
Oct 26, 2017
Because the main cast and story should be more important than forcing the guest storyline. Like if the guest makes sense then I'm all for it but if it doesn't then hold off.

But I'm not saying it's great that guests didn't get to go fwiw. I bring that up to say it's not because of them pretending to be live that they did this.
That was my original point, they now can hold off actually releasing stuff, but they just don't for whatever reason and keep to a 1 to 1 release schedule for the D&D stuff, which I think just harms both. Like a little EXU One Shot or mini campaign when they inevitably have a break for real life reasons (probably whenever con season starts or the marketing for LoVM season 3 ramps up or hell just during the Candela slot inbettween it's chapter's or whatever could fit it great, without just pulling us out of the main narrative). I definitely agree that doing it like they did is basically the worst way to handle it as its kinda just the worst of both, but it's a release schedule issue, not them planning guest stuff out ahead, which is just a something they actually need to do and could actually be great for us if they could use that to avoid the release gaps every now and then (which they were actually kinda good at when live with the random one shots and what have you we'd occasionally get).

They can now be more flexible with the actual release of stuff, can avoid stuff like a boss fight being ended on a cliff hanger when they don't have an episode the following week, give the side stuff time to be their own thing, instead of just a rush to line up with the main campaign's timeline and also lessen the constant stop - start nature of the main campaign.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I think the problem is that THEY think this was cool though. They don't seem to be aware of or agree with people who complain about the pacing and they are into what they're doing.


Oct 25, 2017
The switch was jarring and honestly made me tune out the rest of the episode. I'll give it a fair go once it's up on YT on Monday but yeah...


Oct 26, 2017
I think the problem is that THEY think this was cool though. They don't seem to be aware of or agree with people who complain about the pacing and they are into what they're doing.
Oh for sure, I think they are experimenting more than anything and the plan was to always do this switch, but obviously when a PC dies they probably should have noped it and just made it a EXU One Shot that will release sometime soon. The EXU show seemed like literally made for these type of "somewhere else in Exandria" stories too, which I do think is interesting during this time, especially from a Betrayer god heavy perspective.

Now that it's just slammed into C3 instead of it's own thing we just have a side boss fight with characters probably a not insignificant amount of the audience don't even know that is also kinda explaining months worth of time inbettween turns which makes the already slow combat super slow.


Oct 27, 2017
I really miss when the shows were just live. Whatever happened, happened. Maybe the production quality wasn't as good. It wasn't as polished. But it was more fun to watch, at least for me.


Oct 25, 2017
I really miss when the shows were just live. Whatever happened, happened. Maybe the production quality wasn't as good. It wasn't as polished. But it was more fun to watch, at least for me.

It's in a weird middle ground sometimes for me, its not live so the energy of being streamed live is gone, but still *streamed* as it was live yet doesn't take advantage of being able to edit and enhance the format. I really do enjoy Dropout's Dimension 20 for that, they reeeeeeaaaaly take advantage of it being not live, so much editing/effects, cuts, ect goes it making it more...just a better watchable experience without feeling like it loses its genuine feeling.
Im more impressed what Dimension 20/Dropout is doing creatively with DnD and roleplay than Critical Role, things like a Court Of Fey and Flowers is goated.
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Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
Maybe it's because I'm a D20, LA by Night and NADDPOD fan more than a CR fan, but I enjoyed pre-recorded shows way more. Cuts a bunch of the fat and adds so much fun, engaging extra content like the effects, extra art, cutscenes in the case of NY/LA by Night.

As fun as the live shows were, especially later C1 and C2, they make catching up a loooooooooong trek. I'm still working through campaign 2.


Oct 27, 2017
That was much better than I was expecting. Not disrupting an in progress episode made this crown keepers section much more bearable.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
Tuning in now seems like the exact right time. I probably won't watch the EXU bits of this, could someone give me a quick recap for what happened?


Oct 27, 2017
Tuning in now seems like the exact right time. I probably won't watch the EXU bits of this, could someone give me a quick recap for what happened?

Cyrus is dead. Opal used a high level spell to tell her friends to leave. Morrighan and the spirit of Cyrus went one way. Dorian and Dariax went another way (ending up in Zephra). Lolth took Opal, and Fy'Ra Rai refused to leave her.
Later on Dorian gave his lute to Dariax. Dariax didn't travel with Dorian beyond Zephra. Dorian traveled with Keyleth to where Bell's Hells are at.


Oct 25, 2017
Tuning in now seems like the exact right time. I probably won't watch the EXU bits of this, could someone give me a quick recap for what happened?
Opal pulled off a mass suggestion to force Dariax and Dorian to leave
Shortly after, a failed attempt by Opal to intimidate Lolth resulted in Lolth killing Cyrus (Dorian's brother) via spider
Lolth summoned an entity of hers that's a step or two down from what Ukatoa is to their creator.
Morrighan, at the urging of the Matron and Cyrus' death, fled after avenging Cyrus
Fy'ra Rae pledges fully to the Wildmother, and vows to stay with Opal one way or another.
On the way out, Dorian casts Geis on the BFS, telling it to "Kill its Mother". Will last a year, turning it against Lolth until then.
Opal and Fy'ra Rae convince Lolth to not kill the latter and fight Predathos together
Dorian ditches Dariax in a Zephra tavern


Oct 26, 2017
Think that would have been better as its own one shot instead just jumping in mid a C3 ep, would have probably gave it a bit more room to tie it up a bit more and not taken us right out of what was some good stuff with BH, but I did like it.

