
Oct 25, 2017
The best surprise and the best game of the generation.

Top notch in every category.


Oct 27, 2017
I just started it yesterday after a friend finished convincing me after he completed the game. I'm enjoying it so far but the world is still very confusing, hoping to get a glossary soon because I still have no idea what BT, death stranding and chiral whatevers are. After all these years, some people are still whining about the three or four words they had to learn for FFXIII even though they were explained right away in the codex, but this game has sentences where they drop two or three made up words without explaining any of them, it's very confusing so far.

Shake Appeal

Oct 27, 2017
Incredible game, but the final stretch of boss fights and cutscenes tested my patience, and nothing about the end moved me. I found some of the moment-to-moment sections of organic gameplay far more affecting than anything Kojima scripted. I wish it had ended hours earlier.


Oct 27, 2017
It was the biggest surprise for me last year. I don't have the strongest attachment to Kojima (the last game in the MGS series I finished was 2), and I didn't pay much attention to Death Stranding in its lead-up to release. It sounded boring and not a game I was likely to enjoy. But then I played it, and before I knew it, I came out on the other side with the platinum. Something about it really clicked, and I loved it. Played it again on PC this year, and while I haven't finished that version yet, I was struck once again by its confidence in what it set out to do.

Deleted member 19782

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
One of my favorite games of all time. Hopefully Kojima keeps delivering such quality games in the future.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Love it, and kept the Kojima not disappointing me streak alive. My Game of the Year, and the only thing above it for generation is Bloodborne, maybe tied with GoT which also impressed the hell out of me.

Plan on giving it a third playthrough eventually on PS5.


Oct 27, 2017
Best game of 2019.

I played nearly every major release last year and Death Stranding was the only game I finished.


Nov 12, 2017
The story was typical Kojima i.e. really bad and really good, sometimes at the same time, and I absolutely loved the multiplayer. I built probably 90% of the road and would have kept going if the story hadn't ended. My only problem with the game is that the bosses were repetitive. But as far as being a unique experience, it is almost unparalleled


Keeper of the White Materia
Nov 4, 2017
Love this game. It's an experience that should be played in order to be understood.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Very interesting and weird

Really enjoyed it. Even a year later I still like it. While the story is very, uh, Kojima and some characters are weak (Fragile comes to mind), I really liked the journey I took.

The first two chapters have serious pacing issues (Well that goes for the entire game), after chapter it becomes a management sim and you start to hoard resources. And planning out the journey to your deliveries was more fun than expected. Even BT encounters became better.


Oct 25, 2017
Amazing game that stuck with me like few others this gen. Even the ending(s), while they annoyed me at the time, combined in the end to really hit home.

Damn, gonna have to play this on PS5 again. Has anyone checked BC on this yet?


Oct 27, 2017
Played PC port on july this year.
It is, by far, my biggest gaming disappointment.
I don't even see what could qualify as a "game" in this : everything is tedious, time-consuming, boring, repetitive and basically unfun.
Played 30+ hours until I was sure I had unlocked every traversal help (buildings and vehicles) and nope, it's still a slog.
Graphics are pretty but used for barren landscapes. A bleak, slow and uninspired OST completes the set (I liked "Easy Way Out" though).
There's nothing to save.


Corrupted by Vengeance
May 29, 2020
Motherwell, Scotland
I remember doubting whether or not I should get this game because IGN reviewed it at 6/10 and reviews were mixed. But I had faith in Kojima and my enjoyment of his past games. I'm glad I did that because this was one of my favourite gaming experiences.

Deleted member 2328

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Played it on PC for the first time this year. Aside from all the Kojima quirkiness that I love, what stands out to me are the asynchronous cooperation aspects in the game.
Few things in games feel so rewarding as when people start using infrastructure that you contributed to build.
Oct 25, 2017
I find myself wanting to replay this game more than any other I've played in the last few years. Really considering putting aside everything just to experience it again. I just really loved traversing the world and how satisfying it was to create shortcuts everywhere.


Oct 25, 2017
This game has a lot of issues but I ultimately loved the hell out of it. It still crosses my mind. I should go back and platinum it.


