Deleted member 2145

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Oct 25, 2017
actually I just remembered I didn't even see Avengers in theaters

this is how amazing the movie was, I used to never see comic book movies in theaters because of how often they would disappoint. the MCU was hit or miss for me up until that point. I thought Iron Man was fantastic, I thought Incredible Hulk was bad, I thought Iron Man 2 was bad, I thought Captain America was decent, and I thought Thor was decent. so my mind hadn't really changed by that point. then Avengers came and went and people seemed really jazzed about it. so when it released on blu ray I bought it and was just blown away. now I'll see any MCU movie in theaters.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
not really, no. are you tied of being a funless curmudgeon?

why would he be when everyone quotes him to point and laugh? i imagine for the 'internet kid' generation that attention is more fun than going to the movies with friends

Just a man with an opinion. The same one but still an opinion.

I rewatch Avengers whenever I need a pick me up. It still gives me those nerd fuckin chills when cap and tony address each other for the first time or when Thor's Hammer and Caps Shield first meet and then the shot...


You only get one of those. Best not fuck it up.
that's so good. i also love the opening title credits with fury as he leaves the collapsing compound.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been really enjoying listening to these over the past couple of months, but man do I feel their rankings are off.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Easily top 3 comic book movies ever in my opinion.

- Dark Knight

- Winter Soldier

- Avengers

I can never really nail down the order in my head, but it is definitely up there.
Oct 26, 2017
The Black Widow interrogation scene? Is that the one where she tricks Loki only for us to later learn Loki was still playing her like a fiddle? That's a great moment for Loki on rewatches.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The Black Widow interrogation scene? Is that the one where she tricks Loki only for us to later learn Loki was still playing her like a fiddle? That's a great moment for Loki on rewatches.

no I meant this one

"I'm working!"

"Great" isn't applied to everything. To understand why those would be great moments we need other media greatness moments to see why. At best, the only moments in that are the circular shot. The rest seems competent....

they're great moments. I figured that would be self explanatory.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Avengers is my favorite movie of all time (controversial opinion I know) and the best superhero movie of all time in my opinion


Oct 25, 2017
Subpar takes are the best/worst.

Add Fury's "ant. Boot." line, digging at Loki for using the same insult in the film's opening.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused. Great is something people truly find amazing, near flawless, and 95% better than the rest. Can you give examples of other media that is also great so it's easy to understand your praise?
I mean the movie was super average for me but I am happy they found so much enjoyment in the movie.

Reading the OP sounds like me describing Star Wars to a friend in 1987.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought Avengers was one of the worst super hero movies ever made, albeit, I havent seen it since it was in thetares. But it did have a few cool moments.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017

Loved that scene. They wrote Cap perfectly right down to his clothes.

People always complain about his clothes or his general attitude, but people don't realize that this is Cap only just getting unfrozen. To him a few months ago it was 1945 and now he is in the modern era. New morals, new styles, and a new world. So of course he is gonna be a bit stiff and a bit behind.


Nov 3, 2017
Avengers is slowly getting pushed out of the top five because the MCU just keeps getting better and better.

Also this

I mean we just got Black Panther, Thor Ragnarok, Civil War, Spider-Man Homecoming, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. That's a solid top 5 right there and that's all phase 3

If Avengers is in there it's hanging on by its fingernails

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Avengers is slowly getting pushed out of the top five because the MCU just keeps getting better and better.


Its still in my top 3 because its the first team up. Up to that point we had never seen anything like the MCU. A series of movies with their own stories and their own characters and casts building towards a single moment only to branch off again.

The level of hype and awe in that build-up is something I probably won't see again. It was spectacular. But like you said it just keeps getting better and better. Infinity War has a solid shot of over-taking all of them though and I am psyched.

Deleted member 2145

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Oct 25, 2017
I'll never let myself divorce The Avengers from the context of the time that it released in and what it meant for the MCU and comic book movies. because of that it'll always be at the top of my list of comic book movies.
Dec 22, 2017
Rogers wailing on the punching bag gets me hyped like nothing else.

This movie has somehow gotten better with time. I was lukewarm on the MCU at first, but as I get more attached to the characters and world, I love going back to see their initial interactions.


Oct 25, 2017
Just a man with an opinion. The same one but still an opinion.

I rewatch Avengers whenever I need a pick me up. It still gives me those nerd fuckin chills when cap and tony address each other for the first time or when Thor's Hammer and Caps Shield first meet and then the shot...


You only get one of those. Best not fuck it up.

This is exactly how I feel about this movie.

Sure, the MCU has raised the bar on quality all around but Avengers 1 just got so much right for me, after all the anticipation and buildup. It was exactly the movie I'd been waiting for after reading all of them in comics for my whole life, and it still gives me that same feeling even after all the movies that have come since.


Oct 25, 2017
Avengers is slowly getting pushed out of the all time top five because the MCU just keeps getting better and better.