About as fitting a end as the CK probably could have gotten, think if the Spiderqueen just offed Fy'ra Rai instead of letting her tag along it would have been a pretty perfect end of a tale of don't fuck around with the Betrayers. Looking forward to seeing how Robbie/Dorian goes about trying to get revenge too, could make for some tasty party conflict depending on how much he does it. Him abandoning Dariax was more of a gut punch than I expected, Dariax is like a little pup.


Oct 27, 2017
Think that would have been better as its own one shot instead just jumping in mid a C3 ep, would have probably gave it a bit more room to tie it up a bit more and not taken us right out of what was some good stuff with BH, but I did like it.

About as fitting a end as the CK probably could have gotten, think if the Spiderqueen just offed Fy'ra Rai instead of letting her tag along it would have been a pretty perfect end of a tale of don't fuck around with the Betrayers. Looking forward to seeing how Robbie/Dorian goes about trying to get revenge too, could make for some tasty party conflict depending on how much he does it. Him abandoning Dariax was more of a gut punch than I expected, Dariax is like a little pup.

Definitely would have been better as a one shot.

I am curious how Dorian's revenge is going to go. I can see that he would want revenge on Lolth, but in the larger picture Loth is on Bell's Hells side. At least for the moment.

Would he make a bargain with Predathos?


Oct 31, 2017
Just about to start after finishing up most of my morning work stuff. I'm gonna... try... to watch the first 10 minutes or so and if it's just not clicking the button for me i'll jump to break and just shotgun the last hourish of the main cast for my lunch!

Thank you for the spoiler/breakdowns tho. Still not in love with Dorian like it seems the other 90% of CR people tend to be but at least i have a handle on how he joined the group again. 8 people is a LOT at a table so i really really hope they aren't kind of dragging their feet with having Sam jump back in because they've added Dorian to the crew. Maybe the best part of FCG's sacrifice was the fact that we get to see Sam bust out a backup character that maybe wont be quite as shite at everything but RP lol


Oct 27, 2017
Just about to start after finishing up most of my morning work stuff. I'm gonna... try... to watch the first 10 minutes or so and if it's just not clicking the button for me i'll jump to break and just shotgun the last hourish of the main cast for my lunch!

Thank you for the spoiler/breakdowns tho. Still not in love with Dorian like it seems the other 90% of CR people tend to be but at least i have a handle on how he joined the group again. 8 people is a LOT at a table so i really really hope they aren't kind of dragging their feet with having Sam jump back in because they've added Dorian to the crew. Maybe the best part of FCG's sacrifice was the fact that we get to see Sam bust out a backup character that maybe wont be quite as shite at everything but RP lol
The problem with Sam as a player, he feels bad when his characters are too effective or uses an ability / spell that other players have used allot in past campaigns. He purposefully nerfs himself in various ways and gets uncomfortable when his character does a ton of damage like sometimes he did with Nott and sneak attack. FCG could have been fine mechanics wise if he used a few basic cleric spells like Bless / Guiding Bolt, and had Guiding Bolt / Inflict Wounds count towards his damage release mechanic. Instead, a big part of his build was to take damage from his party members and then try to release it by hitting mobs with a 10 / 11 strength dex with a single melee or ranged attack. Which is really stupid, doing almost no damage and missing 95% of the time, especially since most combats are only like 3 rounds and one of those will be missing with a crappy melee attack. Also, he needed to take his wisdom higher earlier, it was 16/17 all the way up to level 12, and that is the stat that basically affects all his save or suck spells, to hit for damaging spells, etc (he could have raised wisdom to 18 at level 4 and then get it to 20 by level 12 with the cooking and whatever +1 feat he picked at 12).
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Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I do really like Dorian and I love Robbie so I'm glad he's back at the table. I think he should have been a permanent member for C3. A consistent new face like that would have been a far more effective attempt to shake the campaign up than all the stuff they did end up doing. But also because now he has the problem Ashley had in the first two campaigns where he's not on the same page as everyone else, in either story or gameplay familiarity, so he's always going to feel a little like an outsider. Also I don't think the off-camera romantic feelings Liam has been pushing work for me. But at least it's better than the FCG one.


Oct 31, 2017
The problem with Sam as a player, he feels bad when his characters are too effective or uses an ability / spell that other players have used allot in past campaigns. He purposefully nerfs himself in various ways and gets uncomfortable when his character does a ton of damage like sometimes he did with Nott and sneak attack. FCG could have been fine mechanics wise if he used a few basic cleric spells like Bless / Guiding Bolt, and had Guiding Bolt / Inflict Wounds count towards his damage release mechanic. Instead, a big part of his build was to take damage from his party members and then try to release it by hitting mobs with a 10 / 11 strength dex with a single melee or ranged attack. Which is really stupid, doing almost no damage and missing 95% of the time, especially since most combats are only like 3 rounds and one of those will be missing with a crappy melee attack. Also, he needed to take his wisdom higher earlier, it was 16/17 all the way up to level 12, and that is the stat that basically affects all his save or suck spells, to hit for damaging spells, etc (he could have raised wisdom to 18 at level 4 and then get it to 20 by level 12 with the cooking and whatever +1 feat he picked at 12).

