
Oct 25, 2017
I guess they have to change now the story from Obi-Wan being the son of Palpatine, since that is now taken by somebody else.


Oct 26, 2017
New York
The Kathleen Kennedy hate continues to be obnoxious and baffling. Has everything worked smoothly? Of course not. Has she overseen some garbage? Yes (tRoS).

She has also produced an excellent film, TLJ. And most of you that hate that film also like the Mandalorian, which you conveniently give her zero credit for.

We literally have people in here posting that her not liking a script means it must be great. Kennedy, a producer on films such as ET, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Munich, Roger Rabbit, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, etc. apparently knows nothing of storytelling.

She has made mistakes but the amount of hate she receives is ridiculous.

It's the classic saying of "What have you done for me lately?"

RoS was just that bad.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Remember that time they approved the script, direction, cast, and all other aspects of production on a Star War and then completely scrapped everything two weeks from the end of filming and started over

They're not exactly running a tight ship there.
While I would agree, they're not really the same situations with the most recent one not making since and we don't even know if it's true.


Sep 11, 2018
Tbh I don't really care about this show. what kind of interesting shit is there to tell that wasn't shown already in the prequels, next thing you know is that they will make a Vader tv show about him killing people as fetch quests by the emperor.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Fire Kennedy and every single person that is involved in Star Wars descion making outside of Mandalorian. Fucking trash.
Kathleen Kennedy has the final say on The Mandalorian too, I love how "Kathleen Kennedy bad EXCEPT WHEN IT COMES TO SW STUFF I LIKE WHICH I'M SURE SHE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH"" is always the narrative.


Oct 27, 2017
as much as i'd like to see an Obi Wan series with Ewan it's - commercially - probably the worst way to follow up the success of mandolorian.

you already have your wild west space opera. but another ... WITH OBI WAN. yeah, i don't really see where that goes right now


Oct 25, 2017
This was where the fun was supposed to begin...

It could have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to the Star Wars fandom.
Nov 2, 2017
People acting like an Obiwan series wouldn't easily be amazing are blowing my mind.

It doesn't need to be some epic length thing. A simple story of Obiwan coming to terms with all the terrible shit that went down, perhaps a couple travels, throw in some flashbacks (bring back Hayden) and it would be excellent.

I'd take this a million times over Cassian Andor


Oct 26, 2017
New York
It is.

But to me, Star Wars is the story of the Skywalker family (And Obi Wan as an exception). After what they did on the Sequel Trilogy I'm no longer interested in what comes next. Now that the Skywalkers are done, I'm also done.

Interesting. I'm the complete opposite. I couldn't wait for the sequel trilogy to be over so we can finally move on from Skywalker and that era.

It's time for new shit.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Jeez, some of you are acting like this is being cancelled. It literally says " the scripts will be reworked with the hopeful goal of reassembling this summer".

EDIT: Wait, this wasn't supposed to start filming until later this year. This article makes no sense.

Deleted member 35509

Account closed at user request
Dec 6, 2017
This is full clickbait, scripts have been done for a long time, it's filming in the summer. I hate all this drama they're trying to create around Star Wars. Sick of it.


Oct 25, 2017
The MCU had a way bumpier start than Disney Star Wars and anyone saying otherwise is using revisionist history. Lets not pretend like the start of Thor, Hulk, or Cpt America were home runs.
My point was about consistency, and I would argue that Star Wars has been far more inconsistent. Higher highs but much lower lows. But most importantly, the MCU felt like it was building toward something and it indisputably stuck the landing with the first Avengers movie.

Star Wars gave us a sequel trilogy in conflict with itself and a proverbial wet fart of a conclusion. There's nobody steering that ship.


Oct 25, 2017
More wishy washy leadership at Lucas film, I though we saw the end of it.

I guess after Rise of Skywalker bomba, they feel even more insecure about their creative decisions.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
The Kathleen Kennedy hate continues to be obnoxious and baffling. Has everything worked smoothly? Of course not. Has she overseen some garbage? Yes (tRoS).

She has also produced an excellent film, TLJ. And most of you that hate that film also like the Mandalorian, which you conveniently give her zero credit for.

We literally have people in here posting that her not liking a script means it must be great. Kennedy, a producer on films such as ET, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Munich, Roger Rabbit, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, etc. apparently knows nothing of storytelling.

She has made mistakes but the amount of hate she receives is ridiculous.

One good film makes up for a mountain of mistakes? TLJ is good because of Rian fucking Johnson, that's it. That he was allowed to do his thing in peace was the only reason it was good.

At this point, I truly do think KK is either bad at her job or simply useless. The role of a producer is to help advocate for the director with the studio, to secure them the budget and time they need to do their work and ensure the film comes in on time and on budget. How many fucking clashes has she had with directors now? Let's look at it like this (I'm skipping TLJ):

1. Disney hires JJ to do TFA after many other directors said no given the timeframe. They give him an insane timeline still, but he's finally able to get it pushed back some. The timeline is still short. He produces a safe, fresh reboot despite studio pressure.

2. Rogue One is greenlit and Gareth Edwards is chosen to direct. KK decides the film is a mess and Edwards a hack so she has the entire third act reshot and directed by Tony Gilroy over Edwards objections. The result is a terrible film.

3. Greenlights and Hires Lord and Miller to direct Solo: A Star Wars Story, despite their style and track record being known she clashes with them and eventually fires them. She then brings on Ron Howard to complete the film on the same timeframe that Lord and Miller had. No additional time or real money is allotted to Howard. Solo is also a backdoor pilot into a series of spin-off films dealing with the Underworld.

