
Oct 25, 2017
I fell off of CR after getting super into Dimension 20. I kinda thought I was the only one. I've missed the last two episodes and haven't even seen the smaller recaps some YT channels produce.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know. They went on a mission and did the thing. I don' t know that anything really conducive to discussion happened.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean to be fair don't blame people for feeling a lull its been discussed before but:
Doesn't help the breaks are even longer now with 3 out of the 4 weeks. Campaign 2 at episode 82 took 21 months. Campaign 3 at episode 82 took 27 months. Campaign 3 is already 6 months longer.

Campaign 2 ended on 141 Episodes, if campaign 3 ends roughly the same amount of episodes it will be 11 months longer than Campaign 2. Personally I think that's too long, IDK if twitch/YouTube numbers and if they have changed. I don't give a twitch subscription anymore and haven't for a number of months due to the breaks and lull.
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Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully they remember to focus fire on the backpack to reduce her abilities. Who am I kidding, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe we get a TPK so we can get Campaign 4 early like I want! What kind of level 13 party goes around with just a single diamond. Seems like Sam wants perma-death.

how come theyve swapped seating around?
They were doing a split party adventure so they sat together according to their two groups.
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Oct 27, 2017
The supreme healing potion is 10d4+20. How do you get 66 with that?

I just noticed Fearne was in melee range. WTF would you cast Aura of Life in that case...
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Oct 27, 2017
They always do that. That is why Matt shouldn't overtune these fights this much. His players aren't Emily Ashford and never focus fire.

Laura and Ashley haven't done much and Travis was almost immediately KOed. So by and large it's been a Liam, Marisha and Taliesin fight.

This feels like some bullshit story save instead of an encounter.


Oct 27, 2017
If there is a TPK, I wonder if they will start playing the M9 instead, lol.

Laura and Ashley haven't done much and Travis was almost immediately KOed. So by and large it's been a Liam, Marisha and Taliesin fight.

This feels like some bullshit story save instead of an encounter.
BH is just a bad class in general. Normally, you bring DPS back from 0 hp, they can still do everything their class entails. BH can't because they use HP to do stuff. So when Travis is brought back, he can't really do much.
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Oct 27, 2017
Oh, I'm glad it was enough. Not like those DBZ moves where they sacrifice themselves and big bad still going strong....


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. But now I am wondering what will be next for Sam. They still need healing, but I dunno if he would want to do another cleric. Fearne could try reincarnation spell, that would be a very interesting turn of events. Except that might feel too much like last campaign for Sam's character.

Oh is Orym's deal now off with Fearne's grandma? His entire party did not come back safe from the moon.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. But now I am wondering what will be next for Sam. They still need healing, but I dunno if he would want to do another cleric. Fearne could try reincarnation spell, that would be a very interesting turn of events. Except that might feel too much like last campaign for Sam's character.

Divine Soul sorc maybe? That's still using the cleric spell list but maybe the metamagic will make it feel different enough.


Oct 26, 2017

Really didn't expect Otohan to basically be a Vax on crack lol. She was just damn nasty, really lived up to the whole Legendary warrior status.
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Oct 26, 2017
Yeah. But now I am wondering what will be next for Sam. They still need healing, but I dunno if he would want to do another cleric. Fearne could try reincarnation spell, that would be a very interesting turn of events. Except that might feel too much like last campaign for Sam's character.

Oh is Orym's deal now off with Fearne's grandma? His entire party did not come back safe from the moon.
Well they did, but went back up, so Nana can get him on a technicality if she wants.


Oct 26, 2017
That would be incredibly on brand for a Hag.
Yeah, will make sense, we kinda saw her true self when Chet and Orym made the deal and she was definitely not the sweet wholsome nana when it came to business, so could be a good little tragic twist for Orym to end on (we know Liam loves them). Though also with Fearne she might give a pass as she does seem to actually care about her.

Though I think (if he survives) Orym would stick with Fearne regardless, so ultimately probably be doing what she wants him to do if bound or not. It is kinda interesting he called on her when the 5 minds popped up and she did nothing, not even like a "I tried" (seemed they kinda all forgot once they left though and Matt had already moved on).


