
Oct 27, 2017
Seeing that roadmap made me instantly head over to the refund page and unload this mess. Next-gen patch being nearly a year out from the original release is pretty rough, and the crashing on PS4/PS5 has still not been resolved. Not acceptable.


Jun 14, 2018
This is why you release a game when it's ready. This mess has hurt CDPR's brand image and financials.

Just terrible leadership.

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
I passed on it and, frankly, I've lost interest in ever picking it up. Next.


Oct 28, 2017
Lmao that roadmap reminds me of useless Apple graphs



Oct 28, 2017
What happened to those ERA members with the Cyberpunk avatars constantly promoting the game?


Oct 25, 2017
This was a bad apology. I don't think they underestimated the amount of bugs that were gonna be in the original release on old-gen consoles. Either that or the higher-ups were pressuring the lower devs to give them an okay. And "No obligatory overtime" is corporate speak for "We're gonna continue shunning employees who refuse to strain their health in order to fix this game, but they'll technically be allowed to work normal hours, as was the case before the game released."

However, I still believe they'll fix the game into a state that the company can be mostly proud of over the course of the year. Whether or not this results in customers like me eventually making a purchase - who knows? The post-launch support for The Witcher 3 was best in industry, so I have high hopes for the moment.

Maybe if we're lucky they'll fix the extremely disrespectful voice/gender choice.


Oct 10, 2018
Great, more lies.

"Myself and the board are the final decision makers and it was our call to release the game, although, believe me, we never ever intended for anything like this to happen."

He means the bad reviews, right? Because they absolutely knew the state the game were in, or else they wouldn't have put the restrictions they did on the reviewers.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
Sure, but this whole fiasco is just like with F76, Anthem, Destiny etc etc.
All the same bullshit with Gamer identity, that they are "listening", are very sorry, didn't mean to do this, presenting a roadmap and more

Destiny wasn't a good game when it launched but it doesn't belong in the company of Fallout 76, Anthem or Cyberpunk.


Oct 25, 2017
Video was shit tier nothingness...
They knew what they were releasing was trash and did it anyways because money.
Roadmap for this year is a fucking joke.
I have no faith in CDPR to get this game anywhere near where it should have been after 8 fucking years, and honestly don't care what they're working on next, even if it's Witcher (it's Witcher..)


Oct 27, 2017
Who honestly is going to care about this game in 6-12 months? They really should have just delayed it a full year.

Punished Dan

Oct 27, 2017
2nd half of 2021 for the next gen patch?!

maybe I should sell my physical copy whilst it still fetches some sort of decent price and pick it up again nearer the time.
Time to uninstall.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Feels a little bit like they're throwing testers and QA under the bus there.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Great, more lies.

"Myself and the board are the final decision makers and it was our call to release the game, although, believe me, we never ever intended for anything like this to happen."

He means the bad reviews, right? Because they absolutely knew the state the game were in, or else they wouldn't have put the restrictions they did on the reviewers.

2 things.

1. They're telling us they were fine with the PC day 1 version. The version that is buggy as hell...

They're proud of that version.

2. They're implying that they worked hard on the day 1 patch for the console versions and saw huge improvements daily. So they thought the console version would be ready... Because of that they send out the review codes late and told reviewers to use official footage from cdpr for their reviews.

They're trying to make us believe they themselves were sure the day 1 patch would make everyrhing fine. They blindly released the one/ps4 versions hoping it would work out...

At the very best this shows them to be extremely naive and shouldn't be in charge of a 200-300 million $ game-development.

If anyone would believe this... and that's a big if.


Oct 27, 2017
Feels a little bit like they're throwing testers and QA under the bus there.
Yep, and the only way QA aren't finding these bugs is if they have been instructed to ignore or not report certain issues.

As someone that worked in QA as soon as you start playing you see the holes in this game, 99% of the people playing arent QA testers and are reporting almost constant issues big and small.

Blue Ninja

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I was really hyped for this initially, but a after all this ill probably never even play it, next gen upgrade or not
Same. Decided to skip launch and wait for a patch: probably won't pick it up until very far down the line now, if at all.
Destiny wasn't a good game when it launched but it doesn't belong in the company of Fallout 76, Anthem or Cyberpunk.
Yeah, Destiny doesn't belong in this list. OG Destiny worked fine: it's just that there wasn't enough content (and the content that was there didn't always make sense).


