
Apr 12, 2018
Hey-o, all! I've been lurking the thread before this since a little before the big doc dropped on the 2nd and have been following that and this one since then. First time posting on this thread; but in general I'm glad to see that outside of The Gamer Dragon this has actually been some level-headed interesting discussion. I kind of didn't expect to find a forum without gamergater "wah women in my vidya games" types especially when this is the subject matter being discussed, but I've gotta say; absolutely loving this. Been laughing my ass off at the blockbuster buster stuff too; you guys are great. I'm just really heavily invested in this discussion when TGWTG/CA/whatever has been a big part of the internet side of my life since I was in my early teens back in the late noughties, so it's just nice to see a thread like this that tends to break everything down.

As someone who'd followed Nostalgia Critic for ages mostly due to, ironically, that nostalgia - in fact I only really unsubscribed following the allegations in the doc; I'd been a bit iffy on him especially in regards to his 'both sides' mentality and general ignorance, but I was able to put that aside for me still kinda sorta enjoying him a little - I must admit, I was always heavily bothered by his stance that all humour comes from pain as well. It always stuck out in my head that that's the reason he gave for that monkey hotel movie not being funny; specifically because there was no pain that resulted from the monkey's actions. It was always just a weird stance, but I never challenged it because he said it so firmly and confidently and he often cited Egbert and Siskel that I figured it must have been a professional psychological viewpoint from somewhere. I guess it was the only original thing he came up with at the end of the day, and it was still awful.

I've gotta ask though, is there any confirmation on Brad leaving? Someone in a discord server of mine said that he had and I was blown away by that, but all I've heard are general rumours and maybes.


Mar 24, 2018
Over there
Jewario's 999 review was what got me into that game and VNs in general and his many other import videos were amazing. Sucks to hear about these things about him. His death actually shocked me so I would rather remember the good things about him. He's dead already so I'm just gonna move on.

I kinda thought it should be that way at first, but his victims need to know that it's okay for them to speak ill of someone who died and was loved if they were actually harmed by them. It'd be nice and comfy to just sweep this under the rug and only remember the good times, but it's better to make sure his victims feel comfortable stepping forward and making sure everyone knows that nothing will let them escape the consequences of doing something so horrid.

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Jewario's 999 review was what got me into that game and VNs in general and his many other import videos were amazing. Sucks to hear about these things about him. His death actually shocked me so I would rather remember the good things about him. He's dead already so I'm just gonna move on.

I dunno, that's a little fucked? I feel like at the very least, out of respect to the victim(s), he should very much be judged by this. This is how he LIVED, even if the news came out after his death.

And yeah, we aren't going to get justice for it. For all intents and purposes, it's done and closure for those involved is probably incredibly difficult. I don't think people like him deserve to be remembered in any positive light.

Things are more important than the content he produced and the self he portrayed to the public. I'm not expecting a discussion of this, and you're free to do what you want, just irked me a little.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I've gotta ask though, is there any confirmation on Brad leaving? Someone in a discord server of mine said that he had and I was blown away by that, but all I've heard are general rumours and maybes.
Sadly still nothing, some rumors here and there that he has left but nothing truly concrete. The only thing we know with certainty is that before things really exploded he told people he was not planning to leave and also that his friend Irving said on twitter that Brad hasn't left because of some potential legal issues.


Apr 12, 2018
And the funny thing is that, it grew despite Machaud's short sightedness about a lot of areas. Such as social media.
My mind keeps flashing back to that video linked earlier in the old thread -- the one where he's sat around a table with a few other people eating dinner, for some reason. When asked about social media, the two other film guys say "the future" and he says "a fad". I just groaned into the abyss at that point.

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
My mind keeps flashing back to that video linked earlier in the old thread -- the one where he's sat around a table with a few other people eating dinner, for some reason. When asked about social media, the two other film guys say "the future" and he says "a fad". I just groaned into the abyss at that point.

What are you talking about?


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Let me tell you about a little corner of the web we used to call... NeoGAF...
Just checked the thread about this over there and hoo boy.

I honestly wonder if we'll ever get a legit (and maybe even honest) comment by Doug himself. For a long while during this I was still hoping he'd speak out, explaining how he's sorry about all this and how what happened isn't in his hands anymore, but I get the feeling there's no point in waiting. As a former fan years ago, I'm disappointed, but not really surprised I guess.

