Which should I choose as my main platform

  • PS5

    Votes: 1,114 61.5%
  • Series X

    Votes: 510 28.2%
  • Thor: The Dark World

    Votes: 187 10.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dec 12, 2018
I have a series S and a PS5 and I basically only use the PS5 for first party games, bar some really specific to me situations. But for me it just comes down to that I like using an Xbox better. I like the controller, the convenience features, and I'm used to the interface. I still have trouble turning off my PS5 because I always try to hold the button.

I actually think though, if you prefer Playstation or are used to it, that buying a PS5 and then saving and waiting for an Xbox Series S sale is a lethal combination. Best of both worlds.


Oct 27, 2017
I take it you're wanting to sell one? Sell the Series X and get a refurbished Series S. You'll have some money and still access to Game Pass and exclusives.

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I mean you're not losing your PlayStation games you have and if Xbox exclusives are more you thing I think that's the easy choice unless Japanese games are more important than exclusives.

I have both and feel both are pretty comparable besides exclusives and controller (I really like haptics which has cause me to go ps5 most of the time when I have a choice)

I primarily play psplus games and gamepass and have so many games it's insane. And I'm still playing 360 games (replaying red dead 1 before I tackle 2) hahaha

Edit: wait you already have both?

Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
No need to worry what is "primary if you own both." So far this gen Series X has probably gotten more play as I love Gamepass and prefer that controller, but there are months PS5 gets all the usage as a great exclusive out. Also have Switch and PSVR2, but those don't get played nearly as much as I stay busy with PS5 and XSX stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
Easy answer, get the Xbox Series X as your main. You get all the benefits from Gamepass and since its a (slightly) stronger console, you can use it as your main console for all third party games. You can also play GP games on PC with the right sub, so tons of flexibility as well. Keep the PS5 just for exclusives and any eventual games you find on sale. Controller is also better IMO due to the asymmetrical design and the external battery (just get some rechargeable AA, lasts forever), but that is mostly personal preference.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
It seems you made a good case to make the PS5 your main console:

Prefer more Japanese games
Prefer trophies over achievements
Care about your existing PS4 library

Seems like the PS5 should be the easier choice.


Oct 25, 2017
Depends on the types of games you like to play and your overall gaming habits I suppose. I had both and just stuck with the PS5 because I was already pretty deep into the PlayStation ecosystem. Series X was just there collecting dust. Never really used gamepass much and it was mostly a resub when a bunch of cool stuff came out type of thing for me. Ended up selling the series x and just upgrading my PC. So I guess there's always that route.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
If you own both, it really doesn't matter, lol. It really doesn't matter if you plan on buying both consoles next time around too.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
I've had both since launch and personally I've used my PS5 significantly more. It's my main platform (also because most of my friends are on it). I just prefer the ecosystem and UI of PS + Sony's first party games have been a lot more appealing to me this gen. Game Pass is very nice, but honestly unless you plan to regularly use it I find it's a bit of a waste of money like most streaming services are. Like it's a great value don't get me wrong, but I had so many games to play on PS5 and Switch already that I ended up rarely using GP after a while so I just let my sub run out. That's a me problem than anything to do with GP, but yeah, something to keep in mind.

Deleted member 15395

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
If you like sony exclusives then ps5 is a no brainer. If you dont particularly care for sony 1st party or square games then xbox is serious value due to GP.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
I don't understand dilemmas like this. I have a PC, a PS5 and a Switch and I practically never struggle with which games to get for which system. I can play any game I want though.

Deleted member 106050

Nov 26, 2021
I've owned both platforms for years - got PS5 at launch and Xbox shortly after - and I'm leaning Xbox here for sure. The value of Game Pass is absurd, and the Xbox ecosystem is incredibly user-friendly and convenient - especially if you own a PC or a secondary Xbox in your home, since cloud saves are simple, automatic, and often cross-platform too. I also find myself strongly favoring Xbox when it comes down to the overall experience of using the system and its features. Everything kinda just works on Xbox - VRR, HDR, resolution, sound, and other system level features are just plain easy to set up and configure on Xbox, and will function consistently - whereas I've had issues with all of those things at one point or another on PS5.

For me, the only thing PS5 really has going for it over Xbox is, as always, the exclusive lineup - though I'm definitely less impressed by the PS5's lineup so far than I was with previous Playstation consoles by this point in their life cycles. I bought PS5 based on the promise of next gen exclusives like God of War (lol) and Final Fantasy 7 (lol), and it hasn't delivered as strongly as pre-release marketing and commentary suggested it would - so far, Demon's Souls and Returnal are the only PS5 exclusives that I'd truly deem essential in hindsight. The performance boost over playing cross-gen games on PS4 definitely still matters and makes a difference, though. Cross gen games still play better on PS5 than they ever could on PS4. The controller is nice, and I prefer it over the Xbox controller, but its feature-set has not had quite the impact on my overall gaming experience as I thought it might, and the conveniences of the Xbox that I described above have managed to completely outweigh Playstation 5's advantages for me this generation.

