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Oct 25, 2017

Now that I got your attention, I want to do a quick preface. I had been working on this thread for the past week and I was questioning doing it due to people's opinion on AI, especially After news of people being assholes using AI tech. This is highly unethical use of this technology and 100% disagree against that person's actions. I mean in no way to replace artists with this thread, and I urge you to support your favorite artists (not just by viewing their twitter). I merely just find this tech endlessly fascinating, and often times funny as hell. We finally have a glimpse into the room full of theoretically infinite monkeys on typewriters, and I can't help to peak what they come up with I don't claim any of this art as my own, nor am I suggesting people to profit off of it.

With that said, onto the weirdness. So as of last week Novelai came out with their image generation stuff. I had already had a Novelai account due to their text generation stuff (great to use in DnD, highly recommend even outside of image generation), and since I had tried Midjourney/Dall-e before, I decided to check it out. Unlike those AI, Novel's has been trained off of game/anime fanart. In that it makes it a lot different than those other AI, more dangerous in some aspects, and consequently more inline with the gaming forum.

So here's a some prompts I've been doing recently. One of my favorite things to do is take a character, and just see how far I can push the AI to put them in a weird/mundane situation. I've been constantly laughing at what the AI tries to come out with, sometimes horrifying sometimes so accurate it seems like black magic.

Case in point. "Cloud Strife trying to fix the jammed printer"

But I think we can go more specific. How about Lara spending her weekend evening?

"Lara Croft using a computer to post on the Resetera message board. She's angry at other users posting baqd impressions in the official Tomb Raider OT,computer,forum"

Unfortunately due to the nature of what it's trained off of, it's way better at women than guys. More popular the character, more likely it's accurate. Terry Bogard comes off as a knockoff.

But if the character is popular enough, it's pretty good. Here's link that came out better than I expected:

Unsurprisingly Tifa comes out scarily accurate, and produced one of my favorite pictures of the batch:

I liked that first one so much I enhanced it which adds more details from the preview images you get. Sometimes it's worse, sometimes better.

But like all fanart, it can be used for evil

So I accidentally left the "Furry" setting on from the previous sonic picture making this one. It came out interesting...

Here's the exact same prompt, no furry setting.

We can also make Megaman fans cry

Or get Mai in some decent clothing for once

It's been a rough launch.

One neat thing you can do is try to get the AI to draw a character in a specific artstyle.

Daisy always seemed like an extreme party girl. Also, out of all the characters the Daisy was the one the AI wanted to give maximum cleavage. This was one of the more subdued daisy pictures if that's any indication. This gives us some insight into the minds of Daisy fans.

I tried to get a nice action picture of Samus. The AI unsurprisingly really wanted her in her Zero Suit (heathens), so I had to specifically ban those words. The AI has a terrible time with armor, especially multicolor but it came out decent?

Let's end with something cute and try to generate the next pokemon starter.
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533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
why is monkey adam jensen on that first chris and wesker picture


Nov 6, 2017
This technology works so well, it totally came out of left field for me. I was not expecting Dall-E etc. for another decade or so. I mean it always strikes me that the images actually reflect the request, as bizarre as it may be.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 14, 2020
This is amazing, I wonder if I can use this to make my own fight stick art?

I love this technology and the democratization it can bring. My heart goes out to artists in cases their livelihood is encroached by this


Feb 13, 2018
I'm never gonna get over how badly these algorithms mess up hands. Just like, hey this is pretty fun, pretty good, not bad, OH MY GOD SHE HAS NON-EUCLIDEAN HANDS


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
I had to do a double take at my calendar to make sure it wasn't the weekend yet.

Fun stuff, though. I'm gonna see if I can make Slippy Toad file his taxes.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
I'm never gonna get over how badly these algorithms mess up hands. Just like, hey this is pretty fun, pretty good, not bad, OH MY GOD SHE HAS NON-EUCLIDEAN HANDS

i'm already changing my art schedule to 24/7 hand drawing training
in the future, the only artistic job avaliable will be fixing limbs done by AI generated art


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Wow some of those are truly impressive and some truly horrific

The Peach's one, especially the second one is like... way too accurate.


Oct 26, 2017
I love that they all look like straight out of shitty deviant art accounts. Sonic ones specially.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't realize Chun-li was running for president and visiting the Iowa state fair
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