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Just checked the thread about this over there and hoo boy.

I honestly wonder if we'll ever get a legit (and maybe even honest) comment by Doug himself. For a long while during this I was still hoping he'd speak out, explaining how he's sorry about all this and how what happened isn't in his hands anymore, but I get the feeling there's no point in waiting. As a former fan years ago, I'm disappointed, but not really surprised I guess.

I honestly wouldnt be surprised if they pull a GAF and start to cater more to the alt right shit. That's the only audience that would stomach their shit after all this. I highly doubt they're willing to put in the time, effort and financials into trying to get into everyone's good graces again.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The only thing we know with certainty is that before things really exploded he told people he was not planning to leave and also that his friend Irving said on twitter that Brad hasn't left because of some potential legal issues.

I've heard the legal thing has to do with Brad potentially having some percentage of ownership in Channel Awesome. If they're looking to dissolve he's probably into that with the other three or looking to separate from them completely (and due to the deal can't just say "I'm out.")

I've just seen that scenario flying around and, honestly, I'm only posting it to make myself feel better. If it's just "because we're friends" then I feel that flies in the face of his other friends that have come out against CA and I can't support him any longer if that's the case.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
I honestly wouldnt be surprised if they pull a GAF and start to cater more to the alt right shit. That's the only audience that would stomach their shit after all this. I highly doubt they're willing to put in the time, effort and financials into trying to get into everyone's good graces again.
I was thinking about that, too. Some weird Pro-GG, right leaning to alt-right video aggregator site.

I can totally imagine that, and that'll be even more disappointing.


Oct 25, 2017
According to Linkara on various Rangerboard posts, Doug's idea of comedy is that all comedy comes from suffering, and has an unhealthy obsession with slapstick.
Others tried to argue with Doug about this but he won't budge on it. One user posted a South Park scene (the one in Season 3 where Korn transforms into corn), and Linkara noted how Doug would
it's not like he hides every video on comedy he brings it up about how comedy is suffering


Apr 12, 2018

It was a different one to this on a different video website, but yeah; that's essentially what I was talking about. It's amazing how overconfident he is in his website -- Channel Awesome was popular at the time, sure, but it wasn't exactly a viral success that everyone knew about. If you're gonna want new viewers you're going to have to advertise on other platforms; that's just common sense, surely?
And that bit at the end about how he wants 10 videos a day... holy heck, I hadn't seen that bit. That alone would be a slave driver mentality but with how it's coming out that he didn't pay anyone, this guy has no concept or grasp of anything.


Apr 12, 2018
I've heard the legal thing has to do with Brad potentially having some percentage of ownership in Channel Awesome. If they're looking to dissolve he's probably into that with the other three or looking to separate from them completely (and due to the deal can't just say "I'm out.")

I've just seen that scenario flying around and, honestly, I'm only posting it to make myself feel better. If it's just "because we're friends" then I feel that flies in the face of his other friends that have come out against CA and I can't support him any longer if that's the case.

I heard in his Quiet Place midnight screening he was going to meet with Doug this weekend. If so it is his last best chance to divest himself from CA. If he doesn't I don't know how I'll feel about him. If Lupa and Phelan are willing to give him a pass, I'll consider it s well, but no promises.
Mar 29, 2018
I'm really confused why people are so adamant that comedy isn't based on suffering. Comedy is a defense mechanism against negative emotions, be it confusion, anger, or sadness. Saying it's all about raw suffering, like feeling really bad, is a gross oversimplification, and Doug can get too sadistic sometimes, but why are people acting like he has no understanding of the concept?
Oct 25, 2017
I'm really confused why people are so adamant that comedy isn't based on suffering. Comedy is a defense mechanism against negative emotions, be it confusion, anger, or sadness. Saying it's all about raw suffering, like feeling really bad, is a gross oversimplification, and Doug can get too sadistic sometimes, but why are people acting like he has no understanding of the concept?
I think it's because he believes in it being that reductive and oversimplified. He also thinks everything needs to be a parody or reference, according to a tweet form a while ago in my old thread where he kept asking what someone was basing their voice on and not getting that it wasn't based on anything.


