
The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Epileptic PSA: There are reports that animations and flashing lights in this game can cause seizures. Read this article for more information

Why is there controversy surrounding CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077?

CD Projekt Red has a history of transphobia. This is well documented at this point and not a matter of debate. Due to this context there is particular concern about transphobic or insensitive content in Cyberpunk 2077 itself, such as the decision to tie gender to voice in the character creator, and trans fetishization in illustrations in the game—and these are just examples from prerelease footage. Additionally, there have been concerns about racist imagery and stereotyping. This article goes into depth about some of these issues.

What incidents of transphobia have occurred surrounding the game and the company, and why are they hurtful?

This list will be updated over time as more examples come to light, especially as the game releases and more content is uncovered. If you wish to have something added to this list, please send me a DM and get my attention.

Why is ResetEra allowing an official thread for this game?

There has been a lot of discussion about whether there should even be an official thread for Cyberpunk 2077, and many points of view were considered for this decision. Ultimately, a thread like this can serve as a platform for minority concerns to be aired and discussed respectfully, and given appropriate attention. We've also heard from minority members, including some trans members, who have asked for a space where they can talk about the game without needing to worry about trolling and bigoted posting. We expect all posters in the thread to extend the consideration and empathy to give them that space. We will be moderating as strictly as necessary to make sure they do.

What can I do to help fight transphobia?

Transphobia exists in many aspects of our lives. From casual discrimination such as the continuous misuse of a person's preferred pronouns, to more serious ramifications such as housing being denied, legal rights being taken away, and being discriminated in the legal system. Every trans person either has experienced transphobia in their lives, or will experience transphobia at some point.

Moreover, transphobia is a systematic issue that is present in every level of our society. Politicians fight to take away our rights. Celebrities use coded language and religious justifications, if not outright hostility, in order to continue to deny our existence. Media continues to portray us as the butt of a joke, or acts like we're something to be fascinated by, rather than treated with respect.

Actions speak louder than words: Become active in your local politics, donate to transgender causes, stand up for these issues wherever they arise, and if you know transgender people in your life be there for them and support them.

Here are some pro-trans organizations around the world where you can make a donation and show your support
  • For those of you in the US, The Trevor Project is one of the leading LGBT organizations. They are dedicated to crisis intervention and suicide prevention for people who are in need of support, love, and care.
  • For those of you in the UK, Mermaids is dedicated to the support of transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse children, young adults, and their families. They have been around since 1995, and have been one of the most vocal voices speaking out against transphobia in the UK, including showing the dangers that transphobia imposes upon our youth.
  • If you would like to donate to CDPR's native country of Poland, you can find the Trans-Fuzja Foundation website here. The Trans-Fuzja Foundation has been around since 2008, and is dedicated to the support of transgender people in Poland in many aspects of life and society, including politics.
We are your friends. We are your family members. We're your coworkers. We're the people you meet on the street. We're the essential workers who keep society running in a pandemic. We're everywhere. We're not some sort of freak or joke, and we're not going away.

I want to give major thanks to Uzzy for lending her talent, time, and effort in putting together graphics and material for this official thread. Without her, this would not have been possible on such short notice. I would also like to give a shout out and thanks to Kyuuji for allowing me to use images and links from her own thread for this posts.


Dec 19, 2020
Is anyone have a idea about that january patch fix the crashing issue on ps5? ( Sorry for my english ıt is not my native language)


May 14, 2020
It's so weird the way development priority was handled in this game. Like, side gigs are the most "disposable" missions yet they are often packed with unique content that most players will never see. Meanwhile, more mainline missions and side missions have more narrative but less variety in terms of mission and level design. I just did a small side gig to steal some information off a computer about person throwing wild parties on their yacht. The computer isn't on the yacht, its in a building on the dock. There is no reason to enter the yacht for the side gig. I complete the quest all stealth like for optional bonus. Yet afterwards I'm like, "I wonder if I can enter the yacht?"

Yes, you can. Inside there's some epic loot and Johnny appears to spout some lines about rich people. Meanwhile all I'm thinking is, "that's a lot of work for something no one has to see." Complete unique asset for yacht, plus unique interior, plus Keanu dialog. And, you absolutely do not have to go there. You aren't even prompted to go there. And this is all in a side gig, the throwaway missions. Yet, main missions will often lack some of this touch.

