Carian Knight

Oct 27, 2017
Great news.

Edit: This is what I expect;

-A brand new story that is not strictly tied with the original trilogy.
-Expanded sandbox design of the original game.
-Fluid Crysis gunplay but with the satisfactory feeling/sound design of Hunt.
-Much more diverse suit customization and character build.
-DLSS support on Day 1.
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Crossing Eden

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Considering the Prophet suit is a body stealing entity, I would say "join the journey" could just be whatever new hapless victim the thing latches itself onto to override their personality.
That'd actually be a good idea if only because they never actually addressed how fucked up it is that Prophet stole a random dying marine's body.


Oct 27, 2017
I literally made a post weeks ago saying how Crysis 4 would be an unexpected announcement this year that would have me jumping in excitement. :)

Crysis 2 is one of my favorite games ever made, so I would be estatic to play another Crysis in that mold again. With Crysis 3, it seemed like Crytek lost sight of what made Crysis 2 so great, in an attempt to reintroduce some of the DNA of the original. But they reportedly had a very difficult time even getting the engine running on consoles, so I can only imagine how that might've impacted the overall development of the game. I assume that won't be a problem with PS5 and Series X, so I think I'm pretty much down with whatever direction they go in with Crysis 4.

I really do hope it picks up where Crysis 3 left off; Prophet's story was concluded, but Nomad, Psycho, and Senator Strickland are all dealing with CELL at the end. I say have their stories converge in some way - maybe with Nomad and Psycho returning as playable characters like old times. And there still might be leftover Ceph on Earth that pose a threat even after the failed invasion.


Oct 27, 2017
"It's time to join the journey and be the hero"

FINALLY. I've been waiting for a game to let me do that.


Oct 25, 2017
"It's time to join the journey and be the hero"

FINALLY. I've been waiting for a game to let me do that.
A tale as old as time lol


Jan 20, 2021
Announcing games with nothing more than concept art or a logo seems to be the new trend lately.
It's all about hiring I think. Not enough workforce to go around, and a lot harder to advertise job openings without knowing what game you're developing. But when you're in the early hiring phase there isn't enough to show outside of a teaser like this
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
Fuck yes! been waiting for this for ages.

I suppose this also means we are getting a new evolution of CryEngine? I hope they are able to bring some awesome new tech to the table. It will be hard to match UE5, but I hope Crytek go all in.


Oct 25, 2017
If it's more open world-linear like 1 and treats the suit like 1, I'm in, once I get a gpu capable of playing it


Jul 10, 2018
Hopefully with a new director the franchise can find its identity. I enjoyed each Crysis games on its own but they all brought something different to the table and felt disjointed as a trilogy. Cautiously optimistic.


Oct 25, 2017
How much of that company even remains from the first games? Cautiously curious. Excited to see it visually at least I imagine they want to impress tech wise like the previous three
Oct 27, 2017
I'm really excited that a new Crysis if finally being announced. I hope the pull together, and evolve, the elements of the three Crysis games that people loved most. As this is still in pre-production, I'm guessing we won't see even a hint of what this game will be until 2024 (unless they're further along than what they're actually sharing).

On a separate note, does anyone know if they've completely stopped patching efforts for Crysis 1 Remastered on PC? The game was getting closer to having feature parity with the original release. It would be a shame if Crytek/Saber Interactive leave the remaster as is.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Nice! Crysis always has great gunplay.

Yeah, certainly got the oomph and contact some games miss.

Seems far off but I'm up for it, could do with a remimagining of some sort, I know some people may like the absolute bobbins story and ski mask dude but it felt like the director was high on his own farts with the story and the character design feels a bit old hat now and needs a revamp and yes Master Chief bike helmet glass house :D


Apr 28, 2020
Great news - I just finished playing the trilogy on Switch for the first time last month and really enjoyed it, especially Crysis 2.


Oct 27, 2017
Still pissed on how the franchise didn't continue from Crysis 1 or Warhead. Hopefully its more like 1 and Warhead than 2 and 3(YUCK)


Oct 29, 2017
Crysis/Warhead was (is) one of my favourite games, as was the original Far Cry, but 2 & 3 did nothing for me..... I live in hope for a return to form for number 4.

Can't get excited as it's no doubt many years away.


Jan 6, 2020
This is what I've been waiting for. I hope its as good as the first and second. I liked the linear gameplay of the second more. But a semi open world version of the game would be amazing with a solid multiplayer that they can improve on as time goes by.


Jan 6, 2020
Crysis 2 was really a bad game. I didn't know there was a Crysis 3 and I'm shocked the series lives.

I might be interested for the graphics though.
If you didn't like Crysis 2 then you wont like Crysis 3(It wasn't as good as the first two). I think those that didn't like Crysis 2 didn't like how linear its gameplay was. For me it was insanely fun and the ability to use multiple powers at the same time(IIRC) made it much better in terms of gameplay than the first. But I enjoyed both the first and second and even the expansion for the first.