OP already has both consoles. It's in the very first paragraph of their post. They are trying to decide which one should be their primary console, i.e. the one they get most non-exclusive games for.


Oct 27, 2017
Hmmmm conflicted.

The Series X is probably the best developed console I ever used. But the PS5 has really grown on me and taken over as my primary console.

As of now, I'd say PS5.


Nov 2, 2017
I have both and use the PS5 far less, mainly for exclusives and the odd psn game. I was expecting sony to impress with their upcoming lineup similar to the ps4 days but the second wave of ps5 games is very disappointing. Xbox on the other hand is looking exciting going forward and gamepass has provided more than enough content to keep my attention on its own.


Oct 27, 2017
I use my xbox more because of gamepass, quick resume and the controller shape and battery life.

I only use my ps5 for exclusives or psvr2. Really don't like that controller for some reason (poor battery life, heavy/bulky , haptic feedback is cool but feels more like a gimmick). Dualshock was better.
Oct 29, 2017
The only meaningful point for the PS5 is your trophies and existing library.

Apart from that the XSX is the clear choice.

You like the exclusives more, and it has gamepass

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I own both and the physical situation on Xbox is dire, especially for first party games.

Use both OP, but prioritize the PS5 imo.


Jan 9, 2018
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
I own both, but i do believe the series x is the better piece of hardware. It has better controller battery life, better a/v features and, generally speaking, works better with tvs (with actually usable vrr and dolby vision compared to the ps5). It really depends what types of games you're interested in, and if Game Pass can quench your thirst.


Jan 22, 2020
I got both sys on day 1 but only play daily the xsx my ps5 haven't been on in month but will be when ff16 come out . I only play the ps5 for exclusives I wanna play . 3rd party and exclusives I play on xsx .


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I own and play both since launch and also game on PC. My PS5 is mostly used for exclusives only while my Series X i use for backward compatible titles and Gamepass games that either don't have a PC release or if the PC version is broken.

It depends on how much you value Sony exclusives or Gamepass over the other as they both share a similar library for the most part. Can't go wrong with either system.


Oct 27, 2017
PS5/Switch for the exclusives and PC/XSX for everything else.

That's the only true answer.


Oct 30, 2017
Honestly in this case I would say if you have the disposable income, buy both and see which you gravitate towards more because you're always going to have a mentality of the grass being greener on the other side.

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
I went Xbox for everything that isn't an exclusive because I'm not paying for playstation plus and Xbox live at the same time, and gamepass is still the better deal than Extra.

Switch and Ps5 remain exclusive machines, although in the ps5 case, that's 99% just FF14.for the past 2 years.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
For two reasons. I'd rather just have one and use it for the gen as the "default" machine. And the other is that I tend to prefer keeping things in one place if possible. As an example, Total War Saga Troy came out on Epic Games Store on day one and was exclusive for (I think) one year. I didn't play the EGS copy despite having redeemed it - I waited till it was on Steam and bought it there, because I very much prefer Steam.
Then why did you buy both systems if you only planned on primarily using one? This feels like a decision that you should have tried to make before buying either.

I've got all three systems for the generation, and I wouldn't say any of them are the default, as I make use of all of them pretty equally at this point. Especially since a lot of multiplayer games allow for cross play now I just get games on whatever system performs best, or whatever controller feels best for a type of game, or whatever system I can get a better deal on the game for.


Oct 25, 2017
Have you tried PS+ Extra - it doesn't have as many Day One titles as Gamepass but it's been getting very very good lately


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
I would probably use Series X because of quick resume, pad (*) and just overall better UI.
Unless they perform worse or unless * games use Dual Sense unique features to a decent degree.
Series X would be main but there would be exceptions, I wouldn't pick one but I understand not wanting to split library.


May 14, 2019
I love that gamepass. But I'd give up my Series X if I had to pick between my babies. Sorry Switch, you'd lose both those battles too.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
If I had to absolutely pick only one, It would be the PS5. Thus far the Xbox exclusives outside of like HFR haven't exactly been things I've needed to play.

Aside from that, would be a better proposition as I wouldn't be missing out on as many Japanese titles.

I know that really doesn't help you per se, but that would be the main way I weigh between the two.

Edit: As others have said, I do feel like you could have your cake and eat it too if you got a Series S. They're very easy to come around for $200 nowadays.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
Generally I feel more comfortable that anything I buy on xbox will continue to work on future machines - despite their screw ups with the Xbox One, the platform that they built , whether it is Bc, cloud saves, smart delivery , streaming etc is all pretty robust.


Oct 9, 2019
Can't believe you listed batteries as a pro. The main reason I haven't gotten an Xbox yet is because the controllers are battery powered!


Oct 25, 2017
Seems like this boils down to Microsoft first parties vs japanese titles overall with all the other stuff being supplementary. Are you willing to give up 30% of your titles in favor of Microsoft first parties? If yes then go with a series X, if not ps5.

