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Oct 28, 2017
Nitpick: T'challa lost the fight thats why Kilmonger becomes king and why everyone listens to him.

Them dragging his body from the river and reviving him with magic vibranium juice doesnt make a loss into a tie.
If T'Challa actually didn't die and didn't submit, he didn't lose.

If Kilmonger actually cared about their traditions for any reason besides gaining power, he would have fought T'Challa 1 on 1 when he returned but he didn't care.

Playco Armboy

Oct 28, 2017
People throwing a hissy fit over Cinema Sins are some of the most insecure people on the Internet. Just pathetic.

I mean, people call it shit, actual fans get up in arms over getting roasted

Not really a hissy fit. The channel is just garbage and incredibly popular. It was bound to attract detractors, like Transformers.


Oct 25, 2017
People take CinemaSins WAY too seriously, it is entertainment first and art critique second.

Even calling it art critique is a stretch.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Kentucky, USA
A lot of this was Disney *loudly* tooting their own horn, especially in the wake of Wonder Woman embarrassing them by beating them to the female-helmed movie. This was the message Disney wanted us to hear, so I'm not surprised it's the message that stuck.
Disney was embarrassed? That is news. All I remember is Feige saying that while he wished they went first for the female helmed movie, he was also relieved that it took pressure off of them.

Or is this some more Grace Randolph bullshit?


Oct 25, 2017
Also LOL at people taking this Marvel crap a la Black Panther or Luke Cage seriously, like, this has anything relevant to say on politics.

Both the movie and the shows are basically about black on black violence and respectability politics all the time, and the great solution at the end is to buy some properties and build a school in Oakland or whereever by some guy who rules his country like a dictator. Yeah, this is what Africa needs, another country without democracy ruled by a nepotist authoritarian monarch. They are straight-up reactionary garbage, made to not offend an audience that in the majority isn't black.

This take is somehow worse than cinemasins'.


Oct 27, 2017
Now you making up your own rules. T'challa was stabbed multiple times and thrown off a cliff, hes dead. Interferring with the ritual is not allowed so reviving him does not count.


Oct 25, 2017
This shit is the worst, and it's infected discussion regarding all forms of media.


Oct 25, 2017
First of all, they're partially right. A significant amount of the buzz and praise in the media was for its all (mostly) black cast - at a headline level anyway. And a black director too! A lot of this was Disney *loudly* tooting their own horn, especially in the wake of Wonder Woman embarrassing them by beating them to the female-helmed movie. This was the message Disney wanted us to hear, so I'm not surprised it's the message that stuck.

But here's my point. The poster just says it felt "off," and that's kinda my point about the critiques. They can't articulate (or don't want to take the time to figure out) why they don't like the movie, and along with that they can't (or won't) figure out why critics did like it and how that misaligns with their experience and takeaways.

To a lot of people, it just still feels like another MCU film and that it's nothing special. So it's really easy to say "oh I guess it's getting a bump from being the first all-black comic book film" especially when the "all-black" nature of it was being pumped into our ears at every turn. I don't think that *necessarily* means racism - I think it speaks to general film illiteracy.

You're right, I can't articulate what it is about the movie I didn't enjoy. Just like I can't tell you why I don't like films like Zoolander, Big Lebowski, or video games and movies set in a Western setting (Red Dead, New Vegas, etc). Sometimes things just don't click, and if that's not enough for you, I'm sorry, but it is what it is.


Apr 19, 2018
Love cinemasins. Why do people get butthurt over everything? It's just a damn YouTube channel that nitpicks bs just for laughs.


Nov 16, 2017
Nobody's even talking about "sins"

Just taking the opportunity to mention why they thought Black Panther was garbage, overrated, boring, and how white people worldwide were forced to love such dreck.

Yall goddamn fragile. That's why I love this film. The reaction to it just pisses y'all off low-key.


Oct 25, 2017
Also LOL at people taking this Marvel crap a la Black Panther or Luke Cage seriously, like, this has anything relevant to say on politics.

Both the movie and the shows are basically about black on black violence and respectability politics all the time, and the great solution at the end is to buy some properties and build a school in Oakland or whereever by some guy who rules his country like a dictator. Yeah, this is what Africa needs, another country without democracy ruled by a nepotist authoritarian monarch. They are straight-up reactionary garbage, made to not offend an audience that in the majority isn't black.

