Deleted member 431

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
In July 2017, a group of nine Chinese students and faculty from Huazhong University of Science and Technology participating in a summer program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) formed a Chinese Communist Party branch on the third floor of Hopkins Hall, a campus dormitory.

The group held meetings to discuss party ideology, taking a group photo in front of a red flag emblazoned with a hammer and sickle, according to a July 2017 article and photos posted to the Huazhong University website. The students' home institution had sent four teachers on the trip, directing them to set up the party cell to strengthen "ideological guidance" while the students were in the United States.

The Illinois university partners with several Chinese universities in exchange programs; at least two of those Chinese universities have directed participants to form party cells on the Urbana-Champaign campus, using those cells for ideological monitoring and control, according to articles posted to university websites and interviews with student participants.

Full article here:

Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
They are free to do so, but I expect they will be watched closely by US government officials. Not so much for the communism angle, but for fear that they will be used to push Chinese communist ideology to local students in order to create political disruption.


Oct 25, 2017
They are free to do so, but I expect they will be watched closely by US government officials. Not so much for the communism angle, but for fear that they will be used to push Chinese communist ideology to local students in order to create political disruption.
It's popped up on this forum, I wonder if the two things are related.


Oct 25, 2017
Man it's nuts how terrified China' government is of it's people thinking their rule is anything less than perfect and the lengths they'll go to prevent that.


Oct 25, 2017
Chinese government recent said they don't care about export their value (paraphrasing), in order words, they don't want to sell the "Beijing Consensus".

Socialism with Chinese Characteristic is not really Communism, in case you don't get keep up the score.


Oct 27, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Chinese government recent said they don't care about export their value (paraphrasing), in order words, they don't want to sell the "Beijing Consensus".

Socialism with Chinese Characteristic is not really Communism, in case you don't get keep up the score.

To counter: Countries say a lot of things. All major countries will often wage PR and actual wars at the same time. This is how the US can historically support democracy yet intervene to overthrow democratically elected governments when they work against the goals of the US. China says they have no desire to influence the rest of the world, but at the same time they are buying up resources and land in Africa, South America, and Asian in order to form powerful trade ties. These ties will create dependencies and allow them to influence those countries.

Deleted member 29195

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
They are free to do so, but I expect they will be watched closely by US government officials. Not so much for the communism angle, but for fear that they will be used to push Chinese communist ideology to local students in order to create political disruption.
Please read the article. They're being forced to form these groups by people back home.


Oct 26, 2017
i mean... they're free to do so.
and everyone else is free to also say fuck the chinese communist party.

if they're being forced to do so then that's a shitty hand for the students


Oct 30, 2017
In these types of political organizations there's always some level of government "representation".

Like how consulate workers generally aren't supposed to be spies but almost all of them are.

So this is you normalizing two inflammatory, highly illegal activities? It is critical that NGOs maintain independence from government influence, because the very mature of their missions require unbiased leadership.


Self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Are they trying to monitor other exchange students from China, or are they trying to monitor American citizens and try to convert them ideologically to communism?

Because even if American students have anti-party thoughts, what can China do about it on foreign soil?


Oct 27, 2017
Are they trying to monitor other exchange students from China, or are they trying to monitor American citizens and try to convert them ideologically to communism?

Because even if American students have anti-party thoughts, what can China do about it on foreign soil?
The former. They want to make sure that students studying abroad don't come back with 'interesting' ideas about governance.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I'm not seeing the similarities between Unicef or the Red Cross and Communist Party-run forced ideological adherence organizations.

Do you think Unicef and Red Cross are the only NGOs in existence or something?

So this is you normalizing two inflammatory, highly illegal activities? It is critical that NGOs maintain independence from government influence, because the very mature of their missions require unbiased leadership.

Jesus Christ. Providing some context for something is normalization? Did you break a hip with that knee jerk reaction?