I often wonder if certain side gigs were missions planned for the main campaign but just couldn't be worked in or finished and were then reorganized as side gigs.

It's not surprising tho.

Even TW3 had side missions which were more interesting and detailed than the "main ones". Despite all their issues, they showed once again that they can write compelling characters and have actual and worthwile content outside the main path, it's a shame really, if only they had enough time and a better management they would've surpassed TW3 easily with CP2077.


Oct 25, 2017
It's so weird the way development priority was handled in this game. Like, side gigs are the most "disposable" missions yet they are often packed with unique content that most players will never see. Meanwhile, more mainline missions and side missions have more narrative but less variety in terms of mission and level design. I just did a small side gig to steal some information off a computer about person throwing wild parties on their yacht. The computer isn't on the yacht, its in a building on the dock. There is no reason to enter the yacht for the side gig. I complete the quest all stealth like for optional bonus. Yet afterwards I'm like, "I wonder if I can enter the yacht?"

Yes, you can. Inside there's some epic loot and Johnny appears to spout some lines about rich people. Meanwhile all I'm thinking is, "that's a lot of work for something no one has to see." Complete unique asset for yacht, plus unique interior, plus Keanu dialog. And, you absolutely do not have to go there. You aren't even prompted to go there. And this is all in a side gig, the throwaway missions. Yet, main missions will often lack some of this touch.

I often wonder if certain side gigs were missions planned for the main campaign but just couldn't be worked in or finished and were then reorganized as side gigs.
It's a good thing when open worlds scatter their meaningful finds around like this. It makes exploration feel worthwhile.

The larger missions lacking variety is their own issue, the gigs having meaningful interactions and lore moments was a good thjng about the game.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Finally beat it. Spent a lot of time doing side missions.

Anyone feel the main story is incredibly short?

But, feeling like rolling a female v now and cranking difficulty to max. Really love the game and can't wait to see it get even better.


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
I mean the game's story is very good so far, but it's pacing and overall flow is the worst I've seen since God of War 2018. It's honestly a massive step back from The Witcher 3 and even that game had its fair share of issues.

At this point it just sounds like I'm bashing the game unrelentingly (it's a vey compelling RPG with good writing where it counts) but iyam The Witcher 3's pacing was unwieldy and one of its weakest points. Cyberpunk represents a step up from The Witcher 3 on almost all narrative fronts, imo, and manages to reach the more consistent heights of The Witcher 2.

While, of course, also plunging into the gutter and being more baffling than any of their predecessors combined. It's a mixed bag, but one where the good definitively outweighs the negative. But now I'm just repeating myself. I must retire from this topical ointment...

It's so weird the way development priority was handled in this game. Like, side gigs are the most "disposable" missions yet they are often packed with unique content that most players will never see. Meanwhile, more mainline missions and side missions have more narrative but less variety in terms of mission and level design. I just did a small side gig to steal some information off a computer about person throwing wild parties on their yacht. The computer isn't on the yacht, its in a building on the dock. There is no reason to enter the yacht for the side gig. I complete the quest all stealth like for optional bonus. Yet afterwards I'm like, "I wonder if I can enter the yacht?"

Yes, you can. Inside there's some epic loot and Johnny appears to spout some lines about rich people. Meanwhile all I'm thinking is, "that's a lot of work for something no one has to see." Complete unique asset for yacht, plus unique interior, plus Keanu dialog. And, you absolutely do not have to go there. You aren't even prompted to go there. And this is all in a side gig, the throwaway missions. Yet, main missions will often lack some of this touch.

I often wonder if certain side gigs were missions planned for the main campaign but just couldn't be worked in or finished and were then reorganized as side gigs.

Interestingly I have my own view on this. The abridged version: the game's main story is remarkably told and stylish, but showers players with a disproportionate illusion of choice, until the finale, which can be surprisingly varied. The side quests are generally strongly written. The side gigs are fodder.

You do raise a fair point, gameplay-wise, though. There are numerous ways to tackle a gig, and even some story missions, though the latter is extensively more limited. It can be that the main story was catered to a somewhat more railroaded experience, as opposed to the more easily standalone side gigs. *punk shrug*

Finally beat it. Spent a lot of time doing side missions.

Anyone feel the main story is incredibly short?

