
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Aug 21, 2019
There was no reason to assume Luke's sacrifice didn't inspire the galaxy other than the fact that there's absolutely zero reference to it throughout the movie.
I thought it during my initial watch so it's not like it's a big jump in reasoning. I'm ok with his assessment.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Also wrote Argo, but it's pretty obvious he's going with that on his resume. He did BvS because of Ben Affleck, but it's quite obvious Warner Brothers fucked that up. Justice League is the same. You cannot really expect anyone to come into RotS that would tie things well. There was no plan for this, they kind of just did it, and considering it was the end of a trilogy, the landing had to have stuck or else it wouldn't be well received. Terrio has arguably got the shit end of the stick the last few films. He shouldn't have followed Ben, but money is money. JJ Abrams isn't a hack either, he has a solid resume, but these do happen. Sometimes you're just written into a corner and you submit whatever and the execs say, "Yeah, sure" and you get this.

Except Kathleen Kennedy gave them as much freedom as they wanted, given that they at least accomplished a small handful of goals in the film. Any good writer and director given that kind of freedom should have been able to deliver something at least slightly more satisfying or at least critically solid.

But they didn't. Both Chris and JJ's responses in these interviews show that they really were just pandering to their own whims without really any rhyme or reason as to why anything was happening. They had these strange ideas about the series that more closely aligned to fanfic than something that two professionals should be able to create.


Mar 28, 2018
Here's the thing. When TRoS started, I assumed that the First Order fleet got severely crippled due to the Holdo Maneuver. Even though the Resistance was reduced to basically 30 people, the First Order lost so many ships in that fight that other planets could have overthrown them, giving the Resistance new bases to choose from.

Again, the state of the First Order is unclear because the writers were too focused on the Final Order. Sure, Palpatine's fleet would likely curbstomp Kylo's fleet (despite being an asspull), but the movie seems to imply that the First Order fleet got reduced to a few ships.

So the question is how many First Order ships are left post-TLJ? If there wasn't any left why didn't the oppressed planets capitalize on it since it's clean they had the ships to take them on with some motivation, and if they still had a lot, wouldn't that have basically put everything back at square one?

Then again... what happened to that ship that blew up Zorii's planet since those ships rely on each other?

Bah, this movie still makes my head hurt.

Many, They send star destroyers to the rest of the galaxy after blow-up the hosnian prime system.

The Resistance just destroy The Sith Fleet.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Reading those Terrio quotes reminds me of Doug/Rob Walker's "serious" film discussions lmao

just like a person thinking the stupidest shit is the most profound thing any human has ever thought


Oct 25, 2017
" So, the story is certainly pointing that way, and then, in the moment of Rey's death...I shouldn't use the word death because the word death is a complicated word there...But in the moment- it's not a death per se - when the life is going out of Rey, Finn can feel her and her last breaths. "

"I don't think we think of it as she's going to live there," Terrio said. "We thought of it as just paying her respects and sort of undoing the original sin at the end of the third movie, which is the separation of the twins...We very deliberately in the script described the wrapping of the sabers, as 'like you were wrapping infants.'


Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
" So, the story is certainly pointing that way, and then, in the moment of Rey's death...I shouldn't use the word death because the word death is a complicated word there...But in the moment- it's not a death per se - when the life is going out of Rey, Finn can feel her and her last breaths. "
Oct 28, 2017
" So, the story is certainly pointing that way, and then, in the moment of Rey's death...I shouldn't use the word death because the word death is a complicated word there...But in the moment- it's not a death per se - when the life is going out of Rey, Finn can feel her and her last breaths. "

"I don't think we think of it as she's going to live there," Terrio said. "We thought of it as just paying her respects and sort of undoing the original sin at the end of the third movie, which is the separation of the twins...We very deliberately in the script described the wrapping of the sabers, as 'like you were wrapping infants.'

