Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
It's also not just about non-binary identities. Pronoun sharing is also for binary people that can't, or aren't looking to, pass as well as her. I'm not sure why she puts it all onto NB people when lamenting it.

YEP. Of course there's a fairly clear corollary to this as to why it's nonbinary folks in general in particular who are frustrated at her, then -- her struggle doesn't lie solely at their feet. (And then there's also some stuff that she doesn't bear direct responsibility for but is still inadvertently feeding into; the queer online discourse is full of awful "oh great, the theys are at it again" dismissiveness)


Nov 9, 2017

He's sort of apologised but not to the person he was misconstruing the opinions of? And nothing about the Natalie stuff so he clearly still stands by that

Man, I'm so disappointed in Hbomb right now. Gonna stick with Thought Slime for the foreseeable future since he's sufficiently left wing to me, and so far hasn't seemed to be shit against anyone that hasn't deserved it. Here's hoping that won't change. Soon.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
Using this thread as an update to all this after everything the went down. Took a lot to read, but very informative (yes, I didn't want to watch her videos, I unsubscribed for a reason)

Think I'll stick to my off-brand Left YouTube channels. This breadtube thing is not for me. But I am grateful for the videos I have gotten to see here that seem good


Oct 25, 2017
Phrasing this extremely carefully even though I know someone will jump down my throat anyway:

Natalie's original tweet expressed an irony that she felt as a passing binary trans woman where, in cis-majority spaces, she is never misgendered or asked pronouns and feels as though she fits in, but in trans-friendly spaces she is constantly asked her pronouns, which inadvertently makes her feel dysphoric -- being "reminded" that you're trans is a dysphoria-inducing experience for some people. She concluded that ultimately this minor discomfort she felt is a fine price to pay to ensure that nonbinary and otherwise non-passing people feel included too, but the mere fact that she expressed any kind of discomfort at all (even discomfort as pertained to her gender dysphoria) was used as evidence that she secretly hates nonbinary people and wishes everyone would stop using gender-neutral language.

As described in the video, it's a classic "cancellation" in action: distort what the person actually said in order to attack the strawman instead of the person, escalating the severity of the accusation through a game of telephone. "Natalie expressed mild frustration at the ironic fact that being asked her pronouns triggers her dysphoria but is otherwise fine with the concept" turned into "Powerful internet celebrity Natalie Wynn thinks nobody should use gender-neutral language because she hates nonbinary people."

This is actually not the circumstances that she was describing and it ignores a large part of what happened surrounding those comments. The reason that someone linked her actual statements instead of paraphrasing like this is because she was not talking about cis spaces vs trans spaces, but arguing against the inclusive nature of "hyperwoke" spaces where people ask for pronouns before assuming based on appearance.

Her complaint stems from the idea that in these hyperwoke spaces these people don't ever ask for pronouns until someone who they feel is trans or gender non-conforming enters the conversation and that it's suddenly a necessary question. This can feel othering when it is only done when we enter the room and can bring up some tinges of feeling invalidated by these people who are supposed to be on your side. Those feelings are valid to feel and I've certainly felt them myself, but they're also incredibly flawed feelings. We can't always know when people are asking for pronouns and when they aren't, and it's not fair of us to discourage asking for pronouns when that's something that so many people need to feel welcomed in a space.

The truth is, there are a lot of people out there that use pronouns that aren't he/him or she/her, and there are also a lot of trans people who don't pass. We're used to having to hide who we are out of fear of retaliation so the idea behind asking for pronouns is to cross that initial barrier of fear and let someone trans know that you're on their side and supportive. Speaking out against that in any way is going to receive backlash because without people asking a lot of trans people would not feel comfortable speaking up and end up gendered incorrectly.

The reason that people have a problem with this statement is the way that she responded to criticism towards it and her pretty large history of putting her foot in her mouth surrounding nonbinary people like here :


On top of that, you're accusing people of attacking a strawman and distorting what others are saying while doing that very same thing yourself in your post. That's why you're getting pushback and why people really don't feel that was worded as carefully as you think. I don't think that Contrapoints hates nonbinary people, but even when she wants to be supportive, she is still perfectly capable of having imperfect or bigoted views towards nonbinary people and their place within our community.

No one has distorted what she has said when it comes to these tweets, and it would be greatly appreciated if you don't distort what others are saying here in this thread about issues that directly affect them.

