Oct 26, 2017
Played 1 hour with a buddy on XboxOne. Feels better than the beta connection wise. But is it me or does the aiming feel a bit heavy? Dont know what it is.

Patrick S.

Oct 27, 2017
They're somewhat wrong, anyhow - EU keys will actually activate even using a German IP; you just can't install and play the game without using a VPN (though I assume you'll be able to play without a VPN after 90 days like in any other geolocked game so far). From what I've read in the forUNCUT Steam group, though, no restrictions whatsoever apply to gifts from other EU countries, so that should be the most hassle-free version to get an uncut version.

Thanks, cdkeys staff just answered to my support ticket, they said they can give me the key, but won't refund it if it won't work. So I told them for the third time that I DO want it. I activated and played the not denazified Wolfenstein game with flyvpn, too. At any rate, I won't get to play until Friday night now, because I have to wake up to go to work in a bit more than six hours :(

Carian Knight

Oct 27, 2017
After finishing first 3 missions i'm not impressed if not disappointed.

Advanced Warfare's opening mission "Induction" (https://youtu.be/1sRUZ9p4oYQ) had one of the best animations i've seen in any game and it was a powerful start from every angle.It still holds up as best looking CoD mission to date for me yet WWII's opening and the following missions are so underwhelming i can't describe the feeling but everything felt "old" to me even WWII's standard it's super generic to look at, every character is a well known stereotype , sounds are generic, musics are generic, i hope it shifts up after third mission.I don't know if Glen and Michael focused more on Zombies because they missed Dead Space but something is not right here.I don't like the future setting but i now better understand Infinity Ward has done an incredible job with Infinite Warfare's singleplayer (kudos to that Naughty Dog guys.) yet most of the people insta bash because of it's multiplayer.

On the multiplayer side of things, gameplay is good but Sledgehammer proved that they have the worst map designers and hey only 9 classic maps out of the box is a crime.Good old MW2 had 16 good maps out of the box which at least 5 of them became a fan favorite.It had 6 different factions with different announcers, spawn and end themes etc.Even loot is lazy in WWII.There are 64 different pistol grips (you can barely see them because characters hand covers it) in collections because they want to reduce the odds for getting higher level item i opened at least 6 supply drops and probably got 5 pistol grips.And there is no weapon camouflage in the collections.


Oct 29, 2017
Played 1 hour with a buddy on XboxOne. Feels better than the beta connection wise. But is it me or does the aiming feel a bit heavy? Dont know what it is.

What gun are you using? I was just watching The Race stream and they have a developer on there saying the auto aim is based on the weapon type.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
If the 7hours and 40 minutes campaign completion is accurate, that seems to me like one of the longer ones in a while.

I'm pretty excited for it, I like the idea of the game going back to its roots, and I can't say I have outright hated most of the campaigns even if there's been quite a few weak ones, though Ghosts is a game that I loathe for reasons I really can't articulate.

Enjoyed AWs, never finished BLOPS3, hated IW. Looking forward to this one since it's Sledgehammer.


Oct 26, 2017
What gun are you using? I was just watching The Race stream and they have a developer on there saying the auto aim is based on the weapon type.
Im going with the Thompson. My buddy is using a different gun and has the same feel. And with Heavy aim im not talking about the Auto Aim. Im talking about the general feeling when turning around etc
Oct 27, 2017
After finishing first 3 missions i'm not impressed if not disappointed.

Advanced Warfare's opening mission "Induction" (https://youtu.be/1sRUZ9p4oYQ) had one of the best animations i've seen in any game and it was a powerful start from every angle.It still holds up as best looking CoD mission to date for me yet WWII's opening and the following missions are so underwhelming i can't describe the feeling but everything felt "old" to me even WWII's standard it's super generic to look at, every character is a well known stereotype , sounds are generic, musics are generic, i hope it shifts up after third mission.I don't know if Glen and Michael focused more on Zombies because they missed Dead Space but something is not right here.I don't like the future setting but i now better understand Infinity Ward has done an incredible job with Infinite Warfare's singleplayer (kudos to that Naughty Dog guys.) yet most of the people insta bash because of it's multiplayer.

On the multiplayer side of things, gameplay is good but Sledgehammer proved that they have the worst map designers and hey only 9 classic maps out of the box is a crime.Good old MW2 had 16 good maps out of the box which at least 5 of them became a fan favorite.It had 6 different factions with different announcers, spawn and end themes etc.Even loot is lazy in WWII.There are 64 different pistol grips (you can barely see them because characters hand covers it) in collections because they want to reduce the odds for getting higher level item i opened at least 6 supply drops and probably got 5 pistol grips.And there is no weapon camouflage in the collections.

You just saved me 80 bucks (Canada). Thanks.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
I asked his before but how are console owners playing this early? Stores broke the street date of physical copies?

Curious as I pre-ordered and pre-loaded digital version.
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Just booted on PS4 (no patch needed after preload, yay!) and was pleasantly surprised by the fact it has tuneable HDR.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a feeling people are going to be disappointed with the game now because it's strickly boots on the ground. I think the genre has moved on with all the new abilities strategies.

I bet after 2 months people will be bored and complain about the snipers again. I've seen a heavy uptick in snipers today on videos I've watched.


Oct 25, 2017
I asked his before but how are console owners playing this early? Stores broke the street date of physical copies?

Some stores, mainly mom and pop shops, usually sell copies early.

Then you have Craigslist/eBay where you may get lucky, too.

It's been like this for a few years.

Currently preloading the game on PS4 and should be good to go at midnight. I'll jump in that discord as well. It was a nice surprise to see a fellow NYC'er creating the Discord. Thanks for that.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Some stores, mainly mom and pop shops, usually sell copies early.