What's the big deal with that comment?
Oct 25, 2017
" So, the story is certainly pointing that way, and then, in the moment of Rey's death...I shouldn't use the word death because the word death is a complicated word there...But in the moment- it's not a death per se - when the life is going out of Rey, Finn can feel her and her last breaths. "

"I don't think we think of it as she's going to live there," Terrio said. "We thought of it as just paying her respects and sort of undoing the original sin at the end of the third movie, which is the separation of the twins...We very deliberately in the script described the wrapping of the sabers, as 'like you were wrapping infants.'

Fuck I should write movies.

I am nowhere near as incoherent as this fuck.
Oct 28, 2017
Finn could have known about the navigation beacon because he knows how they work and it is likely on the command ship? Can't imagine the force helps unless it's using Bluetooth or something? Clearly force sensitive though given the feeling about Rey and they're really just friends and isn't he a thing with Rose?
It's literally spelled out in the movie that he knows which ship it is because he feels it

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Ben isn't the protagonist of the story. Rey is. JJ was setting Rey to have the mystery parentage with a reveal although he probably hadn't decided who yet.
Ben is the deuteragonist though. Rian's Johnson revelation for the mystery box that her parents are never coming back, and she's just herself like in the mirrors, a nobody who the force awakened, was a good enough reveal,


Oct 27, 2017
I'm the rare fan that loved TLJ and is totally on board with Palpatine, Rey Palpatine, Rey Skywalker and Ben's redemption. I think they were all very fitting and it's actually a really coherent trilogy watching it now.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not going to tell anyone to like TROS but seriously every nitpick was explained in this article and no the world isn't out to get you with PR spin.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

If the movie doesn't communicate ideas effectively, it's bad writing. Doesn't matter what is said after the fact.
Last movie ending with hope being spread based on what the Resistance accomplished, and episode IX them hammering home the fact that they should keep reaching out for others as opposed to giving up and assuming they'll never reach out back. Seems pretty clearly communicated to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's the thing. When TRoS started, I assumed that the First Order fleet got severely crippled due to the Holdo Maneuver. Even though the Resistance was reduced to basically 30 people, the First Order lost so many ships in that fight that other planets could have overthrown them, giving the Resistance new bases to choose from.

Again, the state of the First Order is unclear because the writers were too focused on the Final Order. Sure, Palpatine's fleet would likely curbstomp Kylo's fleet (despite being an asspull), but the movie seems to imply that the First Order fleet got reduced to a few ships.

So the question is how many First Order ships are left post-TLJ? If there wasn't any left why didn't the oppressed planets capitalize on it since it's clean they had the ships to take them on with some motivation, and if they still had a lot, wouldn't that have basically put everything back at square one?

Then again... what happened to that ship that blew up Zorii's planet since those ships rely on each other?

Bah, this movie still makes my head hurt.

The star destroyers don't rely on each other once in space - only for takeoff at planet level. Because reasons
Oct 26, 2017
" So, the story is certainly pointing that way, and then, in the moment of Rey's death...I shouldn't use the word death because the word death is a complicated word there...But in the moment- it's not a death per se - when the life is going out of Rey, Finn can feel her and her last breaths. "

"I don't think we think of it as she's going to live there," Terrio said. "We thought of it as just paying her respects and sort of undoing the original sin at the end of the third movie, which is the separation of the twins...We very deliberately in the script described the wrapping of the sabers, as 'like you were wrapping infants.'



The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Rey being a Palpatine is whatever. It could have been a cool storyline if we had some good writers. But Luke and Leia "knowing" she was a palp the whole time is SO STUPID

Every great idea this film has gets inflated by them not thinking the idea through properly, writing in the wrong details or omitting them. There was no need for Leia nor Luke to know that she was a Palpatine, it only creates problems and inconsistencies. The whole "kill me with hate and I take over your body" point would have been good and she didn't even have to be a Palpatine, just be filled with hatred. It would not contradict Palpatine/Snoke wanting Kylo to kill her. They could even expand on Palpatine needing a body and tie it in with the last movie:

Following Luke Skywalker's death and the the Resistance being almost completedly gone, hope is rising and people with force powers are slowly revealing themselves. People are joining the Resistance but at the same time, force sensitive people have been disappearing. There are rumours that Palpatine is back and he is the one kidnapping them for reasons unknown.

