
The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Epileptic PSA: There are reports that animations and flashing lights in this game can cause seizures. Read this article for more information

Why is there controversy surrounding CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077?

CD Projekt Red has a history of transphobia. This is well documented at this point and not a matter of debate. Due to this context there is particular concern about transphobic or insensitive content in Cyberpunk 2077 itself, such as the decision to tie gender to voice in the character creator, and trans fetishization in illustrations in the game—and these are just examples from prerelease footage. Additionally, there have been concerns about racist imagery and stereotyping. This article goes into depth about some of these issues.

What incidents of transphobia have occurred surrounding the game and the company, and why are they hurtful?

This list will be updated over time as more examples come to light, especially as the game releases and more content is uncovered. If you wish to have something added to this list, please send me a DM and get my attention.

Why is ResetEra allowing an official thread for this game?

There has been a lot of discussion about whether there should even be an official thread for Cyberpunk 2077, and many points of view were considered for this decision. Ultimately, a thread like this can serve as a platform for minority concerns to be aired and discussed respectfully, and given appropriate attention. We've also heard from minority members, including some trans members, who have asked for a space where they can talk about the game without needing to worry about trolling and bigoted posting. We expect all posters in the thread to extend the consideration and empathy to give them that space. We will be moderating as strictly as necessary to make sure they do.

What can I do to help fight transphobia?

Transphobia exists in many aspects of our lives. From casual discrimination such as the continuous misuse of a person's preferred pronouns, to more serious ramifications such as housing being denied, legal rights being taken away, and being discriminated in the legal system. Every trans person either has experienced transphobia in their lives, or will experience transphobia at some point.

Moreover, transphobia is a systematic issue that is present in every level of our society. Politicians fight to take away our rights. Celebrities use coded language and religious justifications, if not outright hostility, in order to continue to deny our existence. Media continues to portray us as the butt of a joke, or acts like we're something to be fascinated by, rather than treated with respect.

Actions speak louder than words: Become active in your local politics, donate to transgender causes, stand up for these issues wherever they arise, and if you know transgender people in your life be there for them and support them.

Here are some pro-trans organizations around the world where you can make a donation and show your support
  • For those of you in the US, The Trevor Project is one of the leading LGBT organizations. They are dedicated to crisis intervention and suicide prevention for people who are in need of support, love, and care.
  • For those of you in the UK, Mermaids is dedicated to the support of transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse children, young adults, and their families. They have been around since 1995, and have been one of the most vocal voices speaking out against transphobia in the UK, including showing the dangers that transphobia imposes upon our youth.
  • If you would like to donate to CDPR's native country of Poland, you can find the Trans-Fuzja Foundation website here. The Trans-Fuzja Foundation has been around since 2008, and is dedicated to the support of transgender people in Poland in many aspects of life and society, including politics.
We are your friends. We are your family members. We're your coworkers. We're the people you meet on the street. We're the essential workers who keep society running in a pandemic. We're everywhere. We're not some sort of freak or joke, and we're not going away.

I want to give major thanks to Uzzy for lending her talent, time, and effort in putting together graphics and material for this official thread. Without her, this would not have been possible on such short notice. I would also like to give a shout out and thanks to Kyuuji for allowing me to use images and links from her own thread for this posts.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I was idly browsing Metacritic and was looking at some of the Cyberpunk 10/10s. One of them just fucking baffled me. from the concluding paragraph:

Nothing about this is true

It's a bit hyperbolic but I can see some of what they are saying. There actually is great exploration here and I do think a very good perk tree that actually does drastically alter how you play the game.

In terms of emotional depth just the pure excellentness of the facial animations in missions and side missions does put it up there as a pinnacle in gaming in terms of removing uncanny valley and identifying with the characters. That said, that's kind of outside of the open world aspect as it requires missions to get you there.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes, it was purposefully designed for A.I. to only drive in straight lines and completely disappear from the player when their back is turned. In other words, it's broken.