Most people are just really bad at critiquing art. So when they don't like a thing that everybody else likes, they look for the simplest possible explanation. So like this poster who keeps getting roasted in this thread:

First of all, they're partially right. A significant amount of the buzz and praise in the media was for its all (mostly) black cast - at a headline level anyway. And a black director too! A lot of this was Disney *loudly* tooting their own horn, especially in the wake of Wonder Woman embarrassing them by beating them to the female-helmed movie. This was the message Disney wanted us to hear, so I'm not surprised it's the message that stuck.

But here's my point. The poster just says it felt "off," and that's kinda my point about the critiques. They can't articulate (or don't want to take the time to figure out) why they don't like the movie, and along with that they can't (or won't) figure out why critics did like it and how that misaligns with their experience and takeaways.

To a lot of people, it just still feels like another MCU film and that it's nothing special. So it's really easy to say "oh I guess it's getting a bump from being the first all-black comic book film" especially when the "all-black" nature of it was being pumped into our ears at every turn. I don't think that *necessarily* means racism - I think it speaks to general film illiteracy.
Hmmm. That rich and creamy diet racism.


Oct 25, 2017
If you're legit calling BP a "bad" film you're not worth it to be listened to.


Oct 27, 2017
Another nitpick: Vibranium is known as the strongest metal and has vibration absorbing properties.

Now its the basis of everything in wakanda (science, clothing, medicine, and even has spiritual properties).
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia

Name 3 movies released in 2018 better than Black Panther. Or even 1 lmao.

Good luck!

Goddamn, personal preferences and all that, but I can't even understand how anyone could think that Black Panther is the best movie in all 2018. Saying it with such confidence too ("good luck!").

I even like BP (though the best part of the movie is Shuri, not BP himself, lol), but to say that kind of thing with such confidence and condescending tone, damn. Such a narrow-minded view expressed in such confidence is astounding, to say the least.


Oct 25, 2017
Also LOL at people taking this Marvel crap a la Black Panther or Luke Cage seriously, like, this has anything relevant to say on politics.

Both the movie and the shows are basically about black on black violence and respectability politics all the time, and the great solution at the end is to buy some properties and build a school in Oakland or whereever by some guy who rules his country like a dictator. Yeah, this is what Africa needs, another country without democracy ruled by a nepotist authoritarian monarch. They are straight-up reactionary garbage, made to not offend an audience that in the majority isn't black.

This is a really bad take.

'Made to not offend an audience that in the majority isnt black'? Both LC and BP are overwhelmingly black. LC lives and breathes African-American identity, and then BP leans heavily on Africa and black excellence. If they were made to 'not offend' a white audience don't you think they'd really water down the blackness of them, chuck a couple white saviours in there?

LC is dealing with issues in an African-American district. Sure there's black-on-black crime but guess what that happens in predominantly black areas. Not as a stereotype of crime but in terms of y'know... The ethnic make up of the area.

BP ultimately boils down to black on black violence but that's because of opposing ideologies of dealing with white-on-black violence and oppression. And guess what both the protagonist and antagonist are wrong and the real answer is somewhere inbetween them. White people straight up caused the conflict in BP. And you know that the film would straight up trigger these supposed sensitive white audiences, the film isn't built to 'not offend', it takes its own path confidently.

Even outside of the narrative of the media, both productions gave opportunities and platforms to black talent who flourished. Actors, writers, directions, musicians, production... Both properties and giving blacks really good opportunities, and in both properties they've worked their assess off and deserve the recognition for their good work.

Look I'm not claiming either is a generational impact or will influence race relations in the country but to just write them off as typical white productions is lazy at best.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
They establish earlier that the only way to win is either by death or submission. T'challa didn't die and he sure as shit didn't submit so therefore the fight never really ended.
I'm pretty sure any judge would consider that a knock out. You can't submit or die when you're just unconscious like he was. He lost 100%.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
They establish earlier that the only way to win is either by death or submission. T'challa didn't die and he sure as shit didn't submit so therefore the fight never really ended.

One of the strict rules of the fights is no one should be able to interfere.

Dragging T'challa from the river, nursing him back to full health, does that not count as interfering though? T'Challa would be dead if no one is around to help him after he fell to the waterfall. I mean what kind of "fair" fight is it if your opponent is allowed to be nursed to full health again by other people after you beat them to death?

Heck even during the fight T'challa got saved by the priest guy, right?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Florida, USA
It went from being a mineral to a literal cure-all.

Like when bilbo is suprised at everything and their reasoning is "lol vibranium".
hm not sure if I should entertain this one but you might need to watch the movie again. Some of these nitpicks are more along the lines of you didn't pay attention to plot details.
Oct 25, 2017
Disney was embarrassed? That is news. All I remember is Feige saying that while he wished they went first for the female helmed movie, he was also relieved that it took pressure off of them.

