Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Sharon was way out of Cap's league, as soon as he thought of a way to get Peggy he left and never looked back.

Wait. You're saying that Sharon was out of Captain America's league?! This guy?



Oct 28, 2017
Good to see Zemo back. I never understand people who said he was a crap villain as I thought he was genuinely one of the best ones. I hope they don't just turn him into a generic bad guy trope for the tv series as the fact he was an ordinary, but skilled, man with a pretty good reason for wanting to bring down The Avengers made him relatable as a villain.
I'm pretty sure they have plans for Zemo that will make him more interesting than just a generic bad guy.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I hopped from another dimension again. I was so sure that Zemo offed himself until I looked it up and, no... he got stopped at the last second. I remember a completely different scene in my head.


Oct 25, 2017
I am hoping for an old Cap cameo. The rumored plot sounds fantastic.

We already know that Chris Evans is doing voice work for the What If? show, so I could see him showing up in this, as well. And if you remember when Evans tweeted about his final shoot as Cap for Endgame, the Russos said Evans wasn't done with the role, yet. Fingers crossed!


Oct 26, 2017
We already know that Chris Evans is doing voice work for the What If? show, so I could see him showing up in this, as well. And if you remember when Evans tweeted about his final shoot as Cap for Endgame, the Russos said Evans wasn't done with the role, yet. Fingers crossed!

Indeed! I'll be honest, I might actually shed a tear or two if he pops up in any future series or movies. Such a great character.


Oct 25, 2017
We already know that Chris Evans is doing voice work for the What If? show, so I could see him showing up in this, as well. And if you remember when Evans tweeted about his final shoot as Cap for Endgame, the Russos said Evans wasn't done with the role, yet. Fingers crossed!

But then recently after the movie came out in an interview they said pretty definitively Chris Evans is done with the role. Pretty sure they said he wasn't done when that tweet came out to preserve spoilers.


Oct 28, 2017
If Sharon is in this, I wonder if they plan on addressing the whole Steve thing at the end of Endgame, lol.

Too bad I came late to this thread but it still needs to be said. Time in the MCU doesn't loop onto itself it only has one line unless a split occurs. Captain America didn't go back in time changing his own past. He lived in a new past.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
The RUMOR of the plot is that it involves a government-sanctioned Cap (possibly John Walker) who goes insane when his brain breaks down after they attempt to replicate the serum on him and Falcon and Winter Soldier have to save the day, leading to Sam becoming Cap in the end.
So basically if true we are either gonna end up with Dark Avengers, Civil War II, or something in between alongside whatever the hell they have planned considering both the Thunderbolt Movie and the Eternals. I just hope to god it leads eventually to a proper secret wars movie, if not trilogy cause that shit wouldn't be able to be contained in one movie.


Oct 28, 2017
Good to see Zemo back. I never understand people who said he was a crap villain as I thought he was genuinely one of the best ones. I hope they don't just turn him into a generic bad guy trope for the tv series as the fact he was an ordinary, but skilled, man with a pretty good reason for wanting to bring down The Avengers made him relatable as a villain.
Considering a certain rumor from a source who got everything right about Endgame except for one tiny detail if you wanted to nitpick Zemo is going to have a very complex story arc here.


Oct 26, 2017
I hope in the Mandalorian they finally address Luke kissing Leia on more than one occasion.


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen a lot of people online being cautious because of budget concerns, but this is Disney. They have all of the money. I'm sure it will be well funded.

I am going to try to avoid news stories though because I want to be surprised by everything.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I could've sworn there was an interview with the Russos or Marcus & McFeely where they teased time-traveling Cap appearing in one of the shows. Was it Falcon & Winter Soldier or the Loki Show?


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
This meme is great:
I could've sworn there was an interview with the Russos or Marcus & McFeely where they teased time-traveling Cap appearing in one of the shows. Was it Falcon & Winter Soldier or the Loki Show?
Loki. Also, I'm actually leaning to think that ALL of these three first shows- Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Loki and WandaVision - are actually somewhat connected and telling an over-reaching arc somehow. Basically, you could all link them to the Infinity Stones, if we consider Evans showing up a possibility.