
Nov 14, 2017
Started replaying it last week. Such a fun and unique game. Hopefully this time I will finish it. So many games were coming last year that I got sidetracked.

There is something super satisfying about delivering a package and getting an S rank. Also I love that even though you can't see other players we all help each other with ladders, bridges, roads, etc.


Oct 30, 2017
One of the most wonderful gaming experiences of all time for me. There was just something magical about traversing the land in order to reconnect the people.

And I cried so hard during the last chapter when BB's Theme was playing


Oct 27, 2017
went in rather blind, aside from the cut scene trailers, and absolutely loved it.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
One of the most unique and fantastic games I've ever played. I still haven't finished it, I'm waiting to finish my run on the PS5.


Oct 27, 2017
One of my favorite video game experiences of this generation. I got so into just constructing efficient, safe ways to travel that I never actually finished the game.

Need to get back to it.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
It's stupid and weird in the best way possible. Unlike anything else I've ever played and I loved pretty much the whole experience.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I respect the game for it being Kojima completely unrestricted in his vision and execution, but I'm looking forward to what he puts out next instead. I'm ready for him to put a great game that's genuinely liked instead of whatever we got with Death Stranding.


Feb 12, 2018
This and Pathologic 2 stand out as two of the most interesting games of the gen for me. The story is shit though and I feel bad for anyone who doesn't like the gameplay trying to play through it to see the awful story and terrible acting (beside Maads).


Oct 26, 2017
Just realized in that Kojima tweet he's holding up five fingers! PS5 patch confirmed! Woo!


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Great game mechanically, even appreciate the world-building and lore somewhat, but just not a fan of the story. Glad to have experienced it in many ways, though.

The Masked Mufti

The Wise Ones
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Not my kind of game and somehow it's one of my favourite games. It's amazing how much Kojima was able to do with the core gameplay being "walk from point A to B with a few obstacles".


Oct 27, 2017
I'd put the DS zip lines right up there with the RE4 shotgun on a list of satisfying to use game items.
Jun 13, 2020
I loved this game. Looking forward to see how this evolves in a (very likely) sequel.

About the writing, I think some people can over-exaggerate. It's far from terrible, it has plenty of interesting ideas and great world building. The dialogue is pretty bad and there are bad moments, but that's something you expect going into a Kojima game. It could be way worse, and isn't too intrusive.


Oct 25, 2017
Story was all over the place but it was such a compelling and fun game that merged the story with the gameplay so well. Game was great.


Oct 28, 2017
One of the best games of the generation.

Slowly building my own zip-line transportation system was so satisfying.
Working with other players was a great experience, good system mechanic.

Hoping for a Dualsense patch

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
It is a...fascinating game to think about and to discuss. The story is dogshite, I would say only Tommie Earl Jenkins' performance was positively noteworthy (and that is mostly thanks to the final scenes more than anything), the starfuckery was obnoxious to the point of immersion breaking and the combat was clunky as all hell (coming after MGSV which, for all its faults, was a dream to control in combat).

But when you're just delivering stuff from place to place, trying to clamber around the world, and the soundtrack kicks in -- and yeah, it's pretty much just what I imagine Kojima's Spotify playlist is like, but what a playlist! -- there's an incredible serenity to the whole thing that makes me glad it exists at the very least.

I don't think it's Kojima's best game, not by a long shot (MGS2 for life, baybee), or maybe not even his best game this generation (it'd be either P.T. or Ground Zeroes if P.T. doesn't count) but it is proof that he's still one of the more interesting auteurs in the business.

*this opinion may change depending on what mood I'm in about it


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
Slowly building my own zip-line transportation system was so satisfying

Connecting the satellite, to the scientist, to the mountain base, to the recluse in the mountains was one of the most challenging things I did in a game and it felt so damn good once it was done, especially knowing it'd be there for other players.

Creepy Woody

Nov 11, 2017
Was hyped at the trailer and each subsequent one. So happy it looked paranormal and brought back Reedus and Del Toro. Hype deflated a bit when Kojima showed it off for the first time. Maybe that Japanese show wasn't the best way to show it.