Or is this some more Grace Randolph bullshit?

Eh, I'm probably exaggerating. It just definitely felt to me like they were upset that DC got there first and they wanted to get some of the same buzz for themselves.

Also I don't know who Grace Randolph is. And after a quick Google, I'm pretty sure I've never heard anything she's said before.

You're right, I can't articulate what it is about the movie I didn't enjoy. Just like I can't tell you why I don't like films like Zoolander, Big Lebowski, or video games and movies set in a Western setting (Red Dead, New Vegas, etc). Sometimes things just don't click, and if that's not enough for you, I'm sorry, but it is what it is.

It's not necessarily a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with just enjoying (or not enjoying) a movie without thinking about why. But the back side of that card is the caveat that the "I just didn't like it" post isn't particularly meaningful and lets people project their own perspectives onto you (eg, the posters in this thread more or less straight up calling you racist).


Oct 27, 2017
Also LOL at people taking this Marvel crap a la Black Panther or Luke Cage seriously, like, this has anything relevant to say on politics.

Both the movie and the shows are basically about black on black violence and respectability politics all the time, and the great solution at the end is to buy some properties and build a school in Oakland or whereever by some guy who rules his country like a dictator. Yeah, this is what Africa needs, another country without democracy ruled by a nepotist authoritarian monarch. They are straight-up reactionary garbage, made to not offend an audience that in the majority isn't black.
Wow, that is an astoundingly dumb comment. Did you see the film?

Everything else from the plot to the storytelling and especially the effects were garbage.
You never did answer. What exactly about the plot and storytelling are garbage?

Son Goku

Oct 31, 2017
Cinemasins is not serious film criticism guys. They're a comedy series so of course they're going to be overly critical and invent dumb stuff for sins. Did you take their troll 2 video where it had zero sins seriously or when they had the bonus round for titanic where they sinned every time the main 2 characters say each other's names? Honestly how obvious do they need to make it? Honest trailers spelled it out in their winter soldier trailer but I guess cinemasins has to say it outright as well


Oct 25, 2017
It's not necessarily a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with just enjoying (or not enjoying) a movie without thinking about why. But the back side of that card is the caveat that the "I just didn't like it" post isn't particularly meaningful and lets people project their own perspectives onto you (eg, the posters in this thread more or less straight up calling you racist).

People are VERY quick to label someone as racist in the current landscape. If that makes them feel better, more power to them. Me saying I'm not racist won't convince anyone otherwise. But this is veering deeper off topic, so I'm bouncing out of this thread to avoid derailing!

Carry on!

Playco Armboy

Oct 28, 2017
People are VERY quick to label someone as racist in the current landscape. If that makes them feel better, more power to them. Me saying I'm not racist won't convince anyone otherwise. But this is veering deeper off topic, so I'm bouncing out of this thread to avoid derailing!

Carry on!

'black pander only got high ratings cuz black peeepul'

Gets called out.

'oh no im not racist you guys are the ones with issues ok byeee!'

So predictable and transparent.


Nov 11, 2017
The fact in AoU Tony Stark claims that the Klaue only in recent years learned of vibranium yet Papa Killmonger has been dead for years is a huge plot hole few people notice.


Oct 25, 2017
People in this thread.

People are VERY quick to label someone as racist in the current landscape. If that makes them feel better, more power to them. Me saying I'm not racist won't convince anyone otherwise. But this is veering deeper off topic, so I'm bouncing out of this thread to avoid derailing!

Carry on!


Oct 25, 2017
Cinemasins is not serious film criticism guys. They're a comedy series so of course they're going to be overly critical and invent dumb stuff for sins. Did you take their troll 2 video where it had zero sins seriously or when they had the bonus round for titanic where they sinned every time the main 2 characters say each other's names? Honestly how obvious do they need to make it? Honest trailers spelled it out in their winter soldier trailer but I guess cinemasins has to say it outright as well

Ignoring the fact that it's also not funny, they also use the same criticisms in their "Everything Wrong with" videos as they do in their non-comedy movie reviews. It's serious criticism until it needs to be comedy to avoid criticism. It's comedy until it's actual criticism to avoid derision. Mostly, it's just bad.


Oct 27, 2017
hm not sure if I should entertain this one but you might need to watch the movie again. Some of these nitpicks are more along the lines of you didn't pay attention to plot details.

The movie covers a very serious subject matter in a very grounded way but the fantastical elements are a little too jarring and are constantly hand waved away by simply saying "vibranium".
Oct 25, 2017
The movie covers a very serious subject matter in a very grounded way but the fantastical elements are a little too jarring and are constantly hand waved away by simply saying "vibranium".

