
Oct 25, 2017
Layton, UT
Thankfully I cut all of them off during the first round of BLM protests. Almost wish I hadn't though, would be drowning in schadenfreude right about now.


Dec 10, 2017
My dad hasn't said a word about the entire election since tuesday.

I checked out Gaf today for the first time in years and it's like stepping into an alternate reality
Yeah. When the split happened I intended to be active on both forums, to see how it plays out on both. The idea of GAF being a neutral place was an interesting, if probably ill-fated one. And then I saw what hateful stuff was being posted without any fear of reprisal from what was left of the moderation team, and I knew GAF was a lost cause. I have problems with Era for sure but it's at least not letting people be hateful.

I was not surprised at all to see what the election thread is like over there.


Oct 26, 2017
Another bit from my cousin


Wow, that's something all right. Is he into the QAnon shit?

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
I think the Trumpers will eventually settle down. Trump losing to a white guy will calm them. If he lost to a minority tho? Whew
Thing is, though, with Kamala Harris as his VP, for many of them it is them losing to a minority. In their minds, this whole election has been about the Democrats contriving to get another scary black person installed in the White House as de facto President. After all, senile ol' Biden is supposed to be stepping down or removed via 25th amendment some time during his first year to officially hand over the reigns to Harris, whereupon she can then execute the Dems' diabolical socialist, "anti-white" agenda. 🤦‍♀️
Oct 26, 2017
Doing what they do best when faced with facts, completely shutting down and redirecting the conversation to anything else.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Nah. I do have some Trump fans in my extended family, but they took the L.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The only Trump supporter in my immediate family is my dad, and I haven't heard a peep about it from him. I think he's excepted the reality of the situation.


Nov 6, 2017
My dad despises Trump and voted with extreme urgency for Biden. My mom has always thrown her hands up and said "they're all bad" my whole life, but she still voted Biden. Anyone who needs to feel like they've done the right thing in order to sleep at night couldn't vote Trump.

Unfortunately, my cousin is a conservative and voted Trump twice. He strives to be a good person, and is one to everyone he knows, but he doesn't have empathy for people he doesn't know.

He firmly believes that we need more good guys with guns for a safer America, and that black people aren't treated unfairly, let alone differently by police. He believes it's all about mindset. We don't really talk anymore after a 6 hour session of me trying to explain how wrong he is about his beliefs, and him not budging an inch.


Oct 27, 2017
The Republican party is going to get fractured hard between the Trump Cultists and Grounded Conservatives.
"Grounded conservatives" mean nothing really. His share of votes went from 90 to 93% with republicans. Worst part is Biden has plan to hire republicans for cabinet slots after everything that happened which is mind boggling to me.


Self-Requested Ban
Dec 9, 2017
The normally vocal ones have been pretty silent (since Trump got covid honestly). One of my family posted a meme that said "even Satan thought he had won for three days" which honestly makes no sense because only one candidate claimed victory and then watched as they slowly began to lose and it's not the one they want to lose lol.

Deleted member 279

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Couple friends of mine support trump because they own small businesses and are greedy

one friend is the stereotypical brain dead hater of libtards

the rest, while not as invested or left as me, at least have enough sense to not support a racist hypocrite liar like trump


Oct 25, 2017
The normally vocal ones have been pretty silent (since Trump got covid honestly). One of my family posted a meme that said "even Satan thought he had won for three days" which honestly makes no sense because only one candidate claimed victory and then watched as they slowly began to lose and it's not the one they want to lose lol.
Re: the satan thing, it reminds me that I'll never get over the "Trump is the messiah" or "Jesus loves Trump" crowd when Biden is a literal participant in the Christian faith, albeit Catholic, and Trump is just pretending, and not even actively pretending either


Oct 27, 2017
My Trump supporting parents are super elated actually. 🤦‍♂️

They told me:
  • Republicans gained seats in the house
  • Republicans kept the senate
  • Biden can't pack the court
  • Biden can't raise taxes
  • Biden can't make DC or Puerto Rico a state
  • Trump got 12% of the black vote so he's not racist
  • Around half the county voted for Trump so there's no mandate for socialism as they feared from the polls
  • With Trump gone, he won't be a lightning rod for liberals and moderate Democrats to pay attention to politics again and Republicans will be able to easily sweep in 2022
  • Trump Jr. for President in 2024.


May 29, 2019
Mostly silence. My dad did repost one of those billboard memes that said basically "I'll never believe someone who couldn't get 20 people to show up to his rallies won that many votes." I chuckled to myself and scrolled on.

BUT I have noticed something very peculiar among the Trump-supporting white women in our larger friends circle: they are all now calling for civility and for still being friends with people of different political affiliations and are lamenting that their children are hearing nasty talk about the candidates at school and it's basically bullying and blah blah blah. One of them a week ago posted a photo of their Halloween display showing Gravestones labeled as BIDEN, HARRIS, and PELOSI. Two others loved to post Qanon bullshit.

They're clearly scared that tables are about to be turned but it's hard to feel much sympathy because WHERE WAS THIS BOTH SIDES ARE GOOD BULLYING IS BAD RHETORIC ANYWHERE DURING THE LAST FOUR YEARS?! Jebus fuck it's infuriating.

heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
My family isn't conservative, thankfully, but my wife's parents have been very quiet on Facebook for the past couple days. They're coming to visit us next week. Pray for Mojo.


Oct 25, 2017
All of the "shy Trump supporters" at work are getting smoked out. I'm finding more and more whites who were otherwise composed openly subscribing to the election being "rigged" and it's pathetic. Privately, my dad is coming to terms with the fact that Trump is done and he's flailing like all of the other shit tier boomers

Fuck em.


