
Oct 27, 2017
Some of ya'll are legitimately ridiculous and toxic

Swery literally be out their making entire games with transpeople just to give transpeople a voice, putting #representation and #diversity into everyone of his games be it LBGT or POC and is out there promising to rewrite and patch his mistakes in his most recent game, which is something no dev has done ever in the history of videogames

And you be out there bitching that he's only doing the bare minimum and literally complain about people commending him for him going all these extra steps that basically no one else takes

If you want representation, you gotta live with the fact that even the most earnest of people will make mistakes, and should encourage people to do so, instead of attacking them for it, cos that's nothing more than a surefire to make people fear trying


Stay unreasonable era

I don't realy see people being toxic here. Some are just not comfortable to put someone on a pedestal for apologizing for something. It is great that he did and something a lot of people don't do but still an apology for something bad. But in general everyone I saw was ok with the apology and some just think it is not more than that.

Your post is pretty much more toxic than anything else anyone wrote in this Thread. I am always very confused when People are very agressive when they tell minorities they need to be nicer when they want to change things,


Oct 27, 2017
Nice to hear he's fixing it but I'm confused as to why he put it in the game in the first place.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Being an ally means not talking down to the people you are supposedly being an ally to.

My last post on that matter, as i don't think continuing this conversation will lead anywhere:

I have no Intention of dismissing the criticism itself
Nor i have Intention of attacking transpeople

I only took umbrage with the fact that we are somehow not allowed to compliment someone for doing the right thing, someone who has a history of trying his best and has achieved good things in the past too, and i got emotionally involved in the process.

If i was dismissive or done something hurtful i aplogise.


Oct 28, 2017
So the base requirement(how can there even be such a thing? Who decides where that base is?) is dictated by whatever cultural context you find yourself in then? That's what is sounds like to me because I don't think the thing you want is something targeted at the values and understanding of the average human being living on earth. Or maybe you meant something else by global. I think you probably just meant local(as in local to you) but misspelled.

I don't think he should be protected from criticism. I think it's shitty to berate him when he is trying to do better.

The base requirement is if you fuck up... you apologise? That's a pretty universal truth, I thought? We're not talking on whether he thought he had fucked up or not, he has acknowledged he did, so, the base requirement for him knowing he'd fucked up, is to apologise. Which he did, and that's good.

And no. Global as in, the games are going to be available globally, internationally, so understanding how something you put in the game reflects internationally, is important. But again, we're not discussing whether he fucked up or not, he acknowledged he did, and apologised, which again, is good.

Could you point out where anyone has berated him? I've not berated him, I've berated the adoration & "King" type shit. That isn't coming from him, it's coming from other posters. Even the tweets you replied to me after responding, didn't berate him, they pointed out that he's worked on trans characters before, so basically, he has to be more mindful of these issues, as he should be aware of trans issues if he is creating trans characters... That isn't berating/attacking him.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
On one hand I accept and believe his apology. I feel he really cares.

On the other hand I agree with LKD, swery has done trans characters, had feedback, and worked with trans people, he needs to do better.


Oct 27, 2017
The base requirement is if you fuck up... you apologise? That's a pretty universal truth, I thought? We're not talking on whether he thought he had fucked up or not, he has acknowledged he did, so, the base requirement for him knowing he'd fucked up, is to apologise. Which he did, and that's good.

And no. Global as in, the games are going to be available globally, internationally, so understanding how something you put in the game reflects internationally, is important. But again, we're not discussing whether he fucked up or not, he acknowledged he did, and apologised, which again, is good.

Could you point out where anyone has berated him? I've not berated him, I've berated the adoration & "King" type shit. That isn't coming from him, it's coming from other posters. Even the tweets you replied to me after responding, didn't berate him, they pointed out that he's worked on trans characters before, so basically, he has to be more mindful of these issues, as he should be aware of trans issues if he is creating trans characters... That isn't berating/attacking him.
Indirectly berating him by attacking the praise with the rationale that he should have known better. Which I don't think is fair. Considering his background he shouldn't necessarily have known better, and that's precisely why his apology and commitment to make better is praiseworthy.


Oct 25, 2017
My last post on that matter, as i don't think continuing this conversation will lead anywhere:

I have no Intention of dismissing the criticism itself
Nor i have Intention of attacking transpeople

I only took umbrage with the fact that we are somehow not allowed to compliment someone for doing the right thing, someone who has a history of trying his best and has achieved good things in the past too, and i got emotionally involved in the process.