I think the problem he ran into here specifically is more to do with the custom class stuff he and Matt put together than any of his more Sam like traits shining through so hard they hurt his play. We've seen every other character he's done ignore certain benefits or play against expectations in a weird way and still make incredibly creative and BIG MOVE kind of turns. Maybe his biggest fault was discounting how the other classes he's played have all been balanced to give his creativity a chance to shine where as this weird emotional psychologist wanna-be cleric thing is just... bad. Kind of like Blood Hunter :-\ lol

It's a bummer cause the concept is kind of cool but you're right that it would probably need to be played very tightly towards a min/max kind of build to keep it from being ass and that's definitely something Sam wouldn't do. I put FCGs death right alongside Molly as a clear cut example of Players cutting the cord on something they aren't having fun with anymore. I imagine Taliesin, someone who has been playing his whole life, probably cares about being an effective character a little more than Sam thus, he didn't last nearly as long with an underpowered PC.


Couldn't make it through the Crown Keepers final 3 hours. but props to those who loved the group - nice to have a little finale and to know where everyone is at.


Oct 25, 2017
I said this in the discord last night, but my main problem with having the CK story in the main narrative was that there wasn't really any room for the players to change the story. Aabria was there to tell a scripted short story and doing so within the context of D&D, and for me as a viewer that was pretty boring despite her doing a good job of trying to raise the stakes, in part because of the lack of malleability of events and in part because I don't really care that much about the CKs (even though I watched both parts of their EXU). And it was made worse because it was dragged out across two episodes. That story could have been told in an hour or so.

I've never really been a fan of Dorian (although his exit in the CK story was great), so I'm not totally excited to have him join the main cast for an indeterminate amount of time. I honestly find him kind of an uncharismatic, boring character most of the time despite how he's written on paper (see also: Molly). I suspect that he's there (perhaps as a last-minute change) to fill in the gaps while Sam gets another character together, and that he'll bow out once Sam comes back.
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Oct 25, 2017
Honestly think Robbie staying would have been better for the overall Campaign, wish they kept Dorian and didn't do the party split.


Oct 26, 2017
I think the problem he ran into here specifically is more to do with the custom class stuff he and Matt put together than any of his more Sam like traits shining through so hard they hurt his play. We've seen every other character he's done ignore certain benefits or play against expectations in a weird way and still make incredibly creative and BIG MOVE kind of turns. Maybe his biggest fault was discounting how the other classes he's played have all been balanced to give his creativity a chance to shine where as this weird emotional psychologist wanna-be cleric thing is just... bad. Kind of like Blood Hunter :-\ lol

It's a bummer cause the concept is kind of cool but you're right that it would probably need to be played very tightly towards a min/max kind of build to keep it from being ass and that's definitely something Sam wouldn't do. I put FCGs death right alongside Molly as a clear cut example of Players cutting the cord on something they aren't having fun with anymore. I imagine Taliesin, someone who has been playing his whole life, probably cares about being an effective character a little more than Sam thus, he didn't last nearly as long with an underpowered PC.


Couldn't make it through the Crown Keepers final 3 hours. but props to those who loved the group - nice to have a little finale and to know where everyone is at.
I definitely think Sam didn't enjoyed the Cleric much in general really either. He (similar to Laura, though she pretty quickly went "lol healing") never seemed to get over how it's usually better to just damage then heal, but neither really clicked that you can save you lower level heals for emergency if someone goes down and until then you have just so much utility to do lots of things really.

I do think the whole stress factor was something Sam liked, especially as he seemed to force it to go over a few times. But I think it's kinda hard for anyone to really bite onto that with him as he is just in kill mode, so outside of the first time where it was amazing the other just seemed more like it was an inconvenience or just not the time.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
Alright. I'm thinking about my feelings on FCG now. I think as a character he was a brilliant concept but the way he was used and developed throughout was kind of... disappointing. Like him being a non-religious cleric was such a fun twist on the job early on, so him becoming the most religious all of a sudden was just kind of throwing away one of the things that made him unique.

They also never really did much story-wise with him being a robot. Like his level of intelligence is supposed to be super rare but all it amounted to was a few NPCs acting like they just saw a cute kitten.

But the big one for me was his "rage" type mechanic. It was GREAT that first time but then they never really did it again. It should have happened once or twice after but because it would be inconvenient in the moment Matt let them bullshit their way out of it every time. Hell wasn't he supposed to be in that state even at the very end? They created gameplay mechanics that could have led to some seriously intense story moments but because they would have been a bit rough, they just handwaved them away.

Also the two jokes being "he has a tongue lol" and "flat earth" got old fast. He was such a joke character that the cast basically forgot to pretend to be sad when he died and were joking around until Liam kinda forced it in a way that felt fake to me, having to outright say "sorry it's just REALLY SAD".

All that said I will still really miss him. I'm excited to see what Sam does next, but FCG will definitely be missed.


Oct 27, 2017
It'll be interesting to hear Sam's thoughts in a post-mortem situation. It almost feels like Sam had to pivot with the character from his original idea because of the party composition. I think at some point on a Talks episode or something he mentioned how he made FCG religious because no one else in the party was, which was a very Sam-like decision. But it also torpedoed FCG's identity. And at a certain point the focus of FCG became learning about his past, which is cool, but that became a dead end. FCG would be a better character in a different campaign I think.