Then you have Craigslist/eBay where you may get lucky, too.

It's been like this for a few years.

Currently preloading the game on PS4 and should be good to go at midnight. I'll jump in that discord as well. It was a nice surprise to see a fellow NYC'er creating the Discord. Thanks for that.

Thank you for the response.

For some reason, I thought those who pre-ordered digital version had early access.
Oct 27, 2017
Holy crap, how do you make D-day look so boring?
The problem is multifold here.

First the visual effects don't have the punch that they should, second of all the sound really lets it down, definitely doesn't have the punch or impact it should.

Third, Medal of Honor: Frontline had like the exact same opening about 15 years ago.

I don't just mean the D-Day thing, I mean the everyone on your boat gets shot, you jump in the water, you have one yelling commander figure guiding you up the beach, "Get the Bangalore to the wire", "reach the sea wall", take cover behind tank barricades, the whole 9 yards.

I get there's always some semblance of overlap just based on the nature of the event, but this is really familiar territory in terms of presentation


Oct 27, 2017
I'm really on the fence on this game. Want a good multiplayer game and I have this and battlefront 2 this month. Wasn't impressed with the battlefront game.


Oct 25, 2017
What time does Redbox let you rent games? Thinking of running to get one if it's a midnight?


Oct 26, 2017
Watching #TheRace always gets me hyped to play. Can't wait to pick this up tomorrow morning!


Oct 28, 2017
Holy crap, how do you make D-day look so boring?
That has to be some of the worst sound design I've heard in an AAA title in a long time.

There is absolutely no impact to anything that's flying around. Just when it looks like something is careening towards the player, all that you hear is some muffled little effect. Dunno how they screwed that up.
Third, Medal of Honor: Frontline had like the exact same opening about 15 years ago.
There's a problem when a 15 year old game has sound effects that are just as impactful, if not more impactful, than a game you put out today.
Oct 27, 2017
The problem is multifold here.

First the visual effects don't have the punch that they should, second of all the sound really lets it down, definitely doesn't have the punch or impact it should.

Third, Medal of Honor: Frontline had like the exact same opening about 15 years ago.

I don't just mean the D-Day thing, I mean the everyone on your boat gets shot, you jump in the water, you have one yelling commander figure guiding you up the beach, "Get the Bangalore to the wire", "reach the sea wall", take cover behind tank barricades, the whole 9 yards.

I get there's always some semblance of overlap just based on the nature of the event, but this is really familiar territory in terms of presentation

You're absolutely right.

But the major problem is that opening paragraph of yours. As you say, we first saw this 15 years ago. But weve not seen it an awful lot over the last few years. Technical advances SHOULD be able to lend themselves to this scene to MAKE it look fresh and stunning and bring it to life in a way videogames haven't been able to do full justice to since these games were last popular. Instead this looks stale and old. It genuinely does look and sound empty and boring. Soulless.

This isn't the first time I've said it and won't be the last, but imagine DICE doing that. I think a 64 player Operations round set on Omaha beach would have more visual and audio impact than this opening set piece of a Call of Duty campaign has. And that's just sad.


Oct 27, 2017
is there any difference between pre-ordering this on the PS store or buying it after release? (pre-order bonuses etc?)


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
First mission as others here have said is been there done that and has a QTE followed by a on the rails section that feels like it belongs in COD 3.

Only the first mission but it makes me long for Brothers in Arms or a Frontline remake. Hopefully it picks up but not off to a good start for me campaign wise.


Oct 31, 2017
Feel like I am missing something incredibly simple with sniping in this game. Can't seem to get the hold breath thing to work. Thought maybe it's cause I was the wrong division and didn't have that sharpshooter thing but I created a Mountain class but still can't get it to go. Everytime I press the button is just descopes me.

Aside from that this seems like a really solid PC port. The setting of graphics options showing examples of each different setting is incredible. Game seems to also have some in depth systems to keep you playing which seem cool, but confusing at first. Need to dig into it more.

Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm really on the fence on this game. Want a good multiplayer game and I have this and battlefront 2 this month. Wasn't impressed with the battlefront game.
Well my opinion for what it's worth is the multiplayer sucks. If I had to describe it in one word it would be boring. They've basically stripped it right back to what feels like pre-MW and not in a fun nostalgic way it just feels super dated.

I've played six games and I honestly feel like I've seen everything this game has to offer. There's no hook you just run into death every five seconds. It just feel like the worst parts of modern paintball cod on a bunch of drab maps.

The most fun I've had so far is standing in front of people opening loot boxes and saluting. They don't like that.
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
What time does Redbox let you rent games? Thinking of running to get one if it's a midnight?

it unlocks at midnight. I got wolfenstein last week alittle after midnight even though the site wouldnt let me reserve or show locations. I'm guessing cause there west coast based and the site updates at 3am. So if your close it's worth a shot to just go look.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I'm going to buy cod again, but only for the campaign and zombies. Multiplayer is too stressful for me


Oct 25, 2017
How long is the campaign supposed to be? I'm basically deciding between this or Wolfenstein 2 for when I finish with Assassin's Creed Origins.


Oct 27, 2017
Well my opinion for what it's worth is the multiplayer sucks. If I had to describe it in one word it would be boring. They've basically stripped it right back to what feels like pre-MW and not in a fun nostalgic way it just feels super dated.

:( I haven't been able to find a good FPS multiplayer game in forever.


Oct 25, 2017
Canary Islands
Good start. Liking the Destiny-alike hub with all the stuff (missions, quests, training, mail,...). They improved the social thing heaps. Havent touched the campaign yet nor planning to do it soon. Multiplayer is amazing. Snipers feels good. Advance Warfare seems better at the moment (my favorite CoD shooter ever), lets see. So far really good.