
Oct 25, 2017
We are very excellent at hiding it. The only reason people know that I'm suicidal is because I chose to make that public so that if I ever do go through with it, it won't be such a shock to them.
To be honest, all you have to do is not say you want to kill yourself in front of people. Use to people cracking jokes about how I never smile, never am happy, hate everything and noticing my bruised knuckles. But they're shocked when I tell them I've been diagnosed and hospitalized for it. People just tend to pass over things that aren't a bright sign or affect them.

Rest in Peace.


Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
To be honest, all you have to do is not say you want to kill yourself in front of people. Use to people cracking jokes about how I never smile, never am happy, hate everything and noticing my bruised knuckles. But they're shocked when I tell them I've been diagnosed and hospitalized for it. People just tend to pass over things that aren't a bright sign or affect them.

Rest in Peace.
Yeah pretty much. It's gotten to the point now where no one even bothers to ask me if I'm ok. Which is fine because I don't like lying.


Oct 26, 2017
For new new new page:

Parts Unknown gets re-contracted practically ever month after it goes down. It should be back the 17th, or a day later.

Deleted member 8118

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Just reach out man. The mental health thread is full of people that wanna help people like us that are struggling. Never be afraid to reach out a hand. I guarantee you someone will grab and do the best they can to help. Distractions can help I'll be the first to admit that, but talking or venting does infinitely more good in my experience.

I've gotten to the point where I've gotten kind of tired of be talking to be honest. Doesn't really make sense if I wake up in the morning feeling up to conquering my self only to be falling asleep wishing I were dead.


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
I fucking cried at Anderson's little segment today about Bourdain. I mean this might be the most devastating celebrity death to me. I can't believe the person who got me into writing and got me to start traveling to new cities and exploring is dead. I fucking miss him already

Deleted member 25709

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 29, 2017
RIP. Going to have a large feast in memory of him in the next several days trying food from various cultures around the city.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
I've gotten to the point where I've gotten kind of tired of be talking to be honest. Doesn't really make sense if I wake up in the morning feeling up to conquering my self only to be falling asleep wishing I were dead.

Hey man, real talk. The world is better with you and you are loved.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm watching the Hong Kong episode now and it's hard not to get emotional about the news, particularly when he fanboys over Christopher Doyle. The fact that the whole episode is in 21:9 is something special.

A lot of the episode is about how old Hong Kong is dying too, which just looms over his passing as well.


Pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down, pushin’ me down
Oct 24, 2017
Damn I missed the Anderson Cooper rerun tonight, watching Cuomo now. If anyone has a link to the AC one I'd appreciate it


Oct 27, 2017
Never watched his shows but he just seemed like a nice, genuine man. You know what I mean? Just really likable.

From the comments in here, I can see my first impression was right.

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
I feel bad for not knowing much about this guy =( his loss is hitting home for so many people


Oct 25, 2017
Yeesh, I thought I'd reminisce by watching the NJ episode of No Reservations and halfway through he says he is so depressed he wants to kill himself (stale chips, ostensibly)


Oct 26, 2017
I loved all his shows. I never knew he had addiction issues. Seemed like such a nice guy. He will be missed.


Oct 29, 2017
I feel like Bourdain, from the way he spoke or wrote about people he admired, coupled with how humble he was, probably didn't recognize how much he was himself a star, in many ways a far greater one than those he looked up to. It shouldn't have ended like this, if he could still speak now I think he would already regret having ended his life, I just wish we had managed collectively to let him know how much he was loved and needed.
Oct 25, 2017
Before our honeymoon, my wife and I watched a bunch of "the layover" episodes of his. The one in Paris, where he eats some bomb ass bread, drinks some wine and chats with some funny people, was incredibly influential on our trip. His advice "look at the tourist stuff from across the street, take a picture, then find something cool in a back street somewhere" was the best advice ever. We found some amazing places all throughout Europe by just getting lost.

I've used his videos in tons of classes I teach. For Foods. For culture. For the scenery. For just humour. Teens always loved his stuff and some of the perception issues he highlighted over his shows was a great way to get kids thinking about how we view countries and the people in them.

Rip dude. Sucks that it ended this way.


Oct 25, 2017
Sandy Eggo
God. Idiot people on my facebook are peddling conspiracy theories that he was murdered. Responses with "Agreed. The MSM won't tell you the truth"


Nov 1, 2017
God. Idiot people on my facebook are peddling conspiracy theories that he was murdered. Responses with "Agreed. The MSM won't tell you the truth"
Everyone I've seen on FB are blaming Asia Argento for dumping him and hooking up with another dude which... is stupid because lots of guys see their girlfriends move on to another guy and don't kill themselves. This is a mental health issue, but people are so dead set on blaming the women for this (either Hillary Clinton or Anthony's ex).


