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Boxy Brown

Oct 27, 2017
Lower budget Nightwing, Batgirl, and Deathstroke would do wonders at the box-office if they were good. No need to waste them on that service.


Oct 25, 2017
Exclusive to their streaming service I don't think that will happen. But I can see them going for a low (for this genre) budget of like under 100 million for stuff like nightwing and deathstroke and it would be better for it tbh. Would likely ensure they don't go overblown with the third act too and keep it strictly fighting


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely true, but there's little space on the slate for upcoming comic book movies if DC takes too long to pick a direction and figure out what films do they want to release on their schedule without it having to conflict too much with either the competition or their own films released at the same time. What better way would there be to advertise the streaming service than to have some heavy-hitting exclusives like a Nightwing or a Batgirl movie that's canonical to the DCEU? I just don't think there can be enough hype for them if they come out untested and lower budget to the type of fare we've been bombarded with lately.
Oct 25, 2017
Lower budget Nightwing, Batgirl, and Deathstroke would do wonders at the box-office if they were good. No need to waste them on that service.

Yeah, I think that's absolutely the way to go for those films. Take a page from Fox's approach with Deadpool and Logan- lower budget, small scale films for those characters, with a potential R-rating for Deathstroke. There's really no need for a Nightwing or Batgirl film to have a massive budget.


Oct 25, 2017
When I said I hope WB doesn't react to this strongly this is what I meant...

F off with that noise.

They have themselves to blame for this. Focus on the trinity FFS... put out good movies and earn that good will. Trying to learn something from this movie might be one of the dumbest things WB tries to do, but I wouldn't past a company that has been erratic and reactionary while at the same time doing so little.

They have the trinity (well save for Affleck leaving and Batman up in the air) in a good direction. Focus on that. Grow out from the pillars of your characters, ie core JL members. Shoving Batman down our throats without giving us a Batman movie is such a short sighted and awful move.

WB is and will always be a feckless company. If ever you need a picture perfect real world example of putting the a cart before the horse, look no further than the brothers Warner. Their inability create a vision and then execute is what will end the DCEU. Instead of being reactionary they need to stick to their plan and put in directors that adhere to said plan. As much as I respect Snyder he was not the person to give all the power to start this universe. They should have done Man of Steel 2 before BvS, they shouldn't have rushed those BS email Easter eggs in BvS, they shouldn't cut the shit out of Suicide Squad and let some stupid ass trailer company finish editing the movie, thank god Patty Jenkins fought WB and got to make Wonder Woman after all, in fact they should just write her a blank check and only add their signature on the bottom and "Wonder Woman 2" on the note portion of said check, finally they should have just fired Snyder outright and let Josh do Justice League. I think this universe is finally picking up on the right track but at this point it may be too late. If they begin making one-off movies I'm out. Hopefully they will see the light, keep Geoff on the team or maybe even promote him to President and tell Tsujihara to GetTheFuckOut.gif so that we can stay the course. I honestly have little to no confidence this will happen but here's to hoping...

I saw Justice League again tonight. I loved it even more!

I literally just got back from my second viewing. On my first viewing I liked it. After my second viewing, yeah... this is easily the best DCEU movie to date. Despite all it's "problems" it's a really good fun movie that is enjoyable both as a DC fan and as movie goer. And most of the "problems" it has exist in most comic book movies but I see how failed past attempts could make the general public lose faith / enable the trolls and haters even more. It stinks because this is a really good movie doomed to pay for the sins of the past. It could definitely use a couple minutes here and there as connective tissue but at this point I don't even think I want to watch the UC version as I may explode into a fiery passionate ball of rage and that may interfere with me watching Aquaman.


Oct 25, 2017
TbF the Squads first appearance is in Legends fighting brimstone who had just curbstomped the Justice League, Shazam, firestorm, and cosmic boy.



Oct 25, 2017
I always felt like SS should have been a smaller action movie ala the raid/assault on precinct 13

David Ayer seems to agree that they should have scaled it back. I seem to remember him saying that, and that the Joker should've been the antagonist.

The Assault on Arkham animated movie had it right. The Task Force X JLU episode did it even better. It should have the feel of a heist movie.

Boxy Brown

Oct 27, 2017
Suicide Squad's missions range from stealing artifacts and such to recent things like capturing Zod. The possibilities are limitless.


Oct 27, 2017
I just need the Batfamily on the big screen pls WB. I need to see Bruce interact with his kids...
So I hope Nightwing and Batgirl do end up getting made eventually.


Nov 15, 2017
I mean, the whole point of the Suicide Squad is they go on suicide missions. It's even in the name. I get wanting to scale things back, but I'm also not really interested in watching them beat up street gangsters in Gotham.