Apr 12, 2018
I'm really confused why people are so adamant that comedy isn't based on suffering. Comedy is a defense mechanism against negative emotions, be it confusion, anger, or sadness. Saying it's all about raw suffering, like feeling really bad, is a gross oversimplification, and Doug can get too sadistic sometimes, but why are people acting like he has no understanding of the concept?
It's more that he believes that's the -only- thing comedy is based on, which as said, is heavily reductive and oversimplified; ignoring many forms of humour and/or pidgeonholing any sort of jokes into that mindset very badly and haphazardly.
I especially think it's a bad mindset because comedy is heavily subjective and is one of the hardest genres to make and review -- and these things Doug himself agrees on!
Regardless though, his views on what comedy is kinda pale in comparison to the subject of the thread.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I think the message of the past 6 months should be "Just because someone is nice to you on the personal level, doesn't excuse them being a legit monster to a ton of other people".

Speaking of,

Nice Guy: He was like a second coming of Mister Rogers. He even ended his Friday livestreams by singing "It's Such a Good Feeling."

Yikes. Maybe they need to update that.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I think it's because he believes in it being that reductive and oversimplified. He also thinks everything needs to be a parody or reference, according to a tweet form a while ago in my old thread where he kept asking what someone was basing their voice on and not getting that it wasn't based on anything.
That was from Allison's part of the google doc.

Mar 29, 2018
I think it's because he believes in it being that reductive and oversimplified. He also thinks everything needs to be a parody or reference, according to a tweet form a while ago in my old thread where he kept asking what someone was basing their voice on and not getting that it wasn't based on anything.

It's more that he believes that's the -only- thing comedy is based on, which as said, is heavily reductive and oversimplified; ignoring many forms of humour and/or pidgeonholing any sort of jokes into that mindset very badly and haphazardly.
I especially think it's a bad mindset because comedy is heavily subjective and is one of the hardest genres to make and review -- and these things Doug himself agrees on!
Regardless though, his views on what comedy is kinda pale in comparison to the subject of the thread.

Fair enough, though I think a lot of Doug's critics get too hyperbolic with how "terrible" his work is.

The controversy on the other hand... yeah. I've never been so disappointed in someone I once looked up to.

Ventilation Stick

Alt account
Apr 2, 2018
I don't get why so many people are blaming Doug himself without enough info.

I mean the most we got was he was incompetent at the anniversary movies.

Apparently a video is coming out "soon"
Oct 25, 2017
I don't get why so many people are blaming Doug himself without enough info.

I mean the most we got was he was incompetent at the anniversary movies.

Apparently a video is coming out "soon"
He doesn't deserve all the blame, and I don't think people are putting all the blame on him. Most of this is on Michaud. But, Doug knew about some of this stuff, was told about some of this stuff, and turned a blind eye repeatedly, and in some specific instances, like the vote to fire Holly, voted to fire Holly. He's not blameless and just incompetent. He's still complicit.


Nov 3, 2017
I don't get why so many people are blaming Doug himself without enough info.

I mean the most we got was he was incompetent at the anniversary movies.

Apparently a video is coming out "soon"

He's part of upper management; he was the deciding vote in kicking out Holly.

He also wasn't just incompetent with the anniversary movies, he was downright negligent.

Oh, and as part of upper management he apparently knew the deal with JewWario.

Dude's done plenty besides be unfunny.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I don't get why so many people are blaming Doug himself without enough info.

I mean the most we got was he was incompetent at the anniversary movies.

Apparently a video is coming out "soon"

There was... I'd have to look at the doc to remember who it was and the circumstance, but someone who pointed out that Doug was the final vote in getting them fired.

Also, since we've now been told that he's a co-owner of The Nostalgia Critic as a character, it's harder to excuse him as an innocent diva who had no awareness or control over the goings-on around him.

Ventilation Stick

Alt account
Apr 2, 2018
He doesn't deserve all the blame, and I don't think people are putting all the blame on him. Most of this is on Michaud. But, Doug knew about some of this stuff, was told about some of this stuff, and turned a blind eye repeatedly, and in some specific instances, like the vote to fire Holly, voted to fire Holly. He's not blameless and just incompetent. He's still complicit.

We don't know if Doug hadn't tried or not but people are assuming he didn't.