

Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017






Oct 25, 2017
I'd bet most did. Despite Milo I doubt the altright cares a whole lot about trans issues beyond generic rejection. To the point where if they get to know someone like Manning they're probably fine with her being trans. She may actually be bringing some on the altright to the left on that particular issue if the reports are true. But I don't blame people for being suspicious of motivations in this political mess.
I guarantee you it's the opposite. The alt right actively fights against trans rights and will continue to do so.
This one of the alt-right's main tactics: find a useful idiot from the groups they hate, and welcome them into their midst, so they can use then as shields against criticism. "we can't be racist, one of us is black". "we can't be transphobic, this one transfer chick agrees with us" etc etc
Based on what I've read of the situation here, a crucial difference between leftist figures like Contrapoints and what Manning professes to have done here, is that Contra and others don't play the "lets all meet in the middle" game. Even if they analyze, debate, or respond to the alt-right and fascists, they approach it from the perspective that these people are purveyors of bad ideas, whether from malice or sheer gullibility.

If Manning is trying to pull the Boogie shit of the-middle-is-a-great-place-to-be, screw that. The identity of the enlightened moderate is a seductive siren song that captures many people who want to appear wiser and more progressive than they actually are.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Can I pose two questions:

1. How many non-far leftist liberals have we caught hanging out with neo-nazis in their spare time?

2. Why the fuck does the far left find it so fucking difficult to say "we were wrong about this person" and cut them the fuck off without the constant need for equivocating and playing the victim? Because, in my experience, liberal shitstains get the boots put to them but quick.

The far left doesn't actually find it hard and cutting her off is exactly what's happening now, as with Caitlin Johnstone and the few other lefties who have advocated alliances with the alt-right.


Oct 25, 2017
Based on what I've read of the situation here, a crucial difference between leftist figures like Contrapoints and what Manning professes to have done here, is that Contra and others don't play the "lets all meet in the middle" game. Even if they analyze, debate, or respond to the alt-right and fascists, they approach it from the perspective that these people are purveyors of bad ideas, whether from malice or sheer gullibility.

If Manning is trying to pull the Boogie shit of the-middle-is-a-great-place-to-be, screw that. The identity of the enlightened moderate is a seductive siren song that captures many people who want to appear wiser and more progressive than they actually are.
Contra's thing was clearly a good-faith effort to try and pull people out of the alt-right. Whether it was worth doing so due to given the potential risk of signal-boosting and legitimizing said people via giving them a stage with you was the debate that blew up.

Deleted member 13364

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'd bet most did. Despite Milo I doubt the altright cares a whole lot about trans issues beyond generic rejection. To the point where if they get to know someone like Manning they're probably fine with her being trans. She may actually be bringing some on the altright to the left on that particular issue if the reports are true. But I don't blame people for being suspicious of motivations in this political mess.
Meanwhile, in the real world:



Oct 25, 2017
I just think she's trying to parlay her social and political capital into a position as a socialite.
If TV were like it was 10-15 years ago, I feel like she'd be doing all those c-list celebrity reality shows.

I guess even Chelsea Manning cannot withstand the purity test of the modern left.

I'm mostly just awaiting her actually revealing some of her policy positions. But she remains one of the most exciting Senate candidates I've seen in a while. Already demonstrated great character and bravery.
I'd say finding a candidate "exciting" without knowing their policy positions is a pretty damn bad approach to politics.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Based on what I've read of the situation here, a crucial difference between leftist figures like Contrapoints and what Manning professes to have done here, is that Contra and others don't play the "lets all meet in the middle" game. Even if they analyze, debate, or respond to the alt-right and fascists, they approach it from the perspective that these people are purveyors of bad ideas, whether from malice or sheer gullibility.

If Manning is trying to pull the Boogie shit of the-middle-is-a-great-place-to-be, screw that. The identity of the enlightened moderate is a seductive siren song that captures many people who want to appear wiser and more progressive than they actually are.

I don' think Manning's made any kind of meet-in-the-middle statement though, right? If she was trying to keep this secret and then claimed she was crashing the party to fuck with them she's still presenting them as the bad guys, but her association with them is something she's trying to bury that has no public statement or purpose beyond that.

I still hold the position that Boogie's middle shtick is just a smokescreen to hide his actual views. That could still be similar to what's going on, I guess.

Deleted member 13364

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The cherry on top is Chapo trying to backpedal with "B-b-but she was in prison, please be nuanced about this."

Anyone who is familiar with their podcast knows how fucking unbelievably rich "please be nuanced" is coming from them. I laughed at their stuff a lot but I can't really keep listening if they won't own up to their own shit.
You really will find any excuse to shit on Chapo, won't you? You're obsessed.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Someone close to Wikileaks and thought fondly of by Russia is cool with the alt-right? Why I never...