Rather than being broken, its a lot more likely that what's in the game at the moment is a temporary/early implementation IMO. It's easy to point to bugs because that's what we're used to and the game isn't short on them. But what we see on the road in game is just super basic. Like a lot of other systems in the game, it's not highly interactive or dynamic, it's just basic. Passable enough to get realtime gameplay videos out and that's it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the plan was to implement more fleshed or developed systems at a later date while passing the current state off as being buggy.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
CohhCarnage Unboxes His New CDPR Gift Box



Oct 25, 2017
You know of double jump is broken when you can reach really high places and see an out of bounds area



Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
I liked the character quite a bit, but Tarot cards and all that fortune telling stuff is a blight in real world so I skipped anything related to that in the game. Do you mean anything specific? Is it a cool mechanic?

Nah, just the dialogue and ambiance of the scene really. There is a tarot card collectathon in the game world, not completed that yet so I don't know what impact that might have.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

Definitely not going stealth again if I replay this lol

A game doesn't need to be revolutionary to be a 9

Yep I'm getting closer to this but tbf to get to this point you have to be a solid 30hrs into the game.

Like it takes a loooonnng ass time to get the combat clicking imo and this clip actually does demonstrate a balanced build of hacks, stealth, blades, and guns.

Stealth is still built out here you can tell because of the headshot crits and silenced pistols. Athletics built out for jumps. Blades built out for big blade damage, and guns just generally built out. And yeah hacks too as they are running very advanced hacks.
Aug 30, 2020
For those playing this thing, how well does it live up to the 2018 trailer? Just in general, in terms of the expectations set by it.

Every single thing there would have to be a part of a mission / scripted event. That's really it. None of that would happen dynamically in the world.

I definitely imagined a more dynamic open world, 'revolutionary' if you will, when this trailer came out. But I also knew that wasn't likely. I was afraid it was going to be GTA missions and you wouldn't even be able to move outside of road / mission spaces - since they literally never showed non mission exploration of the environment.

Nigel Tufnel

Mar 5, 2019
I'm playing on a PS4 Pro, and it is very ugly and broken on that system, can't imagine the poor folks rocking base last gen consoles.

I can tell that the bones of an enjoyable experience are here, but it just so rough right now. I also have to say, the dialogue seems even more stilted than the Witcher, and is the attempts are ultra-cool edginess juxtaposed against the clankiness in the writing is pretty incoherent.

Blades are fun as fuck though.


Oct 25, 2017
I was idly browsing Metacritic and was looking at some of the Cyberpunk 10/10s. One of them just fucking baffled me. from the concluding paragraph:

Nothing about this is true
No, the character animations and how they convey emotions through physicality, facial expressions, and dialogue in missions are top tier for open world games. I can't think of any other open world game that implements all that so well into non-cutscene interactions. There's also a surprising amount of verticality and space to explore, especially once/if you unlock enhanced movement abilities. But besides that, you reach and leap across so many rooftops, enter a surprising amount of interiors that will feel lived-in or have their own little stories or eventually be connected to a gig


Oct 25, 2017
I think the way we evaluate open world design needs some real analysis. Because this open world feels like window set dressing in the same vein as L.A. Noire, or Mafia II but the pockets of space in between lead to some great creative approaches for combat. It's a technical mess, unplayable on lesser hardware, representation is severely limited and can not be atoned for, and the social media marketing for the game was pretty fucking vile. When you look at what they've accomplished in advancing the illusion on an open world, I think they've pushed gameplay in a better direction. Pockets of space, for gigs, or side clearing activities with a robust set of skill trees allow for some unique approaches in combat design.

If Deus Ex Mankind Divided gave us a more dense space to play with in an hub based Prague, this feels similar in that mentality just interconnected through out a much larger map. I started envisioning more of a role playing aspect because choices to sit on objects, drink at bars, hang out with other NPCs aren't there but may be could be added. It also has the feeling of having a quality story mission structure to take you to interiors of larger buildings with first person animation to immerse. Much like Mafia II, where the focus feels like it's on the quality of that tried and true mission marker design.