Nov 1, 2017
Who honestly is going to care about this game in 6-12 months? They really should have just delayed it a full year.

I think this is the crux of it. I also think this is why they released it before it was ready. The longer they wait the less impressive visually it looks against this years upcoming AAA next gen titles.


Apr 25, 2019
I'm assuming it's too late to get a refund now via Best Buy, that whole video was insulting.


Nov 9, 2017
So, I mean, they're all-in on this, right? This was virtually their entire business for the next several years. This was the entire crux of their company.

Is their CEO getting shit-canned for fucking it up? Serious question. I don't see any reason to give them the benefit of the doubt, otherwise. There's no excuse for being in that high of a position and being this chiefly responsible for this big of a fuck-up and just getting to walk it off.


Oct 25, 2017
This is why you release a game when it's ready. This mess has hurt CDPR's brand image and financials.

Just terrible leadership.

It hurt the share price(which was overpriced anyways) but definitely didn't hurt their financials. They sold many millions of copies that werent refunded. Like more than 13m or something


Oct 30, 2017
Oh now they're blaming the QA department. Fuck that. Seriously that is absolutely disgusting and just shows that some companies still don't have any respect for QA.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
What a bunch of horseshit. The PC version is also a mess, don't just throw the console version under the buss, the entire game is a lackluster unfinished and buggy mess.


Feb 25, 2020
Exactly. Almost like 10 min before the announcement they they told an intern to throw in a chart.

This is how product development works. Nothing unusual here. As a Product manager I'm all too familiar with making a promise that can't be kept due to an unforeseen circumstance (employee sick, uncover an unknown during development). Customers cry in either situation but a more vague approach always lessens the number of unhappy people. Customers not able to understand an ETA, note Estimated, is what leads to this type of chart or no chart altogether.

The chart is definitely not put together by an intern. The message it conveys in which quarter the release is scheduled for. Quarterly planning and release cycles are the norm.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Yep, and the only way QA aren't finding these bugs is if they have been instructed to ignore or not report certain issues.

As someone that worked in QA as soon as you start playing you see the holes in this game, 99% of the people playing arent QA testers and are reporting almost constant issues big and small.

Yup. Having been in software development for a quite some time now, QA is almost never NOT finding issues lol There's obviously prioritization that happens. But the statement that "they didn't pick up on" seems very disingenuous. Would've expected them to say they knew about it and were hoping to fix it, or they felt confident they can fix it etc. Just comes across like scapegoating.


Oct 26, 2017
Wow, those lies were blatant, saw no issues on PS4/Xbox, believed in the launch? come on!
I've had the ps5 version since launch and put in 5 hours, during that time i've had texture pop ins during cut scenes, the odd sound glitch and crashes almost exactly an hour into a play session - hence only 5 hours of play!
I know three people who finished it, said they loved the setting and the game in general, but everyone said it didn't feel like a finished game and like we were testing it for them! So much so i've left it until its updated and can work better.

I had naively hoped we'd get some patches and next gen update in Q1, even if it was a half hearted update with more down the line, but this is terrible! it obviously needed another year in the oven

In a way i can wait a 'length' of time for next gen if its fixed and stable, but the next gen update on that road map is just silly? its almost like a GOTY edition rerelease at that point


Oct 28, 2017
Gamers: "Crunch is bad! How could they release unfinished product!"
Also gamers: "That timeline an intern threw together is bullshit! Why cannot they commit to arbitrary deadlines???"
Oct 27, 2017
Ha! It was always the fault of the QA team! And the consoles CDPR was developing for because they were too weak! Totally clears upper management. Thank you!

... fuck this bigot company and their GAMERS™ response

This is how product development works. Nothing unusual here. As a Product manager I'm all too familiar with making a promise that can't be kept due to an unforeseen circumstance (employee sick, uncover an unknown during development). Customers cry in either situation but a more vague approach always lessens the number of unhappy people. Customers not able to understand an ETA, note Estimated, is what leads to this type of chart or no chart altogether.