The massive amount of defense that I've been seeing for Buck Angel across the Internet as a result of this has been really frustrating to see as well as the guy has a pretty open record of being a transmedicalist and not supportive of NB people in any way and it's why I really wish she wouldn't feature someone like him in her videos. Most people don't have interactions with any other trans people besides Contrapoints so they don't really have any idea if what she's saying is incorrect in any way.


Oct 31, 2017
I have sympathy for folks who find things like pronoun sharing dysphoric -- I dislike it too, but for the opposite reason that my response to any personal identification of gender is closer to throwing up my hands and going "actually fuck this". Best I can come up with is, unsurprisingly, agender. I actually was just having a discussion of sorts with this with someone else over not being sure whether to use gender marker F or X on a driver's license, that sometimes even with the expansion of options it's still not easy to find a good summary that fits. There's a lot that I could go into that about but I think it's off-topic enough that I'll put it to the side for now.

"It comes at the minor expense of semi-passable transes like me and that's super hard for us" feels overly dismissive in tone and kinda smooths over the fact that, actually, the whole reason these spaces exist and do things like this is because people with less binary identity do not receive the treatment she does in, as per her example, a North Carolina sports bar.

Her trouble with both having difficulty dealing with her period of identifying as nonbinary because it's dysphoric in retrospect for her, coupled with her tendency to adapt a dismissive, sarcastic tone as a form of self-deprecation is probably fine in private or small-group conversation where it's clear she's not speaking for anyone but herself, but used as part of public-facing cultural commentary especially with people who otherwise would not pay attention to transgender and nonbinary issues*, it's toxic.

* I still think a lot about how Jesse Singal, whose life's work at this point is putting a polite, scientistic veneer on transphobia to make it acceptable to the public, was one of the ones rallying against her voluntary Twitter exodus.
My reading of her first two tweets and the tweet she was replying to was that it seemed the pronoun sharing policies were being applied selectively based on the audience (the implication being that if it was just cis women in the hyperwoke place, they wouldn't bother sharing), which is totally worth complaining about if true. She's obviously wrong about making it into an NB only issue as Kyuuji pointed out. The rest is also nonsense too of course, but I don't feel like re-litigating that since she did give a proper apology for it.

I know some spaces in my city have stopped defaulting to asking pronouns, and have gone to "If you want to, introduce yourself with your pronouns.". It solves a lot of issues, for people who have currently non-typical pronouns, people who want their pronouns know to avoid dysphoria, and people who want to pass enough that they don't need to present their pronouns to avoid dysphoria.
Maybe I'm missing the context of what kind of space you're talking about here. If it's a socializing space, wouldn't the responsibility for asking fall on the individual people in conversation?

Deleted member 18360

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
As an NB person I've only ever experienced dysphoria when people casually assumed facts about my internal experience based on my apparent gender. Statements like "you're a man so you know what I'm talking about" make me feel like someone just took a dump in my chest cavity, and while experiences like that are admittedly much rarer or more circumstantial than what a binary trans person experiences, it would also be cool if identities that are inherently more ambiguous could have some kind of provisional a priori acceptance to reduce the burden placed on the individual whose experiences are often so refracted into themselves.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
My reading of her first two tweets and the tweet she was replying to was that it seemed the pronoun sharing policies were being applied selectively based on the audience (the implication being that if it was just cis women in the hyperwoke place, they wouldn't bother sharing), which is totally worth complaining about if true. She's obviously wrong about making it into an NB only issue as Kyuuji pointed out. The rest is also nonsense too of course, but I don't feel like re-litigating that since she did give a proper apology for it.

Maybe I'm missing the context of what kind of space you're talking about here. If it's a socializing space, wouldn't the responsibility for asking fall on the individual people in conversation?

It's not true, is the thing - I've been in plenty of spaces with strangers who don't know I'm a woman who happens to also be trans (and in emails where the same is true) and lots of cis women are just doing it now.

Honestly, CP's arguments are somewhat TERF-adjacent.


Oct 30, 2017
Maybe I'm missing the context of what kind of space you're talking about here. If it's a socializing space, wouldn't the responsibility for asking fall on the individual people in conversation?
So, in queer/lgbt meeting spaces, if you're introducing yourself to people in the group, instead of the host or person you're talking to asking you what your pronouns are(or asking them to be written on a card or something), you present them, or don't. So it'd be like "Nice to meet you my name is ****!" or "Hey, I'm **** and my pronouns are They/Them." etc.

