont know what it is but its annoying.

yup since launch, on a 4090 fwiw
I thiiiink I remember having it in the Beta? but unsure
It's because of anti-aliasing on top of DOF. You have to use Filmic SMAA to fix that. It was a thing on MW2019 too.


IT Tech
Oct 28, 2017
London, UK
When you start a DMZ match, is the timer on the side how long is left of the match or how long a BR style ring starts closing?

Do exfil choppers automatically spawn in?

I've not stayed till the end yet in fear of loosing my loot.


Oct 27, 2017
Why can't we just go straight into another match instead of backing out to the lobby everytime


Jun 14, 2018
I'll try hard to get a M13 this week end just to save one of you poor souls!


Oct 25, 2017
When you start a DMZ match, is the timer on the side how long is left of the match or how long a BR style ring starts closing?

Do exfil choppers automatically spawn in?

I've not stayed till the end yet in fear of loosing my loot.

So I haven't seen this myself cause I either die or extract but according to this article:

If you are worried about the timer in the top left corner of the screen ticking down during Warzone 2 DMZ, you should be. Usually, you'll have about 20 minutes to complete whatever you want including missions like Storm the Stronghold. At the end of those 20 minutes, the time will be up and the radiation circle will begin to grow.

The radiation in DMZ is basically the reverse of how it works in the Warzone 2 Battle Royale mode. The first time the timer runs out, a new timer will replace it and the radiation circle will begin to expand. If you don't have a Gas Mask or Radiation Blockers, you'll need to keep to the edge of the map.

Before the entire map is covered in radiation, a final Exfil area will appear. That is your last chance to escape this DMZ match successfully. Unfortunately, you'll need to either kill the other squads or communicate with them so you all make it out safely.

To recap, Call of Duty: Warzone 2 DMZ has a timer that, once it's up, will start a new, shorter timer which indicates that the radiation circle is expanding. Based on where the radiation ring is, you can guess where the last Exfil will be. It will be at one of the far edges of the map.
Oct 25, 2017
When you start a DMZ match, is the timer on the side how long is left of the match or how long a BR style ring starts closing?

Do exfil choppers automatically spawn in?

I've not stayed till the end yet in fear of loosing my loot.
The final chopper spawns automatically with about a minute to extract.
Shit is crazy because literally every bot in the game starts running that direction as the gas expands towards it.


Oct 28, 2017
Things I would do to improve the AI in DMZ:

4. Less likely to spam grenades. I literally just died cause 3 AI decided to all throw grenades at me while I was on a roof.

While I can understand this is frustrating it is also rather amusing and fair play it does the job.

I do agree on some of the damage dished out though.


Oct 25, 2017
While I can understand this is frustrating it is also rather amusing and fair play it does the job.

I do agree on some of the damage dished out though.

Craziest thing, I was playing Warzone and I attacked a Blacksite and one random normal AI dude. Downed me from one armor and full health in 1 second. Literally a whiplash of suddenly being down. I thought it was a player but it was just an AI. Thankfully I had a self-revive...


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 17, 2022
When you start a DMZ match, is the timer on the side how long is left of the match or how long a BR style ring starts closing?

Do exfil choppers automatically spawn in?

I've not stayed till the end yet in fear of loosing my loot.

When the first timer ends the radiation zone (where the chemist is) starts expanding, and a second timer starts. The exaction zones become unavailable as the radiation zone encompasses them. A helicopter automatically spawns at the furthest out extraction point, and leaves about ten seconds before the game ends. I missed it by a couple seconds.
Oct 25, 2017
While I can understand this is frustrating it is also rather amusing and fair play it does the job.

I do agree on some of the damage dished out though.
Eh it's not really that fair imo.
It almost feels like Veteran in the old CODs, you stop for one second and here they come.

Particularly in ways that don't seem realistic super rolls and bounces.

You can be on a staircase in a building but you stop to revive a teammate that crawled to you and here come 3 grenades perfectly on you from random ai outside