
Oct 26, 2017
Black men are the number one killers of black trans women
This is fucked up, and the stats do not make it clear where the aggression is coming from, from whites of blacks.
(we know black trans are the biggest victims on the chart, and white trans STILL the major voice on issues that they do not want to hear about, otherwise would be no racism on trans community).

Also, refering to the post you quote, a white trans women tops any rich black man privilege, by far.

Black community obviously has its issues that needs to be deal with, and the main problem I honestly see is reaching out for help on the wrong channel.
Black trans is not a priority for white trans community, as proven numerous times, even when asked here on this topic on "how many blacks do you have on your circle?".
So, we, as black people, need to support and address this. Because this is definitely not coming from whites.
This bigotry with black trans is a issue within black community that we, as black people, need to solve.

White trans community is definitely not fighting for black trans community...
Otherwise, there would be no racism on the trans community, white trans on this topic would not dodge questions about black trans issues, etc.

Dave Chappelle is telling the exact same jokes a fucking whote shock jock would tell, that essentially default to lol trans women are/were men.

He's not exposing anything else beyond that, though what you seem to be really keen on doing is ascribing a bunch of shit to him mostly so you can transform any white trans voice into just a white voice. Utterly erasing that we're fucking trans too and that he's targeting us on a giant world wide platform. You're trying to deflect to a completely seperate issues that has fuck all to do with what Dave Chappelle is saying because ultimately you can't defend hwat he's actually saying so you have to change the narrative. Obviously there's racism in the trans community, obviously there's shit we need to work on. That's entirely seperate from Dave Chappelle making our very existence as trans people a punchline because he fucking wants to.

You know he damn well could tell an excellent joke abiut how trans people and gay people achieved some level of"equality" faster than black folk because unlike black folk two white parents can give birth to a trans person or a gay person, throw in a joke here about how if a white woman gave birth to a black child the white "father" would flip out.... then you could draw an example of Rachel Dolezal and how because she was white pretending to be black everyone took it real serious (where they wouldn;t in reverse) and gave her undeserved credibility while utterly abusing and appropriating trans culture to do so.

But he doesn't do that nah, he just makes lol trans women were/are men and isn't that funny.... and he'd never be able to do the Rachel Dolezal routine I suggest because at the end of the day he doesn't actually believe trans people are at all different from Rachel Dolezal.... and that really is the fucking problem.
That's not a separate issue, that's exactly the point Chappelle is making for at least 4 specials...
And you miss it because your perspective is from a white person, and as white, no matter what community you are part of, it's hard for you to acknowledge your privilege and the bigotry your community pass forward black trans or LGBTQ, or even black cis men.
You usually include black men in the same bracket as white men, and this tells a lot.

If you think is hard for you, put a "black" element on it.
This is the people that are the lowest hanging fruit, not you, white.
Every special from Chappelle, he plays this game of "this is a problem, for you white, because for blacks, we have this for ages in a different format, and you white never cared".

It is honestly a known formula for know, Chappelle used this for trans, for the 1 percent riches like him, and on this special, he introduced this with suicide.
And you, whites, still not get it.


Oct 25, 2017
This is fucked up, and the stats do not make it clear where the aggression is coming from, from whites of blacks.
(we know black trans are the biggest victims on the chart, and white trans STILL the major voice on issues that they do not want to hear about, otherwise would be no racism on trans community).

Also, refering to the post you quote, a white trans women tops any rich black man privilege, by far.

Black community obviously has its issues that needs to be deal with, and the main problem I honestly see is reaching out for help on the wrong channel.
Black trans is not a priority for white trans community, as proven numerous times, even when asked here on this topic on "how many blacks do you have on your circle?".
So, we, as black people, need to support and address this. Because this is definitely not coming from whites.
This bigotry with black trans is a issue within black community that we, as black people, need to solve.

White trans community is definitely not fighting for black trans community...
Otherwise, there would be no racism on the trans community, white trans on this topic would not dodge questions about black trans issues, etc.