Avengers remains in my top 5 almost solely because I can never forget what watching it that first time felt like. It's still a phenomenal movie, but Marvel Studios has just gotten so much better at their craft.

Hell, their last 4 movies are all worthy of being in the top 5.


Oct 28, 2017
Galaga moment was dumb. Funny in theatres but embarassing and obvious to watch on subsequent screenings. But thats a problem with a lot of MCU "jokes"

That said the highway fight in TWS is my favourite moment. Great stunt and knife work, Bucky at his awesomest, he's been jobbing ever since.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Ah. That is a good one. Forgot about it.

What's he paying him for? I can't remember. I really need to watch these movies.

NICK FURY: He's called Loki. He's not from around here. There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know.

STEVE: At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me.

NICK FURY: Ten bucks says you're wrong.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
I was never a huge fan of the first avengers. I enjoy it but it would struggle to make my top 10 marvel movies. That list kinda reminds me why, very few of any of those moments resonated with me.

Having said that the 'that's my secret' line is one of my favourite lines in any superhero movie. What a hype as fuck moment.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Loved that scene. They wrote Cap perfectly right down to his clothes.

People always complain about his clothes or his general attitude, but people don't realize that this is Cap only just getting unfrozen. To him a few months ago it was 1945 and now he is in the modern era. New morals, new styles, and a new world. So of course he is gonna be a bit stiff and a bit behind.
Costuming in these movies is pretty fantastic, but specifically with Cap. You could explore his arc with his costumes alone.

His stage outfit is a literal propaganda outfit, with all the 'difficult-to-translate' bits like the wings on his head etc. But when transitioned to an actual utilitarian uniform, it has weight and presence. Even his Avengers costume, while people rightly mock how goofy it looks, it's also worth considering where that costume comes from. That outfit is designed by Coulson - a Cap fan who has all this memorabilia in regards to this hero. But it's not old war photos he's basing this uniform on - it's the stage costume. It's the look designed for children in World War 2. That's where Coulson is drawing his inspiration from.

Cut to Winter Soldier with his SHIELD uniform. It's a cool utilitarian outfit that doesn't call attention to itself beyond just being a sleek understated design, but it also is robbed of its color, theatricality, and personality. But when it comes time for the finale and he dons his colors once again, it's not his old WW2 costume. It looks like the WW2 costume, but it's an imitation, rather cheaply made, awkwardly fitting, and different in subtle ways. It's not perfect, but it's good enough and it makes the point that Cap knows what he stands for again.

I could go on, but while I'm sure there's alot of happy accidents that occurred in the costuming department over the stretch of these movies, they've only continued to make it work, intentionally or otherwise...

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Galaga moment was dumb. Funny in theatres but embarassing and obvious to watch on subsequent screenings. But thats a problem with a lot of MCU "jokes"

That said the highway fight in TWS is my favourite moment. Great stunt and knife work, Bucky at his awesomest, he's been jobbing ever since.

I like the galaga bit because it just seems like some throwaway bullshit line from Stark but then a little bit later you get the guy actually playing galaga. I liked the payoff because it was this little throwaway visual bit that was yet another thing that just felt like it was pulled straight from a comic book and slapped onto the big screen.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a real cool take. Thanks for the contribution.
No problem at all, the pleasure was mine. I'm just having hard time figuring out the greatness of a hammer hitting a shield etc. But maybe it's just me getting too old. Reading the OP and rest of the thread had me going like this.

Edit: And it's not like I couldn't enjoy a blockbuster myself, I do. Thor Ragnarok was really fun last year in example.


Nov 7, 2017
No problem at all, the pleasure was mine. I'm just having hard time figuring out the greatness of a hammer hitting a shield etc. But maybe it's just me getting too old. Reading the OP and rest of the thread had me going like this.

That sucks!

I am sure you can find enjoyment in other things


Oct 25, 2017
I will never understand people who like video games enough to get on a forum and post about them turning their noses up at people excited for comic book films lol


Oct 25, 2017
That sucks!

I am sure you can find enjoyment in other things
Yeah I enjoy a lot of things! From silly to serious.
I will never understand people who like video games enough to get on a forum and post about them turning their noses up at people excited for comic book films lol
It was mostly the specific examples, not that people are excited about entertainment. There was a huge list of moments but nothing really to describe why these scenes resonated so well.


Oct 27, 2017
"To challenge them....is to court death."

My head blew up in the theater for that scene.


Oct 25, 2017
Legitimately one of the best experiences I've ever had in a theatre. The monday after it came out was nuts in my high school.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I don't think there will ever be a comic book movie as good as the first Avengers film, everything else pales in comparison to me.

Natasha tricking Loki to giving up his plan was golden.

Coulson and Cap

Cap giving orders to the cops

What a God damn great film from top to bottom.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't get that Iron Man/Cap shot. Why doesn't he just shoot the putties himself.