But, feeling like rolling a female v now and cranking difficulty to max. Really love the game and can't wait to see it get even better.

AHA, and alas you have uncovered this game's greatest issue: we need more.

Cyberpunk just needs more Cyberpunk -- more population density, more story, more character moments, more character customization, more vehicle customization, more meaningful choices. Almost everything it does right ends up amazing. Thus, the tragedy of it not providing that in greater number. Of a lot of potential relegated to glitch-fests and game breakers and cut systems.

We'll see if there will ever be more Cyberpunk proper, or if it will even be at the same level of care and quality that Cyberpunk's greatest moments display. Three cheers to optimism. Oho yes. The 'O' word. Ya heard right! The big 'O'!
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Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
I ran into a game breaking bug today after putting about 50 hours in. Any quick hack I perform automatically makes my game drop to about 10 FPS. In addition to that, enemies can randomly become invincible. I cut a guys head off with a katana and he still kept coming at me like the terminator.

The only thing I did different was upgrade a few quick hacks to legendary.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally beat it. Spent a lot of time doing side missions.

Anyone feel the main story is incredibly short?

But, feeling like rolling a female v now and cranking difficulty to max. Really love the game and can't wait to see it get even better.
I like what they tried to do here. Making the story shorter and filling the world around you with lots of smaller story sections in side missions and gigs. It really helps to male the world feel like it's a living place.

There's a major issue int he execution, though. The main story being so urgent propels you forward, and unless you disengage on purpose to explore, you'll burn through it very quickly without ever seeing so much of the story.

I think they should have done away with the urgency, not had V on a timer, just made it a quest to figure out how to separate then both, when you hit the point of no return... THEN make it urgent, but until then make it more "the adventures of Johnny and V" as they gallivant around night city.

I really liked stumbling on a short gig with interactions with Johnny, bits of world building and character moments, but the urgent main quest always pulled me out of the immersionnof just wandering around.

The issues with the city itself: poor AI, no interesting dynamic encounters, no police pursuit... it meant that even if you did explore to find these little gigs, the cracks would show so often that immersion was broken again.

Difficulty was broken, too. On the highest setting you soon overpower everything which made encounters become braindead. This could easily be fixed with some tweaking, though. And this alone- if the game remained a fun challenge as you progressed - would improve things a great deal.

Anyway, yeh... the game had so much potential.


Oct 26, 2017
finished up all the endings, they were all fantastic, star is obviously the best one but I really liked how different they played out. awesome game.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Finally beat it. Spent a lot of time doing side missions.

Anyone feel the main story is incredibly short?

But, feeling like rolling a female v now and cranking difficulty to max. Really love the game and can't wait to see it get even better.

It's deliberately very short. They were clearly concerned by the number of Witcher 3 players who never finished the game, so were determined to cut it down to a more manageable time investment. Which makes sense, but still, I have to wonder as to how people who only do the critical path feel about the game, cause they're missing out on a lot of the best the game has to offer.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
It's deliberately very short. They were clearly concerned by the number of Witcher 3 players who never finished the game, so were determined to cut it down to a more manageable time investment. Which makes sense, but still, I have to wonder as to how people who only do the critical path feel about the game, cause they're missing out on a lot of the best the game has to offer.

Yeah, some of the side missions were just, wow.

I felt the same for w3, the main story was ehh, but some of the side missions were amazing, then heart of stone was just insane.


Jul 27, 2018
I think that the game should've done a better job justifying why V continues to do sidequests after finding out she's dying due to the chip.

Maybe they should've had a medicine mechanic where V needs to buy expensive pills to stave off the chip's fatal effects? Like malaria in Far Cry 2? Also, maybe have her do sidequests because she thinks that the quest givers could help her get rid of the chip or provide valuable info.

idk, cdpr should've found a way to have it make some sense because during my 1st playthrough i was bothered at how the story premise didn't work at all with the open world structure of the game. like, why is v still demanding payment for jobs? you're dying in few weeks, don't pay rent or any other bills, rarely bribe people, etc.


Oct 26, 2017
I think the latest you can save is when Hanako is at the piano.
no you can save up at the terrace with misty, where you will make your choice

I think that the game should've done a better job justifying why V continues to do sidequests after finding out she's dying due to the chip.