That's not a separate issue, that's exactly the point Chappelle is making for at least 4 specials...
And you miss it because your perspective is from a white person, and as white, no matter what community you are part of, it's hard for you to acknowledge your privilege and the bigotry your community pass forward black trans or LGBTQ, or even black cis men.
You usually include black men in the same bracket as white men, and this tells a lot.

If you think is hard for you, put a "black" element on it.
This is the people that are the lowest hanging fruit, not you, white.
Every special from Chappelle, he plays this game of "this is a problem, for you white, because for blacks, we have this for ages in a different format, and you white never cared".

It is honestly a known formula for know, Chappelle used this for trans, for the 1 percent riches like him, and on this special, he introduced this with suicide.
And you, whites, still not get it.

I can't wait for Kamala to lock you niggas up


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
That's not a separate issue, that's exactly the point Chappelle is making for at least 4 specials...
And you miss it because your perspective is from a white person, and as white, no matter what community you are part of, it's hard for you to acknowledge your privilege and the bigotry your community pass forward black trans or LGBTQ, or even black cis men.
You usually include black men in the same bracket as white men, and this tells a lot.

If you think is hard for you, put a "black" element on it.
This is the people that are the lowest hanging fruit, not you, white.
Every special from Chappelle, he plays this game of "this is a problem, for you white, because for blacks, we have this for ages in a different format, and you white never cared".

It is honestly a known formula for know, Chappelle used this for trans, for the 1 percent riches like him, and on this special, he introduced this with suicide.
And you, whites, still not get it.

Ah yes Dave Chappelle is calling trans women men to defend black trans women from white trans women! Is this where you'll claim only white trans women are/were men?

You've once again completely erased my trans identity...

You're essentially defending transphobia and you know, but you're too cowardly to admit it. So you have to erase me being trans. That's all you can do. You have fucking nothing.

You demonstrated nothing that says that Chappele gives two fucks about black trans folk.... but you've definitely shown that you don't give two fucks about trans folk by constantly trying to reassign calling trans women men to some sort of social critique of a profound nature.

Essentially because lot of trans people are white we're all fair game and you'll just pay lip service to caring about black trans folk while defending a rich cis man calling us men.

Essentially all you have is white people are racist so it's ok/ poignant to be transphobic.


Oct 26, 2017
Ah yes Dave Chappelle is calling trans women men to defend black trans women from white trans women! Is this where you'll claim only white trans women are/were men?

You've once again completely erased my trans identity...

You're essentially defending transphobia and you kow, but you're too cowardly to admit it. So you have to erase me being trans. That's all you can do. You have fucking nothing.
how is this different from you erasing my black identity, when calling you out about dodging questions about racism from you towards black trans?
or when you ignored white privilege including black men in the same bracket as white men?
or when you acknowledged you could to better to black trans but is actually not happening?

when you, as a white person, use this narrative, and me, as a black person, showed you how your bigotry is forwarded to black trans, where are we landing?

this is exactly the point made by Chappelle's specials, and you insist to ignore these elements.
Because, basically, to recognize this element of the narrative, you need to reconize your privilege as a white person.
And we know you do not want to do this.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
how is this different from you erasing my black identity, when calling you out about dodging questions about racism from you towards black trans?
or when you ignored white privilege including black men in the same bracket as white men?
or when you acknowledged you could to better to black trans but is actually not happening?

when you, as a white person, use this narrative, and me, as a black person, showed you how your bigotry is forwarded to black trans, where are we landing?

this is exactly the point made by Chappelle's specials, and you insist to ignore these elements.
Because, basically, to recognize this element of the narrative, you need to reconize your privilege as a white person.
And we know you do not want to do this.

You have yet to actually explain how calling trans women men exposes anything to do with white privilege....

You don't give two fucks about black trans folk otherwise you wouldn't be defending a dude calling trans women men., and outright defending the joke itself. You're using black trans people to shit on other trans people in defense of a rich cis dude on Netflix mocking our very existence.

Like I said you've got nothing, absolutely nothing, so you ask a whole lot of "questions" and use black trans folk as a cudgel to defend Chappelle's transphobia.

