Sep 14, 2018
I thought it was really bad, like FFXV bad. I gave it a very fair shot something like 10 hours, it's honestly one of the worst games I've ever played (though I very rarely play bad games so there's that)

Some of my favorite games ever have godawful intros and opening hours so when people say it gets better later I totally understand, but in the meantime I need something to be interesting be it the story or the gameplay, the characters, the worldbuilding, you know literally anything to hold my attention and DG had nothing even resembling that.

The gunplay was the worst I've ever had to sit through, the guns themselves felt like throwaway cheap toys, the motorcycle travel felt like useless padding which wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't so much of it. Then there was a boss fight against a random giant bear that felt like something you'd find in steam shovelware.

The most exciting thing to happen was some bandits or whatever setting a wire in the road leading to an ambush with snipers and stuff, so I guess 1 interesting thing happened in those 10 hours...

I'd honestly tell people to save their money and especially time cause this is mediocrity in game form.

Gallows Bat

Nov 3, 2017
Did I just enter another site? what are these responses lol
I know!! I'm surprised, pleasantly haha.
I thought the game was impressive visually and I really tried to like it but everything in the game just felt like a chore to me. I will admit that I didn't have much interest in it beforehand and only played around 8 hours or so before I dropped it but really did not enjoy my time with it at all. I may jump back in at some point and try again but I have played my fill for a while...

Did you get get to lost lake camp? It was a few missions into that area that I really started to enjoy it. Watching the horde with iron mike was my "oh this is pretty cool" moment. Worth sticking with it until then at least.
Jan 11, 2018
Yeah, I enjoyed it. It can be something really special if they smooth out the rough edges and trim the fat with a potential sequel.
Oct 25, 2017
Did I just enter another site? what are these responses lol
It's like a total tonal shift from the last 4 years. Idk when it happened but it feels good lol. Still remember my everything we know about days gone thread making it to 3 pages before getting locked cuz of trolls. You couldn't even talk about the game in the first party thread


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
I got in a few hours, like a dozen or so, when it first released and just couldn't get into it. Something about it feels very disruptive. Lots of cuts to black and loading when I feel there wouldn't be in other games similar. I tried again a few weeks ago and came away feeling similar.


Oct 25, 2017
My sleeper of last year, went into it with Lowe expectations. Ended up playing through it and enjoying the fuck out of it great game!


Aug 27, 2018
I really enjoyed it. Played it after RDR2 which was a chore to play and burned me on open world games.

But hell, Days Gone was fun. One of the better open world games this generation. Pretty much everything you could do in the game was fun to do and never felt like working on a check list.

Faced my first horde quite early in the game and got them down with a pumpgun and molotovs. Great feeling.

Once the games opens up and gives you more weapons and stuff to craft to fight the hordes it becomes really, really good.

Though, I think the story overstayed it's welcome a bit. The game could be 5 hours shorter without losing much.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I have it but haven't played it yet. How long is it? I fear if I start it after I'm done with Yakuza 0 (which will probably take me 2 to 3 more weeks), I won't finish it by the time TLoU Part II releases and I'd really hate to drop it :/


Oct 25, 2017
I love how absurdly angry Decon gets after every single radio broadcast from Copeland.



Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
One of the best games I played this year. Very, very good and that was even before all the dope shit they've added since.

Edit: Or last year I mean lol


Oct 25, 2017
I had alot of fun with it, although the frame rate drops in the later parts of the game were pretty aggravating and it went on for too long. Excited to see what they do with the sequel.


Oct 28, 2017
It's a very unusual game, by the end I wanted more but for most of the journey it felt like a slog. I platted it and would say it's an 8.5/10 but I first experienced the game long after launch.
Oct 1, 2019
Interesting. Never actually played Days Gone but I really liked Mad Max and I hear a lot of people say that these two games are pretty similar.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I really enjoyed days gone. It felt janky a bit at first but then it really came to its own a couple of hours in. I honestly liked it more than horizon to the point where many others are talking about how much they can't wait for horizon 2. Whereas all I'm doing is sitting here quietly thinking to myself when's days gone 2?
Oct 25, 2017
30+ just to mainline it? Yeah, I'm saving it for after TLoU and GoT for sure.
Days gone is without a doubt the longest first party game Sony released this gen lol. Unless ghost real long
Interesting. Never actually played Days Gone but I really liked Mad Max and I hear a lot of people say that these two games are pretty similar.
what!? They similar in a lot of ways you def would like days gone


Oct 25, 2017
It's a great game that I simply couldn't put down until the credits finally rolled. It felt tense and terrifying sneaking around with the hordes close by in the first half and equally satisfying when you finally start becoming strong enough to handle them in the second. It's also very impressive seeing such a large group of enemies and dynamic encounters unfold in an open world game.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a fantastic game that got written off by some people for some weird-ass reasons

Lots of disingenuous arguments, people docked it big time because of "zombie fatigue" despite RE2 getting tons of GOTY awards the same year. There was also some "Sony's Crackdown 3" sprinkled in there too despite how laughable that comparison was
Mar 19, 2020
I enjoyed my time with it. I felt a lot of natural emergent scenarios coming up during my playtime which I really enjoyed. Taking a stop to loot for supplies whilst dangerously low on gas. It could be really thrilling at times and managing the hordes took some preplanning and thought. I stopped playing it for a while because things came up and I never went back to finish it. I think it had a strong foundation to build off and I'm hoping a sequel gets announced. Then I will likely go back. The story didnt really grip me unfortunately.