The chart is definitely not put together by an intern. The message it conveys in which quarter the release is scheduled for. Quarterly planning and release cycles are the norm.

Oh, yeah, I forgot: it's also the fault of the customers. Never CDPR!


Nov 3, 2017
"Old-gen consoles" – that is gaslighting at its best. The game was announced at the start of this "old-gen" and that was always the target platform. It was just because of two delays that the game luckily released after the new generation started, so stop pretending as if those "old-gen" consoles were holding you back.


Oct 27, 2017
Who honestly is going to care about this game in 6-12 months? They really should have just delayed it a full year.
People are good at forgiving each other. I don't really think that the general public will sustain the same level of hostility towards CDPR as we are seeing right now. In one or two years much of the current events will feel less dramatic. CP2077 is a big game, and I think the interest will slowly return when there is are functioning console versions of the game.

I'm not saying that what CDPR did was ok, but I don't think that the game is nearly as dead as Era make it to be.


Oct 25, 2017
So it looks like I'll play a somewhat finished version in a year then.
I'm ok with that, always nice to save some money


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not saying that what CDPR did was ok, but I don't think that the game is nearly as dead as Era make it to be.

I mean, yeah, the game is bugged, especially on consoles, but it's still a fun game despite this. I like it very much. But i play on a high-end PC, so i avoid most of the worst issues, i'm well aware of that.


Nov 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I've just submitted my refund request to CDPR for my PS4 physical copy.

it will be dirt cheap by the time the next gen versions come out at the end of the year (if I even feel like playing it then).


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
So, I mean, they're all-in on this, right? This was virtually their entire business for the next several years. This was the entire crux of their company.

Is their CEO getting shit-canned for fucking it up? Serious question. I don't see any reason to give them the benefit of the doubt, otherwise. There's no excuse for being in that high of a position and being this chiefly responsible for this big of a fuck-up and just getting to walk it off.
Nope but I bet you anything the hard working devs and testers will be let go to try and recoup losses


Oct 25, 2017
The console comments remind me of what happened on Uncharted 3 - they definitely had an issue they couldn't see in the office. http://www.1up.com/features/mapping-uncharted-3-drake-deception2630.html?pager.offset=7

Wells relates, "We were three days from gold master -- a [few] weeks ago -- and our lead programmer comes in with Christophe and [game director] Justin Richmond, and they shut the door. I'm like, 'Why are we having a closed door conversation so close to gold master?' He sits down with the most depressed look on his face, and he says, 'Guys, I took the game home, and it's a mess.'" The problem: the game performs just fine -- for the first half. After reaching the halfway point, numerous bugs would crop up. Objects would disappear. Walls would flicker in and out of existence. Nathan could find himself in a hall devoid of anything -- geometry, texture, lighting, etc.

Wells continues, "All of these bugs point to the exact same problem in our streaming system. We are streaming stuff constantly; we're abusing the PlayStation 3 like a bad child. We're streaming audio, music, animation, video, levels, textures, everything. We're filling the memory, and about halfway through, it gets jammed up so that when we ask for a texture, it's not there; we ask for an animation, and it's not there." Balestra interjects to note that the reason this bug came up was because the programmer happened to play the game on an older test unit -- most of Naughty Dog's Quality Assurance team were using newer debug hardware and hence weren't running into this issue. The developers realized that a lot of fans still probably play games on launch-era PS3 systems, and this bug could end up ruining a lot of players' experiences.

Doesn't excuse the literally everything else though - and I'm no dev, but the line "seeing improvements each and every day" just before launch might say more about the active state of the product than they're intending


Dec 25, 2017
Damn this is pathetic. Even if they make the game playable (in 2022) there are apparently still so many fundamental issues like piss-poor AI, lack of immersion, cut content, and gratuitous transphobia. The straight up lying about the current gen versions is also just plain insulting.

What a fucking disappointment
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Oct 27, 2017
Maybe some evil hacker got into their code a day before release and added bugs. Or maybe dog ate their bug protection. How else would you explain how it was working fine before release but not after?