
Nov 14, 2017
That takes me back, first exposure to it was a god awful trailer, did not sell me on it lol. What did though was Giantbombs play through of it. Went out and bought it a few days later.


Oct 25, 2017
Outside of the boss fights, I had a blast with it on PS3. Some of the design issues and bugs were so obviously ignored it was hilarious to play through, and "so bad its good" definitely fits here but man those boss fights were just painful


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
On my top 10 of the decade.

I first played it release day in Europe, I saw it in store for £20, remembered what it was (Rainy Woods rebranded) and immediately bought it.

The game is amazing. I was blown away.


Jan 16, 2019
Any chance Deadly Premonition Origins, the improved switch version will come to Steam? Ever since Ex Machina came over, ive been wondering if thats likely.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Picked the game up day one, preorded no less because the trailers were my kind of wierd. I was not ready for what I got, one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had. Also $20 at launch, this game was robbed!!!!


Feb 21, 2018
Great game but an absolutely dreadful PC port!. I had no idea there was a workaround that allowed you to aim up and down until I reached the very end of the game.

Just saw that it has gone up in price on Steam. Was very cheap a few years ago, under 5$ unless my memory deceives me.


Oct 27, 2017
A shame that it has never received a decent port, the performance in the 360 and PS3 originals was poor and yet somehow Director's Cut was worse, meanwhile from what I've heard the Switch version has tons of problems too. I've had to keep my imported PS3 Red Seeds Profile copy around.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017

Happy 10th birthday to one of my legit favorite gaming experiences of all time. A lot of the legacy of this game seems to be people thinking the fans of this game like it ironically. I cannot stress enough that there is no irony in my love for it. It's a one of a kind experience, that has equal parts heart, whimsy and horror. It is far from a well put together game, but that adds to the charm. From the hammy dialogue, to the overbearing music, to the janky controls, almost everything would usually indicate a bad game.

To quote Jim Sterling's classic perfect 10 Destructoid review:

Deadly Premonition is beautiful. No, not graphically. Graphically it's atrocious. It's a beautiful trainwreck, and it's well aware of the fact. Despite this game being quite like everything ever made, there's nothing quite like the game itself. There is absolutely nothing in this industry that can compare to how weird and wonderful the whole experience is. Judged as a piece of entertainment, as a game that consistently surprises and amazes and leaves jaws hanging, I have no choice but to say that Deadly Premonition goes above and beyond. This game is so bad, it's not just become good. It's pretty close to perfect.

I'll never forget the experience of jokingly playing this game with my roommates in college when the legit horror of GIANT DEMON DOGS CHASING MY CAR happened.

What are your memories of this game, Era?

EDIT: Whoops, called it Deadly PREMOTION in the thread title. Mods halp.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
One of my favorite games of last gen. I still can't believe we're getting a sequel.
Oct 25, 2017
Glad to see the love for the best game of the 2010s. But there was already a thread for this.

Deadly Premonition is 10 years old today

developed by Access Games and originally published by Marvelous, Hidetaka Suehiro (SWERY)'s survival horror/totally-not-Twin-Peaks-inspired game is 10 years old today. work on the game began all the way back in 2004, when it was originally titled Rainy Woods. a trailer was released in 2007...


Oct 26, 2017
I wish I would remember who convinced me to buy it. It might be Jim's glowing rewier or Shane pimping it on 1UP podcasts when he was working for Ignition. Also low price helped a lot.
I loved every minute of the game.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Glad to see the love for the best game of the 2010s. But there was already a thread for this.

Deadly Premonition is 10 years old today

developed by Access Games and originally published by Marvelous, Hidetaka Suehiro (SWERY)'s survival horror/totally-not-Twin-Peaks-inspired game is 10 years old today. work on the game began all the way back in 2004, when it was originally titled Rainy Woods. a trailer was released in 2007...

Dang, tried to look for one but didn't see it. Still! Glad to see the love. Feel free to lock, mods!

Extra Sauce

Oct 27, 2017
how is the Switch version these days? still crashing? how is the frame rate?

I'm thinking of playing this once I'm done with Yakuza 0.

the last patch (1.0.2) came out in october. the first patch fixed the audio cutting issue, the second one fixed some driving related issues. the game is still buggy tho, and does occasionally crash.

oh. well that sucks. a console game that still crashes after its final patch is a tough pill to swallow.
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Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
I still remember Shane Bettenhausen pimping DP on the 1up podcast.

I think he was involved with the localization of it, but he was SUPER hyped about it either way, ending with, "And it's ONLY $20!"

I remember thinking that it sounded kinda jank but I wound up picking it up shortly after for 360.

Well the rest is history. Game went on to tie with RDR for my GOTY 2010.

What a glorious disaster. Damn, I love that game.


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of Let's Plays, Northernlion did a great LP of Deadly Premonition late last year. This one clip is the perfect moment between NL and York:

He doesn't have the series on his youtube channel because of some of the gore/nudity, but there is a series of edits of the best parts put together with his blessing on another channel:



Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I just started playing this on the switch and I can't tell if I'm high or not lol.
Oct 26, 2017
the last patch (1.0.2) came out in october. the first patch fixed the audio cutting issue, the second one fixed some driving related issues. the game is still buggy tho, and does occasionally crash.
Wasn't it said another was in the works? I don't know why Toybox wouldn't patch it up more. They already did the PS3 and Steam versions IIRC so they should know the game fairly inside and out by now. Maybe as they finish up DP2, they'll go back to fix up Origins some more.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Wasn't it said another was in the works? I don't know why Toybox wouldn't patch it up more. They already did the PS3 and Steam versions IIRC so they should know the game fairly inside and out by now. Maybe as they finish up DP2, they'll go back to fix up Origins some more.
i wouldn't hold my breath, the PC version is basically broken and they've been selling it like that for years.
i hope they do it tho, at least the crashing should be fixed, not really acceptable for a console game.