Dec 30, 2020
Dave Chapelle's version of Huck Finn must read really, really weird.

He really needs to learn basic human rights and empathy. Failing that, he needs to learn to shut all of the hell up.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm reading the article, but I don't see where he equates his transphobia to people calling him the N-word. Can anyone else see it? I might just be missing it. I'd like to post this story elsewhere, but would like to quote from the article, especially that part.


Mar 21, 2022
I'm reading the article, but I don't see where he equates his transphobia to people calling him the N-word. Can anyone else see it? I might just be missing it. I'd like to post this story elsewhere, but would like to quote from the article, especially that part.
It's just like how Kanye equated being called an anti-semite to the n-word.


▲ Legend ▲
Mar 27, 2021
"Theyre like, if you say this, we'll come to your venue angry throwing eggs" - paraphrased

Like yeah, youre attacking them ya dolt
Oct 27, 2017
It's just like how Kanye equated being called an anti-semite to the n-word.

Sorry, I meant the actual quote from the article that's implied from the OP's title—I've done a ctrl-f for transphobe/transphobia as well as other things (and read through), but I can't find him saying it (unless it was removed from the article).


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
"Theyre like, if you say this, we'll come to your venue angry throwing eggs" - paraphrased

Like yeah, youre attacking them ya dolt

He's SO CONFUSED as to why people are mad at him!!!!!!!!

It's like that Hannibal Burress "why are you booing me, I'm right!" gif but he genuinely believes it.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
The sad thing is, between Rowling and Musk, how desperate he is to lick the cheeks of white billionaires.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, I meant the actual quote from the article that's implied from the OP's title—I've done a ctrl-f for transphobe/transphobia as well as other things (and read through), but I can't find him saying it (unless it was removed from the article).
The quote in post #7 was originally part of the article.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks like Variety edited the article quickly to remove most of that paragraph. Now it just says:

"These were grown people of various genders and gender identities," Chappelle said. "They threw eggs. They threw eggs at the [fans] who were lined up to see the show."


Jun 10, 2022
Toronto, ON
Charismatic people try things like this all the time through sheer force of rhetoric:

They kept saying that: 'Go home, transphobe,' and 'fuck you, transphobe.' It was really confusing, but if you replace the word transphobe for n—– it makes perfect sense."
Go home transphobe: Doesn't make sense! -- so confusing! -- ohh my brain, amirite? -- mixed, difficult feelings -- forces self-reflection -- oh god no, am I the asshole? -- new situation, new word --- oh god no, am I getting old and out of touch? -- should I do some research on this? -- I resent this all deeply

They're really calling me n----: Ayyyy so simple and easy -- no complexity here -- there is nothing new under the sun -- no need for reflection -- now I can dismiss them -- you know the types, the ones that are bad? -- when someone disagrees with me, just substitute them having a point for being a bad person.

I've seen plenty of politicians pull shit like this. Depressing to see Dave doing it.


Oct 27, 2017
"I guess apparently they had made a pledge to the public at large that they would make their club a safe space for all people, and that they would ban anything they deemed transphobic," Chappelle said on the podcast. "This is a wild stance for an artistic venue to take, especially one that's historically a punk rock venue."

Punk rock famously loved multi-millionaire, classist public figures shitting on marginalized communities. It was, like, their whole thing.

This is all down to his narcissism. He came back with a lazy, bad "trying to trick men into fucking them" joke that would have flown in 2004 when he left the public eye but didn't fly in 2015 when the trans community has social media and has been able to raise awareness of how this shit is harmful. If he were a normal fucking person and not someone who thinks their perspective is special and important, he would have just issued a half-hearted apology and moved the fuck on and he'd probably be a relatively uncontroversial figure. Instead, he's hung a curtain his whole career over an issue I firmly believe he didn't give much a fuck about before 2015 because he just can't be wrong. If he's wrong, he isn't the poet and thinker he thinks he is.


Jan 6, 2021
He gets a pass in San Francisco so I don't really know how it's really going to affect his career. He just sold out the Chase Center with Chris Rock and the local media just gobbles him up and hand waves the transphobia. His fan base is primarily liberal too out here and is treated like a visionary. It boggles my mind


Oct 31, 2017
"Now I have a belief that the gay community is not monolithic, and I think that in regards to me, that there's probably a variety of opinions throughout that," Chappelle said. "But there's a thing they do where they deliberately obscure what I think they believe is the intent of my work to make a moment of it that I don't know that the work necessarily merits. You know what I mean?"



Oct 26, 2017
I think he once again demonstrates a lack of understanding of what intersectionality is and that you can be two things at once. But more importantly, defaulting to any accusation of bigotry by calling your accusers as bigots is not going to lead you anywhere. Wish he had some sense to do some self-reflection.

Also are there really people pelting eggs on his audiences?


Oct 25, 2017
Also like... it's very easy to stop being called a TERF. Like you're opting in to be called that.


Oct 27, 2017
He gets a pass in San Francisco so I don't really know how it's really going to affect his career. He just sold out the Chase Center with Chris Rock and the local media just gobbles him up and hand waves the transphobia. His fan base is primarily liberal too out here and is treated like a visionary. It boggles my mind

"Cancel Culture" doesn't exist. Just look at Louis CK performing at Madison Square Garden.