Some of the more basic elements of AI NPC behavior from even the likes of GTA III 2001 are missing, and so it's more akin to the static back drop of a more focused story inside a cardboard world. I don't think this the open world revolution the hype was meant to bring, but I do think it's the way space and verticality are utilized show a lot of emergent gameplay promise in how you handle combat encounters - stealth, ninja, gunplay, what have you. The static backdrop of the world even with a live day and night cycle can feel like a good disguise, but the immersion breaking bugs rip you right out of it. The problem is the more vast the space is, it always feels like we should be heading in a more dense smaller area to really encourage advanced AI behavior.

I think the choices for fashion and item pickups, cyberware mods and weapon customization are also a good complement to the gameplay systems. The radio stations are really well mixed together, and on top tier hardware, the Ray tracing is absolutely stunning. For all the abhorrent mistakes they've made regarding transphobic incessant advertising in the game deeply embedded, it almost feels like the art team may have ran out of time also as the same billboards are recycled throughout. Their open world choices lead me to believe that the way gameplay occurs in smaller sections of the map allow for an interconnected set of good challenges, through gigs or random encounters. Path tracing AI, police response on level changes also are very simple but there are some steps gameplay wise that show steps forward in trying to disguise larger map space into something unique.


Oct 27, 2017
Having a lot more fun now I've gone all in with the Katana for now, thinking of putting some points into pistols too so I can use a revolver. Anyone else done the same?


Oct 25, 2017
For those playing this thing, how well does it live up to the 2018 trailer? Just in general, in terms of the expectations set by it.

Every bit of it could be something I'd be unsurprised to see in this game.

... in a cinematic.

As a cinematic trailer to communicate sense of place and visual style, it's absolutely on point. It's not representative of gameplay. You won't be playing any basketball.


Oct 25, 2017
Because it's a great game, despite the open world gameplay being literally more on the level of a NES open world game than modern systems. Doesn't diminish the missions, storytelling, many of the mechanics, visual presentation, etc. It's Deus Ex if they stretched and pulled on the open world until it became GTA scale, but they didn't fill in the gaps.
Yeah it's such a damn shame they released the console versions on the state that they're in. Because there actually is a lot to like with this game, even if NPC AI isn't one of those things. The world itself is superb. My points of comparison from modern open world games would be GTA5, Mafia 3, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Phantom Pain, The Division, and Ghost Recon: WL. this is by far my favorite open world to explore.Cyberpunk's world is well designed for exploration and for alternative routes in missions, including all the shit you can hack and use to do other shenanigans with. Most notably it's beautiful to look at, there's so much so see. From little details to huge towering buildings. And that same detail continues to the character designs, their animations are also clearly above average compared to other open world games.

And while CP77 isn't the first or only open world game with first person perspective, I don't think any other of those games utilize it so well. I think the first person view is also one factor why there is this rather nice natural flow to the conversations. We still so often only have these talking heads, but here the dialogue scenes are visually interesting too. Partly because you're usually not completely locked into them either. But you can look or even walk around, change who to talk to mid conversation, take a sip of courage before making a move towards your love interest and so on.

I can easily find many things from the game where it excels at compared to it's peers. Still the fact remains, that the game shouldn't have been released at this state. But like mentioned in the thread, the corpos didn't want to lose their biggest sales window. My own experience on Stadia has been near flawless though, minus some non game breaking bugs and visual glitches obviously.
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Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Like I can honestly say this is a lot more fun than the witcher 3 and I had a lot of fun with the witcher 3.

On PC with a 3080 and 8700k it's for sure a 9/10 game for me.

But yeah they should have made this a next gen and pc exclusive.


Oct 27, 2017
So, are they adding support for other keyboard layouts anytime soon?

Kinda annoyed to change my sub-objective everytime I just want to move forward, and filter the icons when I want to go up on the map.

