Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Interesting data coming out. Seems like it's still breaking on the samelines as everything else aka bad news for Trump

Republicans and Democrats are on opposite sides of this question: 77% of Republicans say the President has been exonerated, 80% of Democrats say he has not. Independents break against exoneration -- 58% say the President and his campaign were not exonerated.
Those who say they have heard or read "a great deal" about the report (about 23% of the public), however, are more apt to say the President has been cleared: 56% in that group say Trump and his campaign have been exonerated of any collusion, while 44% say it wasn't exoneration but that collusion could not be proven.



Oct 25, 2017
I think anyone who thinks they've heard "a great deal" about the report is full of shit given that it hasn't been released to the public


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, this should be obvious, but I'm actually pleasantly surprised that a majority of people haven't just shrugged their shoulders and moved on.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been saying this for a while: Most people have already made up their minds on this stuff. I don't think it's going to have the dramatic effect on the election that people think it will.

Honestly, if you look at everything that went down and go "hey, I guess this means trump's okay with me!" You were already going to vote for trump.

'3y Kingdom

Oct 27, 2017
Trump TV propaganda doing good work on Repubs.
77% is a low number for this sort of thing.
The 43% overall in the new poll saying the President has been exonerated is about the same as the 42% who said in a CNN poll earlier this year that Trump's campaign did not collude with the Russian government to help get Trump elected. That suggests the summary letter released Sunday did little to move public opinion on this matter.

Mar Tuuk

Oct 31, 2017
Even Barr's summary said he was not exonerated.

Anyone thinking he is exonerated is:

1) A propagandist.
2) Stupid.
3) Both.
Barr said he was not exonerated on Obstruction.

Barr and Mueller said he was clear of collusion

I find it crazy even though Mueller is quoted on the collusion front people still won't believe him.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been saying this for a while: Most people have already made up their minds on this stuff. I don't think it's going to have the dramatic effect on the election that people think it will.

Honestly, if you look at everything that went down and go "hey, I guess this means trump's okay with me!" You were already going to vote for trump.
Yep, pretty much my take away as well


Oct 25, 2017
But "He won't stop winning".
Most minds are made up at this point the report was just gonna be validation of existing views.
Oct 27, 2017
Well, he literally was not exonerated according to Mueller's actual findings. He's guilty of obstruction and likely a plethora of white collar felony financial crimes over the course of his career that would have invalidated him being eligible to hold the office of the presidency.
Oct 26, 2017
Barr's summary is not an exoneration, it's an excuse, and that's all that matters for Republicans looking to legitimize Trump or justify voting for him (again).


Oct 25, 2017
Cuck Zone
I find it crazy even though Mueller is quoted on the collusion front people still won't believe him.
The definition they're using is extremely narrow. They cannot prosecute them on conspiring with the Russian government. That doesn't mean NO COLLUSION! no matter how many papers and news agencies run with that. If it was all a big misunderstanding, I'm positive that Barr would have been quite clear about what was found in his summary.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Wait I thought the credibility of everyone who thought there was any Russia–Trump impropriety had been brutally and humiliatingly destroyed by Barr's airtight rebuttal of them?????


Oct 27, 2017
I've been saying this for a while: Most people have already made up their minds on this stuff. I don't think it's going to have the dramatic effect on the election that people think it will.

Honestly, if you look at everything that went down and go "hey, I guess this means trump's okay with me!" You were already going to vote for trump.


This is more for the ~20% of Americans that are truly undecided... And yes, they're out there.

Deleted member 16365

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That independant number is huge, and hopefully something that empowers the house to do something about this. Trump's word isn't good enough and this isn't something that will just go away.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
These are good findings... the best outcome short of an actual indictment is it having no effect.... 2020 should not be fought on the Mueller investigation


Nov 2, 2017
Obviously not exonerated when virtually everyone else in your inner circle is guilty of something while working for him. Alas, the man is smart enough (and rich enough) to entice others do all the dirty work on his behalf, but without having him physically be involved or leave any real physical smoking gun evidence putting him directly involved in any of these shenanigans. And every time another top guy in the inner circle goes down, Donald can first scream "Fake news!" and "leftists conspiracy", and then change the tune to claiming to never like or trust the guy, or that they were obviously big liars when they do go down.

Combine this with the protection the Presidency gives him from being booked and hardcore questioned when under suspicion of something (like anyone else would be), and the Republican senate that will not take any action against him, unless there was undisputable hard physical evidence found against him whichforced the matter, which sadly he is smart enough to not leave. It would pretty much take a video surfacing of him literally selling out the country to Putin in a face to face meeting to get the Rebublican senate to impeach.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
Barr said he was not exonerated on Obstruction.