Chappelle is transphobic, he tells transphobic jokes, it is not more or less acceptable for him to do it than any other cis comedian for any reason
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Deleted member 33412

User requested account closure
Nov 16, 2017
Watched it. He's lost his form and a lot of it was pretty tone deaf. Whilst I do think the topic of redemption amid the whole 'cancel movement' is perhaps worthy of discussion, he did not delve into that with the nuance it deserved. Instead he broke the cardinal rule comedy, dont punch down.


Oct 26, 2017
You have yet to actually explain how calling trans women men exposes anything to do with white privilege....
I asked questions for you before anything, and you dodged.
Because it clearly implies your privilege as a white person, and you do not want this to be a factor on any discussion, for obvious reasons.

Now, imagine, how awful would it be, if your identity is erased, ignored...
But it's only valid and relevant when we are talking about trans identity, not white identity.
Because, you know... race is not relevant... white privilege, not relevant...
Black trans on the receiving end of your community bigotry? not relevant.
What is really relevant is you, right?


Oct 27, 2017
I can't speak to his intention with whatever that joke would have been, but black pain and suffering has been told through the lens of comedy for decades, and everyone was laughing along and okay with it, whether they were black or not. So I hope going forward people become a little more self aware at what they laugh at. It can't just be your particular marginalized group that you draw the line at. Either it's all fair game, or none of it should be.
I don't think there should be any sacred cows at all in comedy. Make fun of anyone and everyone as long as it's funny.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I asked questions for you before anything, and you dodged.
Because it clearly implies your privilege as a white person, and you do not want this to be a factor on any discussion, for obvious reasons.

Now, imagine, how awful would it be, if your identity is erased, ignored...
But it's only valid and relevant when we are talking about trans identity, not white identity.
Because, you know... race is not relevant... white privilege, not relevant...
Black trans on the receiving end of your community bigotry? not relevant.
What is really relevant is you, right?

And what does this have to do with David Chappelle....

I addressed white privlege, I mentioned that trans folk have achieved faster acceptance because LGBTQ folk can be white, I've never denied racism in the community, I mean fuck it took a white rich republican (who will vote to fuck the rest of us) to really make trans mainstream meanwhile trans people of colour have been fighting for rights since day one.

White groups absolutely talk over black trans folk and it's utterly unacceptable.

Now how does any of that make Chappelle's dehumanizing transphobia acceptable? Which speaking of dodging I noticed you once again failed to actually explain this. Your entire focus has been on shifting the conversation entirely away from Chappelle, he ain't a trans.

Like want me to start posting tweets of black trans people feeling dehumanized by his shit? I can, but somehow I doubt you'll actually change your tune,


Mar 19, 2019
Y'all gave too much weight to stand-up comedians, and this is what happens. They (Chappelle, Louis CK...) don't even try to make the audience laugh now, it's just opinions masked behind "comedy". For how mean spirited Eddie Murphy was with homosexuals in the 80s, he at least tried to make jokes. It's bizarre to see them acting like gurus/opinion leaders, but I guess they have been too much deified by us, the audience.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017

Literally our existence is the punchline

This is your genius?

LOL get fucked


Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Deflecting away from concerns of transphobia over a series of posts in this thread. Account in junior phase.
And what does this have to do with David Chappelle....

I addressed white privlege, II mentioned that trans folk have acheived faster acceptance because LGBTQ folk can be white, I've never denied racism in the community, I mean fuck it took a white rich republican to really make trans mainstream meanwhile trans people of colpur have been fighting for rights since day one.

White groups absoultely talk over black trans folk and it's utterly unacceptable

Now how does any of that make Chappelle's dehumanizing transphobia acceptable? Which speaking of dodging I noticed you once again failed to actually explain this. Your entire focus has been on shifting the conversation entirely away from Chappelle.
Not really, and you are the one missing the point.
Chappelle has been working this "mirror outrage" technique for at least 4 specials, with different sets, same message.

He gets something that we, on the left wing, would be outraged, #cancel culture.
Then, he flips, and shows how the exactly same thing has been happening with black folks since forever, and nobody gives a fuck.
There was no white trans doing protests, there was no white women doing protests, because these issues not only didn't affected whites but also benefit them.
Then, he expands, and shows how even inside the left community, there is a big fragmentation problem, that happens because nobody wants to acknowledge or work their own privilege inside their own community.