Governmental involvement in NGOs has been a problem worldwide for a long time with NGOs providing cover for governmental organizations. This is not a secret nor is saying so a controversial statement.

"But it says *NON GOVERNMENT* in the name!"

Well golly gee! I guess if that's the name of it then that's certainly true and governments won't do anything that would befoul the sanctity of names!

Don't be so naive.


Oct 25, 2017
Man it's nuts how terrified China' government is of it's people thinking their rule is anything less than perfect and the lengths they'll go to prevent that.

It is crazy how effective they are. I would randomly see them tear down Free Tibet signs at univerisities here, even try and fight folks who would have anti-CPC signs or pro-HK or pro-Taiwan signs etc. Haven't seen anything like it before.

We are witnessing the rise of a superpower that is ethnically very homogenous to the point of almost 1 billion, with the shared belief in a singular unified nation and thought.


Nov 6, 2017
Where the Fenians Sleep
They are free to do so, but I expect they will be watched closely by US government officials. Not so much for the communism angle, but for fear that they will be used to push Chinese communist ideology to local students in order to create political disruption.

I mean isn't allowing that part of an open and free society?

It's popped up on this forum, I wonder if the two things are related.

You're aware Communist thought came to China from the West in the first place right? Like it's no less endemic of the West than more Capitalistic conceptions of Political-Economy.

To counter: Countries say a lot of things. All major countries will often wage PR and actual wars at the same time. This is how the US can historically support democracy yet intervene to overthrow democratically elected governments when they work against the goals of the US. China says they have no desire to influence the rest of the world, but at the same time they are buying up resources and land in Africa, South America, and Asian in order to form powerful trade ties. These ties will create dependencies and allow them to influence those countries.

That doesn't mean they want to export ideology. Your American example is a great demonstration of this.

Deleted member 907

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yellow Peril: The Thread

Most of the international students from China are of the same class of those investors buying up hot property all over the country. And if they're not, the families make more than enough to send their kids to the US for the full cost of education and modest housing. This scaremongering is a joke because those kids couldn't give a shit about what "the party" thinks when they're not beholden to them. Not only that, but US institutions are actively recruiting these students because they bring lots of money with them.

Neo C.

Nov 9, 2017
To think that over 10 years ago, my Chinese teacher thought China would be more open minded, step by step. Then Xi Jinping happened...


Oct 25, 2017
Yellow Peril: The Thread

Most of the international students from China are of the same class of those investors buying up hot property all over the country. And if they're not, the families make more than enough to send their kids to the US for the full cost of education and modest housing. This scaremongering is a joke because those kids couldn't give a shit about what "the party" thinks when they're not beholden to them. Not only that, but US institutions are actively recruiting these students because they bring lots of money with them.
Pretty much. China isn't scared of anything. The article makes it sound like these are everywhere.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
They are free to do so, but I expect they will be watched closely by US government officials. Not so much for the communism angle, but for fear that they will be used to push Chinese communist ideology to local students in order to create political disruption.

They are also being watched for working on projects involving sensitive topics such as energy, defense and so forth.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this has been a thing(if just wasn't THAT obvious . My Chinese teacher was a member of the CCP and she always played propaganda-ish stuff at the Chinese club.

She was pretty critical of the party though and would tell us negative stuff if we asked. She just had to show propaganda-ish stuff they were sponsoring her. I even joked about it being propaganda with her.
Oct 27, 2017
I mean isn't allowing that part of an open and free society?

That doesn't mean they want to export ideology. Your American example is a great demonstration of this.

Actually that is the opposite meaning of my post. You are assuming that the PR is the truth (in which case the US wants democracy, and does not force it on the world). In reality, the PR is the lie. The truth is that the US wants countries to have leadership that will behave according to US government interests. They then cover this by pretending that they support democracy. China is the same way, where their PR is the lie (that they don't want to export their ideology or interests), and the truth is that they are working very hard to build a world network of regions that are closely tied to (and are dependent on) China.