Barr and Mueller said he was clear of collusion

I find it crazy even though Mueller is quoted on the collusion front people still won't believe him.

If Barr cut the investigation short is Mueller's "clearing" meaningful?

Barr used sentence fragments and weasel words. That's only needed when trying to mischaracterize or hide context (like, the context of an investigation arbitrarily shortened by a political appointee. The point of having a special counsel is to keep political appointees out of the process. The correct outcome of Mueller's investigation is to let Congress analyze it, not Barr.

Let's see the whole report and get Barr and Rosenstein and Mueller under subpoena before deciding that Mueller's decision was the collusion exoneration people think it is.

Barr's history is as a political operative protecting Republican officials from the laws of our nation.

I can't believe anyone is crazy enough to believe Barr and his memo on *anything*. Chumps for Trump, they are. Trump has been trying to find an AG that protects him as an individual from the beginning. Notice how happy he is right now?

Deleted member 9838

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
He isn't exonerated of it. He already admitted himself he did it during an NBC interview after the Comey firing. Thing is there isn't substantial evidence of there being a collusion ring between the Trump camp and the Kremlin so it kinda takes the wind out of it even if it was illegal and shitty.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
This is why people needed to relax after the report dropped.

His base was always going to pretend this was some sort of victory but the fact is, most people are smart enough to understand that there was CLEARLY collusion on some level.


Oct 30, 2017
I thought the conclusion of the report was that there was insufficient evidence to prove collusion? Is that different from exoneration? I'm not super familiar with legalese.


Oct 30, 2017
This all but means Trump is elected in 2020!!!

It certainly doesn't hurt his chances. Libs wasting two and a half years on the dumbest possible mode of attack is bad on its own, but now imagine how much leverage it gives him during campaigning. He spent most of his campaign saying that the press is on a witch hunt and trying too root out collusion where there isn't any, and he's right.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
It certainly doesn't hurt his chances. Libs wasting two and a half years on the dumbest possible mode of attack is bad on its own, but now imagine how much leverage it gives him during campaigning. He spent most of his campaign saying that the press is on a witch hunt and trying too root out collusion where there isn't any, and he's right.

Just want to let you know what I wrote was mocking people who flipped their shit and think every little thing makes Trump instantly win 2020

And also that pretty much everything you wrote is wrong.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
For conspiracy (the proper term, dont let Individual-1 mold your vocabulary FFS), I will actually set on the side of Mueller's finding that no, it was not reached to the point of indictment.

I will have to see THE report though. Maybe we should soon, yes? I have questions about the wording after what his prosecutors themselves said in court and in indictments. Willingness is one avenue of possibility I've been thinking...

Lemon Crest

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
People always think the government is covering things so Barr releasing just a summary and refusing to show the full report just plays into that.


Oct 25, 2017
England m8.
With all the public displays of hey I'm commiting outright obstruction and me bending over for Putin doesn't scream something weird is going on. You're deluded.

Never mind Trump's history of corruption and links to Russian ogliarchs. đź’€


Mar 21, 2019
Bill Barr is an obvious thug and lackey and anyone who doesn't see that is completely dense. this of course applies to most of the reporters in the mainstream media treating Barr's half assed summary as the final word on the investigation.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
And yet he thought it did and still went after healthcare immediately afterwards...


Oct 25, 2017
I thought the conclusion of the report was that there was insufficient evidence to prove collusion? Is that different from exoneration? I'm not super familiar with legalese.
Insufficient evidence of guilt can mean that the evidence proves innocence (which would have been made clear in the letter if so) to the evidence very persuasively proves guilt but falls short of the standard of proof (probably beyond a reasonable doubt). We have know idea what the state of the evidence actually is.


Oct 28, 2017
This is largely because of the cultural conversation regarding the report. Liberals get to, and have been saying, if there's nothing in it, then republicans should release, and it's very hard for a republican to disagree without looking dumb. As a result we now generate the next instance of the argument where democrats get to point out that it is the republican party that is blocking it.
First, the "have heard a great deal" people believing he's exonerated makes sense since the only way you've heard a great deal is if you listen to propaganda about a report nobody has read.

Second, that so many independents still don't buy it may suggest there's fantastic potential for the full report getting released or leaked. If the details make Trump and cronies look dirty as homemade sin just not with enough proof to directly indict, it should help insure Trump remains underwater.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty nuts considering how much the media is carrying water for the administration. The amount of headlines talking about what Mueller's report says despite no one knowing is fucking staggering.