Finn could reveal to Rey that he is force sensitive mid way in the film.
-Finn could still meet the ex Storm troopers and then have some of them say that they are force sensitive and got kidnapped by Palpatine
-Palpatine just needs a strong body to take over and doesn't necessarily need it to be Rey or Kylo
-No Snoke is a clone of Palpatine rubbish
-The film could continue to destroy the Jedi-Sith dichotomy and have Rey, at the end, with a bunch of force sensitive people.
-She opens a school, takes in whoever is willing to join, and trains them/trains with them, dropping the terms Jedis and Siths and decides that the new generation of force sensitive users will be known as Skywalkers as tribute to Luke.

"Actually if you go through the notes, Lucas actually planned for a 12 episode trilogy at one point and we thought it best to go back to that idea. With this, the Skywalker Saga finally concludes."

Disney is officially announcing that the Star Wars franchise is now known as Skywalker Saga and retrospective renaming all media associated with the franchise. Disney also simultaneously announces Skywalker Saga Episode X : A New Star War, Skywalker Saga Episode XI : The Last Skywalker, Skywalker Saga Episode XII : ReRise of Palpatine.
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Jan 9, 2018
" I don't want to over-explain our intentions in the film, and I'd leave it to the audience to draw causal connections between events. "
Says it all really, a hack writer and JJ Abrams for the story of the conclusion of the Star Wars main saga. It never stood a chance.


Oct 30, 2019
I have been asking myself if the co-writer, he only gets 2nd billing on the screenplay (after JJ) and 4th out of 4 on the story chart, was a major part of the film´s problem as I like his Argo and BvS screenplays. He was totally fucked on JLA after all, what we saw in 2017 just isn´t his script, but reading this and other things cements to me that Terrio properly helped to undo this movie. It takes a village to burry a film and he personally helped to carry the ROS casket.

We know for a fact that Palps wasn´t on the cards when TFA came out to answer that page 4 question. He is a last-second swerve by JJ. There was no plan.
The OT at least build up the big bad in the 1976 book and Empire.

Edit: Was this posted?:
Why Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker's Writer Wishes It Was Split Into Two Movies
I wish we could have done that. There is a lot of plot in the movie, and as a writer, you always want scenes to let the plot breathe more. If there were a way of doing it, splitting it would have been my dream.

That's his 2nd 2-part pie in the sky script shot down after JLA. Even BvS is a part of a series film. Just settle for a one movie idea next time Terrio.
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Oct 27, 2017
I would like to respond to this thread, but I think I would prefer to leave it to the readers' interpretation as to what I wanted to say.


Oct 30, 2019
She buried the wrong saber btw. Luke´s is green. It may be on Ahch To...? Help me Era.
She buried Anakin´s and Leia´s sabers. What a movie, what amazing answers. And what does Rey own after this film? BB-8, cuz that double sun motif is in the final scene. The OT droids? The Falcon that Chewie may now own?


Oct 25, 2017
What a fucking mess and so disappointing.

Star Wars needs to go for a break and the creative team needs to plan their stories. Making it up as they go along is not going well for them, never did for George either.


Oct 26, 2017
There was no reason to assume Luke's sacrifice didn't inspire the galaxy other than the fact that there's absolutely zero reference to it throughout the movie.
and no reason anyone should have known about it, because there was no reason to tell the other resistance members.

They showed up because it was mistaken for being a refutation of the "nihilism" of the previous movie. "see look, things aren't so bad! People Will Band Together."

As though TLJ isn't one of the most hopeful movies in the series.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
My opinion is my own but I think there's just a lot of Last Jedi fans angry because it retconned a load of stuff in TLJ. Because objectively there's a shit ton of contradictory things in every Star Wars ever made.

Just one example is the clear fact that the Skywalker bloodline in the original was made up on the spot which brings up a whole lot of issues with the original saga, and that's just one thing "wrong" with the original Trilogy.

To me Rise of Skywalker is an extremely enjoyable Star Wars film (the third best out of all films including Star Wars stories), but like all Star Wars films shouldn't be taken as seriously as so many people here take these films.