Apr 28, 2020
I loved it...
One of my only 6 platinum...
game has flaus and is far for perfect but had many good things to...


Nov 27, 2017
I'm doing an end of gen backlog blitz, and once I crank through the last couple Assassin's Creeds I'd like to give this a try. I remember CohhCarnage speaking highly of it last year, and it seems like it's only improved since launch. I'll definitely look for a sale after I beat GoT and TLoU.


Oct 27, 2017
Cant wait to see what bend do with hordes, taking them on was probably the most fun I've had this gen alongside luring them towards enemy camps.


Oct 29, 2017
It's a fantastic game that got written off by some people for some weird-ass reasons

Well, I disagree, as one of the most common criticisms seems to be that the game has a very weak, messy start. And I don't think that's a weird reason at all.

In the amount of time it takes to reach the 3rd camp (which is basically where the real meat of the game begins), you can actually complete the campaigns of full games. 10 hours or so. I don't mind slow pacing, but Days Gone isn't just slow at the start, it feels messy, and really try-hard with how it's immediately trying to evoke emotions from the player. It's like trying to have the "Red Dead moment" after an hour of gameplay... it just doesn't work, the bond isn't there yet.

I'm glad I stuck with it though. The gameplay dramatically improves after you get a few upgrades, and from the 3rd camp, the story becomes much more straightforward, and enjoyable. The game has some emotional moments later on that actually feel earned too. But really, I don't blame people for dropping it early. It really does leave a poor first impression (and tbh the pacing does fuck up right before the end again, but at that point I'd wager most people are too invested to drop the game anyway)


Oct 28, 2017
I agree OP, it's an excellent game with some caveats: Make it past the first 6-8 hours and play it with all the patches. It was rough when it first released.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
Outside of some pacing issues and Deacon coming across as an unlikeable asshole for the first third of the game, it was pretty good.
Now in quarantine, I'm much more forgiving of a slow start. DG will be my final game on my backlog.

Still I do feel like some of positive post sugar coat just how long a "slow start is"...Some ppl don't have the patience to play-through something that just isn't fun for a while. That's a big miss for a AAA production for a large chunk of your game to be not fun.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
If not for the really awful gating and pretty wonk writing I probably would have liked it more. Pretty much all of my complaints were mirrored in Noah Caldwell-Gervais's video about the game.



Oct 27, 2017
Great game, but I'm stuck at the first horde mission. I can't figure out how to take them all down.
Oct 25, 2017
Great game, but I'm stuck at the first horde mission. I can't figure out how to take them all down.
Got some explosives? They really op they got nerfed and I still feel like they take a big chunk off. Also keep moving only time you really should be shooting for more than 10 seconds is when you got the slow mo on or you covered a large distance in the environment


Nov 12, 2017
I agree. I think the story is pretty bad, but it's a pretty average video game story. The human AI is pretty dumb, but the hordes are great, the late game weapons are cool and the map is pretty big once you've unlocked it all. The game makes a bad first impression, which is unfortunate, but it gets better once you get some good gear.


Oct 27, 2017
Got some explosives? They really op they got nerfed and I still feel like they take a big chunk off. Also keep moving only time you really should be shooting for more than 10 seconds is when you got the slow mo on or you covered a large distance in the environment

Yeah. I've got six of those big explosive barrel things, and a mix of grenades, pipe bombs and molotovs.

I think that's my problem; I stop, and try to take a bunch out with my machine gun, and end up getting surrounded. I've got to find a better strategy.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
It's a really solid game. I liked it enough to get the platinum. Sucks that the critics decided to collectively ravage it for some reason.

Edit: I agree the writing on the whole is very uneven. And the climax/ ending had the the tone of a Marvel movie. Was way too triumphant with everything resolved cleanly given the bleakness of the world imo.
Oct 25, 2017
How has the game got better after launch?
Fixed up performance greatly, added some solid improvements, they added challenges(that are there to stay btw they don't come and go, 11 of them in fact) one of them being a crazy taxi like mode

I could go on it's really changed up since
Yeah. I've got six of those big explosive barrel things, and a mix of gernades, pipe bombs and molotovs.

I think that's my problem; I stop, and try to take to take a bunch out with my machine gun, and end up getting surrounded. I've got to find a better strategy.
yea the Ai don't come at you in a straight line so if you stay still and focus on the front some will come at you from the side or from a building it's really intense
Oct 27, 2017
I bought it on sale since it's didn't get great reviews, but I would gladly have payed 60$ for the game after finishing it.

One of my favorites.