If i was dismissive or done something hurtful i aplogise.

The praise that some are showing almost seems sarcastic in how over-the-top it is. The bare minimum we ask is for people to just not be transphobic. There are resources out there to aid people in understanding what is and isn't, and I don't think absolute praise is the best response to someone circling back to that minimum.

And again, this is coming from someone who is relatively happy with the response he gave.


Oct 30, 2017
Nice to hear he's fixing it but I'm confused as to why he put it in the game in the first place.
There's a lot of things that happen when making a game and while it's not an valid excuse, I've seen many stories of how developers get blinders on when working on certain games. You focus so much on problem areas - technical, story, gameplay - that often you deprioritize something big and obvious because you're so concerned with making sure you get something else right. So much of game development is trying to get things to just "work" and come together - even harder when balancing a game that's story-driven and being translated into foreign languages. A lot of stuff is delegated to other writers, programmers, editors, voice directors, etc., and a director trusts it'll all be cohesive. A lot of those people often are working with incomplete scripts or vague direction. You don't always control what parts are written at which points in development, some things (like Japanese gender-neutral pronouns) can be translated the wrong way if you're unfamiliar with the correct approach, cultural ignorance is still a very valid thing for many adults (Bioware is one of the BETTER developers at inclusive LGBT+ representation and they too had to rewrite a trans character post-release due to deadnaming, to bring up a more high-profile example), etc.

Again, that's not an excuse, and SWERY's apology and promise to correct it is the right one rather than making excuses. I sincerely doubt the intentions were bad, but any creator worth his salt knows that intentions are meaningless if execution botches it, and he's adamant the execution was not what he intended.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Generally people should be praised when they do the right thing.
But here the right thing is him basically trying to retract the wrong thing he did.
So he's arguably receiving praise for doing the neutral thing, at best. So the praise is a bit unbalanced.

I think we're just conditioned to expect people to be pieces of shit or not do the right thing. At least I am. I'm positively surprised when the opposite happens.
So the good thing gets additional momentum in its reception. It's just good to see good things.


Oct 28, 2017
Indirectly berating him by attacking the praise with the rationale that he should have known better. Which I don't think is fair. Considering his background he shouldn't necessarily have known better, and that's precisely why his apology and commitment to make better is praiseworthy.

I'm really struggling with what you want? Do you want him to called King and Stan for him?
I think it's good he apologised, and committed to making it right. I don't believe he's a king for that. I can find issue with others being extremely over the top with praise for it, and that isn't berating Swery by doing so, indirectly or otherwise...

We're going in circles. He acknowledged he fucked up. He's fixing it. Good. Still, not a king.


Oct 27, 2017
Indirectly berating him by attacking the praise with the rationale that he should have known better. Which I don't think is fair. Considering his background he shouldn't necessarily have known better, and that's precisely why his apology and commitment to make better is praiseworthy.
How could he not have known better when he has done better in the past?

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
What I think sets this apart from other insincere apologies is "I will go back and actually change it, with input from a diverse team". It's not just "I'm sorry" but "I'm sorry and I will make it right".

Edit: That said, not having played his prior games, I didn't know he's been putting transgender people in his games with some frequency. If he keeps making mistakes like this, he should attempt to up his game and not make them in the first time.

Quite frankly, I didn't like Deadly Premonition and it leverages some really grotesque character tropes in addition to very distasteful plot elements. I find its enduring popularity very unusual. There is content in this game I find truly disgusting. Had I known the content hidden behind its endgame twist I would not have purchased it or played it.

When the sequel was announced I was curious to see if it would avoid all the same failures of the first game. Writers grow and perspectives change. When I heard murmurs that the content of this game was just as tone deaf, I was not surprised but still disappointed.

But I also believe that it is never too late to do the right thing. It's never too late to accept responsibility. It's never too late to try to fix what you've done wrong and make amends to people you've insulted.

It seems clear to me that in this game he wants to portray a marginalized character with dignity and respect and completely and totally failed to do that, so he's going to try to fix it. I really appreciate that and it shows me maybe he has grown after all. His fix remains to be seen, but we'll see soon enough.