Rather than being broken, its a lot more likely that what's in the game at the moment is a temporary/early implementation IMO. It's easy to point to bugs because that's what we're used to and the game isn't short on them. But what we see on the road in game is just super basic. Like a lot of other systems in the game, it's not highly interactive or dynamic, it's just basic. Passable enough to get realtime gameplay videos out and that's it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the plan was to implement more fleshed or developed systems at a later date while passing the current state off as being buggy.
Imo they planned and developed a better AI, but it was so buggy and dsidn't work to the point they had to redo a more simplistic version to be able to ship the game at all.
I suspect there are several areas where this is the case, would explain the multiple release date shifts.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't even have to try and haven't played the game much yet and I already noticed the same issues, like walking past an NPC and them suddenly disappearing behind you immediately. I also have what I think is a fairly capable PC where the only thing really lacking for this game at least is in the GPU department (1080 Ti, 32GB, 3700x, installed on a PCIE 4.0 SSD)

Yea like I said, I guess I am lucky. I have seen cops who spawn out of nowhere, and can count on one hand when I saw pedestrians fade in. But nothing much. RTX 2080 Super, 32 GB of 3200 DDR4 RAM, i9-10900K, 1TB M.2 SSD (3500R/3000W) for C:\ and another for D:\ where I keep my apps. So I have a feeling I am brute forcing past some of the stuff common to others.

In other news, I found this gun just laying on a cabinet:


With my gear that adds a total of +40% crit damage and perks that add about the same for revolver headshots, I am mutilating enemies now. I think it's time to work on my health now.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Having a lot more fun now I've gone all in with the Katana for now, thinking of putting some points into pistols too so I can use a revolver. Anyone else done the same?

Watch that clip just posted. Balanced build is worth while basically. But yeah I run stealth/hacks as much as I can as I kind of appreciate a slower pace in general and then pistols and blades once cover is blown.

Game absolutely has more than enough to do level a balanced build and then the sky is the limit as far as how you want to approach combat.

Witcher 3 which is much more of a traditional rpg is insanely limited by comparison.


Oct 25, 2017
And while CP77 isn't the first and only open world game with first person view, I don't think any other of those games utilizes it so well. I think the first person view is also one factor why there is this rather nice flow to the conversations. We still so often only have these talking heads, but here the dialogue scenes are visually interesting too. Partly because you're usually not completely locked into them either. But you can look or even walk around, change who to talk to mid conversation, take a sip of courage before making a move towards your love interest and so on.
Of all the facets of the game, this will be the most influential I feel. The way open world RPGs handle dialogue sequences moving forward will feel downright archaic compared to how much immediacy and liveliness there is in the dialogue interactions.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
The apartment in the "Til Death Do Us Part" gig is amazing, I deactivated all the security systems and made a manual save so I can go back and Photo Mode to my heart's content.




Oct 25, 2017
Watch that clip just posted. Balanced build is worth while basically. But yeah I run stealth/hacks as much as I can as I kind of appreciate a slower pace in general and then pistols and blades once cover is blown.
Hacking and sniping from a distance
Hacking and shotguns/katanas up close

has been my main build focus


Jun 10, 2020
If you go past the bugs and the time it takes to load areas. The game is really great. A littke to easy to get to maximum reputation etc...

I've played something like 60H and ready to play it again. Making another choices

Making the last choice on that rooftop was hard. Seeing Saul head getting smashed (No pun here >.>) was horrible. But the ending shows that it was worth it.

Team Panam *.*

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
And yeah stealth isn't completely broken it's just difficult in this game. I've done a couple main missions now completely undetected. It's just if you are detected you may as well just run and and gun it.


Jul 29, 2020
Yo this really sucks

Maybe it's the responsibility of the devs to not release a game that hits a 52/100 MC score because it's essentially unplayable on day 1?

Sorry about that comment about it being a "life choice"...I regret phrasing it in that way. I agree that not everybody can afford or wants a more capable system.

I'm not apologising for the shitty performance of the game but I do stand by the sentiment that you really shouldn't be playing this game on the older consoles if you can avoid it. It's shitty that they hid the performance from the consumer pre-release. I do think some of the onus is on the consumer though - don't pre-order games and you won't be burned by these kinds of issues.