Self-Requested Ban
Dec 9, 2017
Re: the satan thing, it reminds me that I'll never get over the "Trump is the messiah" or "Jesus loves Trump" crowd when Biden is a literal participant in the Christian faith, albeit Catholic, and Trump is just pretending, and not even actively pretending either
Oh yeah this person has mentioned they've been reading several books by a pastor discussing politics (like why though). When my immediate family (all Trump haters) looked it up, this pastor's stuff is about how Trump is a heavenly inspired leader, which is a big yikes. The crazy family member doesn't even get this from their own church which is the weirdest part, unless it's changed recently it's an older somewhat more conservative United Methodist congregation that would never directly involve itself with politics. That's pretty distanced from "We worship God, Trump and the almighty dollar" beliefs of these prosperity gospel/televangelist assholes.
Oct 28, 2017
I just don't get it. People just live in different worlds than I do.

My parents are conservative but they also swing pretty liberal on a few things and they really aren't bothered that much by a Biden victory. They see Biden as more of a centrist Democrat than someone farther left, certainly more centrist than Kamal Harris who they seem to be a lot more afraid of.

I don't know..they don't seem to be losing sleep over a Biden win and they haven't started dropping conspiracy theories yet.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
My Trump supporting parents are super elated actually. 🤦‍♂️

They told me:
  • Republicans gained seats in the house
  • Republicans kept the senate
  • Biden can't pack the court
  • Biden can't raise taxes
  • Biden can't make DC or Puerto Rico a state
  • Trump got 12% of the black vote so he's not racist
  • Around half the county voted for Trump so there's no mandate for socialism as they feared from the polls
  • With Trump gone, he won't be a lightning rod for liberals and moderate Democrats to pay attention to politics again and Republicans will be able to easily sweep in 2022
  • Trump Jr. for President in 2024.

They're pretty much right (though not sure if Trump Jr. has the clout to run). GA special election will decide the fate of Joe's presidency.


Oct 27, 2017
Thread made me curious, so checked some Facebook feeds that I have snoozed or whatever that they don't normally show. Yeah they were shitposting right up to the election and now absolute crickets from them rofl.

Deleted member 9479

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I have one person, a cousins wife, who has been posting edited out of context videos that somehow prove there is fraud occurring where Biden's lead has increased. I'm actually surprised that's it.


Oct 27, 2017
The few people I know just keep posting some graph that is heavily in Biden's favor. Guessing they are implying people cheated.

None of them are smart enough to realize they kept control of the Senate and gained House seats. I think they're just Trump fans and don't give a shit about anything else.


Oct 25, 2017
My Trump supporting parents are super elated actually. 🤦‍♂️

They told me:
  • Republicans gained seats in the house
  • Republicans kept the senate
  • Biden can't pack the court
  • Biden can't raise taxes
  • Biden can't make DC or Puerto Rico a state
  • Trump got 12% of the black vote so he's not racist
  • Around half the county voted for Trump so there's no mandate for socialism as they feared from the polls
  • With Trump gone, he won't be a lightning rod for liberals and moderate Democrats to pay attention to politics again and Republicans will be able to easily sweep in 2022
  • Trump Jr. for President in 2024.

Sadly, that second to last point is probably very true.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
Sadly, that second to last point is probably very true.

yeah i really fucking doubt trump goes away in the next 4 years. w bush stopped being an attack figure and disappeared immediately which helped the gop attack the black man in charge and reform as their even more racist current version.

trump will hold rallies, shitpost on twitter (until he's banned), run trump tv, and maybe even have a trump 2024 campaign. he'll be poison to our politics for as long as he's alive - but with him out of power, it hopefully means he's hurting gop more.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure I just got woken up by my wife yelling at her MAGA dad on the phone for complaining about the election being stolen. I'm not getting up.


Oct 27, 2017
I doubt it. 2 years of obstructionism will force people to vote then. It doesn't need Trump specifically

You say that, but Democrats had the house and senate under Obama and the Republicans obstructed all day long and the Republicans were rewarded with the House for a time and they still have the Senate...
It wasn't that long ago Paul Ryan was speaker of the house...

New development, my parents have started answering the phone "Greetings comrade". 🤦‍♂️


Oct 26, 2017
The only Trump supporter in my immediate family is my dad, and I haven't heard a peep about it from him. I think he's excepted the reality of the situation.

My dad and brother are hardcore Trump supporters, but we do are best to keep our political views to ourselves.

The only text I've got from my dad this week was him asking me if the 49ers were down to their third string starters for the game on Thursday, and I never got a response back, so I'm assuming he's steaming about the election.
Oct 27, 2017
You say that, but Democrats had the house and senate under Obama and the Republicans obstructed all day long and the Republicans were rewarded with the House for a time and they still have the Senate...
It wasn't that long ago Paul Ryan was speaker of the house...

New development, my parents have started answering the phone "Greetings comrade". 🤦‍♂️
Well I like to think in a post Trump, post Mitch McConnell screwing Obama world things would be different...hopefully


Oct 26, 2017
Uugghhh guys... I'm feeling sick.

Im from a family that is not very intellectual, but I always thought that I grew up in a liberal environment.
But today I have to witness that half of my family are Trump supporters, even if we're not even from USA. Especially the ones from my fatherly side that migrated from Balkan. They are the ones that had to suffer immensely from the Kosovo war and always (rightfully) complain about corruption.
I simply don't understand that.
What all the bullshit and misinformation I had to hear tonight.

At least my mother is sane, but I can't never see my family with the same eyes


Oct 27, 2017
My dad is convinced that gas prices will go up, but he's handling it relatively well. I mean when Obama won my dad randomly said he's embarrassed by me because I'm atheist, so it could be worse lol