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Everyone I've seen on FB are blaming Asia Argento for dumping him and hooking up with another dude which... is stupid because lots of guys see their girlfriends move on to another guy and don't kill themselves. This is a mental health issue, but people are so dead set on blaming the women for this (either Hillary Clinton or Anthony's ex).
If in any situation involving a white man there is a minority or a woman to adhere blame to, people will do it unfortunately.


Oct 27, 2017
I suspect that many of you know Bourdain through television. But I cannot recommend enough his book 'Kitchen Confidential' - it's... authentic.

There's one 'incident' in the book involving a job interview at a steakhouse, and a Scotch owner, that will have you laughing out loud.

"What do you know about... me?"


Oct 29, 2017
I suspect that many of you know Bourdain through television. But I cannot recommend enough his book 'Kitchen Confidential' - it's... authentic.

There's one 'incident' in the book involving a job interview at a steakhouse, and a Scotch owner, that will have you laughing out loud.

"What do you know about... me?"

Yeah that's such a classic story. I had bought three of his books, but only read Kitchen Confidential, which I loved. I had started to read The Nasty Bits, but I don't remember why exactly I didn't enjoy it and never got through with it, and ended up selling all three books on eBay eventually, I didn't read much back then, but I should have kept KC though, will probably get it back, because his style is something I want to go back and read again.


Oct 29, 2017
His ability to tell stories was simply incredible, and his voice was perfect for it. Bourdain gave me happiness, hope and a longing to learn/eat/travel more. He was truly someone very special, unique, a one of a kind.

I'm going to miss him, a lot. I don't think I'll ever stop watching his work.

Meat on a stick was his favorite :) He could never say no to it, whatever iteration or form it came in.

Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
His ability to tell stories was simply incredible, and his voice was perfect for it. Bourdain gave me happiness, hope and a longing to learn/eat/travel more. He was truly someone very special, unique, a one of a kind.

I'm going to miss him, a lot. I don't think I'll ever stop watching his work.

Meat on a stick was his favorite :) He could never say no to it, whatever iteration or form it came in.
And he loved to drink! He took a ridiculous pleasure in everything he ate and drank, like James Bond in a way.

He was a fan of Asian cinema and movies in general and his "No Reservations" episodes are legendary - especially the Japan episodes.

He is already sorely missed and it depresses me that he's gone. My prayers go out to his family and loved ones during their time of bereavement.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
I was browsing youtube, and his trip to Armenia came up.

Cool as hell that Serj Tankian met up with him there, I love SOAD and their conversation/interview was perfect.



Oct 25, 2017
Sorry if I'm late I'm realizing this, but I saw A Cook's Tour is free for streaming with Amazon Prime. Is this a recent thing? I could have sworn it wasn't free when I checked this morning.


Oct 25, 2017
From Mike Rowe

"Hello Darkness, My Old Friend"

On a hot night in 2005, after a long day of spelunking through the septic tanks of Wisconsin, I retired to my suite at the Motel 6, to wallow in the perks of my chosen profession.

First, there was the tepid shower, followed by another. Then, there was the tepid beer, followed by another. Then, I logged into the Dirty Jobs Mudroom, where I planned to chat with fans of my show while watching myself on television, (a narcissistic but mostly harmless habit that eventually got out of control and turned into this Facebook page.) But that's another story.

On this particular evening, stretched out on a suspicious comforter held together with the DNA of previous guests, I stumbled across a smart-aleck on The Travel Channel eating fermented shark meat in Iceland, and telling his producer he'd be dead by morning. I had to laugh. Just a few hours earlier, I had been eating a fermented hoagie in an open sewer, and lodging a similar prediction with my own producer.

Naturally, I was intrigued by what appeared to be a kindred spirit, Forrest-Gumping his way around the world, pushing the bounds of non-fiction television. The show was called "No Reservations," and no – I didn't think it was better than Dirty Jobs. But I did think it was every bit as good, and the more I watched, the more I grew to appreciate this subversive chef's naked contempt for all the fakery of traditional production. I loved the way he went out of his way be seen as a "traveler," not a tourist. It reminded me of my own attempts to be seen as a "guest," and not a host.