It depends on the space, I know a few have name cards that they have people set up, and some are just casual introductions, but they ask that if you want your pronouns as something non-typical or you want to avoid dysphoria from pronouns, to present them(or not) when you start a conversation with someone.


Oct 31, 2017
It's not true, is the thing - I've been in plenty of spaces with strangers who don't know I'm a woman who happens to also be trans (and in emails where the same is true) and lots of cis women are just doing it now.

Honestly, CP's arguments are somewhat TERF-adjacent.
I've never seen it either (with the obvious caveat that I'm cis so I'm not gonna be the best judge), but you never know. It's definitely not my place to assert it never happens.

So, in queer/lgbt meeting spaces, if you're introducing yourself to people in the group, instead of the host or person you're talking to asking you what your pronouns are(or asking them to be written on a card or something), you present them, or don't. So it'd be like "Nice to meet you my name is ****!" or "Hey, I'm **** and my pronouns are They/Them." etc.

It depends on the space, I know a few have name cards that they have people set up, and some are just casual introductions, but they ask that if you want your pronouns as something non-typical or you want to avoid dysphoria from pronouns, to present them(or not) when you start a conversation with someone.
The reason I asked about group vs one on one conversations is because in the latter, the question is kind of unavoidable. Obviously, someone isn't required to volunteer them, but if they aren't the only polite thing to do for the person on the other end of the conversation is to ask them. I'm in these spaces a lot and have had to basically insert question marks into my sentences when talking about acquaintances whose names I know and pronouns I don't in the interest of not making assumptions.


Oct 30, 2017
I've never seen it either (with the obvious caveat that I'm cis so I'm not gonna be the best judge), but you never know. It's definitely not my place to assert it never happens.

The reason I asked about group vs one on one conversations is because in the latter, the question is kind of unavoidable. Obviously, someone isn't required to volunteer them, but if they aren't the only polite thing to do for the person on the other end of the conversation is to ask them. I'm in these spaces a lot and have had to basically insert question marks into my sentences when talking about acquaintances whose names I know and pronouns I don't in the interest of not making assumptions.
That's fair, that's pretty much what it was like until a year and a bit ago, but a few people had issues and it was overhauled that you're just asked when introducing yourself to someone to present your pronouns if you want to, and ask people not to ask for them. The aim is to create a comfortable environment for everyone, so it was a pretty easy solution.


Oct 31, 2017
That's fair, that's pretty much what it was like until a year and a bit ago, but a few people had issues and it was overhauled that you're just asked when introducing yourself to someone to present your pronouns if you want to, and ask people not to ask for them. The aim is to create a comfortable environment for everyone, so it was a pretty easy solution.
So if you don't know someone pronouns and can't ask them, absent any other information the options I see would be to:
-Default to "they/them"
-Reword all your language to avoid pronouns

I always go with the former, but that's not a way to avoid misgendering someone. Specifically discouraging people from asking seems like it would increase instances of the above scenario since someone could just forget to volunteer their pronouns instead of deliberate withholding them for comfort reasons. Am I missing something here?
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Using this thread as an update to all this after everything the went down. Took a lot to read, but very informative (yes, I didn't want to watch her videos, I unsubscribed for a reason)

Think I'll stick to my off-brand Left YouTube channels. This breadtube thing is not for me. But I am grateful for the videos I have gotten to see here that seem good
Honestly, this seems to be the natural endpoint for all cliques. Someone always eventually fucks up and because they're all friends they drag each other down because nobody is willing to step up and call the others out. The poster who said this reminds them of the Youtubers going to bat for Pewdiepie is dead on. It's only worse in that considering the politics of the people involved you'd expect better from them.


Oct 30, 2017
So if you don't know someone pronouns and can't ask them, absent any other information the options I see would be to:
-Default to "they/them"
-Reword all your language to avoid pronouns

I always go with the former, but that's not a way to avoid misgendering someone. Specifically discouraging people from asking seems like it would increase instances of the above scenario since someone could just forget to volunteer their pronouns instead of deliberate withholding them for comfort reasons. Am I missing something here?
"Hello! I'm *Name1* and my pronouns are He/Him, what's your name?" "Hi *Name1*, I'm *Name2* nice to meet you."