"I know blacks on my community have a bigger pain, but my pain is already heavy, so I never did much for them anyway".

His game has been, since he came back, to point the finger at white privilege.
If you don't get it, you are probably white.
If you don't get it, and you are black, you better expand your circle of friends and debates...


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Not really, and you are the one missing the point.
Chappelle has been working this "mirror outrage" technique for at least 4 specials, with different sets, same message.

He gets something that we, on the left wing, would be outraged, #cancel culture.
Then, he flips, and shows how the exactly same thing has been happening with black folks since forever, and nobody gives a fuck.
There was no white trans doing protests, there was no white women doing protests, because these issues not only didn't affected whites but also benefit them.
Then, he expands, and shows how even inside the left community, there is a big fragmentation problem, that happens because nobody wants to acknowledge or work their own privilege inside their own community.

"I know blacks on my community have a bigger pain, but my pain is already heavy, so I never did much for them anyway".

His game has been, since he came back, to point the finger at white privilege.
If you don't get it, you are probably white.
If you don't get it, and you are black, you better expand your circle of friends and debates...



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Kitten Mittens

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 11, 2018
Dave's problem is that there's been a guy in the White House for about three years now doing his act 24-7.


Oct 27, 2017
Y'all gave too much weight to stand-up comedians, and this is what happens. They (Chappelle, Louis CK...) don't even try to make the audience laugh now, it's just opinions masked behind "comedy". For how mean spirited Eddie Murphy was with homosexuals in the 80s, he at least tried to make jokes. It's bizarre to see them acting like gurus/opinion leaders, but I guess they have been too much deified by us, the audience.
I see this a lot on the internet tbh, like with Carlin and Hicks. I don't understand it.
Oct 27, 2017
What happened to the chappelle that went on inside the actors studio and gave one the best and inspiring interviews I have ever watched.


Time makes most people bitter and cynical I guess.

Segment of the interview:

Edit: meant to post this in the other thread. I enjoyed the special in general but some of the jokes were ughhhhhh.

Why would you compare an interview about Dave's life/career, too a comedy special about comedy. They are completely different things, with different vibes. The Actors Studio interview was a good time ago, and he was probably HIGH AF also, so he was more chill. Plus its NOT his show, so he is not gonna take the vibe of the show to something he would do on a standup show. Your comparison makes no sense.


Oct 26, 2017
This ^ answer, plus your answers here on this topic, are the very same reason black people are quitting "progressive" movements with white people every day.

You fail to acknowledge your privilege as a white person, because, oh god, how can you be privileged, right?
You dodge relevant questions, you downplay racism on your community as a major factor of criticism coming from a black person, you fail to recognize you have never reach a black trans person on your community to hear from them, and you make sure everything is about you, while at the same time you pass forward the same prejudice and bigotry you are criticizing in this same topic, with "see no colour" tone when including black men in the same bracket as white men, which, by the way, is a privilege never known by black man, doesn't matter how big is the bank account...

How would we describe this, if not, as a white privilege?
Is it possible, that in the end, you proved Chappelle right?



Hopes and Dreams SAVE the World
Oct 26, 2017

Chappelle's material about trans people in this special boiled down to 'Trans people criticizing my previous transphobic material means they hate me!', 'Haha, pronouns are so confusing, right!?', and a bottom-of-the-barrel 'I identify as an attack helicopter!'-type "joke". It is othering, dehumanizing, and harmful content that was delivered with none of the nuance you claim it was. You are consistently deflecting criticism of this material with accusations of 'white privilege' when that has literally nothing to do with the fact that his material about trans people is based in the same transphobic rhetoric pushed by transphobes who want to erase trans people from existence.

Yes, white privilege is a thing, and yes, it as absolutely a thing within the LGBT+ community and outside perception of it, but Chappelle's material on trans people did not explore that at all and you using it as a bludgeon to beat down any criticism of his material is quite honestly insulting and tiring.