Oct 28, 2017
Good on swery for apologising and seeking to correct this, but as an author I have to ask; what is swery's intent with his frequent inclusion of LGBTQ+ characters in his works? Does he feel strongly about representation? Unfortunately I get the feeling that he seems to think non-hetero and non-cis people make good villains, that's what all the evidence so far seems to suggest.

Maybe the best step forward for him would be to stop writing LGBTQ+ people as villains for a while and work on his understanding whilst writing them in smaller roles until he figures this shit out.

There's absolutely no reason why an LGBTQ+ person can't be an antagonist, but using their transness or their sexuality as part of the threat they pose to the protagonist is gross and seems to be a particularly enduring trope in Japanese game writing that needs to go.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Swery needs to bring on some lgbtq people to help him better write these characters and understand their struggles 100%. I'm glad he's apologized, admitted fault, and is taking the steps to fix things. I'm glad we have Swerwy pushing for lgbtq representation in his games and hopefully he can continue to improve as a writer and hopefully help more lgbtq people get into the industry by bringing them on as consultants or cowriters in the future.


Oct 27, 2017
There's a lot of things that happen when making a game and while it's not an valid excuse, I've seen many stories of how developers get blinders on when working on certain games. You focus so much on problem areas - technical, story, gameplay - that often you deprioritize something big and obvious because you're so concerned with making sure you get something else right. So much of game development is trying to get things to just "work" and come together - even harder when balancing a game that's story-driven and being translated into foreign languages. A lot of stuff is delegated to other writers, programmers, editors, voice directors, etc., and a director trusts it'll all be cohesive. A lot of those people often are working with incomplete scripts or vague direction. You don't always control what parts are written at which points in development, some things (like Japanese gender-neutral pronouns) can be translated the wrong way if you're unfamiliar with the correct approach, cultural ignorance is still a very valid thing for many adults (Bioware is one of the BETTER developers at inclusive LGBT+ representation and they too had to rewrite a trans character post-release due to deadnaming, to bring up a more high-profile example), etc.

Again, that's not an excuse, and SWERY's apology and promise to correct it is the right one rather than making excuses. I sincerely doubt the intentions were bad, but any creator worth his salt knows that intentions are meaningless if execution botches it, and he's adamant the execution was not what he intended.

After playing The Missing I do think he means well, it's just a shame things like this seem to keep popping up not just in japanese games but other media.
As you say it must be a headache juggling everything and dealing with things in a different language though.
Not an excuse but hopefully he'll learn from this and other developers do so too. Sensitive issues deserve a bit more time to get right.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
if BEING AN ALLY means we aren't allowed to commend people on doing the right thing for some reason then i won't call myself one if it makes you happier
i know you're banned but lets be real, this isnt about "commending people on doing the right thing" this is about other posters saying "Calling him a king for the bare minimum is over the top" and you deciding theyre unreasonable and toxic because they didnt sufficiently appreciate your "What a King, we continue to stan" post

And frankly it is the bare minimum (as much as i appreciate it), which makes it sad that apologies like this are so rare.


Oct 25, 2017

people think they're "good allies" if they haven't muttered a slur in several years and have like one black friend or something. What occured here is usually what ends up happening when someone proudly declares themselves an "ally". Someone will do the song and dance until their views clash with those they've aligned with, then the fuckshit stuff comes out. Being an actual ally is a lifelong job and you always have to be improving yourself.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Cool to hear. I wonder how long reworking will take?

As a side note, is it true that deadnaming isn't as looked down upon in Japanese trans communities or was I peddled some transphobic bull when I saw that? Could explain where some of the issues came from before he was corrected.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Quite frankly, I didn't like Deadly Premonition and it leverages some really grotesque character tropes in addition to very distasteful plot elements. I find its enduring popularity very unusual. There is content in this game I find truly disgusting. Had I known the content hidden behind its endgame twist I would not have purchased it or played it.

When the sequel was announced I was curious to see if it would avoid all the same failures of the first game. Writers grow and perspectives change. When I heard murmurs that the content of this game was just as tone deaf, I was not surprised but still disappointed.

But I also believe that it is never too late to do the right thing. It's never too late to accept responsibility. It's never too late to try to fix what you've done wrong and make amends to people you've insulted.