I'd call myself a strong fan of the franchise and have a unique ranking compared to a lot of people: I myself found Last Jedi moderately entertaining but a little mediocre but I'm not shitting on the film like some people, the same how I won't shit on this film. Because I know the entire franchise is flawed.


Oct 27, 2017
If this movie wasn't so fucking petty when it comes to addressing TLJ's events, they wouldn't need to clarify important plot points in interviews. This movie sucks so much lmao

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
The more they talk the more I'm glad the ST is over. Shame it ended with such a mess, everyday ROS gets stupider the more I think about it


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
But if his body died in RotJ, why does his body in TRoS have burned off fingertips and does it look worse than his body in RotJ. Surely if he got a new body, he would look younger?

In the now non-cannon EU, Palpatine is put into the body of several different clones. They age rapidly and he has to move to another body.

But they didn't say that in the movie.


Oct 31, 2017
I wonder what happened with the writing and idea's after FA, Force Awakens seemed to have a bunch of idea's of where to go and setting up a path but for some reason the next movie scraps the previous two times in a row.

Putting down a bad movie is one thing, but you're not doing your self any favors by having to explain your movie in interviews.


Oct 27, 2017
I love this interview and the fact that Chris Terrio has to explain his terrible creation. I hope he faces a few more after this.


Oct 25, 2017
Edit: Was this posted?:
Why Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker's Writer Wishes It Was Split Into Two Movies
I wish we could have done that. There is a lot of plot in the movie, and as a writer, you always want scenes to let the plot breathe more. If there were a way of doing it, splitting it would have been my dream.

That's his 2nd 2-part pie in the sky script shot down after JLA. Even BvS is a part of a series film. Just settle for a one movie idea next time Terrio.




Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
Rey Palpatine is just dumb. I dont really care about everything else.
Oct 31, 2017
In TLJ the resistance sends out their call for help and no one comes. Then the audience sees Luke do his thing and little kids on far off worlds recounting the event showing us that the news has spread.

In ROS, he is saying that the resistance doesn't know yet that Luke's act has inspired anyone or changed anything even though we as the audience do. So When Lando goes out there's not much reason for them to assume anyone will come to help. So yeah thoughts/prayers/desperation whatever. The fact that they do is apparently because of what Luke did.

It "makes sense" I guess but it's not well done.

I honestly connected the climax with Luke's sacrifice inspiring hope and was surprised to see the discussion about it, but reading people's issues with it, I can see how it's something that would make sense but not feel as if the writers really thought it through when making the movie.


Oct 30, 2017
I honestly connected the climax with Luke's sacrifice inspiring hope and was surprised to see the discussion about it, but reading people's issues with it, I can see how it's something that would make sense but not feel as if the writers really thought it through when making the movie.

One of the many flaws this stupid movie has is how badly, like TFA, it establishes the actual state of the conflict and the after-effects of TLJ. Are The First Order now in complete control of the galaxy? Have the Resistance grown in number? How did the galaxy react to Luke's 'return'? Even downtrodden slave children know the story so it must have spread across the galaxy like wildfire. How much time has passed and what has Kylo Ren been doing in that time? The movie starts as if the last hour of Episode VIII never happened, as if Kylo chopped Snoke in half, Rey and the Resistance escaped somehow and Luke died offscreen with no explanation and this movie starts a week later.

After TLJ the logical backdrop for the next film was a galvanised Resistance with greater numbers due to Luke's miraculous return vs a mutinous First Order led by a humililated Kylo Ren. TROS sort of leans into both those things but not in a natural way, it doesn't feel like it properly lines up with the other films.
Oct 31, 2017
Nah, Terrio may have made some baffling decisions, but no shortage of them were at the behest of corporate influence.

Lucas' prequels were all his own.

I don't know if this movie is written worse than Attack of the Clones.

This movie's issue is that the story's writing isn't as good as the previous two, but there is some fun dialogue. AOTC has a good story on paper but is reaaallllly bad in the dialogue department.