Oct 26, 2017
It'll be interesting to hear Sam's thoughts in a post-mortem situation. It almost feels like Sam had to pivot with the character from his original idea because of the party composition. I think at some point on a Talks episode or something he mentioned how he made FCG religious because no one else in the party was, which was a very Sam-like decision. But it also torpedoed FCG's identity. And at a certain point the focus of FCG became learning about his past, which is cool, but that became a dead end. FCG would be a better character in a different campaign I think.
Unfortunately think they died right before they would have gotten a lot more answers on their past and what it means to be an Aeormaton (which I guess we kinda got a little bit off at the end with the send off Sam came up with, with FCG realizing they are alive for real right at the end) as seemed like they couldn't really keep putting off finding out more about D or just going straight to Aeor.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
It'll be interesting to hear Sam's thoughts in a post-mortem situation. It almost feels like Sam had to pivot with the character from his original idea because of the party composition. I think at some point on a Talks episode or something he mentioned how he made FCG religious because no one else in the party was, which was a very Sam-like decision. But it also torpedoed FCG's identity. And at a certain point the focus of FCG became learning about his past, which is cool, but that became a dead end. FCG would be a better character in a different campaign I think.

Doesn't help that when it came to playing a religious character, Sam by his own admission didn't really know how to, IIRC. Hell, I'd say most of the cast doesn't seem to have a grasp of theology or religious practise beyond background radiation, with maybe some exposure to counter-cultural mysticism and New-Age vibes that comes of being online in the modern Anglosphere. So when Sam decides to lean full in on FCG as having the archetypal zealotry of the convert (if a well meaning one), not only is he not getting particular nuance or pushback from the rest of the group that isn't just 'ugh, why are you even worshipping a god, they suck', but he himself is somewhat limited to stock talking points of western religious and spiritual understanding. At times it's rather unclear when something was supposed to be FCG deliberately (from an out of character perspective) misunderstanding something badly, for the bit, or if it was Riegel's actual understanding of religious belief and practise coming through

So while reworked to nominally be a foil to the views of the rest of the group, I don't feel he was actually able to function as such all that often, with no-one either able or willing to be his what-feels-necessary foil, otherwise within the same general end of the spectrum on whether or not the divine are worth the deal in Exandria. The closest he gets would probably be Deanna, but her entire premise is decidedly non-representative of how such relationships are meant to work in the setting, and the character isn't particularly fond of the circumstances she's in because of it.

I will say the FCG grappling with his past was established as a throughline for the character fairly in, between both his own lack of knowledge on where his 'creator' had gone, but also the meta-awareness that what he really was, was an Aeromaton, and so the prospect of how deep his history ran was always there, and somewhat consistently seeded, especially by various characters remarking on his novelty. But as ||Floody|| says, that's also something they couldn't really do a deep dive on unless they either went straight to Aeor - and well, the Wildemount team were decidedly south of that - or having D appear, and each time Matt allowed his location to be established, it was fully 'way the fuck away' from whatever business BH were up to. To keep him from being a thread actively pulled upon probably, but in so doing, meaning he couldn't readily be involved without greater contrivance

There's a lot of fascinating concepts to be had in the three cores to what became FCG's identity, but I wouldn't be truthful if I didn't feel the execution had left something to be desired


Oct 31, 2017
Partly - this group has had a weirdly hard time with the concept that God's aren't a theological back and forth where some people have a hard time deciding if they're real or what is faith and belief...

The fucking gods ARE real. They talk directly to their believers at times. They grant boons and spells and have domains you can visit and shit. Marisha especially seems to have a real bone to pick with it but that makes sense when you escaped the bible belt. She did exactly the same thing with Jester as she did with FCG - downplayed the source of their power as irrelevant and imaginary when like, they're right over there lol
It always feels so dumb to me.

The determination in that particular discussion makes sense in the real world cause Gods dont exist, physically, in our day to day lives. There's no way for reality to slap you in the face with it cause its not real. "maybe the strength was really inside you all along!" When there's like a river of power flowing directly from an outside source, just feels like wasted time to me.

And nobody in this party will stand up for anything they believe in except the fucking power of friendship. I would have loved FCG being like "hey - listen - Changebringer was and is here for me in a way that you will never be. She is the source of my ability to save lives and make real positive change in exandria. To change my nature and design. To grow. Take your dead mom baggage and fuck off with it if all you can manage is to neg my relationship with an actual god."

Start a fight over it. I was always pissed that Jester just kind of sat there frozen every time half her party told her The Traveller was a creepy douche weakling and she didn't need him.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
Partly - this group has had a weirdly hard time with the concept that God's aren't a theological back and forth where some people have a hard time deciding if they're real or what is faith and belief...

The fucking gods ARE real. They talk directly to their believers at times. They grant boons and spells and have domains you can visit and shit. Marisha especially seems to have a real bone to pick with it but that makes sense when you escaped the bible belt. She did exactly the same thing with Jester as she did with FCG - downplayed the source of their power as irrelevant and imaginary when like, they're right over there lol
It always feels so dumb to me.

The determination in that particular discussion makes sense in the real world cause Gods dont exist, physically, in our day to day lives. There's no way for reality to slap you in the face with it cause its not real. "maybe the strength was really inside you all along!" When there's like a river of power flowing directly from an outside source, just feels like wasted time to me.