It seems clear to me that in this game he wants to portray a marginalized character with dignity and respect and completely and totally failed to do that, so he's going to try to fix it. I really appreciate that and it shows me maybe he has grown after all. His fix remains to be seen, but we'll see soon enough.

Agreed on all accounts.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Selfishly... I wish people would spoil tag some stuff in this thread that has nothing to do with the the trans character or transphobia. Want to be 100% clear that it would be gross to ask spoiler tags to stand in the way of discussing these scenes, but I've seen unrelated stuff that seems pretty big come up out of nowhere now and I'd think that would be reasonable to have tagged? Things being openly talked about to discuss/criticize things like this makes sense as that's far more important than concerns over spoilers, and the reason I'm in these threads is partially that I'd rather be aware of any upcoming transphobia going into it something than not, but suddenly seeing big plot details that don't have anything to do with it is a little frustrating.

Cool to hear. I wonder how long reworking will take?

As a side note, is it true that deadnaming isn't as looked down upon in Japanese trans communities or was I peddled some transphobic bull when I saw that? Could explain where some of the issues came from before he was corrected.

Maybe I'm being weirdly paranoid, but I'm worried this may refer to something I posted about this game and I want to be clear that if it was that post you saw, that 100% wasn't what I said.

It's my understanding that Japanese trans communities may take less issue with some phrasing/framing around, for example, "I was born a boy and now I'm a woman" vs "I was always a woman". But that's very different than dead naming being ok and I would assume someone else talking about a trans person should match that person's own framing. And since the context of at least one scene is talking directly to the trans character's face, none of that applies to to that scene to begin with.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Selfishly... I wish people would spoil tag some stuff in this thread that has nothing to do with the the trans character or transphobia. Want to be 100% clear that it would be gross to ask spoiler tags to stand in the way of discussing these scenes, but I've seen unrelated stuff that seems pretty big come up out of nowhere now and I'd think that would be reasonable to have tagged? Things being openly talked about to discuss/criticize things like this makes sense as that's far more important than concerns over spoilers, and the reason I'm in these threads is partially that I'd rather be aware of any upcoming transphobia going into it something than not, but suddenly seeing big plot details that don't have anything to do with it is a little frustrating.

Maybe I'm being weirdly paranoid, but I'm worried this may refer to something I posted about this game and I want to be clear that if it was that post you saw, that 100% wasn't what I said.

It's my understanding that Japanese trans communities may take less issue with some phrasing/framing around, for example, "I was born a boy and now I'm a woman" vs "I was always a woman". But that's very different than dead naming being ok and I would assume someone else talking about a trans person should match that person's own framing. And since the context of at least one scene is talking directly to the trans character's face, none of that applies to to that scene to begin with.
No, sorry that it came off that I meant you, but I was referring to something I saw on another forum that was pretty specific about what they meant.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't gotten to the point referenced so far, but York chides someone for implying a trans woman is somehow "different". Considering that and The Missing Swery clearly means well, so hopefully this can be resolved in an appropriate way. Good on him for owning it and looking to make changes and listen to the community to undo the harm.
Exactly, dude made the Missing, I doubt he meant harm and will do best to change whatever does wrong in story and learn from it.


Oct 27, 2017
Generally people should be praised when they do the right thing.
But here the right thing is him basically trying to retract the wrong thing he did.
So he's arguably receiving praise for doing the neutral thing, at best. So the praise is a bit unbalanced.

I think we're just conditioned to expect people to be pieces of shit or not do the right thing. At least I am. I'm positively surprised when the opposite happens.
So the good thing gets additional momentum in its reception. It's just good to see good things.

The problem with this line of thinking is that you can very well give him both praise for doing something highly atypical in the industry, and still give him constructive advice because this kind of thing shouldn't be happening to the person who wrote The Missing.

This is far beyond "neutral" but it's not a completely earth-shattering move, if that makes sense. But he absolutely should be receiving praise for this and people saying "well this isn't enough" for someone trying to rectify a gigantic mistake might as well be getting out some arbitrary score card like they're grading a student.

We need to highlight what people are doing right as well, so that others can hopefully do some introspective to be motivated to change just like Swery did. Anything other than that just comes across as being eager to nail them for what they did do, and not be interested in how or whether the person actually learns or changes for the better. Personally for me, I'm more of the kind of "this is a start, let's see what they do next"