Oct 25, 2017
Played it just last month and thought the game part was great, I really enjoyed the puzzle-like aspects of figuring out how to traverse the terrain, deal with the mules and BTs while carrying as much shit as humanly possible.

Unfortunately the story is poop.


Thanked By SGM
Oct 25, 2017
Freaking loved Death Stranding. I only wish they had supported it more after launch with new content. Even a New Game + with some of the later game items unlocked earlier would have been great.

I should go back and play it again though. Have they talked about a PS5 version or what the PS4 will be like on PS5?

Kongo B

Sep 8, 2019
I didn't finish the game, but from what I've played it's the exact opposite of what I want in a game.
Kudos to Kojima for being experimental, I wish the entire industry had his creative independence, but DS was the textbook definition of a slog.


Oct 25, 2017
I see this thread when I'm just about to start the game for the first time.
I'm probably gonna love it, going by what some friends who know me well told me.


One Winged Slayer - Powered by Friendship™
Oct 27, 2017
Finished it on PC despite having it at launch on PS4. 135 hours, all stars collected, and no online assistance as I wanted to see how it held up without other players structures.

Thoroughly enjoyable game as I actually like doing relatively mundane tasks in unique settings. Loved the Kojima weirdness throughout and just being left to my own devices. Bola gun is OP and Low Roar are wonderful.



Oct 25, 2017
At first I had to push myself to continue the story but at one point the game just clicked (I think it was in chapter 3 when I started rebuilding the roads and using roads setup by other players) and from that moment on I immensely enjoyed the gameplay side of DS. It's really difficult to describe it and when I tried to my irl friends I got bewildered looks, but something about delivering packages, building up the infrastructure and sharing the world with other players is just incredibly satisfying.

Story... eh. The main plot is absolute nonsense and I can't think of anything redeeming it. Die-Hardman and Deadman are very irritating and Heartman is just too much even in a Kojima game. I adored everything to do with Cliff though, I legitimately tore up during the final chapter.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Though at times the game was a slog in the end I enjoyed my experience with it. It was a unique experience that I think no other game will really be able to replicate. To this day that one scene of DieHardMan's is one of the best performances in gaming. Tommy Earl Jenkins is fantastic.


Oct 27, 2017
Saw it's going to be $20 on Black Friday and going by this thread it seems worth trying for sure!


Mar 5, 2018
Kojima is a hack and needs to hire an editor dedicated to turning his garbage writing (with amazing premises, to be fair) into good storytelling. His pretentious rambling at the end is just a bunch of bullshit. I loved the gameplay.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably one of the most unique, enjoyable experiences this generation. The idea of waking around and delivering packages - and it being fun - is so noteworthy

Also, Heartman for best character plz


Jun 12, 2018
I liked it WAY more than I thought I would.
I still need to finish it- I got addicted to building roads.


Jun 3, 2020
Lovely game. Despite having some flaws, it still ended up being one of my favorite games of the generation. It's such a unique game, I've never played anything like it.

Mike Armbrust

Oct 25, 2017
One of the greatest games I've played. It was worse than MGSV in a lot of ways but I went in blind and loved all the unique gameplay mechanics and interactions.


Oct 27, 2017

looking forward to play this on PS5 lol


Mar 2, 2020
Probably the best game I've played this year. Some legit heartbreaking moments, some amazingly fun parts, satisfying gameplay loops, and just an overall fun experience.


Oct 26, 2017
New York
This game came and went.

I forgot it existed and almost no one talks about it anymore.

I hate the notion that if a game is not constantly talked about or brought up then it's deemed some sort of failure, especially for games that are single-player with a very story driven focus that is best experienced in a single playthrough. It had a ton of buzz and discussion in the OT and a separate spoiler thread when it came out. The game has been discussed and analyzed to death already, what exactly is left to talk about without repeating the same things over and over unless it's someone's LTTP thread?

The only reason something like Kojima's Metal Gear Solid can still be talked about is due to having the IP being around for decades with multiple stellar entries and enough lore to write a novel about whereas something like Death Stranding is just a one-off experience that is self contained.

