
Oct 25, 2017
I don't mean that question in a condescending way. I have a huge blindspot in my gaming history and have not played any Kojima games. I understand Metal Gear is a huge franchise, but I know nothing about it.

It seems unlike any other director he is elevated to the status of auteur. What is so special about him? Death Stranding seems absolutely fascinating to me. Would I benefit from tackling some of his older games to appreciate DS?
Oct 25, 2017
He makes fun, super memorable characters and stories that despite being absolutely and completely insane, are still some of the most beloved in video game history. Also his attention to detail is almost second to none.


Nov 13, 2017
Just play all the Metal Gear Solids!

Groundbreaking gameplay, story insanity, ambiance, attention to detail - these are all the things he is known for.
Mar 5, 2019
The Konami fiasco may have contributed to this reputation.

People like a good story about a publisher supressing a man's artistic vision, no matter how embellished it can get.

Deleted member 35077

Self-requested ban
Dec 1, 2017
His characters are some of the most memorable in the industry. They tell serious stories while wearing an anime mask, a great combination if I tell you.


Oct 27, 2017
He's been around long enough I'm sure you could find some comprehensive video essays on YouTube about him OP. Probably be quicker/more insightful than asking Era especially in the wake of the latest DS trailer were folks seem on edge.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, part of it is just that Kojima's ego is such that he's spent 20 years cultivating a cult of personality that no other gaming auteurs have ever really come close to. Will Wright probably contributed more to gaming on the whole than Kojima did, but Kojima constantly makes things about him.


Jan 17, 2018
Just play all the Metal Gear Solids!

Groundbreaking gameplay, story insanity, ambiance, attention to detail - these are all the things he is known for.
Basically this, his games always have a unique feel to them both in story and more importantly in gameplay, his games always have unique quirks and mechanics other devs would never think to put in a game.

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
Speaking as someone whose main exposure to MGS is through Chip Cheezum's LPs on MGR: Rising and MGSV, I think it depends a lot on your stance on American interventionalism and anime.


Oct 28, 2017
MGS games were all varying degrees of greatness to great that helped push the stealth action genre forward, interjected with more cinematic styled narratives in gaming, and also having anime esque bat shit crazy bosses and stories. PT is also the greatest horror game ever.

With that said the praise for his genius in terms of themes and philosophy are a bit muddled and he has a huge issue with sexism in the way he depicts women.

Also this thread will be a blast to read through.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
He made some good games a few decades ago, and they were more ambitious than the average in general. They were overly ambitious and full of pretentious drivel with some decent parts sprinkled in, just enough to pass as "deep". However the real reason:
Honestly, part of it is just that Kojima's ego is such that he's spent 20 years cultivating a cult of personality that no other gaming auteurs have ever really come close to. Will Wright probably contributed more to gaming on the whole than Kojima did, but Kojima constantly makes things about him.
It's this ☝


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
His games are fun to play, the story plots are alright and they're interesting and in-depth, the characters are often cool looking and memorable and his attention to detail is ridiculous.
You'll see things in his games that you wouldn't have seen otherwise in any game thrown in with a lot of film or other games references. Its strange mixed with the familiar. His games are basically...him.


Oct 25, 2017
His sense of storytelling is often so stupid it loops back around to being great. He makes things that are fun to play and is not ashamed of being silly in a world of sad dad grimdark story games. He's not a brilliant auteur as he styles himself, he's a trickster and a master of action gameplay.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
He's inventive and admittedly usually does a pretty good job of thinking out the mechanics of the games he makes.
His games like MGS in particular were narrative-heavy in a time when action games were built more around the arcade paradigm than the PC adventure game; both the original Metal Gear and especially Snatcher are ~cinematic~ experiences that were designed first and foremost as PC adventure games.
He's also kinda bad at women.


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
All the main Metal Gear Solid games has been groundbreaking and/or Goty winners.

Hideo Kojima is one of those very rare birds with infinite work stamina on the level of John Carmack and a couple of others (applied to creative/directing/writing work in Kojima's case).