Maybe they should've had a medicine mechanic where V needs to buy expensive pills to stave off the chip's fatal effects? Like malaria in Far Cry 2? Also, maybe have her do sidequests because she thinks that the quest givers could help her get rid of the chip or provide valuable info.

idk, cdpr should've found a way to have it make some sense because during my 1st playthrough i was bothered at how the story premise didn't work at all with the open world structure of the game. like, why is v still demanding payment for jobs? you're dying in few weeks, don't pay rent or any other bills, rarely bribe people, etc.

I thought I read somehwere that they basically rewrote the whole story to give keanu reeves more presence in the game, which would definitely explain that. it' didn't bother me too much though, I am used killing boars for farmer when I should save the kingdom in rpgs.

also had a look at all the origin prologues, gotta say nomads got both the best intro and the best ending, although I really enjoyed the corpo fluff dialogue during my first run. seems to me the nomad character is definitely the closes we have to a "canon" one.


May 31, 2018
I think that the game should've done a better job justifying why V continues to do sidequests after finding out she's dying due to the chip.

Maybe they should've had a medicine mechanic where V needs to buy expensive pills to stave off the chip's fatal effects? Like malaria in Far Cry 2? Also, maybe have her do sidequests because she thinks that the quest givers could help her get rid of the chip or provide valuable info.

idk, cdpr should've found a way to have it make some sense because during my 1st playthrough i was bothered at how the story premise didn't work at all with the open world structure of the game. like, why is v still demanding payment for jobs? you're dying in few weeks, don't pay rent or any other bills, rarely bribe people, etc.

Some simple story context changes would have made this whole issue easily forgettable:

1) Make it so that V has at least 6-or-so months 'at worst' to live instead of the mere weeks that are mentioned at first.
2) Introduce Mikoshi earlier and say that "getting into that place is gonna be the challenge of a lifetime, you're gonna need all the firepower, tech, and street cred you can get" or something. Basically go the Breath of the Wild route of having a defined 'end goal' in sight from the start.

That way the issue isn't as urgent, justifying a lot of the messing around they do, and the player is given a decent-enough reason to increase their power levels and street cred. As it is right now doing something like waiting half a day to go on a street race, or meet someone for a date, or help some poor guy out are all ridiculous prospects considering the extremely-limited timeframe V is told they have.

At this point it just sounds like I'm bashing the game unrelentingly (it's a vey compelling RPG with good writing where it counts) but iyam The Witcher 3's pacing was unwieldy and one of its weakest points. Cyberpunk represents a step up from The Witcher 3 on almost all narrative fronts, imo, and manages to reach the more consistent heights of The Witcher 2.

While, of course, also plunging into the gutter and being more baffling than any of their predecessors combined. It's a mixed bag, but one where the good definitively outweighs the negative. But now I'm just repeating myself. I must retire from this topical ointment...

I suppose for me The Witcher 3's pacing, whilst incredibly slow, at least introduced main characters and main locations at a reasonable place. Once you're let loose on the entire city in this then you're let loose on the entire map, and encouraged with quests like the Delemain stuff to explore as much as possible. You never really get to 'take in' each environment because, at least for me, you've probably been there already, and the main quest itself barely touches on most of the city. Then when things get going later in the game you're very much bouncing around all over the place all the time, and it's incredibly jarring to be honest.

Meanwhile in The Witcher 3 the entire story basically followed a structure of "arrive in place, do place's quest, move on to next place." Sure, you could fast-travel freely, but the game was designed in a way that you stayed for a while in places like Velen, Novigrad, Skellige, etc before they became 'non-essential' to the main plot. In Cyberpunk you're in the Badlands for a single main-line mission and then your only reason to go out there again is side-quests that happen after said main mission is done.

Basically the game sways waaaayy too fast into "whole city is there for you to explore," territory, and it kind of ruins the pacing of a story that is pretty much tied directly to said city.
Sep 12, 2018
Also my girl Suzi put out her video on Cyberpunk, it's a longun.

Good vid. I had a similar experience to her with the in-game ads, they're overbearing, grating and obnoxious to the title's detriment at first but they soon wore me down in a way that they just aptly became an extension of the hyper-capitalist rot of Night City, working in the world building's favor


Oct 27, 2017
Have there been any in depth analysis videos on Cyberpunk's story yet? I know Curio is doing one at some point, but who else?