Oct 25, 2017
And yeah stealth isn't completely broken it's just difficult in this game. I've done a couple main missions now completely undetected. It's just if you are detected you may as well just run and and gun it.
Building into stealth opens up a lot of options. I think everyone starts with Reboot Optics, but you can force enemies back into unalarmed states, make them commit suicide, gain extra speed after takedowns and while moving grabbed people, etc


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
I think there should be very, very rare instances where a game hits a perfect score. And by most accounts, this shitty game is not even close to one of those instances. And that's in a perfect world where it doesn't have bugs/performance issues/etc

we don't disagree. I don't think a 10/10 should be every year, or even every two years. maybe once or twice per platform, per generation. From what I've seen of Cyberpunk it falls well short of that. This is a 7.5/10 game on PS5. Very pretty, but a LOT of flaws and lacks depth that's present in games from years ago.

Of the stuff I own (just shy of a couple hundred titles going back to 2000) I think I'd put maybe 5 games in that 10/10 category.

FFXII International (PS2), MGS3: Subsistence (PS2), Rockband 1 (PS3), The Last of Us Remastered (PS4), and God of War (PS4). Maybe an honorable mention for Tetris Effect because I literally can't stand any other version of tetris but THAT one keeps me hooked for hours.


alt account
Dec 13, 2018
And yeah stealth isn't completely broken it's just difficult in this game. I've done a couple main missions now completely undetected. It's just if you are detected you may as well just run and and gun it.
I find it fairly easy to be honest. I've got overheat, contagion, and short circuit quick hacks that take people down quick if I can't get close. I also have something that slows down time when spotted, so I can just slip back into cover.

Deleted member 8118

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I find it fairly easy to be honest. I've got overheat, contagion, and short circuit quick hacks that take people down quick if I can't get close. I also have something that slows down time when spotted, so I can just slip back into cover.
Yeah, the complaints about stealth in this game are strange. Even people were complaining about stealth in AC: Valhalla, but I had no issue with it.

I guess people were expecting stealth to be OP, but I think it works well the way it is. You just have to be careful.


Oct 25, 2017
I played this on Stadia a bit before I refunded it (managed to secure a PS5, so I'll play it there). It's a pretty fun game when you just do missions. As soon as you start trying to play it like GTA it's horrendous. I attacked an NPC and when the other ones ran away, their turning and running animations looked so choppy it took me right out of the game.

The first car you get on the Nomad playthrough drives like it's on ice but the motorcycle I jacked later felt pretty good. The radio feels completely broken though. Changing stations doesn't do anything so I just drive around in silence.

The dialogue system was so limited I felt like they might as well just not even had one. Most of the time there was only two choices and one of them just provides backstory and then you have to click the other one anyway. Just let the characters talk automatically so I don't have to keep clicking shit to advance the conversation lol.

Fallout 4 and Cyberpunk are pretty on par when it comes to the shooting mechanics. Except F4 has V.A.T.S.. So yeah.........I had more fun just braining everything with my sledge hammer.

All in all, it's okay. Not the second coming that would smite all other RPGs and open world games to death and crown CDPR as God Above All like people were hyping it to be. Not some massive catastrophe either. At least so far.

Chance Hale

Oct 26, 2017
Maybe people should realize numbers are arbitrary nonsense and always have been and stop giving a shit. Oh this is realllllllly an 8.878 not a 10. Meta critic is the absolute worst both for discourse and how companies treat their employees and bonuses to meet some "ideal" number


alt account
Dec 13, 2018
Yeah, the complaints about stealth in this game are strange. Even people were complaining about stealth in AC: Valhalla, but I had no issue with it.

I guess people were expecting stealth to be OP, but I think it works well the way it is. You just have to be careful.
I think the issue is the AI routines are weird. They're very long and very dumb, so you have to sit there for a while to see them. Distractions also seem to be hit or miss.

Also the whistle quick hack is the most unhelpful thing I've used in the game. That's gotten me caught more than helped.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Just had my first hard crash on the XSX. Was navigating the map to find a nearby mission and just ground to a halt and then froze. Black screen – back to dashboard.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry about that comment about it being a "life choice"...I regret phrasing it in that way. I agree that not everybody can afford or wants a more capable system.

