
Oct 25, 2017
Forgive my ignorance, been tuned out, how does this relate to Alex Jones?

It's not. There hasn't been enough time for anyone to comb through that data, if it's even been delivered yet. We know they've been requested by the Jan 6 committee, but haven't heard anything about the DOJ looking at the texts.

This is most likely about the classified documents he took with him to Mar-a-Lago after his presidency ended.

Given the stories about Jared making a suspicious number of requests for classified documents while securing a bunch of foreign business deals in the early days of the Trump administration, I wouldn't be surprised if they were selling these documents to other governments in exchange for business approvals

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017


Good point by Isaac dDovere. Many have been frustrated by garlands lack of a statement or action against trump, and have been openly criticizing him, and he hasn't taken the bait.

The silence ends up leading others to not expect action, be flat footed, and shields the doj from most charges of partisanship. And meanwhile they've been doing the work. You don't raid the house of a president without really good reason to.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Yes. Yawn. I'm not gonna sit here and celebrate until I see indictments and charges. Idgaf about celebrating on social media anymore. Wake me up when he can't run for president or is being held accountable by a jury.
You do understand this hasn't happened ever in American history. But. Yawn.


Oct 26, 2017
looking in the wrong spot, they needed Ivana buried on trump property so they could hide burying the good shit evidence with her


Oct 25, 2017
I'm genuinely shocked this actually happened.

All hope has been completely stripped out of me, so I still am pessimistic that any consequences will come to pass, but hey, this shit ain't bad at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it sad. I can see these events as fuel for his idiotic base. They will use this to cement the "witch hunt" and all the idiots will rally behind him for 2024.
Exactly. Which is why I'm not celebrating until anything is actually done. Something more than a raid that gets internet warriors happy for a couple days before we all forget about it and then he somehow wins in court(if it comes to that) and his base is energized.

What steps do you think would be taken before someone can be held accountable by a jury? 🤔
Yes this. Wake me up later though. This is nice, but nothing until he's actually charged.

Yawn. Trump was arrested. People get arrested every day. Call me when he gets serious jail time.

This is how you sound

Change your username to ShitHotTake.
Gladly, if and when he's charged and put behind bars.

I'm just tired of this pendulum of yay dunk on Trump back to oh nothing happened. Sorry if I'm raining on yalls "happy day" moment.


Oct 27, 2017
You'd think someone known for routinely destroying everything he touches wouldn't keep evidence at his estate but he is a fucking idiot. I wonder how they knew? Something from Jones' phone?

"lol, Alex, I keep that shit in my safe - what are they gonna do, raid a President's house!?!" - President who was raided.

Also, could we please put "but her emails" on his tombstone sometime this year.
Oct 27, 2017
Freakin' LOL at Marco Rubio. Has he forgotten Trump not only campaigned on jailing Hillary but attempted to have both Sessions AND the FBI investigate/prosecute her?


Oct 25, 2017
Amazing times when you see headlines about the FBI raiding a former president's residence and the first question that comes to mind is "I wonder WHICH criminal investigation this is related to?"


Oct 26, 2017
Seems like there should be some kind of press conference after raiding a former president? They can't just do this raid and then keep being hush hush for months or whatever. Obviously they can if they want, but the MAGA people are going to get more and more riled up


Oct 28, 2017
Oct 30, 2017
If nothing else, it's worth it to flush out the shrill "bad government, bad!" hypocrites on social.

Look at them, scurrying for their talking points! SCURRY SCURRY!
Oct 27, 2017
This sort of pierce the veil action seems to be unprecedented. I don't think we have anything to base expectations on, because for the most part the shittiness presidents have done in the past has been in the name of the nation, not in their personal benefit.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
You'd think someone known for routinely destroying everything he touches wouldn't keep evidence at his estate but he is a fucking idiot. I wonder how they knew? Something from Jones' phone?

"lol, Alex, I keep that shit in my safe - what are they gonna do, raid a President's house!?!" - President who was raided.

Also, could we please put "but her emails" on his tombstone sometime this year.
If you think that he operates like a a dumb ass mafia mobster absolutely he would have that kind of shit on his property.


Oct 25, 2017
"Broke" into his safe. Buddy, you and I both know you keep the combination on a Post-It note slapped right next to the dial.
Oct 30, 2017
Fox news not understanding due process and evidence led investigations, and the fact warrants have to be based on those two other things. I AM SHOCKED.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Exactly. Which is why I'm not celebrating until anything is actually done. Something more than a raid that gets internet warriors happy for a couple days before we all forget about it and then he somehow wins in court(if it comes to that) and his base is energized.

Yes this. Wake me up later though. This is nice, but nothing until he's actually charged.


Gladly, if and when he's charged and put behind bars.

I'm just tired of this pendulum of yay dunk on Trump back to oh nothing happened. Sorry if I'm raining on yalls "happy day" moment.
You must know how ignorant and miserable you sound by dismissing this as nothing. No one's popping champagne just yet, but it's nice to know the bottle is chilling.


Nov 14, 2017
What is the lady on Fox News on about saying the FBI promised not to get involved in political things around midterms?

Planned or out of nowhere?

Earlier this summer, AG Garland (controversially) reiterated the Bill Barr-emphasized policy that no DoJ political investigations/indictments can go forward around election time, without clearance from higher ups.

Considering Trump is not running for office in 2022 I don't see how that's relevant, but then again I'm not in a political party moonlighting as a cult of personality.