The Negro Historian
Oct 25, 2017
This ^ answer, plus your answers here on this topic, are the very same reason black people are quitting "progressive" movements with white people every day.

How about you stop acting like you're "the" Black representative for this discussion and pretending that there aren't multiple Black people in this thread/community saying the special was Ashier than Larry? Post your opinion and represent your opinion only, and stop trying to use "all Black people" in defense of Dave's "outrage culture is getting out of hand" bullshit.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
This ^ answer, plus your answers here on this topic, are the very same reason black people are quitting "progressive" movements with white people every day.

You fail to acknowledge your privilege as a white person, because, oh god, how can you be privileged, right?
You dodge relevant questions, you downplay racism on your community as a major factor of criticism coming from a black person, you fail to recognize you have never reach a black trans person on your community to hear from them, and you make sure everything is about you, while at the same time you pass forward the same prejudice and bigotry you are criticizing in this same topic, with "see no colour" tone when including black men in the same bracket as white men, which, by the way, is a privilege never known by black man, doesn't matter how big is the bank account...

How would we describe this, if not, as a white privilege?
Is it possible, that in the end, you proved Chappelle right?


Where has Chappelle in his special or elsewhere showed he cared about black trans folk, all I see is jokes on the entire community, where is he speaking out in support of black trans people?

All I see here is you defending naked transphobia while pretending you're not.


Oct 25, 2017
How about you stop acting like you're "the" Black representative for this discussion and pretending that there aren't multiple Black people in this thread/community saying the special was Ashier than Larry? Post your opinion and represent your opinion only, and stop trying to use "all Black people" in defense of Dave's "outrage culture is getting out of hand" bullshit.


Oct 26, 2017
So did people really miss out on the "If I make fun of you it's because I see a part of myself in you" bit? (paraphrasing), and the punchline at the end? I don't think people give Dave enough credit.

As usual, the stuff he talks about is much deeper than the surface level of jokes, but whatever, i get why people are offended and it's always bad when stuff like that happens. Still, Dave Chappelle has always talked about race, everything he did had a subtext about race and this special, at the end of the day, is about race and being black in America.
I really enjoyed this, there were some weaker parts, but in the end the more powerful stuff won me over.

Sucks that people are offended by certain stuff, again, I understand why, but like I said, Dave has always dealt primarily with race and racial injustice and that's the focus here.


May 9, 2018
Los Angeles
So did people really miss out on the "If I make fun of you it's because I see a part of myself in you" bit? (paraphrasing), and the punchline at the end? I don't think people give Dave enough credit.

As usual, the stuff he talks about is much deeper than the surface level of jokes, but whatever, i get why people are offended and it's always bad when stuff like that happens. Still, Dave Chappelle has always talked about race, everything he did had a subtext about race and this special, at the end of the day, is about race and being black in America.
I really enjoyed this, there were some weaker parts, but in the end the more powerful stuff won me over.

Sucks that people are offended by certain stuff, again, I understand why, but like I said, Dave has always dealt primarily with race and racial injustice and that's the focus here.

This. He's proving great points in this special, although this time in a seemingly much more indirect way. I think he's a comedic genius, and this special only cemented it further for me. I believe that you have to laugh at the silly, the absurd, but also the horrible and the tragic in order to find a way to process it and continue on, and I think that is what Dave is doing here. On top of the fact that his delivery is always spot on, it's another winner in my book.

Edit: The Epilogue covers his intentions as well, that's worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
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Uno Venova

Oct 25, 2017
Not his best, but some fucking hilarious moments, kind of glad he doesn't have to fold or compromise his style of jokes and still got a big special.


Oct 30, 2017
Y'all gave too much weight to stand-up comedians, and this is what happens. They (Chappelle, Louis CK...) don't even try to make the audience laugh now, it's just opinions masked behind "comedy". For how mean spirited Eddie Murphy was with homosexuals in the 80s, he at least tried to make jokes. It's bizarre to see them acting like gurus/opinion leaders, but I guess they have been too much deified by us, the audience.

Yeah, I think about this a lot. It's supremely fucking weird. It's almost like people form cults around standups. When did we all collectively decide to accord comedians the reverence due to grand sages and philosophers?