Not that I've seen and wouldn't expect one for some time. The main story is fine. If you ignore most of the side content and focus on the main path, you get a decent story. It's not a good RPG story since you basically have no choice until the very end, but its a decent action-adventure story. It also isn't really a story that utilizes its whole "cyberpunk setting" much, its not using the fictional technology of the future to forewarn a potential dystopic future or use allegory to make commentary on our present.

It is however a decent tale about existentialism and what happens when you're forced to confront the concept head on, as well as legacy; what you leave behind when you're gone and whether any of it matters.


Oct 25, 2017
Not that I've seen and wouldn't expect one for some time. The main story is fine. If you ignore most of the side content and focus on the main path, you get a decent story. It's not a good RPG story since you basically have no choice until the very end, but its a decent action-adventure story. It also isn't really a story that utilizes its whole "cyberpunk setting" much, its not using the fictional technology of the future to forewarn a potential dystopic future or use allegory to make commentary on our present.

It is however a decent tale about existentialism and what happens when you're forced to confront the concept head on, as well as legacy; what you leave behind when you're gone and whether any of it matters.

Well, it's been over a month since release. People were certainly coming out with their breakdowns of TLoU2's story by this point. It's actually kind of weird that, RPG or not, this is obviously a story driven game and no one seems to be talking about the story. And, yeah, I got the vibe that the story itself is more or less decent, but not cyberpunky, and I just want to see people who are interested in that angle do a thorough breakdown of that aspect.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, it's been over a month since release. People were certainly coming out with their breakdowns of TLoU2's story by this point. It's actually kind of weird that, RPG or not, this is obviously a story driven game and no one seems to be talking about the story. And, yeah, I got the vibe that the story itself is more or less decent, but not cyberpunky, and I just want to see people who are interested in that angle do a thorough breakdown of that aspect.

TLOU2 was a much smaller and shorter game. Also, its controversial story choices demanded attention. People have to first finish 2077 before they can start even attempting to discuss it.


May 31, 2018
Man, I've gotten to the 'literally broken' stage and the fun's slowly draining away from the game. Unless I'm actively stupid in combat, or get 'sploded by a random red barrel, there is literally nothing that can ever touch me. Enemies, even bosses, die in a single hit to my Comrade's Hammer pistol (might as well call it Thor's Hammer for how OP it is). So I have to actively choose to use lesser-powered weapons and make sure never to have any sense of self-preservation to have even a slight bit of challenge.

This is on Very Hard and not even at the highest levels for any of my stats. It's just... so incredibly easy to completely break this game and I'm really not sure I like that, especially since it's not really 'earned' as much as it just happens once you get to a certain point.


Oct 25, 2017
The ray traced reflections can legitimately make it hard to look through windows. It'd be cool if the game had a mechanic where V can do this:


Mar 18, 2019
Came here to vent. What bothers me about Cyberpunk is not the marketing that promised an RPG beyond our wildest dreams but gave us a janky, Central Europe GTA-wanna-be knock-off. It's how incredibly unrefined the game design is. It is so full of outdated systems piled on top of each other without end. Anyone who plays games regularly is already tired of all this. It seems so outdated: everything from the loot system to how quests are found, the never-ending flavour-text left lying around. Can we agree that it is insane how much this game asks you to read?! How people never stop calling you on your "phone" claiming they "heard about you." How you can have three people talking to you at the same time giving you story information. How many f-ing jobs you are asked to do for the police. I'm suppose to be a bad-ass cyberpunk and I'm happy to help the police clean up the streets??? wtf, man.

I'm having a lot of fun playing it, sure. It's the same way I have a lot of fun eating a bag of chips. But this incredible place, Night City, feels so dead and fake. Did CDPR never try, for example, Yakuza 0, a game that came out 5 years ago? That city is 10x smaller but feels alive and real and actually full of all kinds of different people.