There were signs and people asked people to just present their pronouns when introducing themselves. It really wasn't that complicated, and if someone wanted their pronouns assumed, they didn't provide them. There were one or two moments where someone forgot to provide them, but honestly most natural conversation avoids pronoun usage anyway, so it resolved itself without issue.


Dec 7, 2017
So if you don't know someone pronouns and can't ask them, absent any other information the options I see would be to:
-Default to "they/them"
-Reword all your language to avoid pronouns

I always go with the former, but that's not a way to avoid misgendering someone. Specifically discouraging people from asking seems like it would increase instances of the above scenario since someone could just forget to volunteer their pronouns instead of deliberate withholding them for comfort reasons. Am I missing something here?
If someone doesn't mention their pronouns, they probably want you to assume.


Oct 31, 2017
There were signs and people asked people to just present their pronouns when introducing themselves. It really wasn't that complicated, and if someone wanted their pronouns assumed, they didn't provide them. There were one or two moments where someone forgot to provide them, but honestly most natural conversation avoids pronoun usage anyway, so it resolved itself without issue.
Oh, coming from a place where that expectation is explicitly codified, then yeah I can absolutely see the reason for a change. For comparison, most spaces I'm in have the rules as "don't purposefully/repeatedly misgender someone" and provide optional stickers to wear rather than getting into the details like that. Like you said, it doesn't come up too often, but I do want to strive to minimize potentially harmful mistakes.

If someone doesn't mention their pronouns, they probably want you to assume.
See above for more context. I'm coming from a perspective where the introduction process isn't formalized


Oct 27, 2017
So after reading Twitter, one major result of this ContraPoints video is cis white men telling trans and non-binary people to shut up.

Am I off-base in my interpretation?

Deleted member 3294

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So after reading Twitter, one major result of this ContraPoints video is cis white men telling trans and non-binary people to shut up.

Am I off-base in my interpretation?
It wouldn't surprise me at all if that's what's happening since she did portray people who vented about their issues with Contrapoints earlier as harassers and potentially nazis pretending to be trans.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
So after reading Twitter, one major result of this ContraPoints video is cis white men telling trans and non-binary people to shut up.

Am I off-base in my interpretation?
thats certainly how its going in my experience. and they won't listen to people telling them not to do so either because they assume that any person who doesn't throw themselves at Contra's feet are abusers sooooooo. Yeah never engage with Contra twitter discourse, its a useless endeavour, they shit on other trans people and anyone in general who doesn't worship her
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25th Baam

Jan 9, 2018

Hilariously brief but I get that's all they want to say lol

Aia I appreciate their opinion, and understand the need to avoid focusing on Nat anymore. But I still wish they criticised her about the whole buck angel boot licking. Or maybe they changed their views on him too, which would certainly be also interesting...


Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
Finally got to it. Already unsubbed after her previous vid but yeah, Im done with Nat after this, and frankly the rest of """""Lefttube""""" isnt far behind.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I wouldn't have expected much more teeth from Luxander having heard their position in their prior video and it being clear they're speaking to their thoughts as opposed to a critical assessment of events. Which isn't to say it isn't disappointing to see the lack of support for the entire spectrum of criticism between "she's great and it's all oopsies" and "she's truscrum" as it's an artificially binary argument. They were also one of the two to get featured in the film itself and might very well just wish to not wade into it again on that level now (outside of a single unambiguous take) for reasons on either side of the fence.

For me it just further reinforces the need to not put stock of our validity and criticism into the hands of the few people seen as voices for us. Which isn't shade so much as I think it's unhealthy and detrimental to do so.

Deleted member 82

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They were also one of the two to get featured in the film itself and might very well just wish to not wade into it again on that level now (outside of a single unambiguous take) for reasons on either side of the fence.

That seems to be the case for korviday - the other YouTuber featured in Natalie's video. He's deliberately avoided weighing in again. He just seems tired of the discourse. His two videos on Opulence and Leftube seemed more unambiguously critical of Buck Angel (and the idea of platforming him) than Luxander's though. From what I remember anyway.


Oct 28, 2019
Yeah seeing this thread earlier on Monday then seeing Hbomberguy's comments flash on my Twitter a few hours later really just goes to show that these guys protect each other in ways that sort of undo the work they've done. Like someone said earlier, it comes off as performative regardless of what we know about these people.