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
Kanye literally said the same thing, only he was being criticized for different things. The N-Word isn't a shield you get to pull out to deflect criticism. Such a fucked up thing to try and do.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
He doesn't consider it an attack, he doesn't think words are violence (unless you're calling him the n-word)

And in Dave's mind, telling him he's wrong about something is equivalent to calling him that. Dude is so fucking high on his own supply that he just censors out criticism and replaces it with that so he doesn't have to deal with it.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2018
I really despise people like Chappele and Kanye weaponizing our identity and strife against other vulnerable groups.
I'm reading the article, but I don't see where he equates his transphobia to people calling him the N-word. Can anyone else see it? I might just be missing it. I'd like to post this story elsewhere, but would like to quote from the article, especially that part.
If it helps a bit, here's an article that had the original text before Vanity edited it.


Oct 30, 2017
He just seems super obsessed with the topic. Like he short circuited or something.

He's been in this train for a decade no?
That's one thing that I've noticed that doesn't always get mentioned: Why is he so obsessed? Why can he not go without mentioning it? It's super weird.

It reminds me of my father in law; whenever someone mentions "privileged/rich white dude" he gets super hung up on it, he'll circle back to the comment long after conversation has moved on. I mean, it's completely different obviously, but what is that tendency to just keep bringing up things in that way?

If it helps a bit, here's an article that had the original text before Vanity edited it.
As another aside, this article touches on his show at First Ave (Minneapolis) being cancelled
Last July, Minneapolis' First Avenue club cancelled a Chappelle comedy show due to the backlash. The venue apologized to the community for booking Chappelle and vowed to keep the club a "safe space."
And it should be noted, that the show did go on,
Chappelle ended up playing Minneapolis at a different venue, the Varsity Theater, which attracted large groups of protesters.
and that the Varsity is owned by First Ave. They just moved him down the street. I was mad about that.
Last edited:


Aug 1, 2022
I don't know why this is so surprising.

This is the same dude that lamented how he just didn't take the $50 million for 10 years. 😂 he's literally always wanted to have the same power/influence white men have and it's demonstrated in his material and who he surrounds himself with.

He's horribly misguided in thinking attacking white trans folk is payback for how Comedy Central/Hollywood treated him for The Chappelle Show. And other prominent black celebrities will give him a pass because they'll conflate the damage done by the very real disrespect Comedy Central did to his reputation, with thinking he's earned the right to say what he wants because he's really just talking about white people.

Perhaps one day he'll realize his ire is misguided, but I fear he's reached a level of success where that level of introversion is irrelevant to him.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the same dude that lamented how he just didn't take the $50 million for 10 years. 😂

What's continually interesting about that is part of the reason why he walked away from that is because he didn't a skit about a pixie that convinced black people to play into stereotypes about their race and a white guy on set laughed so hard during it that it made Dave really uncomfortable and start to question if he was reinforcing stereotypes rather than doing a send up of them. He seems unable to step back and look at other situations the same way he looked at that.


Oct 25, 2017
That's one thing that I've noticed that doesn't always get mentioned: Why is he so obsessed? Why can he not go without mentioning it? It's super weird.

It reminds me of my father in law; whenever someone mentions "privileged/rich white dude" he gets super hung up on it, he'll circle back to the comment long after conversation has moved on. I mean, it's completely different obviously, but what is that tendency to just keep bringing up things in that way?
Because he was held up as an untouchable comedic god for over a decade, got used to the praise and worship from everyone and started believing his own hype, and ended up being unable to process things when he actually got criticized for his transphobic stuff and took it all personally.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
He just seems super obsessed with the topic. Like he short circuited or something.

He's been in this train for a decade no?

Like three specials ago didn't he end it like I said my peace I will never crack a trans joke again?

Tbh, this has been bothering me as I age that men fall into their 'loud but wrong' phase where not only are they being close-minded assholes, will just double down because at that age where in their mind they don'f have their youth, they are done raising (or lol, not raising) their kids all they have left is their perceived pride.

He's a bigot, but even bigots stfu after awhile and talk about their COD loudouts. Even if he thinks his transphobia is the issue of the day, if you see yourself as a comedians comedian why stay focused on this one thing that sadly 'works'. You've become a hack.

Imagine you ending your career as a hate mongering asshole when you started it as speaking truth to power. Sad.


Aug 1, 2022
What's continually interesting about that is part of the reason why he walked away from that is because he didn't a skit about a pixie that convinced black people to play into stereotypes about their race and a white guy on set laughed so hard during it that it made Dave really uncomfortable and start to question if he was reinforcing stereotypes rather than doing a send up of them. He seems unable to step back and look at other situations the same way he looked at that.
It's not really that interesting, because he's never shied away from making fun of the LGTBQ community for his entire career lol.

Dave has made it quite clear through his work that he doesn't believe black people and LGTBQ folks should even be compared because he feels that it's absurd that white media allows him to say the n-word with impunity but not homophobic slurs. In his mind it's because white men can also be gay, therefore affording them minority status where there was none before.

You're being naive if you think he ever considered for a second his situation with Comedy Central is at all similar to the current predicament he finds himself in. It was the fact he was being offered 10% of 500 mil AND the fact he thought he was being lowballed like that BECAUSE of anti-black racism.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
I used to love this guy when he did Chappell Show. Now I just can't watch his reruns anymore.
Oct 27, 2017
Did he seriously say his fans don't create violence to trans people after also saying a fan of his literally picking up a police barricade and throwing it at protestors was an amazing "feat for a woman"?????

My brother in Christ, you just said your fans threw a heavy ass barricade at trans people