Jan 27, 2019
Thought it was pretty funny. I understand why others would be upset, but that's part of the point - we live in a time where people are perpetually offended. It also misses the point of Chappelle. He isn't now nor has ever been as enlightened as people want him to be or maybe thought he was - he's a complicated person with clear faults and his stand-up exposes those faults.
Oct 25, 2017
Thought it was pretty funny. I understand why others would be upset, but that's part of the point - we live in a time where people are perpetually offended. It also misses the point of Chappelle. He isn't now nor has ever been as enlightened as people want him to be or maybe thought he was - he's a complicated person with clear faults and his stand-up exposes those faults.
I can't imagine why the trans community

U.S. court lets Trump transgender military ban stand, orders new review

or sexual assault victims would be offended

California doctors see rise in sexual misconduct claims amid 'Me Too' movement

it's a real mystery

Deleted member 3294

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So did people really miss out on the "If I make fun of you it's because I see a part of myself in you" bit? (paraphrasing), and the punchline at the end? I don't think people give Dave enough credit.

As usual, the stuff he talks about is much deeper than the surface level of jokes, but whatever, i get why people are offended and it's always bad when stuff like that happens. Still, Dave Chappelle has always talked about race, everything he did had a subtext about race and this special, at the end of the day, is about race and being black in America.
I really enjoyed this, there were some weaker parts, but in the end the more powerful stuff won me over.

Sucks that people are offended by certain stuff, again, I understand why, but like I said, Dave has always dealt primarily with race and racial injustice and that's the focus here.
Sounds more like he's using the shitty "I'm just joking" excuse bullies use and y'all are trying to find some hidden meaning that isn't there. While the actual reality is that he's a transphobe who likes to joke about abuse victims, and he just knows how to be funny while doing that.
Aug 16, 2019
User Banned (2 Weeks): Rationalising transphobia, account in junior phase.
I think people missed the point about the Chinese in a black body joke, or at least I interpreted it differently.

He is not saying that they are the same thing, he is saying how the irony of life can still be funny even in a such a struggle. Today of course we sympathise with transgender people so much ( fucking finally) that we take this fact so high to the point of dehumanising it, and we are not capable of seeing as a human struggle.

Hence the point of the Chinese man. He is trying to make you imagine this topic like if it we never heard it before,not saying it's the same thing. He is trying to make a point that the irony of life it's always around us.

With that being said, like the whole show, he did not get deeper in and did not explain it well.

I am not saying he has not been offensive in the past, he has, but this show joke was different.

I watched it with friends, and I asked my transgender friend what she thought about it and she agreed with me, but I wrote to my other transgender friend and he (transgender man) did not agree and said that he thought that the joke had the interpretation you are giving.

In the end the fault it's entirely Chapelle's, he explained fucking nothing in this show

Deleted member 3294

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think people missed the point about the Chinese in a black body joke, or at least I interpreted it differently.

He is not saying that they are the same thing, he is saying how the irony of life can still be funny even in a such a struggle. Today of course we sympathise with transgender people so much ( fucking finally) that we take this fact so high to the point of dehumanising it, and we are not capable of seeing as a human struggle.

Hence the point of the Chinese man. He is trying to make you imagine this topic like if it we never heard it before,not saying it's the same thing. He is trying to make a point that the irony of life it's always around us.

With that being said, like the whole show, he did not get deeper in and did not explain it well.

I am not saying he has not been offensive in the past, he has, but this show joke was different.

I watched it with friends, and I asked my transgender friend what she thought about it and she agreed with me, but I wrote to my other transgender friend and he (transgender man) did not agree and said that he thought that the joke had the interpretation you are giving.

In the end the fault it's entirely Chapelle's, he explained fucking nothing in this show
Are you for fucking real?

That shitty joke comparing someone who's transgender to someone acting as if they're actually a different race isn't even new.

There's no secret hidden meaning here.

The lengths y'all go to to try to tell yourselves he isn't actually transphobic are mind boggling.
Aug 16, 2019
Are you for fucking real?