Jan 8, 2020
One thing I dislike about the Sam Harris and the Dave Rubins of the world is they get to pick and choose the dissent in which they respond to. Rarely is it the best of the criticisms. Contrapoints and many who feel the fear of a deteriorating career as a result of a social media backlash fall into that same routine. Lots of lousy low rent tweets are picked out of a collection that can be used to malign the community as a whole and give the impression of victimization. Probably the most frustrating and ironic part of these types of videos is the type of nuance and attention to detail they demand from their audience is never returned in kind when the tweet screen caps begin to show up.

Then what happens is there's an insincere thought experiment where they say 'what if I do actually apologize and lay myself out there, it will never be enough, so why bother!' As if years of authoritatively making videos and being a thought leader for a marginalized group hasn't created an aura of being above reproach.

But that's just the sign of the times. It's a defining feature of our country of the past five years that being contrite is a character flaw and not a virtue.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
It's amazing how much of an easy pass Nat is getting for the 20 min Buck Angel segment which is like literally 1/5 of the video.
They're too proud to admit they are at fault. That's the extent of their support. To bask in the glow of praise but dig trenches when faced with criticism because how could they be at fault for anything?


Dec 14, 2017
Watched almost half the video yesterday, the rest now. I stopped more or less before she starts talking about being canceled which kinda surprised me because I dont follow her on twitter. Long video, but a nice one.

The first page here looks exactly what a "cancelation" starts spreading, someone says that dont like her, someone else agrees, someone else that doesn't know what is happening exaggerates, then someone that watched a part of the video leave a comment based on that (that is wrong, btw), someone else takes that comment that was made based on something out of context and makes it the holy truth and because they were already predisposed to not like her they just keep on the bad word of mouth, etc etc etc. Based on the first page here, noone that was upset / didnt like her would even watch the video because there was already some misinformation going on. Snow ball effect.

so many complaints about the size of the video, do you want her to defend herself in a tweet? She makes huge videos all the time, this one is bigger than usual and, hmm, noone needs to watch it. And by the looks of it many here were happy to just sit and wait for someone on the internetz to give a breakdown of whatever she said or didnt say (please do it in less than 100 words!). which isn't surprising given that it is a miracle if a thread goes past the first page without anyone clearly replying without reading an OP with 3 lines...

anyways, the main point of the video is that canceling isn't good because noone that is canceling is being accountable, while criticizing is the opposite, specially in the sense that when criticized people can learn from their mistakes while being canceled just leads to a PR excuse that is far from reality. Obviously she makes a much better point than me (but I did in 3 lines, ERA-friendly!). Wont comment about the reason she was canceled (not really) since I am cis male and have no idea who that guy is prior to the video, but I guess people should watch it for themselves and not just take someone else's opinion... or they can just not watch and not have an opinion on a 100 min video based on a few lines someone wrote.

25th Baam

Jan 9, 2018
Watched almost half the video yesterday, the rest now. I stopped more or less before she starts talking about being canceled which kinda surprised me because I dont follow her on twitter. Long video, but a nice one.

The first page here looks exactly what a "cancelation" starts spreading, someone says that dont like her, someone else agrees, someone else that doesn't know what is happening exaggerates, then someone that watched a part of the video leave a comment based on that (that is wrong, btw), someone else takes that comment that was made based on something out of context and makes it the holy truth and because they were already predisposed to not like her they just keep on the bad word of mouth, etc etc etc. Based on the first page here, noone that was upset / didnt like her would even watch the video because there was already some misinformation going on. Snow ball effect.

so many complaints about the size of the video, do you want her to defend herself in a tweet? She makes huge videos all the time, this one is bigger than usual and, hmm, noone needs to watch it. And by the looks of it many here were happy to just sit and wait for someone on the internetz to give a breakdown of whatever she said or didnt say (please do it in less than 100 words!). which isn't surprising given that it is a miracle if a thread goes past the first page without anyone clearly replying without reading an OP with 3 lines...