Oct 26, 2017
If do get another death during the Campaign, who do you think it will be?
Chet or Imogen I think. Travis will jump on a similar "hero moment" if given a chance, he already tried at episode 50, but Lud just "lol noped" him instead.

Learning that the Ruidusborn are just vessels, it seems like Imogen would be a very high priority target for Ludinus or the Reilora now that Othohan is gone and Lilianna is probably the only thing that can delay that now. I assume they die when they are filled.


Oct 27, 2017
Crazy fight. I don't mind Matt juicing up his bosses to a crazy degree. Imogen was super clutch in getting that backpack off Otohan.


Oct 26, 2017
So thinking on the episode I actually wonder if Ludinus grand plan is to absorb the "vessel", I think we heard that he is jealous of the Ruidusborn and eating the "chosen one" of them is probably a quick way to become 1.


Oct 25, 2017
On C3E89, so hopefully I'll be caught up with next week's episode. "Live" showings probably won't be a thing for a bit and tossed my monthly sub elsewhere due it, but it'll be good to be more in the mix.

So, follow up to campaign 3 issues. It has nothing really to do with the arc itself. Love the Ruidus setting, backdrop, and opportunities Matt is laying out for the players. The structure is sound, even if I wish the cool places weren't always on a ticking clock. The issues are namely player/character oriented.

Scenes that stick out are Fearne and FCG's run-in with Otohan and the constant and just not sincere God debate circling. I'm in the midst of Imogen talking to her mom and finally asking real questions, so I'll put a pin in all those repetitive lost opportunities depending on if Matt rewards that or if there's a roll outcome.

And that's kind of where I feel it doubles down on some of the worst aspects of C2. Character traits flanderized that feel counter to their situation, circling the same arguments despite new information or resolutions/understandings established previously, and what feels like active avoidance. Those moments are small in the grand scheme, but for whatever reason they stick out.

On the flip end, I really like where Taliesin has brought Ashton. I'm also curious with what is going on with Laudna's situation and how that will play out with everyone else as that becomes more apparent to them.


Oct 31, 2017
Huge gimme from Matt but he kind of owed em after that fight was just stacked shit on piss lol Girl was juiced up hard

Orym has got to be screwed or at the very least it'll become a wash if Fearne gets up in the Hags face a bit lol Nana would probably weave some "you gotta stay friends/bodyguard my daughter wherever she goes" which he'd be down for anyways. He's gonna be a debbie downer for a hoooooot minute lol

Best part about this episode is that we get to see a new Sam character sooner rather than later! I'm assuming someone who is part of the resistance on the moon that they can befriend in the transition/recovery period they'll be in the next few weeks. If it's another healer I expect it'll be as broken as possible at doing the job but I wouldn't be surprised if he went like Artificer, either. FCG was fun in the RP but kind of meh in survival despite all the crazy clutch plays he could build into an encounter.
Also really funny to know the look on Sam's face leading up to that turn was him doing calculus but not for dice numbers, sightlines, dmg type or distance, but for whether or not he could get Matt on the hook enough to cry/let him just exchange his life for killing this boss completely out of ass LoL insane pull

They still seem really unsure and scatterbrained no matter how long they have for prep. it's great and it's horrible at the same time!

I fucking love Travis to death but the man has been laying his amazement at everything on the table was a lil thick this ep. I shouldn't talk shit though cause he was in a great mood and absolutely crawling up the walls when everything was going down and then was on point and STILL faster with his decisions on his turn than the rest of the team lol
He literally only breaks when they're shopping for too long. What a champion. I'm curious how he's gonna play Chet after that fight....

Fearne/Laudna/Imogen are gonna be sad sad but distracted - Right when Matt was first starting to mention Otto poppin up behind em, I was wondering if mum and her whole talk was a plant for them to remember to use her. She wouldn't Kill Ottohan, so they'd have to deal with her later and maybe it gets an NPC killed but bam they're outta this one. Or they stay and leave mom out of it and maybe manage to kill her for good.
Conversation with mom should be juiced now. Laura will lay it on thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

Tal was doing basically what he could (eventually) but really should have been up in her shit immediately and permanently. The allure of those chaos weirdboy changes get in his way but once he was like "Oh fuck." he seemed to start trying to put in work!