I'm not apologising for the shitty performance of the game but I do stand by the sentiment that you really shouldn't be playing this game on the older consoles if you can avoid it. It's shitty that they hid the performance from the consumer pre-release, knowing that they shipped a game that is unfinished and unacceptable. I do think some of the onus is on the consumer though - don't pre-order games and you won't be burned by these kinds of issues.
Well no shit, literally everyone would be playing on next gen if they could avoid it. The reality is that most people are going to be playing on old gen because that is what is physically available to them, even in cases where they can afford to buy a new console.

This isn't a typical preorder scenario. It's not on consumers that they expected a game to be at least functional and playable when they received the game. Do you think it's just magic that the game has a 52/100 on MC and consumers are flooding requests for refunds?

What a weird position to double down on


Nov 23, 2017
Is it just me or is driving way easier with a keyboard? There seems to be too much deadzone or something with sticks, atleast with a Dualsense through DS4windows. Or the driving mechanics only allow for like 8 or 16 way directional input, that's what it feels like to me atleast. Atleast on keyboard, you can fine tune your steering by tapping S or D. I hope this gets addressed cause driving with a keyboard should never be easier, though I don't mind that I'm actually surprisingly pretty good at driving with a keyboard in this game.


Oct 27, 2017
we don't disagree. I don't think a 10/10 should be every year, or even every two years. maybe once or twice per platform, per generation. From what I've seen of Cyberpunk it falls well short of that. This is a 7.5/10 game on PS5. Very pretty, but a LOT of flaws and lacks depth that's present in games from years ago.

Of the stuff I own (just shy of a couple hundred titles going back to 2000) I think I'd put maybe 5 games in that 10/10 category.

FFXII International (PS2), MGS3: Subsistence (PS2), Rockband 1 (PS3), The Last of Us Remastered (PS4), and God of War (PS4). Maybe an honorable mention for Tetris Effect because I literally can't stand any other version of tetris but THAT one keeps me hooked for hours.
Great list, The Last of Us, God of War and MGS3 is all in my top 5 all time.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone have any advice on cyberdeck upgrades?

I've been playing a stealth hacker type character, and even though I'm well into act 2 I'm still using the starter cyberdeck because everytime I have enough money to upgrade to the next one, I think, 'why spend all this money on the green/blue/purple one, when if I save up just a little bit more I can get the blue/purple/gold one?'

Because of this I've now got the money I need for a gold tier cyberdeck, but I forgot about needing the street cred too, so now I'm kinda stuck. I want to upgrade to something better as I continue to earn the cred I'll need for the gold tier, but I don't want to waste spending a lot of money on it since it's just to hold me over for a couple of levels.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Slav squatting on the dam overseeing the city.


I also like how you can use different poses to "interact" with environment



Having a lot more fun now I've gone all in with the Katana for now, thinking of putting some points into pistols too so I can use a revolver. Anyone else done the same?

Revolver with a silencer is stealth killing/incapacitating (with a gun mod) machine. If you put points into stealth you can 1-shot all enemies on your level if you're not in combat.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe people should realize numbers are arbitrary nonsense and always have been and stop giving a shit. Oh this is realllllllly an 8.878 not a 10. Meta critic is the absolute worst both for discourse and how companies treat their employees and bonuses to meet some "ideal" number

I mean, yes, but at the same time suits at publishers hold these Metacritic scores over worker bees heads like it's gospel, even withholding bonuses over them. It seems like a crummy racket if you ask me.

I've worked IT and tech jobs since I was 18 to now bordering 40, been a software engineer for apps with 40K customers and been a solution architect for years now that see hundreds of thousands users a week, and I've never had bonuses or annual raises denied to me because of some random customer rating, coming from people who have no idea what I do and couldn't write a line of code to save their lives, let alone design some complex app or infrastructure.

Veering off a little, but I agree and disagree. I think it shouldn't matter, but at the same time you have developers relying on good scores for their bonuses and promotions so they have no choice. Fucked up all around.