Careful now. You obviously don't know that she's qualified because she served a prison sentence for irresponsibly leaking information. Apparently that makes her a better would be Senator than current Dem Senator Cardin. Oh, and her refusal to condemn the alt right and Julian? Well, she has her reasons...or something. #wegotthis

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I guess being another contrarian moron trumps any political alignment. The less people like her in politics, the better.


Oct 25, 2017
What policies make Chelsea far - left? Anyway I think there 's is a blind spot that those types like Chelsea have with the alt-right. Both them and the alt-right are on the fringe( at least in their thinking) and general have a negative opinion on the current ways the government is ran. The types that are " far-left" I don't think take the alt-right seriously and tries to give an olive branch to them. However, those left-wing types don't do speak out against the alt-right either or not as much as liberals. The idea of trying to find good in everyone also plays a part, but it doesn't mean that the capability of changing minds are high. Actually the ones that try to aren't even equipped to change alt-right people's minds.

I'd bet most did. Despite Milo I doubt the altright cares a whole lot about trans issues beyond generic rejection. To the point where if they get to know someone like Manning they're probably fine with her being trans. She may actually be bringing some on the altright to the left on that particular issue if the reports are true. But I don't blame people for being suspicious of motivations in this political mess.

Many of the alt-right are still firmly against homosexuals. The way of thinking assumes that a one of the good ones is going to change their outlook for trans people. I'm sure that a lot of alt-right people personally knew AAs, but that doesn't change the fact that many of the same people still think AAs are less intelligent.


Oct 25, 2017
Careful now. You obviously don't know that she's qualified because she served a prison sentence for irresponsibly leaking information. Apparently that makes her a better would be Senator than current Dem Senator Cardin. Oh, and her refusal to condemn the alt right and Julian? Well, she has her reasons...or something. #wegotthis
Being played like a ukelele by the dumbest person in the room.


Oct 27, 2017
Not surprised. There is a reason ehy her and Snowden went to WikiLeaks. They are Russian agents.

Manning is part of Russia's next strategy of attacking America, run "liberal" candidates that are designed to inflame social issues among the left.

beloved freak

Oct 27, 2017
Chelsea is the kind of person who goes to antifa rallies. Never thought I'd see her pose for pictures with the alt-right.
Oct 26, 2017
Contra's thing was clearly a good-faith effort to try and pull people out of the alt-right. Whether it was worth doing so due to given the potential risk of signal-boosting and legitimizing said people via giving them a stage with you was the debate that blew up.

I feel it's worth noting that Contra had a smaller audience that the people she was debating and they were going to get the platform even without Contra (if they didn't cancel) so even that debate was always kinda dumb and some people on the left were incredibly shitty to her.

If people are defending Chealsey here (when she clearly has the ability to signal boost given she's a celebrity and a history of being sketchy topics like Wikileaks as Excel's pointed out) whilst they dog piled on Contra then I don't know what to say.


Oct 26, 2017
Woopsy daisy. Bye.

None of you on the left should he earnestly caping for her after this.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
I guess even Chelsea Manning cannot withstand the purity test of the modern left.

I'm mostly just awaiting her actually revealing some of her policy positions. But she remains one of the most exciting Senate candidates I've seen in a while. Already demonstrated great character and bravery.

Hilarious that hanging with nazis is a purity test and you are stanning for an "exciting candidate" whose positions you don't even know.

Cult of personality runs deep.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
The cherry on top is Chapo trying to backpedal with "B-b-but she was in prison, please be nuanced about this."

I'm uncomfortable judging the decision-making of someone who's been through hell, and she's suffered *a lot.*

Still, this is a very, very bad look.


Oct 25, 2017
This is like a nice proof of the horseshoe theory. Both alt right and alt left are so extreme they agree with each other on craziness


Oct 25, 2017
You'd have to be a special type of moron to keep trying to spin this after a year of making it crystal clear that the left does not assosciate with nazis/white supremacists. Chelsea can fuck off.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Snowden didn't go to wikileaks with his initial leaks, that came later. He at least leaked through responsible journalistic entities that would vet/redact before publishing.
It's depressing how Wikileaks have somehow coopted these Snowden leaks, when really, they highlight how wrong Wikileaks is, and generally the difference between whistleblowing and being another intelligence asset.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
We can do a lot better than the person she's running against. And I personally find the prospect of the first trans woman in congress being a progressive important and exciting.

As I said earlier, I'm mostly concerned with her policy positions, not a random party. But you guys can pick candidates however you like. I think it's a mistake to tear people down this fast.

Are you serious? So wait, her being a trans should supersede her refusal to condemn the alt right, assange, and wikileaks?!? Are you serious? Just nominate Caitlyn Jenner and be done with it then since they're equally offensive. And honestly, you display complete political immaturity and ignorance.