anyways, the main point of the video is that canceling isn't good because noone that is canceling is being accountable, while criticizing is the opposite, specially in the sense that when criticized people can learn from their mistakes while being canceled just leads to a PR excuse that is far from reality. Obviously she makes a much better point than me (but I did in 3 lines, ERA-friendly!). Wont comment about the reason she was canceled (not really) since I am cis male and have no idea who that guy is prior to the video, but I guess people should watch it for themselves and not just take someone else's opinion... or they can just not watch and not have an opinion on a 100 min video based on a few lines someone wrote.
Omg stop the victimization for just one second and actually try to listen to what the minorities in this thread are trying to say to you. You say you have examples of Nat being canceled in this thread? Please show examples of what this cancellation seems to be for you, because I for one saw most people tripping over themselves to defend her at the slight chance, without even considering how fed up we are with her bullshit at this point. This is why all this talk about cancellation is so fucking corrosive, people come up with the worse takes just to justify denying justified criticism.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2019
Wont comment about the reason she was canceled (not really) since I am cis male and have no idea who that guy is prior to the video

I'm pretty sure google works regardless of your gender identity. Maybe instead of writing all that drivel you could have used it (or, god forbid, made an effort to read more of the thread) and got some context as to why people are upset with her.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
Wont comment about the reason she was canceled (not really) since I am cis male and have no idea who that guy is prior to the video, but I guess people should watch it for themselves and not just take someone else's opinion... or they can just not watch and not have an opinion on a 100 min video based on a few lines someone wrote.
Being cis doesn't give you a pass for not giving enough of a shit to actually care about people's concerns. And if you'd read the whole thread you would have seen that the vast majority of people in this thread have watched the video, including almost of us who aren't happy with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Watched almost half the video yesterday, the rest now. I stopped more or less before she starts talking about being canceled which kinda surprised me because I dont follow her on twitter. Long video, but a nice one.

The first page here looks exactly what a "cancelation" starts spreading, someone says that dont like her, someone else agrees, someone else that doesn't know what is happening exaggerates, then someone that watched a part of the video leave a comment based on that (that is wrong, btw), someone else takes that comment that was made based on something out of context and makes it the holy truth and because they were already predisposed to not like her they just keep on the bad word of mouth, etc etc etc. Based on the first page here, noone that was upset / didnt like her would even watch the video because there was already some misinformation going on. Snow ball effect.

so many complaints about the size of the video, do you want her to defend herself in a tweet? She makes huge videos all the time, this one is bigger than usual and, hmm, noone needs to watch it. And by the looks of it many here were happy to just sit and wait for someone on the internetz to give a breakdown of whatever she said or didnt say (please do it in less than 100 words!). which isn't surprising given that it is a miracle if a thread goes past the first page without anyone clearly replying without reading an OP with 3 lines...

anyways, the main point of the video is that canceling isn't good because noone that is canceling is being accountable, while criticizing is the opposite, specially in the sense that when criticized people can learn from their mistakes while being canceled just leads to a PR excuse that is far from reality. Obviously she makes a much better point than me (but I did in 3 lines, ERA-friendly!). Wont comment about the reason she was canceled (not really) since I am cis male and have no idea who that guy is prior to the video, but I guess people should watch it for themselves and not just take someone else's opinion... or they can just not watch and not have an opinion on a 100 min video based on a few lines someone wrote.
•Complains about people distorting an hour and 40 minute video.
•Proceeds to distort 24 pages (and months/years) of discussion.

I'm just so tired.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Considering the video itself criticises Dualism it's funny how many of her fans, and Natalie herself, engage in it. Frequently dismissing or ignoring the middle-ground criticism to focus on the extremes and push back toward a binary "cancelled or criticised" viewpoint where they're the arbiter of each and little happens to fall into the latter.

The first page here looks exactly what a "cancelation" starts spreading, someone says that dont like her, someone else agrees, someone else that doesn't know what is happening exaggerates, then someone that watched a part of the video leave a comment based on that (that is wrong, btw), someone else takes that comment that was made based on something out of context and makes it the holy truth and because they were already predisposed to not like her they just keep on the bad word of mouth, etc etc etc. Based on the first page here, noone that was upset / didnt like her would even watch the video because there was already some misinformation going on. Snow ball effect.
Are you cancelling non-binary people? It sounds like a classic cancellation to me. You don't know what's happening or the context to the situation so you're taking information from a single source on it, treating it as the holy truth and then using it to talk down to people in the thread because you're predisposed to think their criticism is invalid. Extrapolating one page of posts to the rest on top of this, with no knowledge as to their comments or context.