And nobody in this party will stand up for anything they believe in except the fucking power of friendship. I would have loved FCG being like "hey - listen - Changebringer was and is here for me in a way that you will never be. She is the source of my ability to save lives and make real positive change in exandria. To change my nature and design. To grow. Take your dead mom baggage and fuck off with it if all you can manage is to neg my relationship with an actual god."

Start a fight over it. I was always pissed that Jester just kind of sat there frozen every time half her party told her The Traveller was a creepy douche weakling and she didn't need him.
A lot of worldbuilding issues for TTRPGs fundamentally come down to the axiom that a party does not want to remain in conflict with itself for an extended period of time and the bolded is a wonderful example of why it can be so problematic when this happens. Especially when it comes to characters with deeply rooted beliefs--be it religious or personal creed (paladins, namely)--that inter-party conflict is almost necessary for growth on all sides. Otherwise it's a genuine echo chamber that doesn't fully engage in the world, instead opting to ignore the inherent conflict of morality because they don't want to be mean to each other for long.

Not to say it's a wrong thing to feel. Conflict with your friends is never fun and for some people (most, I'd say) that extends to playing pretend with them. It's make believe, sure, but it still sucks!

What's been disappointing about FGC for me is that Sam has shown that he is willing to engage in what is effectively social pvp; One of the biggest CR moments was when Scanlan had enough of VM's shit, told them to fuck off, and left. The amount of introspection that occurred because of it wouldn't have happened without such hard consequences.

FGC telling the party off for being so flippant--and outright rude--about the source of power that literally keeps them alive could have changed the course of the campaign in a meaningful way. It's one of the joys of having a healing-based Cleric. The moment they decide that you've crossed a line, the party inevitably has to reconcile with it.

But Gods are also a meaningfully difficult part of fantasy worldbuilding when you have Gods that are objectively present. Atheism has to effectively shift to agnosticism, or gain a new meaning entirely, and conflict with said Gods sheds the layer of having faith in the very existence of said God and more towards how the God's interaction with the world has impacted it. Which at the very core, the worldbuilding has to reflect that fact. It's very easy to say Gods are useless, evil, etc, etc, etc, but proving that those feelings are valid is infinitely more complex, especially if you've crafted a world in which Divine healing is the primary method of keeping death at bay.

And, to be frank, nobody at the CR table is willing to put their foot down and be obstinate about that fact. Matt hewed close to it by fucking with magic when the Apogee Solstice happened but imo he didn't go far enough.


Oct 25, 2017
What's been disappointing about FGC for me is that Sam has shown that he is willing to engage in what is effectively social pvp; One of the biggest CR moments was when Scanlan had enough of VM's shit, told them to fuck off, and left. The amount of introspection that occurred because of it wouldn't have happened without such hard consequences.

Good post and I think hits the nail on the head (as someone who hasn't watched and mostly read other ppl talk about it and read recaps). As much as a DM can bring heavy or serious topics to the forefront of the campaign, its ultimately the players who have to roleplay and deal with their own ideals and ramifications for how they square things as a character. But there is looming metaknowledge/conventional wisdom that the party can't be broken, or is something that should be avoided at all costs.

So I feel like most players, speaking generally, would opt to not engage and take pithy jabs about the issues and dance around it because if it came down to ultimatums, are you really going to split the party and fracture the campaign? It might be OK if its 1 player vs the rest of the party, but even then it feels bad for that character to leave and then have that player make a character that intentionally fits in with the party's ideals. When it's something so core to the world like gods and their role in the world, it makes the issue even harder to avoid since its encompasses everybodies way of life.

Again I don't know what kind of arguments have been made for or against gods but it does sound disappointing for such a central theme of the campaign to not be fully discussed or settled after so long; at least in terms of the party's stance about it.


Oct 25, 2017
And, to be frank, nobody at the CR table is willing to put their foot down and be obstinate about that fact. Matt hewed close to it by fucking with magic when the Apogee Solstice happened but imo he didn't go far enough.

It's the one big failing of the campaign IMO, and I wonder if it would have served better if the pantheon had retreated inward from the start beyond the forces of Vasselheim and some chosen few. Let's get a real taste for how messed up things would get, while also leaving space in exploring how things can move on from them. Have religious institutions do good and ill. Get the party familiar with the Primes, Betrayers, and the fringe cases of the Ascended Ones that seem almost the most distant despite heavily involving the party(s).

Give time and opportunity to grapple throughout than in the middle of a time table.