They better pick up that backpack...

Pretty dang good episode - didn't even mention all the sapper work that made up the whole first chunk. That whole chunk with Ash, FCG and Fearne directly after the pop off I was just shaking my head wondering why girl was not helping them gtfo! Fly you fool! Or dig or whatever, GO! lol Cutting from team MIssion Impossible deceiving their way through crowds and literally being invisible to Ashton knocking over houses and the throat noises of that turkey dragon thing was hilarious.

Sam stays winning


Oct 26, 2017
Huge gimme from Matt but he kind of owed em after that fight was just stacked shit on piss lol Girl was juiced up hard
I don't think it was as it seems he messed up on her healing potion (pretty sure it's impossible for it to roll that high even if she just auto maxes it and he probably added the +20 twice). So was probably enough to kill without that or close enough that might as well.


Jun 10, 2019
Oct 29, 2017
I didn't even think that if Sam shows up with a new character in the next few episodes they will likely be someone from the moon, that's actually interesting enough to compete with a robot, if not more.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I really hope it is a moon race. I wonder if he will back in next episode, usually they skip an episode or 2 after a death, but I have a feeling the party will be racing to get back to Exandria next episode.

Since the boss had full damage resistance going, having it be a custom healing item with allot of extra healing was a pretty crap move to his players... He knew going in that the players would already be down hp / spell slots before it ever began, I just felt that the combat encounter was way overtuned. It would have been especially ridiculous if the players hadn't quickly eliminated the backpack.


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 31, 2017
I don't think it was as it seems he messed up on her healing potion (pretty sure it's impossible for it to roll that high even if she just auto maxes it and he probably added the +20 twice). So was probably enough to kill without that or close enough that might as well.

I mean even if he was using a stat-block right out of the book to whoop on em it's still a gimme to just out of hand say "Ok" to someone dunking 20 D8 into your boss. I'm guessing he realized about halfway through that he maybe turned the nob a little hard on this fight. Like why not allow Chet to sacrifice himself to a flurry of wolven shit and roll 20D8? Maybe Laudna can death scream and get a free power word kill? Imogen also explodes but purple, 20D8!

Handing stuff like that out isn't really something most DMs do and even Matt who is deeeeeep in the faith of RP and will bend the whole world to a nice piece of narrative cake, doesn't usually just allow his players to make up stuff that their PCs can do LoL

All that said - if they were gonna get absolutely throttled and just barely scrape by with one FOR SURE character loss, i don't hate that it's FGC. Sam will be having fun with a new sheet and i'm sure that'll be obvious when it airs and Letters got to go out with a bang. Not the worst out a DM has given their group!


Oct 26, 2017
I mean even if he was using a stat-block right out of the book to whoop on em it's still a gimme to just out of hand say "Ok" to someone dunking 20 D8 into your boss. I'm guessing he realized about halfway through that he maybe turned the nob a little hard on this fight. Like why not allow Chet to sacrifice himself to a flurry of wolven shit and roll 20D8? Maybe Laudna can death scream and get a free power word kill? Imogen also explodes but purple, 20D8!

Handing stuff like that out isn't really something most DMs do and even Matt who is deeeeeep in the faith of RP and will bend the whole world to a nice piece of narrative cake, doesn't usually just allow his players to make up stuff that their PCs can do LoL

All that said - if they were gonna get absolutely throttled and just barely scrape by with one FOR SURE character loss, i don't hate that it's FGC. Sam will be having fun with a new sheet and i'm sure that'll be obvious when it airs and Letters got to go out with a bang. Not the worst out a DM has given their group!
FCG being a bomb was something that was established as a possibility like 60 episodes ago. Like it absolutely didn't come out of nowhere.


Oct 31, 2017
FCG being a bomb was something that was established as a possibility like 60 episodes ago. Like it absolutely didn't come out of nowhere.