Dec 9, 2020
If you have to play now - PC, because it crashes a lot on consoles. And I do mean a lot. It does run at stable 60fps on PS5 (and Series X I suppose) but - as I said, crashes all the time. If you can wait for the next gen patch, consoles will probably be better than your PC.
You need a real high-end PC to run the game without any issues.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Came here to vent. What bothers me about Cyberpunk is not the marketing that promised an RPG beyond our wildest dreams but gave us a janky, Central Europe GTA-wanna-be knock-off. It's how incredibly unrefined the game design is. It is so full of outdated systems piled on top of each other without end. Anyone who plays games regularly is already tired of all this. It seems so outdated: everything from the loot system to how quests are found, the never-ending flavour-text left lying around. Can we agree that it is insane how much this game asks you to read?! How people never stop calling you on your "phone" claiming they "heard about you." How you can have three people talking to you at the same time giving you story information. How many f-ing jobs you are asked to do for the police. I'm suppose to be a bad-ass cyberpunk and I'm happy to help the police clean up the streets??? wtf, man.

I'm having a lot of fun playing it, sure. It's the same way I have a lot of fun eating a bag of chips. But this incredible place, Night City, feels so dead and fake. Did CDPR never try, for example, Yakuza 0, a game that came out 5 years ago? That city is 10x smaller but feels alive and real and actually full of all kinds of different people.

You ain't wrong. There's a lot of QOL improvements that the game needs, improvements that have already been implemented in other games in the same genre. Hopefully we see them come in in future.


Jan 4, 2021
Came here to vent. What bothers me about Cyberpunk is not the marketing that promised an RPG beyond our wildest dreams but gave us a janky, Central Europe GTA-wanna-be knock-off. It's how incredibly unrefined the game design is. It is so full of outdated systems piled on top of each other without end. Anyone who plays games regularly is already tired of all this. It seems so outdated: everything from the loot system to how quests are found, the never-ending flavour-text left lying around. Can we agree that it is insane how much this game asks you to read?! How people never stop calling you on your "phone" claiming they "heard about you." How you can have three people talking to you at the same time giving you story information. How many f-ing jobs you are asked to do for the police. I'm suppose to be a bad-ass cyberpunk and I'm happy to help the police clean up the streets??? wtf, man.

I'm having a lot of fun playing it, sure. It's the same way I have a lot of fun eating a bag of chips. But this incredible place, Night City, feels so dead and fake. Did CDPR never try, for example, Yakuza 0, a game that came out 5 years ago? That city is 10x smaller but feels alive and real and actually full of all kinds of different people.

Yeah, it's extremely noticeable how much is underdeveloped and/or absent from the gameplay. Some of the basic more independent stuff (like customizing V's appearance after the initial set-up, seeing how clothes would look on V while shopping, etc.) should be pretty straightforward to implement and hopefully will.

However I have little hope they will actually fix or improve the underlying gameplay systems as CDPR upper management has indicated their satisfaction with the game as it currently is on PC.


Oct 25, 2017
Cyberpunk 2077 Is Now Discounted to 50% Across Major Retailers

Cyberpunk 2077 Is Now Discounted to 50% Across Major Retailers

Although, Cyberpunk 2077 has now been removed from the PlayStation Store and has a caution headline on Xbox Store. It doesn't stop the physical copies of

Shit isn't this way too early?
Their reputation is in tatters and even casual players who don't care as much about performance issues are dragging them for their lies.

I'd imagine retailers across the board from physical to third party key sellers got a lot of stock in anticipation and just couldn't shift it. No surprise this is happening.
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Nov 12, 2020
Their reputation is in tatters and even casual players who don't care as much about performance issues are dragging them for their lies.

I'd imagine retailers across the board from physical to third party key sellers got a lot of stock in anticipation and just couldn't shift it. No reprise this is happening.
Yeah seems like, would also narrow their profits it seems. This is also the only way to get the game now on PS4 atleast.


Apr 25, 2019
I already have it on PS4 to play on a ps5. The Xbox version on a series x is the only console with extra crowd density right?

I may get a Xbox copy since my gcu will be cancelled soon.


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
Did CDPR never try, for example, Yakuza 0, a game that came out 5 years ago? That city is 10x smaller but feels alive and real and actually full of all kinds of different people.

My friend-o, that is exactly why. ;p

It is the same with TW3. When they turned it open world, the focused drive of TW2 was lost to a dull expanse that didn't make exploration much fun.

Blood and Wine, on the other hand, was a crowning jewel.

Big bold cityscapes are near impossible to inject with life properly, compared to a denser, more concentrated and smaller world space. Unfortunately, Night City is at its most lifelike when you're not touching it.