Hell, as noted earlier, FCG didn't get their magic from the Changebringer. The party could easily pushed back on more (may have happened once early on) on that dive and correlating approach FCG was taking.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know what kind of discussions they have, if they even do. I get that it would take some of the fun out of the discovery, but I do wonder if Matt should have explicitly told the group during character creation that the gods were going to be a big focus. I think the party composition would have been better suited to tackle this kind of stuff. Or maybe they don't care and are fine just paying lip service to the issue while doing other D&D stuff.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
It's weird because they do also like to raise half a point with the idea of the like, seeming selectiveness of the gods with whom they answer and favour, but overwhelmingly in terms of the gods failing to answer, rather than raising where they have answered, and wondering what it is that make those people deserving over anyone else. To a certain extent I can understand it as not wanting to metagame with the obvious examples present in their previous characters, but that seems to then lead them to act as if this stuff just isn't present in everyday life at all in Exandria. When one of the distinct points about Exandria is that it's a relatively high magic setting, and every big town has a temple to one of the known gods.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
It's weird because they do also like to raise half a point with the idea of the like, seeming selectiveness of the gods with whom they answer and favour, but overwhelmingly in terms of the gods failing to answer, rather than raising where they have answered, and wondering what it is that make those people deserving over anyone else. To a certain extent I can understand it as not wanting to metagame with the obvious examples present in their previous characters, but that seems to then lead them to act as if this stuff just isn't present in everyday life at all in Exandria. When one of the distinct points about Exandria is that it's a relatively high magic setting, and every big town has a temple to one of the known gods.
I think it all kinda loops us back to the reality that parts of C2 and almost the entirety of C3 have made it abundantly clear that this table does not want to deal with larger plots that deal in heavier themes; As a group they're more well suited to "fuck around, find out" in a more traditional fantasy adventure. C1 was beloved and it was incredibly simple, thematically. Any of the heavier stuff largely stemmed from the players (coughLiamcough) wanting to explore things on their own, not something the DM was asking them to engage with.

C3 has tried to bring them into heavier topics; Why are some people privileged enough to receive divine aid? Why is tragedy allowed to happen when there are objectively creatures out there that can prevent the greater catastrophes? What happens when you were groomed as a child to be something that you don't want to be?

It's just a shame, man. Mercer is great at building out a world but C3 hasn't been receptive to what the players want to do. C2 had the beginnings of it until there was the pivot away from the Empire/Xorhas war stuff, but even that got really wobbly because that was clearly the story Matt wanted to tell.

Good post and I think hits the nail on the head (as someone who hasn't watched and mostly read other ppl talk about it and read recaps). As much as a DM can bring heavy or serious topics to the forefront of the campaign, its ultimately the players who have to roleplay and deal with their own ideals and ramifications for how they square things as a character. But there is looming metaknowledge/conventional wisdom that the party can't be broken, or is something that should be avoided at all costs.

So I feel like most players, speaking generally, would opt to not engage and take pithy jabs about the issues and dance around it because if it came down to ultimatums, are you really going to split the party and fracture the campaign? It might be OK if its 1 player vs the rest of the party, but even then it feels bad for that character to leave and then have that player make a character that intentionally fits in with the party's ideals. When it's something so core to the world like gods and their role in the world, it makes the issue even harder to avoid since its encompasses everybodies way of life.

Again I don't know what kind of arguments have been made for or against gods but it does sound disappointing for such a central theme of the campaign to not be fully discussed or settled after so long; at least in terms of the party's stance about it.
I know my experience isn't universal as a DM--nor do I run something in a publicized way--but I've straight up encouraged players to split the party if they feel like there's a massive divergence. It then becomes my job as the DM to craft a narrative that allows for those differences to be reconciled, or at least put them in positions where they can work their shit out.

Of course, that relies heavily on the players engaging with the roleplay in a meaningful way! I've been lucky that my groups have always been eager to engage in inter-party conflict and the subsequent resolution; Or straight up retiring a character. The extremely cynical part of me will always point to the CR merch store when I think about why there's so little threat of the party falling apart or true interpersonal problems.

There's also the extremely harsh reality that I don't think CR can call off a campaign if it's not working. Any DM has been in a position where they realize their game is just fucked, the reset button is needed, and you simply can't wait for a resolution point. You just stop the game and start something new.

It's the one big failing of the campaign IMO, and I wonder if it would have served better if the pantheon had retreated inward from the start beyond the forces of Vasselheim and some chosen few. Let's get a real taste for how messed up things would get, while also leaving space in exploring how things can move on from them. Have religious institutions do good and ill. Get the party familiar with the Primes, Betrayers, and the fringe cases of the Ascended Ones that seem almost the most distant despite heavily involving the party(s).

Give time and opportunity to grapple throughout than in the middle of a time table.

Hell, as noted earlier, FCG didn't get their magic from the Changebringer. The party could easily pushed back on more (may have happened once early on) on that dive and correlating approach FCG was taking.
It was such a missed opportunity! A teaser for how fundamentally the world would change without the Gods, making a place where the players can determine whether or not that's a world their characters would like to inhabit. It'd be such a smart way to show consequences without forcing anyone to commit to anything either way.

...I can rant about storytelling in the TTRPG space for hours lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
I know my experience isn't universal as a DM--nor do I run something in a publicized way--but I've straight up encouraged players to split the party if they feel like there's a massive divergence. It then becomes my job as the DM to craft a narrative that allows for those differences to be reconciled, or at least put them in positions where they can work their shit out.

Of course, that relies heavily on the players engaging with the roleplay in a meaningful way! I've been lucky that my groups have always been eager to engage in inter-party conflict and the subsequent resolution; Or straight up retiring a character. The extremely cynical part of me will always point to the CR merch store when I think about why there's so little threat of the party falling apart or true interpersonal problems.

There's also the extremely harsh reality that I don't think CR can call off a campaign if it's not working. Any DM has been in a position where they realize their game is just fucked, the reset button is needed, and you simply can't wait for a resolution point. You just stop the game and start something new.