Send them out to capture, idk, Ra's Al Ghul with a bunch of superpowered assassins in tow. Or maybe steal Amazo from Dr. Morrow. Something at least a little above their paygrade on the surface.


Nov 11, 2017
Faithfulness aside I can't jive with BvS because we never hear about what Clark stand's for from himself, and he's barley a character in his own movie. He's only on the back half of Justice League and I feel we got a better sense of the character following man of steel there then we did in BvS.

Like I think Cap is a dick in Civil War but at least we see his point of view argued and defended by himself and not five other characters. I totally understand that snyder was gong for a film where we see what everyone has to say about superman, and in the end the man of steel is defined by his actions, but it just didn't work.

Have you seen the UC?


Oct 26, 2017
Sorry, forgot to add the spoiler tags.

So who do you think won the race at the end of JL?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
So who the heck decided that we openly spoil stuff from the movie? Like, we never did this so early for any other movie.


Nov 11, 2017
It's not that bad when you know what's coming. I'm liking it. Leto is the bomb. If it wasn't for that stupid tattoo.
You're being very sarcastic? I thought you hated SS more than you hate Whedon and you fucking hate Whedon.

They have no plan. They react to the fans and the BO and make it up as they go along. That's why there's 20+ rumored DCEU movies.

I think DCEU had a plan in fact they probably had more of a plan than people would acknowledge. Look at how much foreshadowing was in BVS, WW's photo and it paying off in her solo movie, Knightmare scene which was supposed to pay off in JL, death in the family with Robin and the Joker, Flashpoint Batman, Cyborg, JL, Flash and his time travel shenanigans, Lex and his father, the problem is people don't like what they are seeing and shit had to be excised and rejigged.


Nov 11, 2017
It seems like people have a lot to say about the Amazonian costumes in Justice League, people who frankly don't deserve an opinion about it. For those claiming that it shows somehow that @zacksnyder is sexist or is in any sort of way harmful to the progression of females, you can fuck off.
I was an Amazonian - My scene didn't make the final cut of the movie -but that doesn't change the relationship I have with the part and my experience as a female on set. I loved it, I felt empowered. I looked around and saw strong women who are proud of their bodies and their abilities, both physical and other. I saw other women I look up to, athletes and actors who all wanted the perception of women to be one of ability and strength. Yes we wore costumes that showed our bodies, much like the guys did in 300 (which people seem to forget is a Zack Snyder film). At no time was my experience in Justice League sexual which brings me to the point:
Clothing, or lack thereof is NOT sexual. If you feel like the revealing of skin summons certain sexual feelings, then you are the problem. Do you look at a naked child and think "sex!"? Do you look at a topless elderly woman at the beach in France and think "I just can't control myself"? Your concern isn't for the safety and security of our children or to protect the value of women, it's to mask your own disease, which by all accounts is a fetish of flesh.

I've fought against this type of person my entire life, the ones that commented my shorts were too short, that made me go home from school because my belly showing was distracting to the male teachers and students. They didn't realize that I bought the same kids clothes as everyone else, I just had long limbs. They blamed their lack of self control on me, they called me "slutty" they made presumptions of my sexual activity because they lacked control over their own. You can call me whatever you want, you can assert that scantily clad females is regression, but you might want to realize that your attitude is the problem, the ignorance of your own perversion is the culprit, and it is only further masked by your comments that fall under the banner of "equality" and false flags of feminism.
I love my body. I love being able to do, I love being capable. I love the strength and esteem that I've developed through physical activity, I also love that I will pass it down to my daughter, I love that she sees me hold my chin high in the face of accusations and judge-mental trolls, so she can one day do the same, when she faces a society that sees and treats her like a sexual object that can only be considered appropriate as long as her shirt is long enough.
The hypocrisy of this outrage is stunning. I worked on Justice League first and foremost as a personal chef (I was later cast as an Amazonian). My first order of business was to make sure my client (a male) would look physically imposing, because his appearance on screen would be shirtless for the majority of the film. His effort and dedication are jaw dropping on screen. The comments of him make this clear, they commend his hard work, they ask how they can do the same, they don't for a second question his appearance as a cultural regression to our obsession with sex.
I am grateful to Zack and WB for representing female ability, for celebrating women, and allowing us to be a part. Here is to all of the women and men that made this film possible, it was a unified effort of both sexes, an effort that should be celebrated not belittled.
So while these keyboard warriors search for relevance in their opposition of this film, I want to make it clear, my Amazonian sisters and I hold our middle finger high to you.
#JLmovie #justiceleague #dccomics #shutupEAT #shutupWORK #Amazonianwarrior #amazonian #superhero ZackSnyder Warner Bros. Entertainment #unitetheleague #justiceleaguemovie

I couldn't find the previous thread, if anyone can find the other thread feel free to post it there


Oct 28, 2017
They'll be using IT and WW profits to counter Geostorm, King Arthur, and a couple others, though.