Oct 25, 2017
the in-game ads are just not funny and at worse, obnoxious and offensive. just awful world building

and speaking of the world building, the whole fake slang that CDPR does is extremely corny. i felt the same way about the witcher 3, where characters use "ploughing" as a cuss word. it's embarrassing that the characters are saying "gonk", preem, choomba, etc. just ugh....


Oct 27, 2017
the in-game ads are just not funny and at worse, obnoxious and offensive. just awful world building

and speaking of the world building, the whole fake slang that CDPR does is extremely corny. i felt the same way about the witcher 3, where characters use "ploughing" as a cuss word. it's embarrassing that the characters are saying "gonk", preem, choomba, etc. just ugh....

No comment on the advertisements in game, but
aren't the slang terms from the Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop RPG invented back in the 1980's by Mike Pondsmith?


Oct 25, 2017
Not keeping up on all the marketing prior to release seems to have saved me a degree of disappointment because on some level I'm sort of taking the game for what it is. It feels like a mostly standard urban open-world game with amazing graphics (on PC) and above average writing. I'm probably not as attached to the world and characters as I was to The Witcher (even when I played Witcher 1 the first time) but it still works.

The traffic and crowd AI are probably the most glaring deficiencies for me. The way the map and quests are handled is aggressively standard too. I can see how people got annoyed from quest givers constantly calling them if they drove past a place where a quest starts. I didn't have that problem because I stopped early in the main quest and decided to just clear the map, but that had the effect of grinding the story progress to a halt for 50 hours. The balance of pacing and urgency between a main quest and side quests continues to plague open-world games and Cyberpunk doesn't even try to avoid this.

Really, the quest giving system and map icon system are a downgrade from Witcher 3. TW3's billboards solved the problem of how to give out side quests in a non-intrusive way that fit the game world. Cyberpunk could've had an equivalent where maybe you call, message, or meet the fixers themselves to ask for gigs. The fact that you can physically meet the fixers but have very few in-person interactions with them suggests to me that maybe they wanted to do something like this but ran out of time, and them calling you on-location was a band-aid solution. Also, TW3 let you turn off point-of-interest icons on the map which actually drastically improved exploration. Organically coming upon stuff or just exploring because you saw some place in the distance was more satisfying. Because of the billboards I could go wherever the main quest took me and then just take jobs whenever I got there.

My friend-o, that is exactly why. ;p

It is the same with TW3. When they turned it open world, the focused drive of TW2 was lost to a dull expanse that didn't make exploration much fun.

Blood and Wine, on the other hand, was a crowning jewel.

Big bold cityscapes are near impossible to inject with life properly, compared to a denser, more concentrated and smaller world space. Unfortunately, Night City is at its most lifelike when you're not touching it.
Someone on this forum (maybe it was EatChildren) said there's basically no reason for AAA developers to make "wide-linear" games like this anymore because they don't offer the amount of content needed to keep the average buyer attached to a $60+ release but are still way more expensive to make than a linear game.

"Wide-linear" from a production standpoint seems to be inherently tied to mid-budget games like Witcher 2 or the Yakuza games. Yakuza is a very unique series that reuses the same world maps to crank out new entries almost annually.


Jan 4, 2021
Someone tell me I can romance Joss as male V...

Don't know who Joss is but the romances are as follows:

Male V - Panam and/or Kerry
Female V - Judy and/or River

It's kind of disappointing there aren't more. I think it would have been great if they added two more romances, think Takemura and Meredith as pansexuals (so you could romance them regardless of V's gender) would have worked. You already spend a lot of time with Takemura so a few additional side missions could have definitely spun off into something more intimate. And Meredith feels underutilized so a romance could have fleshed her out more as well as provide additional insight into a corp outside of Araska.


Oct 27, 2017
i stand by my comment that it's extremely corny. not everything needed to be carried over from the board game

I see. Well you made it sound like the slang was on CDPR, but really I don't know how you'd make an accurate game set in the Cyberpunk table top universe without the slang from it and have it be authentic. 🤷‍♂️


Oct 27, 2017
Well, I finally took down every cyberpsycho without killing any of them (not that its difficult since lethal weaponry doesn't count) and my reward was...nothing. Regina calls you to her crib to thank you and I assume to perhaps give info on how the "therapy" might be working. Nope, she's just like thanks we're still trying to figure out therapy and that's it. So, why couldn't you just tell me that over the phone. And I don't think I even got money, just more XP.