Yes it requires trust between the players and DM not only narratively but also outside of the game - if the party do fully split, or even if its a 1 v X situation, is the DM willing to run two games? Do the players even want to run two games? Are you all just trying to fit it back into one game or are you fully on board the "see where this plays out" boat and you just carry on the narrative to its natural ending, be it an ultimate showdown between two parties or maybe one party retires/dies and the other game continues. In some respects that the beauty and freedom of TTRPG storytelling that a video game or other more scripted/structured forms of performance can't provide. It's just a question of if you can fit it in a reasonable time frame and not take like... 5 years or something.

Yeah CR (and other popular AP shows and podcasts) have an unenviable position where you don't really have that flexibility that most TTRPG tables have. It's more resilient as a result, people will go an extra mile or bend over backwards just to keep the thing afloat; but if its really not working there probably needs to be a consensus at the table on what to do to right the ship. I do wonder if CR has frequent talks with each other on how the campaign is going or if they are hands off and let all the talking be done on the table. It would be weird to not have ANY discussion but at the same time this problem has seemingly been cropping up since C2 so who knows, maybe they don't see it as an issue.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
I think it all kinda loops us back to the reality that parts of C2 and almost the entirety of C3 have made it abundantly clear that this table does not want to deal with larger plots that deal in heavier themes; As a group they're more well suited to "fuck around, find out" in a more traditional fantasy adventure. C1 was beloved and it was incredibly simple, thematically. Any of the heavier stuff largely stemmed from the players (coughLiamcough) wanting to explore things on their own, not something the DM was asking them to engage with.

C3 has tried to bring them into heavier topics; Why are some people privileged enough to receive divine aid? Why is tragedy allowed to happen when there are objectively creatures out there that can prevent the greater catastrophes? What happens when you were groomed as a child to be something that you don't want to be?

It's just a shame, man. Mercer is great at building out a world but C3 hasn't been receptive to what the players want to do. C2 had the beginnings of it until there was the pivot away from the Empire/Xorhas war stuff, but even that got really wobbly because that was clearly the story Matt wanted to tell.

It's... interesting, because of course one of the tricky aspects for Campaign 2 is that for a long while, the cast has little direct connection to the larger scale plot stuff going on. Yet it feels like that with campaign 3, despite there being nominally more connections threaded in, little managed to just... click, in the way it was almost certainly supposed to.

Part of it admittedly is going to be down to the fact that, being three campaigns and several published books in, this no longer can be quite the fully 'tailor made' kind of homebrew setting - and thus, a more reactive story - that Campaign 1 inherently was, and that Campaign 2 could be to a reduced extent. Especially with places that the cast were evidently keen to revisit and reconnect to in their third campaign, despite the story being ostensibly set in a 'new' continent (or rather, one previously painted in only the broadest of brushstrokes). Affected by active reuse of characters from previous roleplaying on the part of some, less than half of the group have actually spent a meaningful part of their life in Marquet - only one of them outright born there. So all of the stuff that meaningfully matter to them and their personal development at default exists outside of it, with the big and obvious exception being Imogen. The big party split overseas, as much as to accommodate Marisha's commitments outside the show, was probably driven in part by the realisation of an opportunity to explore character stuff that just would otherwise involve more contrivance than might seem reasonable, because the overwhelming bulk of their baggage and potential development was stored outside of the place that was supposed to be their primary stomping ground.

Compare that to Campaign 1, where the story is generally accepted to have really gotten going - to the point it's the primary focus of the first season of the animated adaptation - with an entire arc about saving Percy's hometown. Then it turns out the big bad was released from a place kept safe by Keyleth's people, is the same fucker who killed Vax and Vex's mother while their father has retreated into the same plane one of the plot tokens is hidden away at, one of the other dragons has enlisted Grog's tribe as mercs to take the city that Pike's great-great-grandfather and caretaker lives in, the aforementioned hometown is one of the last cities standing on the continent and thus central to any planning for the counter offensive, and to make sure the one member without an elaborate backstory isn't excluded, the daughter he didn't realise he even had is gonna be thrown into the thick of things too.

I had a longer run of subsequent thoughts here, but I've decided to cut it short, rather than just become an overly long ramble. But there's a lot that's interesting to dissect in how it feels Campaign 3 was meant to go, versus how it's actually gone, especially as compared with the previous two campaigns. Things I don't wanna be simply negative about, but that are somewhat sobering when it comes to constructing such campaigns to begin with


Oct 27, 2017
One good thing to come of this is now that the Crownkeepers are done, they can turn EXU back into an anthology series, which is what I'm pretty sure it was intended to be when it was started.


Oct 25, 2017
I choose to believe there was just a casual conversation a few years ago between Matt and Brennan Lee Mulligan where Matt asked what it's like doing Dropout instead of relying on twitch/youtube and he was like bro


Nov 5, 2017
So I think this is all the new shows announced?
  • Critical Role Cooldown (Beacon exclusive)
  • Fireside Chat Q&A (Beacon exclusive)
  • Critical Role Abridged
  • Re-Slayer's Take
  • Critical Role Podcast


Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
$6/mo, $60/yr for anyone interested.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I went into this news with a bad attitude ready to hate on it. I have spoken before about how Critical Role becoming more of a business has negatively impacted the vibes of the show, on top of how much I hate the fake as hell vibes they always put out when they do stuff like this. And I'll also say that the moment they started on the "we're doing this to have better connection to you, we're doing this to give you the best content possible" lines, I rolled my eyes. You'd think creators would stop trying to pull that shit a long time ago when people tore into React World or whatever it was.