Kojima is a hack and needs to hire an editor dedicated to turning his garbage writing (with amazing premises, to be fair) into good storytelling. His pretentious rambling at the end is just a bunch of bullshit. I loved the gameplay.

The thing is, there are a ton of people, like me, who love that sort of heavy expositional dialogue that he throws at you for his games. One of the main reasons I disliked MGSV was because I thought there wasn't enough of that heavy signature of cut-scenes and expositional dialogue. I, for one, would absolutely hate if Kojima was edited by some other dude to make things "tidier". The whole reason he made his own studio was to make sure he could create whatever the fuck he wants. It's divisive, though. There are people like you who hated the 45 minute cut-scene at the end of Death Stranding but just as many people, if not more, that eat that shit up.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
Own it and hoping to start it soon after I finish my next PS4 game. Wondering how the social aspects of the game will be a year later.
I hate the notion that if a game is not constantly talked about or brought up then it's deemed some sort of failure, especially for games that are single-player with a very story driven focus that is best experienced in a single playthrough. It had a ton of buzz and discussion in the OT and a separate spoiler thread when it came out. The game has been discussed and analyzed to death already, what exactly is left to talk about without repeating the same things over and over unless it's someone's LTTP thread.

The only reason something like Kojima's Metal Gear Solid can still be talked about is due to having the IP being around for decades with multiple stellar entries and enough lore to write a novel about whereas something like Death Stranding is just a one-off experience that is self contained.

Completely agree with this.


Oct 27, 2017
I want a dualsense patch so damn bad. I beat the game but never got the plat. A PS5 patch would 100% send me back up those mountains, though. My fave Kojima game next to MGS3.


May 19, 2020
Feel like this is a game where lots of players had to convince themselves it was good or a masterpiece.

The trouble for me is it was beautifully boring. If I wanted beautifully boring, there are lots of other games to play over this one that offer so much more. Gold hoarder quests in SoT, surviving and building in Subnautical/Grounded, etc.


Oct 29, 2017
Fantastic game, and really proves kojima is a fucking madman. he literally made a game about walking around, and made it amazing!

This game would be amazing with dualsense. being able to feel every step and feel the triggers resist when tilting a direction.


Mar 5, 2018
I hate the notion that if a game is not constantly talked about or brought up then it's deemed some sort of failure, especially for games that are single-player with a very story driven focus that is best experienced in a single playthrough. It had a ton of buzz and discussion in the OT and a separate spoiler thread when it came out. The game has been discussed and analyzed to death already, what exactly is left to talk about without repeating the same things over and over unless it's someone's LTTP thread?

The only reason something like Kojima's Metal Gear Solid can still be talked about is due to having the IP being around for decades with multiple stellar entries and enough lore to write a novel about whereas something like Death Stranding is just a one-off experience that is self contained.

The thing is, there are a ton of people, like me, who love that sort of heavy expositional dialogue that he throws at you for his games. One of the main reasons I disliked MGSV was because I thought there wasn't enough of that heavy signature of cut-scenes and expositional dialogue. I, for one, would absolutely hate if Kojima was edited by some other dude to make things "tidier". The whole reason he made his own studio was to make sure he could create whatever the fuck he wants. It's divisive, though. There are people like you who hated the 45 minute cut-scene at the end of Death Stranding but just as many people, if not more, that eat that shit up.
No, see, the problem isn't the heavy exposition. It's not about the exposition being messy. What I'm saying is none of it makes any sense. I would love a Kojima game with crazy ideas and characters and crazy cutscenes and long as fuck shit like MGS4, but it HAS to make sense. Do you see what I'm saying?
Nov 8, 2017
Beat the game twice; once on each platform. Currently my favorite game of all time. The never-ending ending was a bit obtuse the first time, but knowing this, the pacing was fine the second go around. Engaging start to finish. Weird ass story. Great characters. Love it.

Moz La Punk

Journalist at & Power Unlimited
May 15, 2018
The Netherlands
I remember giving it a 9,5 in my review (one of the higher ones on metacritic) and a lot of people disagreeing with it. So seeing so much people here praising it warms my heart :)