
Oct 27, 2017
I look forward to a future faster internet with more access thanks to deregulation. There might be some short term issues, but internet pre 2015 was not this monster people are foreseeing with the end of title 2.
Oct 27, 2017
The latest from Ted "Zodiac" Cruz is infuriating. After reading about how smart this guy is supposed to be, I guess it's a qualified "smart" because he's not as ignorant and slow as some of those that hold similar viewpoints. He's a disgusting human. I hope Beto burns his ass in 2018.


Nov 6, 2017
Any news on charter and TMobile fuckery? I hope they are one of the good ones until some lawsuits to repeal this thing gets underway.
Oct 27, 2017
Promise: verb. Agreeing to not do something illegal while throwing money at politicians to make it legal so you can do it.

Gordon Shumway

Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Took less than a day... fuck us


Oct 26, 2017
I look forward to a future faster internet with more access thanks to deregulation. There might be some short term issues, but internet pre 2015 was not this monster people are foreseeing with the end of title 2.

I hope your isp charges you a lot more for everything you do on the internet and they throttle every single streaming service you use down to 56k and just to show you how powerless you would be to stop them. People like yourself need a wake up call.


Oct 25, 2017
I look forward to a future faster internet with more access thanks to deregulation. There might be some short term issues, but internet pre 2015 was not this monster people are foreseeing with the end of title 2.
Net Neutrality existed before 2015. It was only codified because Corporations began violating it. Good Job drinking Pai's kool aid.

Aaron Stack

Nov 13, 2017
I look forward to a future faster internet with more access thanks to deregulation. There might be some short term issues, but internet pre 2015 was not this monster people are foreseeing with the end of title 2.

I'm sure the monopoly known as Comcast is gonna be so benevolent to the people.


Oct 25, 2017
I've already reduced my dependence on Comcast. Just internet and limited basic for me.

I cut Verizon completely out of my life years ago. Not even a landline phone anymore.

HD antennas are cheap and get good reception where I'm at. I might just dump my TV sub with Comcast completely. Just need a better ISP.

I also have no problem getting back into physical media, especially with my new 4K TV and Xbox One X with 4K BD player.

Comcast and Verizon can both go to hell, as well as any other company who's planning on throttling bandwidth.


Oct 25, 2017
I look forward to a future faster internet with more access thanks to deregulation. There might be some short term issues, but internet pre 2015 was not this monster people are foreseeing with the end of title 2.

just an FYI, Comcast was throttling Netflix and demanded they pay hilarious sums of money for their own fast lane to stop said throttling so.....yeah, you're quite wrong.

But we should trust google,facebook, and netflix?

Corporations are not your friend and should not be given "trust". Ultimately they want your money and your data and a good portion of them will find a way to get it, willingly or otherwise.


Oct 25, 2017
Title 2 didn't exist before 2015.
The Entire Concept of Net Neutrality existed in gentleman's agreement form. Corporations started to be assholes so the government decided a gentleman's agreement was no longer applicable and would need to be enforced through strength. Frankly I trust the people who created the internet and say that neutrality must be upheld over a Verizon lawyer who was appointed FCC head especially when Verizon has been one of the biggest offenders against Neutrality.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes ISP's were throttling peoples connections without any recourse. So yes like 2015 but this is the last time i'll respond to you because its useless and I do not want to waste and more of my time responding to you.
If Comcast starts throttling me at an unacceptable level then i'll go ahead and give my business to one of the 4 other ISPs providing broadband service in my area.


Oct 27, 2017
The Entire Concept of Net Neutrality existed in gentleman's agreement form. Corporations started to be assholes so the government decided a gentleman's agreement was no longer applicable and would need to be enforced through strength. Frankly I trust the people who created the internet and say that neutrality must be upheld over a Verizon lawyer who was appointed FCC head especially when Verizon has been one of the biggest offenders against Neutrality.
You mean like Robert Kahn?

Oct 27, 2017


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Question from a French guy : What is preventing other companies to provide Internet where Comcast is the only choice ?


Oct 26, 2017
5g is coming and the expansion of wireless will ensure comcast and AT&T can't just simply count their dollars and screw people over.

Yes, and they have to actually expand outside populated areas.

My town and everyone within nearly an hour drive have 1 service provider either comcast or spectrum.....there is no

oh AT&T and other options.....they don't exist for almost 30%+ of the country

Also 5G supplied by who?

Verizon and AT&T who already fuck their customers daily with data caps and shit

Our only damn savior is T-Mobile at this point from a consumer one


Net Neutrality allowed fights like this one to even happen in the first place....its now gone, there is no expansion and people are idiots if they think its going to get better.



Oct 27, 2017
"Kahn's history as protocol designer is a minor note, compared to his role as a politically astute manager and advocate at key moments in the development of the technologies responsible for the internet."

Nah, the people who created the technologies we now refer to as the internet. Not the businessman who sold the idea.
You're marginalizing his impact simply because he has a difference of opinion that doesn't fit your narrative. Not everybody is pro NN, and people need to get comfortable with the idea that opposing views have good arguments and those people should be respected and not insulted.


Oct 25, 2017
Question from a French guy : What is preventing other companies to provide Internet where Comcast is the only choice ?
In areas where Comcast is the only choice, Comcast has run the other choices out of town an effectively made it too expensive for them to enter the market. There are no checks that have been put into place to prevent this


Oct 25, 2017
You're marginalizing his impact simply because he has a difference of opinion that doesn't fit your narrative. Not everybody is pro NN, and people need to get comfortable with the idea that opposing views have good arguments and those people should be respected and not insulted.

Playing the victim doesn't suddenly make your argument actually hold water, a shame I know.


Oct 25, 2017
In areas where Comcast is the only choice, Comcast has run the other choices out of town an effectively made it too expensive for them to enter the market. There are no checks that have been put into place to prevent this
Yup, Existing carriers were basically able to run Google Fiber out of Nashville through lobbying.


Oct 28, 2017
I look forward to a future faster internet with more access thanks to deregulation. There might be some short term issues, but internet pre 2015 was not this monster people are foreseeing with the end of title 2.

Yeah... Good luck with that. Look forward to paying significantly more for less and having no way to fight it. What a great future we're heading towards.


Oct 25, 2017
People opposed to NN keep saying it'll make the internet faster. Can anyone explain that? I'm not seeing it.


Oct 27, 2017
If they go through with this the publics only recourse would be to cancel their internet. Thats what I plan to do. It will probably be just me though. Most people dont seem to have it in them to give up something that they like.
Internet is pretty essential nowadays. You need it for a lot of stuff, especially in specific jobs.

You're marginalizing his impact simply because he has a difference of opinion that doesn't fit your narrative. Not everybody is pro NN, and people need to get comfortable with the idea that opposing views have good arguments and those people should be respected and not insulted.
Most arguments against NN are stupid in my opinion. What "good arguments" could they still have that don't just throw money into corporation trunks?