I still bought it shortly after launch with some credit I had, but I let it sit for nearly a year until I was undecided on what to finish after Spiderman. I grabbed a bunch of games for my girlfriend to pick out of for me to play and she chose Death Stranding.

At first it was intriguing but I found the constant balancing act of just walking and over rocky areas irritating but I told myself it was just the start and I'll obviously unlock things to help with this. The mystery, story and characters kept me going more than anything. Then I got the gameplay after a few deliveries and was hooked. It only picked up more as I got more weapons, vehicles in the next area. Got totally addicting to plan routes/ have the right gear, setting up all the roads and trying to 5 star all the locations. Loved Sam, Mama, Deadman and Heartman. They all have such good back stories and make me feel sympathetic to them.

Perhaps the only negative I have with the game is Amelie. If you've played to the end you probably know why. Not only that but while every other character is natural in their own way, she has this stupid airy soap opera feel with her over-acting and perfect red dress and shoes. Every time she showed up I just wished she would go away and the end game story reveal about her I was very disappointed, it could have been something much more interesting.

Apart from that, it's one of those games where the ending seems so far away, can't stop playing it and also don't want it to end. 100 hours later I've finished the story and am mopping up. Love it. One of my games of the generation, right after Spiderman, another no less, so I've had a great time gaming the last couple months. So glad I got into it, will be keen for anything else Kojima makes. Hopefully something with paranormal stuff again, he is fantastic at it. Would also welcome seeing Reedus or Del Toro back too.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
Can't wait to give it a second shot on PS5, I didn't hate it! I had really wished I could play my own music in the game.
Oct 27, 2017
Death Stranding might be my favorite Kojima game. Its moment-to-moment gameplay of traversing rough terrain, and the spectacular failures that ensue hit a great balance between camp and beauty. The cutscenes are even higher, laughable camp. The major marks against it (as usual for a Kojima production) are in the writing, particularly the writing down deep in the emails and lore. There's some real garbage down there, and not the fun kind. Otherwise, I keep going back to Iceland/America to complete another bridge. Nothing like finishing a long stretch of pavement and tearing ass across it on a trike, knowing other players are also going to be able to enjoy the feeling.


Oct 27, 2017
Easily one of the best and most memorable games of the generation. To me the game was super unique and rewarding with the player and environment in the community. You felt like you were apart of a bigger world.

I hope there's a PS5 patch for 60fps.


Feb 15, 2018
Terrible game

Convoluted story
Boring gameplay

I ended finishing the game just to see if it would get better. It never did.

Massive disappointment for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Loved it, platinumed it.

When I was playing it, our pet was dying due to her hind legs losing function and I remember I'd sit with her while playing Death Stranding a lot. I finally beat the game the day after she passed on and the ending fucking destroyed me. I originally wasn't gonna platinum the game but after beating it, I didn't want to stop because playing it reminded me of her. I eventually sat and played it every day and it still felt like she was with me watching me complete it.

I'll never forget it. I hope there is some kind of sequel.
This post touched me, sorry for your loss Petruccis Biceps 😢

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
The fuck Konami game, I think that alone gives Death Stranding a sense of speciality. There's passion here but there's also spite.

Kupo Kupopo

Jul 6, 2019
question for anyone who's gone back after a while: is everything you built still there as it was, or has it eroded since?...

a demented masterpiece of a game, if ever there was one...


Oct 27, 2017
Such a special game. Absolutely my game of the generation. Getting the platinum was an absolute joy.

question for anyone who's gone back after a while: is everything you built still there as it was, or has it eroded since?...

a demented masterpiece of a game, if ever there was one...

Everything will be the same. Structures only erode with actual gameplay time.

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
Great ambition. Terrible game. Terrible story.

smart patrol

Oct 27, 2017
It's got flaws but it's definitely in my top five of this generation.

A 60fps/DualSense patch would be highly appreciated!


Oct 31, 2017
One of my best games of the generation, I truly did not expect the gameplay to be even better than MGSV.

Writing was pretty pants, but I guess that's Kojima. There's some great concepts behind the plot, just not the best execution.