I'll put it like this - it's not on his sheet, ya know? Travis even asked Matt right then and there and Sam was like "no it's not a thing i'm just asking" and Matt is over there like "we're doing this off the cuff..."
He had to decide how many dice of what kind he was gonna give him. A passing comment from one of them that's like "what if you exploded!?!" while they're all laughing and talking about his stress is not the same as having something that's going to do crazy damage to a boss in your hour of need, sitting in your back pocket. Sam didn't know if Matt would let that happen or not. Matt didn't make him roll for if he exploded or not. He hadn't technically taken any type of death saves, wasn't technically "dead" or anything like that. He's been knocked out before and didn't incinerate half the Inn they were staying in...

If you think that was a totally legit game process and not a complete handout from Matt because of the situation and narrative of a sacrifice being good DnD we'll prob just have to disagree about it :-D


Oct 25, 2017
I'll put it like this - it's not on his sheet, ya know? Travis even asked Matt right then and there and Sam was like "no it's not a thing i'm just asking" and Matt is over there like "we're doing this off the cuff..."
He had to decide how many dice of what kind he was gonna give him. A passing comment from one of them that's like "what if you exploded!?!" while they're all laughing and talking about his stress is not the same as having something that's going to do crazy damage to a boss in your hour of need, sitting in your back pocket. Sam didn't know if Matt would let that happen or not. Matt didn't make him roll for if he exploded or not. He hadn't technically taken any type of death saves, wasn't technically "dead" or anything like that. He's been knocked out before and didn't incinerate half the Inn they were staying in...

If you think that was a totally legit game process and not a complete handout from Matt because of the situation and narrative of a sacrifice being good DnD we'll prob just have to disagree about it :-D

Is Chet possibly dying in his sleep on his sheet? I also somehow doubt it.


Oct 26, 2017
I'll put it like this - it's not on his sheet, ya know? Travis even asked Matt right then and there and Sam was like "no it's not a thing i'm just asking" and Matt is over there like "we're doing this off the cuff..."
He had to decide how many dice of what kind he was gonna give him. A passing comment from one of them that's like "what if you exploded!?!" while they're all laughing and talking about his stress is not the same as having something that's going to do crazy damage to a boss in your hour of need, sitting in your back pocket. Sam didn't know if Matt would let that happen or not. Matt didn't make him roll for if he exploded or not. He hadn't technically taken any type of death saves, wasn't technically "dead" or anything like that. He's been knocked out before and didn't incinerate half the Inn they were staying in...

If you think that was a totally legit game process and not a complete handout from Matt because of the situation and narrative of a sacrifice being good DnD we'll prob just have to disagree about it :-D
It wasn't a passing comment it was when Joe was looking at his core, Matt made it very clear to Sam at the time he could blow himself up if he wanted, he just obviously didn't think he actually would which is why he didn't have anything wrote for it, but it wasn't some ass pull. FCGs core being a bomb was established (presumably all of his race have that option).


Oct 27, 2017
Since the boss had full damage resistance going, having it be a custom healing item with allot of extra healing was a pretty crap move to his players... He knew going in that the players would already be down hp / spell slots before it ever began, I just felt that the combat encounter was way overtuned. It would have been especially ridiculous if the players hadn't quickly eliminated the backpack.
I dunno, I think he knows his players well enough that they were down for it. That's all that really matters. I pull shit like that with my players from time to time and they always enjoy the curveballs. I also make it pretty clear that if my NPCs can do something, then there's nothing stopping the players from acquiring the same abilities (although it may require time, gold, etc.).


Oct 31, 2017
It wasn't a passing comment it was when Joe was looking at his core, Matt made it very clear to Sam at the time he could blow himself up if he wanted, he just obviously didn't think he actually would which is why he didn't have anything wrote for it, but it wasn't some ass pull. FCGs core being a bomb was established (presumably all of his race have that option).

Like i said - no dice hit the table to decide if this thing that by all accounts should have happened before in the same circumstance was gonna happen now. I'm not saying it was an ass-pull out of nowhere idea i'm saying just being like "What if i kill myself and just WANT to blow up, is that enough?" and Matt going, yup! was the gift.

we don't have to agree on it my dude.

But you're right that we can assume any other gold floating city robots we see with a similar arcane core can go nova if their core is hit by a half decent guiding bolt LoL
I would not keep these guys in my house to serve tea or whatever! It's like in fallout how everyone has a mini nuke parked in the driveway but doesn't give a fuck