so many complaints about the size of the video, do you want her to defend herself in a tweet? She makes huge videos all the time, this one is bigger than usual and, hmm, noone needs to watch it. And by the looks of it many here were happy to just sit and wait for someone on the internetz to give a breakdown of whatever she said or didnt say (please do it in less than 100 words!). which isn't surprising given that it is a miracle if a thread goes past the first page without anyone clearly replying without reading an OP with 3 lines...
Again you lament things you yourself are guilty of. 'People should read' you suggest, while claiming to have read the first page of comments but somehow missed the dark magenta coloured staff post down the page dissuading people ignorant, like yourself, from doing exactly what you're doing. Dismissing concerns while taking no effort or care to educate yourself on what this long-standing issue has been beforehand.

anyways, the main point of the video is that canceling isn't good because noone that is canceling is being accountable, while criticizing is the opposite, specially in the sense that when criticized people can learn from their mistakes while being canceled just leads to a PR excuse that is far from reality. Obviously she makes a much better point than me (but I did in 3 lines, ERA-friendly!).
Once more. This is coming from someone that got tired reading of NB concerns half a page in and decided that was enough context to write paragraphs around why people are wrong and what they're doing (discussing or venting about someone on a forum wholly apart from them) as being a parallel to cancellation and harassment. You're expecting people to read more in your post than you bothered too to understand what the concerns might be, and what the history behind this recent video really is.

Wont comment about the reason she was canceled (not really) since I am cis male and have no idea who that guy is prior to the video, but I guess people should watch it for themselves and not just take someone else's opinion... or they can just not watch and not have an opinion on a 100 min video based on a few lines someone wrote.
Suggests the person that is taking someone else's opinion and not bothering to do any amount of educating on the other side of the story before talking down to that side.
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Oct 26, 2017
How hard is it
Watched almost half the video yesterday, the rest now. I stopped more or less before she starts talking about being canceled which kinda surprised me because I dont follow her on twitter. Long video, but a nice one.

The first page here looks exactly what a "cancelation" starts spreading, someone says that dont like her, someone else agrees, someone else that doesn't know what is happening exaggerates, then someone that watched a part of the video leave a comment based on that (that is wrong, btw), someone else takes that comment that was made based on something out of context and makes it the holy truth and because they were already predisposed to not like her they just keep on the bad word of mouth, etc etc etc. Based on the first page here, noone that was upset / didnt like her would even watch the video because there was already some misinformation going on. Snow ball effect.

so many complaints about the size of the video, do you want her to defend herself in a tweet? She makes huge videos all the time, this one is bigger than usual and, hmm, noone needs to watch it. And by the looks of it many here were happy to just sit and wait for someone on the internetz to give a breakdown of whatever she said or didnt say (please do it in less than 100 words!). which isn't surprising given that it is a miracle if a thread goes past the first page without anyone clearly replying without reading an OP with 3 lines...

anyways, the main point of the video is that canceling isn't good because noone that is canceling is being accountable, while criticizing is the opposite, specially in the sense that when criticized people can learn from their mistakes while being canceled just leads to a PR excuse that is far from reality. Obviously she makes a much better point than me (but I did in 3 lines, ERA-friendly!). Wont comment about the reason she was canceled (not really) since I am cis male and have no idea who that guy is prior to the video, but I guess people should watch it for themselves and not just take someone else's opinion... or they can just not watch and not have an opinion on a 100 min video based on a few lines someone wrote.
She wasn't cancelled.

She screwed up. People criticized and asked her to do better. She sorta apologized.

Now repeat at least three to four more times with even more of a dismissive response from her each time as she also opens up her critics to constant harassment.
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Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Wont comment about the reason she was canceled (not really) since I am cis male and have no idea who that guy is prior to the video, but I guess people should watch it for themselves and not just take someone else's opinion... or they can just not watch and not have an opinion on a 100 min video based on a few lines someone wrote.

Won't comment on the rest because others have already done so in-depth (which is frankly far more than your post deserves), but I will just put this out here for everyone: you should definitely be acknowledging the opinions of the people affected here. In this case, that is overwhelmingly our non-binary friends. Listen to them, please, because they know far more about their own hurt than you ever will, and to come into this thread and tell them how they should feel is tremendously uncool. And this thread as well as its predecessors are filled with people who have done exactly this.