Dec 8, 2018
He can make some batshit entertaining stories (see MGS except PP), just don't try and find any logic in him....you won't find it.


Jan 17, 2019
An intoxicating mix of bullshit that has a weird sort of logic to it and just plain bullshit. It'll either make you salivate or gag.

But the underlying game is usually quite good regardless.


Dec 28, 2017
His games are entertaining and bring its batshit insane (in a good way) community together

I don't necessarily think the MGS games are deep but they have an earnest message behind them. He seems like a very sincere guy and you can get a feel for that through his games, their themes and the messages they leave you once the credits start rolling. Death Stranding places a huge emphasis on the importance of connecting with one another which literally extends into how the game plays and while it's not the most deepest or original thing ever, it is certainly something we need more of especially in today's society where everything feels impersonal and standoff-ish despite having instant communication with one another. Here he is putting it in his own words.

Last edited:


May 20, 2018
He's a great game producer and made a name for himself when he was collaborating with Fukushima (Writer for MGS1-3 and Producer/Writer of Ghost Babel) and can cultivate a pretty good group of game designers. Unfortunately, after Fukushima left Konami there's a notable dip in quality in his game's writing, but he's able to execute gameplay exceedingly well. Kojima needs someone who can filter ideas and in turn, he can filter theirs to create great products and unfortunately he hasn't had someone who can do that in over a decade. He's probably at his best when he's helping cultivate other's ideas rather than his own.


Jul 10, 2018
Honestly, part of it is just that Kojima's ego is such that he's spent 20 years cultivating a cult of personality that no other gaming auteurs have ever really come close to. Will Wright probably contributed more to gaming on the whole than Kojima did, but Kojima constantly makes things about him.
This is the correct answer imo.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
He oversaw and played a large part in the development of three classics in MGS1, 2 and 3 alongside an extremely talented team, with each game pushing the medium forward at the time.

I'd say at least those three are worth playing anyway, but they ain't going to help you understand Death Stranding.


Oct 25, 2017
Metal Gear Solid 1 (among other extremely popular games for the original PlayStation) came at a time when people playing console games weren't used to any storylines above the level of Saturday morning cartoons, so when it tried to mention themes like genetics, nuclear proliferation, and actual 1990's politics, no matter how competently, people's minds were blown. MGS2 took this further with some more crazy philosophical themes and twists people didn't see coming.

That's the main thing I think. In addition, MGS1 along with Thief that same year basically established the stealth genre in mainstream video games. The MGS games themselves can be genuinely fun to play, have great art direction, great music, and above-average direction in the cut scenes.


Oct 28, 2017
The themes of the early MGS games, especially MGS2 were great, although it was always mixed with goofiness so you have to get past that. He has floundered with them as time went on. Metal Gear Solid 4 is a sequel to MGS2 (a game that really shouldn't of had a plot sequel) so it was a mess. Metal Gear Solid 5 had some cool ideas in theory but it feel flat on its face (it was saved by its phenomenal game play though)

If you have the time, this video is probably the most concise and quick explanation of about what made MGS2 special.



"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Metal Gear Solid was one of the first games to kind of capture an audience with its cinematic styling and focus on stealth mechanics and went to great lengths to explain its narrative and try to ground and contextualize it with a backdrop of real-world geopolitics.

Since the series took a lot more strides with its layers of storytelling than its contemporaries, a lot of people -- myself included -- tended to believe that Kojima had a real prowess because of the lengths the MGS games would go to layer their world. There's undercurrents of humor that kind of lent it a zany charm that was in line with the mindset of my younger self, too.

So yeah, as the MGS games came out, I didn't think there was anything among its contemporaries that kinda put the effort into the storytelling. I'm not at all saying that all of it stands up as good today, or that the industry didn't eventually find leaner, more poignant and more effective ways to basically accomplish the same thing in storytelling (whereas the kinda technopunk elements of MGS felt more like an attempt to spice-up and add some dazzle factor to the political thrillings), but as someone who grew up a console gamer, MGS was largely unrivaled in terms of the cinematic factor and Japanese action game styling all in one package.