4. Solo bombs and the entire Underworld idea of spin-off films is scrapped. This despite getting hot actors like Donald Glover to play Lando Calrissian which might've actually interested people with his own film.

5. Had previously hired Colin Treverrow to direct Ep. IX despite knowing his history. Clashes with Treverrow and ultimately fires him. Panics after firing him and begs any director to pick up the pieces, JJ is foolish enough to say yes. JJ is alloted zero extra time nor money to complete the film. The result is the worst SW film in history.

6. Hires D&D to do their own SW films during GoT success. Fires D&D after GoT backlash.

Like, at what point is she actually doing a good job? Why would any director want to work with someone that is immediately prepared to stab them in the back and fire them and is also completely unable to get the studio to allot them extra time or money?

Is this person an actual insider or just speculating nonsense?

If she's incapable of pushing back against Iger or Horn then that still classifies her as being bad at her job. Like, that's literally her job as a producer to fend off the studio and help protect the director's vision. If she can't protect the creatives then she's not good at her job.
Last edited:

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Good. What the fuck was it gonna be about? Ewan sitting in the desert and jerking off for an hour?

Move on from the PT/OT era, FFS.
I've always been confused at why nobody wanted a Solo prequel but many want Obi-Wan. Just felt like something we really don't need. The Mandalorian was mostly great so more stuff like that with characters we've never met is what I'd want.

Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017
Tbh I don't really care about this show. what kind of interesting shit is there to tell that wasn't shown already in the prequels, next thing you know is that they will make a Vader tv show about him killing people as fetch quests by the emperor.
People would eat up a show about Darth Vader hunting Jedi until the sun explodes

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017

I blame KK and Igor equally ‾\_(ツ)_/‾

And she IS the head of the Lucasfilm. Does she get a free pass because she answers to someone higher? By that logic, Iger also gets a pass because he has investors and shareholders to answer to. When does it end and we actually hold people accountable for their fuck ups???

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
I've always been confused at why nobody wanted a Solo prequel but many want Obi-Wan. Just felt like something we really don't need. The Mandalorian was mostly great so more stuff like that with characters we've never met is what I'd want.

They like Ewan as Obi Wan.

You can't replicate Harrison Ford.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
She gets the blame because she's the head of Lucasfilm. Also it's not like people don't drag Iger for this mess occasionally.
Yes, yes it is like that. Like, read any "Bad SW news" thread on Era, compare the amount of times he's brought up compared to her. Like, genuinely do that.

I've always been confused at why nobody wanted a Solo prequel but many want Obi-Wan.
And Obi-wan prequel is feasible because Ewan McGregor is young enough to still play him, or better yet, old enough. As Obi-wan looked like this in 4:


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
She gets the blame because she's the head of Lucasfilm. Also it's not like people don't drag Iger for this mess occasionally.
But Horn and Iger are above her who end up getting the final say in a lot (See Horn's involvement in Gunn's initial firing from Guardians).

Let's not pretend that those names rarely, if at all, get brought up in these threads when it comes to Star Wars.

And again, her name rarely gets brought up for the good.


Oct 28, 2017
What would Obi Wan do? I don't know, use your imagination? You cant imagine all the things he would do to help protect the future saviour of the Universe's son? 20 years of stuff? Being hunted by the Empire, and Vader?!

C'mon, now yall.


Oct 25, 2017
This is great. Would rather them delay to tinker the story than rush out whatever The Rise of Skywalker was.

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
We literally have people in here posting that her not liking a script means it must be great. Kennedy, a producer on films such as ET, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Munich, Roger Rabbit, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, etc. apparently knows nothing of storytelling.

She has made mistakes but the amount of hate she receives is ridiculous.
Talent can diminish over time though. People get old. She's clearly past it now. If a person who produced those great films you mentioned, can also produce a turd like ROS, they should probably retire.

I agree that the hate is ridiculous though. Same with people hating on the actors. It's completely unnecessary.


Sep 18, 2018
It's possible the backlash to TROS made them take a second look at their pipeline and in doing so realised there were issues with Obi they didn't want to repeat. Assuming it still happens, this could be a good thing.

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm only waiting for this series to be released, to be good, and then I can abandon Star Wars completely.

I'm expecting it, and Rian's trilogy, to be cancelled. Once it's confirmed that's it for me too (for very different reasons than it is for you but that's fine)

Watched every film except the holiday special, and watched most of the shows. Stuck it out to see the ninth film in this great big universe only for them to suddenly say it was all just ever a one-family saga. Whatever this franchise was pre-2018, it's clearly not what it's become post-2018 at this point. For those that works for: all the best to you. It ain't for me. It couldn't be less for me

Fans will be like "where's the loyalty, where's the love". Rian Johnson. It starts and stops there for me

As for Ewan: ROTS was very fun for me, he had a great time playing the character in the three films, and he was the one that wanted to come back and do one more thing as the character he actively enjoyed being once it became clear the franchise was back and doing consistent things. That's more passion, more heart, more love than this franchise has been allowed to show onscreen in the last three years without blowback, and than people involved with this franchise have been allowed to show offscreen without being replaced with a new director in the dead of night because too much risk was taken. I'll always appreciate passion
Nov 13, 2017
2. Rogue One is greenlit and Gareth Edwards is chosen to direct. KK decides the film is a mess and Edwards a hack so she has the entire third act reshot and directed by Tony Gilroy over Edwards objections. The result is a terrible film.

The reshoots saved that film and the third act is the most memorable part. Are you sharing whatever it is you're smoking? I want to try it.