Dec 14, 2017
Won't comment on the rest because others have already done so in-depth (which is frankly far more than your post deserves), but I will just put this out here for everyone: you should definitely be acknowledging the opinions of the people affected here. In this case, that is overwhelmingly our non-binary friends. Listen to them, please, because they know far more about their own hurt than you ever will, and to come into this thread and tell them how they should feel is tremendously uncool. And this thread as well as its predecessors are filled with people who have done exactly this.
I didn't not acknowledge the opinion of people affected, which is one of the reasons I didn't comment further on her excuse itself. I watched the video before reading any comments and she seemed reasonable (for someone not affected for whatever she said/did) but at that point I only had her side (which took 2 days to get through) and read the first page here and it was full of people jumping to conclusions out of parts of the video, or just based on someone else's opinion on the video (or part of the video)... which was the only thing I pointed out in the post. It was not my intention, and I believe I didnt, imply that she is right and people shouldnt be mad / complain. There are 20+ pages and I saw that there are plenty of huge posts, probably way better than those in the first page, that I will try to get through in order to educate myself better.

25th Baam

Jan 9, 2018
I didn't not acknowledge the opinion of people affected, which is one of the reasons I didn't comment further on her excuse itself. I watched the video before reading any comments and she seemed reasonable (for someone not affected for whatever she said/did) but at that point I only had her side (which took 2 days to get through) and read the first page here and it was full of people jumping to conclusions out of parts of the video, or just based on someone else's opinion on the video (or part of the video)... which was the only thing I pointed out in the post. It was not my intention, and I believe I didnt, imply that she is right and people shouldnt be mad / complain. There are 20+ pages and I saw that there are plenty of huge posts, probably way better than those in the first page, that I will try to get through in order to educate myself better.
Like really? How can you post this complete non-sense about people cancelling Natalie, because they are expressing frustration over this (very long) topic? Who are you to judge which comments are valid or not?
Like really, it's no wonder you got no reply to anything that we asked you, or confronted you about. Instead dribbling about "cancelling" and people jumping to conclusions? The level of irony goes up to the stratosphere.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
thats certainly how its going in my experience. and they won't listen to people telling them not to do so either because they assume that any person who doesn't throw themselves at Contra's feet are abusers sooooooo. Yeah never engage with Contra twitter discourse, its a useless endeavour, they shit on other trans people and anyone in general who doesn't worship her

Mm, I love the smell of deradicalization in the morning


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't not acknowledge the opinion of people affected, which is one of the reasons I didn't comment further on her excuse itself. I watched the video before reading any comments and she seemed reasonable (for someone not affected for whatever she said/did) but at that point I only had her side (which took 2 days to get through) and read the first page here and it was full of people jumping to conclusions out of parts of the video, or just based on someone else's opinion on the video (or part of the video)... which was the only thing I pointed out in the post. It was not my intention, and I believe I didnt, imply that she is right and people shouldnt be mad / complain. There are 20+ pages and I saw that there are plenty of huge posts, probably way better than those in the first page, that I will try to get through in order to educate myself better.

So, um, obvious question, but

What exactly prevented you from reading through those first before giving out your hot takes about the people criticizing Contra


Oct 25, 2017
Hi, I, having watched the video, will now proceed to ignore the entire thread and engage is the dismissal of all non-binary and trans folk in this thread and in fact accuse them of "cancelling" her. Subsequently, I will pretend all the legitimate complaints people have on ContraPoints that resulted from repeated errors to the detriment of the non-binary and trans community are not legitimate to make my argument even more insulting. Thusly, I will pretend that as someone who isn't non-binary or trans that I have the high ground and sneer.


EDIT: Change wording. Last sentence wasn't clear.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I didn't not acknowledge the opinion of people affected, which is one of the reasons I didn't comment further on her excuse itself. I watched the video before reading any comments and she seemed reasonable (for someone not affected for whatever she said/did) but at that point I only had her side (which took 2 days to get through) and read the first page here and it was full of people jumping to conclusions out of parts of the video, or just based on someone else's opinion on the video (or part of the video)... which was the only thing I pointed out in the post. It was not my intention, and I believe I didnt, imply that she is right and people shouldnt be mad / complain. There are 20+ pages and I saw that there are plenty of huge posts, probably way better than those in the first page, that I will try to get through in order to educate myself better.

Your clown ass didn't want to read 20+ pages of a topic while you whine that there are people who didn't want to watch an almost 2 hour long video?


Is Contrapoints teaching people not to be self aware?