That's a great observation. The film's otherwise serious subject matter is why this feels so strange here, as opposed to say Ant-Man's Pym Particles which might as well be magic.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not attacking, I just really want the people defending CinemaSins as a "comedy series" to be honest with themselves.

Do you really go to that channel for comedy? Or for the satisfaction of having a movie "taken down"? Cause those types of entertainment aren't the same things.


Oct 27, 2017
it is a superhero/comic book movie.

lol ok, then have T'challa fight some alien not the physical representation of the effects of racism that the black community has faced in real life.

Edit: Also Killmonger is right even at the end when people complain about his one note motivation.

Son Goku

Oct 31, 2017
Ignoring the fact that it's also not funny, they also use the same criticisms in their "Everything Wrong with" videos as they do in their non-comedy movie reviews. It's serious criticism until it needs to be comedy to avoid criticism. It's comedy until it's actual criticism to avoid derision. Mostly, it's just bad.
Comedy is subjective. I laugh at a lot of their videos even when I disagree because some are so ridiculous you know they're not being serious. It's up to the audience to discern

Son Goku

Oct 31, 2017
I'm not attacking, I just really want the people defending CinemaSins as a "comedy series" to be honest with themselves.

Do you really go to that channel for comedy? Or for the satisfaction of having a movie "taken down"? Cause those types of entertainment aren't the same things.
I often enjoy their videos for my favorite movies more so than the ones I've already insulted to hell. I even request my favorite movies. Can't take your movies too seriously


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not attacking, I just really want the people defending CinemaSins as a "comedy series" to be honest with themselves.

Do you really go to that channel for comedy? Or for the satisfaction of having a movie "taken down"? Cause those types of entertainment aren't the same things.

Comedy. What an inane thing to ask. I don't have a personal stake in any movie, I don't have an emotional attachment to them or CinemaSins. He's 'made fun' of movies I've liked and I didn't take it personally. Yet there are certain people who don't seem to have that disconnect. People that see them making silly jokes about something they like and suddenly it's some sort of massive affront to them and movies.

Cinema Sins is just Rifftrax/MST3K condensed to 10 minute serving. I've been watching Riffs/funny takes on movies for nearly 30 years... One of the favorite things me and my wife do is watch movies and talk through/make fun of them.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
I'm not attacking, I just really want the people defending CinemaSins as a "comedy series" to be honest with themselves.

Do you really go to that channel for comedy? Or for the satisfaction of having a movie "taken down"? Cause those types of entertainment aren't the same things.

I mean, you are asking but you seem to only accept answers that conform to your prejudice? "To be honest with themselves", really? Lol.

Note: I don't like CinemaSins too.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Florida, USA
lol ok, then have T'challa fight some alien not the physical representation of the effects of racism that the black community has faced in real life.

Edit: Also Killmonger is right even at the end when people complain about his one note motivation.
you do know the killmonger story line is straight from the comics right?

Even Killmonger throwing T'challa off the cliff/waterfall is from the comics.
Oct 25, 2017
Comedy. What an inane thing to ask. I don't have a personal stake in any movie, I don't have an emotional attachment to them or CinemaSins. He's 'made fun' of movies I've liked and I didn't take it personally. Yet there are certain people who don't seem to have that disconnect. People that see them making silly jokes about something they like and suddenly it's some sort of massive affront to them and movies.

Cinema Sins is just Rifftrax/MST3K condensed to 10 minute serving. I've been watching Riffs/funny takes on movies for nearly 30 years... One of the favorite things me and my wife do is watch movies and talk through/make fun of them.

Yeah, but Rifftrax goes after bad movies. CinemaSins go after every movie and make shit up and misrepresent the actual plot and content of the movie in order to get the sin count and pump out more videos.

you do know the killmonger story line is straight from the comics right?

Even Killmonger throwing T'challa off the cliff/waterfall is from the comics.

For what it's worth, "it's from the comics" isn't really a valid defense of a plotline. Either it works or it doesn't. Where it came from is irrelevant.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not attacking, I just really want the people defending CinemaSins as a "comedy series" to be honest with themselves.

Do you really go to that channel for comedy? Or for the satisfaction of having a movie "taken down"? Cause those types of entertainment aren't the same things.

I go to have a laugh at how Jeremy reads the sins. I don't care what the sins are. And hell, like I said before, most of the time it has made me want to see the movie he is sinning.

I'm not in it for a serious review. I'm not in it for the "hah, this move is really shit, gotcha" nonsense.

It's similar to how John Oliver says "holy shit". It's not that he says it that makes it funny, it's how he says it.
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