They lost something like $200m on King Arthur, IIRC. $100m for Geostorm.

King Arthur was a co-production with Village Roadshow and Geostorm was a co-production with Skydance so their losses would be a lot lower

WB still having quite a good year, will finish behind Disney after Star Wars releases but way ahead of the rest


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I'm gonna quote a post from another board that made a really good point that I hadn't even considered before

Honestly...I'm not sure where Superman goes from here. What is his arc? He is established, he is beloved, he is with Lois (who knows his identity), he has died and come back, he has killed and struggled with the ramifications of that, he has been hated, he has been loved, he has exposed Luthor as a criminal, he's fought Batman, he's joined the Justice League . . . where do you take that character? In many ways, MOS and BvS ran through years of Superman stories and development (in a very sloppy way, mind you, but through them none the less). Its hard to see where the character goes in a solo.

This is spot on imo. Where do you take the character after all this?


Oct 25, 2017
That's an oxymoron. Need I remind you Mad Max: Fury Road lost money?
They made 300+ mil internationally, right?

The home media sales brought them in some good money too.

You know what I mean though. Snyder's attempt may have been good for me and a few others but we are in the minority. He has wonderful themes and layers in his scenes but it's just not a flavor of cinema people want right now. I understand that.

People want a "best hits" version of their superheroes... Snyder tried to be a little deeper. Audiences didn't respond well.

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nightwing confined to DC''s pseudo-Netflix?

No. Dick needs full exposure.
WB is going to be probably way too gun shy to do something like Nightwing any time soon after JL bombed. They need their major characters to be doing well before they can do films like that.

If JL did good (or hell even okay) I am sure they would move forward with Nightwing. But now? No way. They are going to basically all but reboot Batman and the Bat-family right now with Reeves getting full control of that side of the DC Universe for sure.


Oct 25, 2017
the only DC movie I ever want to see from Snyder in the future is Injustice, like an elseworlds movie. I don't think his ideas line up with a cinematic universe that can be successful. plus its a waste of his (and everybody elses) time to try and make his work fit into it, we get a mess like JL.

I like BvS, but that never should have happened in something like the DCEU.


The Flagpole is Wider
Oct 25, 2017
Just saw that Flash deleted scene, why the hell would they cut that, it looked great.

Working your ass of for years on a movie in a universe you care deeply for, only for you to have the movie snatched away from you and butchered from hell and back.


Oct 25, 2017
They made 300+ mil internationally, right?

The home media sales brought them in some good money too.

You know what I mean though. Snyder's attempt may have been good for me and a few others but we are in the minority. He has wonderful themes and layers in his scenes but it's just not a flavor of cinema people want right now. I understand that.

People want a "best hits" version of their superheroes... Snyder tried to be a little deeper. Audiences didn't respond well.
If moviemaking didn't involve risks and production companies went for the safest choice possible, we wouldn't have gotten the likes of Fury Road or Bladerunner 2049 in the first place.

It makes sense then that DC Films want their films to be standalone as opposed to be part of an overall universe. Now if only studio execs don't fuck this up, but I have my doubts. The higher ups only care about their interests, not ours.


Oct 25, 2017
the only DC movie I ever want to see from Snyder in the future is Injustice, like an elseworlds movie. I don't think his ideas line up with a cinematic universe that can be successful. plus its a waste of his (and everybody elses) time to try and make his work fit into it, we get a mess like JL.

I like BvS, but that never should have happened in something like the DCEU.

I think a Justice League: Flashpoint would be perfect for Zack Snyder.

He'd get to play with all of the toys in a grim, twisted universe. You want Batman to dual-wield pistols? You got it. You want Wonder Woman to behead someone? Flashpoint's got you, Zack.

Then when all is said and done the movie would reset the DC Cinematic Universe in the lighter direction Warner Bros. is going for.
Oct 25, 2017
the only DC movie I ever want to see from Snyder in the future is Injustice, like an elseworlds movie. I don't think his ideas line up with a cinematic universe that can be successful. plus its a waste of his (and everybody elses) time to try and make his work fit into it, we get a mess like JL.

I like BvS, but that never should have happened in something like the DCEU.

I agree that Snyder would be perfect for a elseworlds.

He could exercise his ideas using his gritty trademark style in a Red Son movie adaptation for instance. Think Watchmen opening montage but with soviet superman doing various stuff, from political acts, to saving people from a iminent chernobyl disaster, all for the glory of mother russia


Oct 25, 2017
It's my problem with the flash movie being Glashpoiny. Flashpoint is a universe of grim dark shit and the GA has already said they don't want that.
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