That shitty joke comparing someone who's transgender to someone acting as if they're actually a different race isn't even new.

There's no secret hidden meaning here.

The lengths y'all go to to try to tell yourselves he isn't actually transphobic are mind boggling.
I don't know if it is new or not, but it's new for him and the context is why we gave it that interpretation.

He might be, or probably is transphobic, but not in the sense of believing them or not having the right to exist. One thing is to say that he is tactless and offensive, another is to suggest that he does not believe them or accept them.

He stated more than once that they are for real and he is no one to judge those choices.

The point he is trying to make ( rightfully or not, and I believe not) is that there no topics above irony.

Deleted member 3294

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if it is new or not, but it's new for him and the context is why we gave it that interpretation.

He might be, or probably is transphobic, but not in the sense of believing them or not having the right to exist. One thing is to say that he is tactless and offensive, another is to suggest that he does not believe them or accept them.

He stated more than once that they are for real and he is no one to judge those choices.

The point he is trying to make ( rightfully or not, and I believe not) is that there no topics above irony.
The point he's trying to make is "lol transgender people funny".

Just, fucking stop. The fact that he still thinks being transgender is a choice shows that he hasn't even tried to understand shit.
Aug 16, 2019
The point he's trying to make is "lol transgender people funny".

Just, fucking stop.
And that is an issue in its own, does that mean he believes that being transgender is like being Chinese? Fucking no.

If you want to be angry about something at least be to the correct issue.

He has been gross in the special and I how he will be hope responsible for it, but you can't come here and make up things he never said and never probably thought.

I can quote other specials where he said things in favour of them and how he knows they are real women in bodies men and vice versa


Nov 18, 2017
That hour and a half flew by. Hilarious. Favorites were the cashier shaking the buckshot and justice for juicy.

Kitten Mittens

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 11, 2018
I don't know if it is new or not, but it's new for him and the context is why we gave it that interpretation.

He might be, or probably is transphobic, but not in the sense of believing them or not having the right to exist. One thing is to say that he is tactless and offensive, another is to suggest that he does not believe them or accept them.

He stated more than once that they are for real and he is no one to judge those choices.

The point he is trying to make ( rightfully or not, and I believe not) is that there no topics above irony.
It was a horribly absurd analogy meant to do one thing - demean the trans community.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked the Epilogue maybe more than the standup. It's interesting seeing Dave interacting honestly with the crowd compared to his prepared material. Both were hilarious.

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Oct 25, 2017
And that is an issue in its own, does that mean he believes that being transgender is like being Chinese? Fucking no.

If you want to be angry about something at least be to the correct issue.

He has been gross in the special and I how he will be hope responsible for it, but you can't come here and make up things he never said and never probably thought.

I can quote other specials where he said things in favour of them and how he knows they are real women in bodies men and vice versa
He doesn't compare being transgender to being Chinese, he compares it to someone acting like being Chinese in a black man's body. This is far from the first time that comparison has been made, and it's always meant to show that transgender people are ridiculous when they say their gender is what it is. And I really doubt that actually Chappelle never heard of that comparison before and actually came up with it himself and means to talk about irony somehow.

Even if he was supportive of trans people at other times, that doesn't excuse this shit.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 30 minutes in and this set is just mean-spirited and straight up horrible. Joking about mental health/suicide, victim blaming, triple-downing on his transphobia. It's sick.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm 30 minutes in and this set is just mean-spirited and straight up horrible. Joking about mental health/suicide, victim blaming, triple-downing on his transphobia. It's sick.

I'm bi, have been molested, was suicidal, have known people who died from meth, and I'm still laughing in spite of jokes about all of them in this special. In fact, the awkward Thanksgiving joke probably got the biggest laugh out of me.

Your experience may vary—but some of us actually find laughing about this to be therapeutic and a welcome change from the usual pity and coddling we receive when people learn about what we've been through.

It's totally fine to be disgusted by this special and offended. It's also totally fine to find it fucking funny.


Oct 25, 2017
I can confirm the 25 minutes Epilogue is not available in all countries. Just logged into US Netflix with a VPN and it was in the "Trailers, etc." category on the page of the special.