Buuuut by the end, I think they managed to avoid the worst missteps they could have here. They did get a tiny bit more real by talking about the financial realities of relying on other companies for their revenue and that's something I can respect. And they aren't locking the main show behind it, which is the primary concern. So it's just a bunch of new small bonus content, discounts, and discord access. It IS functionally a Patreon, just not a Patreon. Everybody is doing this.

And the price isn't bad. $6 a month? It's just a dollar more than Twitch subs. Very smart pricing. If it had been like $15 a month, I'd have laughed it off. But $6 a month? And you get instant VOD access like on Twitch? I can see myself subbing once in awhile if I'm ever more into the actual content they are putting out than I am right now. C3 has lost me a bit but if this service had dropped during C1 or C2, I'd have been in already.

Overall not bad. We'll see if they try to be sneaky with what they lock behind it later, though. Because we do also have to keep in mind that CR isn't some indie youtuber trying to make ends meet. They are one of the most successful online content creators of all time. On top of already being well off actors. None of these people are struggling artists. So the moment they start locking previously free content behind this thing like full EXU arcs or C4 or whatever, I'll change my tune. But for now I think it's fine.


Oct 31, 2017
So i mean ... I guess CR is really the only thing i use twitch for anymore these days. Will this work like Dropout does where i'm a member and have access to the videos on their Youtube channel or whatever>?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm like a year behind on CR season 3, and I think this announcement just makes me less likely to come back. I'm not going to subscribe to Beacon if I can't even stay current with the regular series, and it will be annoying coming back to the regular season 3 on youtube/twitch knowing that there's all this other stuff (especially other shows in the same world) that I don't have access to.

It doesn't help that I recently subscribed to Dropout and am going through all of Dimension 20 from the beginning.

From a business perspective I think this is a great direction for them, and I think fans that are able to stay current and want more stuff will get great value. I just don't think it's for me.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
I'm like a year behind on CR season 3, and I think this announcement just makes me less likely to come back. I'm not going to subscribe to Beacon if I can't even stay current with the regular series, and it will be annoying coming back to the regular season 3 on youtube/twitch knowing that there's all this other stuff (especially other shows in the same world) that I don't have access to.

It doesn't help that I recently subscribed to Dropout and am going through all of Dimension 20 from the beginning.

From a business perspective I think this is a great direction for them, and I think fans that are able to stay current and want more stuff will get great value. I just don't think it's for me.
There are currently no other shows in that world exclusive to Beacon. They may add some later, which I'll have feelings about, but right now the only things that seem to be exclusive are a monthly Q&A Fireside Chat thing and the cast talking about the episode right after it happens (basically an extension of them all going "wow so crazy" at the end of every episode).

I think SO FAR they've done a good job adding value for diehard fans but not putting anything casual fans would care too much about missing.

That said it was a rough year for quality in C3 so I wouldn't feel rushed to catch up if you aren't in the mood anyway lol


Oct 25, 2017
I was very wary of this, but it landed just about as good of a place as it could. Hell, seems like they are also willing to open back up to the community a bit closer where they used to.

Still no interest in Midst, and don't see it helping the platform all that much in the long run when they really need to start making younger and diverse connections to replace them when they're ready to step back from the show table.

I'm like a year behind on CR season 3, and I think this announcement just makes me less likely to come back. I'm not going to subscribe to Beacon if I can't even stay current with the regular series, and it will be annoying coming back to the regular season 3 on youtube/twitch knowing that there's all this other stuff (especially other shows in the same world) that I don't have access to.

It doesn't help that I recently subscribed to Dropout and am going through all of Dimension 20 from the beginning.

From a business perspective I think this is a great direction for them, and I think fans that are able to stay current and want more stuff will get great value. I just don't think it's for me.
There isn't anything vital held back in any of this, and it's easy to get a hold of the bullet points from 4-Sided Dive and such for those who don't have time beyond the already heavy time commitment to the main campaign.

I wouldn't feel a need to commit beyond where you already are anyway. I only just caught back up somewhat myself.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There are currently no other shows in that world exclusive to Beacon. They may add some later, which I'll have feelings about, but right now the only things that seem to be exclusive are a monthly Q&A Fireside Chat thing and the cast talking about the episode right after it happens (basically an extension of them all going "wow so crazy" at the end of every episode).

I think SO FAR they've done a good job adding value for diehard fans but not putting anything casual fans would care too much about missing.

That said it was a rough year for quality in C3 so I wouldn't feel rushed to catch up if you aren't in the mood anyway lol

Ah, thanks for the correction. The description of The Re-Slayer's Take made it sound like it was going to be Beacon exclusive, but that was clearly just a misread on my part. The service still isn't for me, but I honestly am happy to see them spread out so they're not entirely dependent on Twitch and Youtube financially.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, ultimately I'd rather have my 5-6 bucks a month fully going to CR instead of some chunk of it going to Amazon or YouTube.


Oct 25, 2017
Kid-friendly podcast angle seems odd given most of their content and natural tendencies. Not that it's a bad thing.

Edit: Wait, is it Re-Slayer's Take or is it a separate podcast? Re-Slayer's makes more sense.
Last edited:


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
seems like if your already subbing to them that beacon is worth it and it doesn't really affect those that dont sub