From that moment, I was a fan. I read his books, and enjoyed them all. But what I enjoyed even more was the way Tony pushed The Travel Channel into some very uncomfortable territory. It's not that I think bad language and drinking on camera are cool or edgy; I don't. But I loved the fact that Tony pushed the network to let the show evolve around his point of view, and his personality. In those days, that almost never happened. It's still very rare, mostly because the shows are the property of the network, and the network almost always has an opinion about how their hosts should and shouldn't behave. But Bourdain was his own man – a man on a mission to produce a show that was authentic to him. I admired that. I also admired the way he pushed back when his name and likeness were used to sell Cadillacs without his permission. https://bit.ly/2Jt0EWB He had integrity, and was unafraid to walk away from a steady gig when he believed he was in the right.

I think my favorite thing he ever did was an episode for Parts Unknown. Tony goes scuba diving for octopi in Sicily, with the help of a local producer. But when there are no octopi to be found on the sea floor, the producer starts dropping them off the side of the boat.

Imagine the scene. Bourdain is twenty feet down with his cameraman, when store-bought, frozen octopi begin to float slowly by. It's absurd, but precisely what a typical producer in my industry would do to do "salvage" a scene. Bourdain however, is appalled, and does the only sensible thing he can - he drinks through the rest of the episode, heavily. Later, in voiceover, he reveals the botched attempt to fool the viewer by airing the raw footage. It's the most honest thing I've ever seen, in a genre that stages 95% of what it presents as real.

Full disclosure - I don't know Tony well enough to eulogize him. We met a few times, here and there, shared a few drinks, and complemented each other on our respective careers. We disagreed on plenty, but we approached non-fiction television the same way. We both looked askance at rehearsals, scripts, executive oversight, and most of all, second takes. And we both tried to use our platforms to do more than entertain.

A few years ago, at an event in New York, we traded war stories over some better than average bourbon. I asked Tony about the warthog anus he ate in Namibia, and whether or not the subsequent antibiotics did the trick.

"Hard to know," he said. "By then, I'd developed a kind of natural immunity. What about you? Still keeping the Hep-A at bay?"

"So far so good," I said. "My problems these days are mostly with PETA."

Tony laughed. "Don't get me started. They've got a file on me the size of a phone book."

We talked about the importance of showing people where their food comes from. He told me about the petition against CNN that arose when he removed the beating heart from a snake. I told him about the boycott against Discovery when I shot a cow and butchered it on camera. We talked about the difficulty of producing a truly authentic show with sponsors and advertisers and millions of viewers with competing agendas, and how grateful he was for the chance to deliver the show he wanted to deliver. I told him about the night I saw him choking down the fermented shark in Iceland, back in 2005, and asked him if he ever imagined a scene like that would lead to a Peabody Award. He told me that awards were nice, but never part of the plan.

"I was mostly trying to amuse myself," he said. "I just wanted to do a show that I could be proud of."

Yesterday, when I heard he'd hung himself, I thought about the first time I saw "No Reservations," while I was stretched out on that suspicious comforter in a Motel 6 outside Madison. I just found the clip on You Tube, and watched it again - this time from the comfort of a leather sofa, where the only DNA present was my own. I couldn't help but notice the title of the episode - "Hello Darkness, My Old Friend."

Old friends, it seems, have a way of reuniting.
Tragically, in this case.

My sympathies to his loved ones, and to his millions of fans trying to make sense of the inexplicable. His was a truly unique voice, and I'll be among those who miss it.



Oct 27, 2017
CNN is showing a marathon right now. It's just so damn great. There's other travel shows, there's youtubers who do tourism channels, but there's just nothing that has been as great as this one. In the episode on right now he's eating dinner in Charleston with Bill Murray and another famous chef. I don't know how I missed this one. The show is just so calmingly intoxicating.

I'll always love his Tokyo intro:


Jan 4, 2018
Double the hurt because of how his life ended. He seemed so fond of beautiful and colorful things...Man, suicidal thoughts are the worst! Sincere condolences to all that had been part of his journey...RIP...


Oct 26, 2017
Sorry if I'm late I'm realizing this, but I saw A Cook's Tour is free for streaming with Amazon Prime. Is this a recent thing? I could have sworn it wasn't free when I checked this morning.

Maybe? I checked one of the streaming aggregate sites last night and didn't see it.

Either way, thanks for the heads up. The French Laundry episode is always a joy.


Nov 27, 2017
I've binge watched parts unknown on Netflix all day. Great stuff. The episode in i China with Eric is extra sad now.