I've not held dearly to all of Kojima's traits as I've grown older and kinda matured into a different person than I was as I was exposed to MGS, but I do still endear to Kojima's signature style on the whole. He's not immune to being criticized in my eyes, and a lot of criticisms that have come forth about him ring as completely reasonable, but I still look forward to every Kojima game, still kinda clung to that long-running idea of him being one-of-a-kind (and it still somehow holding appeal to me).

At this point, at 32 years old now, I completely get why someone wouldn't be into Kojima or even view him as entirely overrated -- he hasn't shown a whole lot change that takes the same changes I've personally undergone, but I still can kinda shift my mindset into a realm of appreciation for the type of style he has.


Oct 27, 2017
He's like a David Lynch type persona. You either adore his games and love the quirkiness of them (and indeed consider that the main reason for liking his work) or you think it's boring shit and can't believe any one could even remotely like his stuff.

I really like his stuff, I can't explain why but his games just seem to resonate with my tastes.


Oct 25, 2017
One of, if not the, best balances of gameplay/game design and story out of any AAA game dev.

On the gameplay side, his games are a blast to play, culminating in MGSV the best playing TPS of all time. His attention to detail is also stellar. The MGS series also boasts tremendously good level design. Lots of iconic boss fights and setpieces as well.

On the story side, even if they get batshit or not well written, tons of effort has gone into the lore and world of MGS. He also attempts to tackle taboo themes that most devs of other AAA games dont, or at least tackles themes in a super unique and interesting way. Lots of iconic characters as well.

I can't say there's another AAA dev who does it as well. Naughty Dog, for example, are praised for their stories but I find them lacking in level design and gameplay compared to Kojima's games (also find his stories more interesting but I get that's more up for debate).


Oct 25, 2017
He's a great game producer and made a name for himself when he was collaborating with Fukushima (Writer for MGS1-3 and Producer/Writer of Ghost Babel) and can cultivate a pretty good group of game designers. Unfortunately, after Fukushima left Konami there's a notable dip in quality in his game's writing, but he's able to execute gameplay exceedingly well. Kojima needs someone who can filter ideas and in turn, he can filter theirs to create great products and unfortunately he hasn't had someone who can do that in over a decade. He's probably at his best when he's helping cultivate other's ideas rather than his own.

This too.


Oct 27, 2017
He oversaw and played a large part in the development of three classics in MGS1, 2 and 3 alongside an extremely talented team, with each game pushing the medium forward at the time.

I'd say at least those three are worth playing anyway, but they ain't going to help you understand Death Stranding.

even mgs4 and 5 are worth playing.


Oct 26, 2017
I have enjoyed discussions, videos and lets plays of his games more than actually playing his games. But I can get why he's so famous.
Oct 25, 2017
He oversaw and played a large part in the development of three classics in MGS1, 2 and 3 alongside an extremely talented team, with each game pushing the medium forward at the time.

I'd say at least those three are worth playing anyway, but they ain't going to help you understand Death Stranding.

All the mainline Metal Gear games are worth playing. They are usually GOTY winners (Three times, in a particular case...) and always score 90+ score on Metacritic.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, part of it is just that Kojima's ego is such that he's spent 20 years cultivating a cult of personality that no other gaming auteurs have ever really come close to. Will Wright probably contributed more to gaming on the whole than Kojima did, but Kojima constantly makes things about him.
Could you elaborate on the making things about him part? Examples? I always hear this, but never saw any proof of this. Seems more like other people love to boost Kojima's ego themselves. (Keighley being a main culprit)


Oct 27, 2017
If you want to see his "genius" with regards to purely gameplay - MGSV.

If you want to see his "genius" plotwise - MGS2.

If you want a balance to both sides of Kojima - MGS3 (my personal favourite).