These are the real two main deciding factors, games. Basically are the Xbox exclusives worth more to you than the Japanese games you will miss out on. If yes, go Xbox, if not go PS5.

I found personally my Switch fits my Japanese gaming needs, only thing I really miss out on is Final Fantasy.

I think in the end that is really the deciding factor and I'm more inclined to the Japanese games than I am to the MS first party.

The Switch is a good supplement for Japanese games, yeah. I just wind up never using mine unless it is something exclusive and even then it isn't often that there's something Switch only that I really want to play. I mentioned that most of the Japanese games I buy are Switch / PS4 releases: I buy them on PS5 for the big screen experience, the achievements, and the PS5 ecosystem. I've mainly spoken about the Xbox ecosystem here, but the PS one is leagues ahead of the Nintendo one. I'm coming to the realization that Nintendo aren't for me :(.

I don't get why you can't just keep both? I have a PlayStation and a PC, multi-platform is the way to go.

I'm going to keep both. The question is which would be better suited as the one I used most.

PS5 or if PC is an option, but given the state of GPU prices I'd wait on that one, unless you dont mind buying a RTX 4090.

PS5 has great hardware for $399/$499, the best controller I have ever used. If you ever get in to VR, then PS5 also has support for that as well. I dont think you can go wrong with PS5, unless its missing games that you think are must play.

I have a PC already and that would work, but like you say, the GPU prices are ridiculous, and I don't want to spend that much on a card. IMO it's far too much. Great card, sure, but the pricing is just way out there. That said I'm not a fan of the Dualsense. It's comfortable, but the battery life is way way too short, and I find the haptics and adaptive triggers annoying.

Sure, I just think the games that are on offer are better for me personally. I've had gamepass the last year for free as a perk of my ISP and honestly, aside from the rewards system having extras for it, I've used it for little else. Sure there's lots of games on there, but a lot of games doesn't mean much if there aren't a lot of games I personally want to play. There are maybe a handful at any given time on gamepass I want to play and it isn't uncommon for me to be able to find those games on disc for cheaper on my ps5 or just find them also on PlayStation plus at some point before or after gamepass.

To be fair, I find a lot of Xbox first party mainstay games these days range from boring to outright hating them for me so that obviously will make the catalogue far less appealing. They can throw day 1 first party on there all year long and unless they're something totally different to what they've put out (which hopefully going forward will be the case with more devs now than ever) it would mean absolutely nothing to me.

That's true lol. I noticed that with Lake for example. Started playing it on Series X, it kept crashing (only gasme I've ver seen do that and I don't know why), and now it's on PS+. It really does look like this whole thing in the end boils down to whether or not the MS first party is going to be more important (subjectively) than the Japanese third party and I'm honestly thinking it won't be.

Ps5 seems like a no brainer given your post. You prefer the trophies system and the Japanese library availability.

Trophies are honestly a big deal for me. Even though nobody cares, I find it fun getting the Platinum on games. It's a nice stamp of completion for my library and I like looking back at them. It's also cool to see them add up and "level up" your profile.

I was big on achievements back in the Xbox 360 era, but it didn't have that "oomph"for me that trophies do. It's nice seeing that big platinum trophy next to my favorite games on my profile.

Same. There's just something about playing a bunch, then going on PSNProfiles and updating your profile and seeing the new trophies pop up. And like you I use it as a "journal" to see what I was playing and how I progressed. I like the level up portion, and I also like that they're all different and not just one big number like Gamerscore is. And of course it is very satisfying to get a Platinum. I was expecting Achievements to be much the same, and in some ways they're better (much more integrated into the Series X OS) but I don't like them as much somehow. Maybe I'm just too used to the trophies? I don't know.

If you own both, it really doesn't matter, lol. It really doesn't matter if you plan on buying both consoles next time around too.

I think it does. Next gen say for example one console comes out without BC and I have a large library on there, or with no disk drive and I have a large physical collection. What then? That's (the former) already happened to me with the PS3 and I'd prefer to avoid that kind of situation if possible.

I've had both since launch and personally I've used my PS5 significantly more. It's my main platform (also because most of my friends are on it). I just prefer the ecosystem and UI of PS + Sony's first party games have been a lot more appealing to me this gen. Game Pass is very nice, but honestly unless you plan to regularly use it I find it's a bit of a waste of money like most streaming services are. Like it's a great value don't get me wrong, but I had so many games to play on PS5 and Switch already that I ended up rarely using GP after a while so I just let my sub run out. That's a me problem than anything to do with GP, but yeah, something to keep in mind.

I already have noticed this in my time with the Series X. I have other games I want to play and by the time I get to a Game Pass game, it's close to being removed from the service. At least with owning (or renting) it I don't have to worry about that and can play whenever I need and for however long I want to.

I use my xbox more because of gamepass, quick resume and the controller shape and battery life.

I only use my ps5 for exclusives or psvr2. Really don't like that controller for some reason (poor battery life, heavy/bulky , haptic feedback is cool but feels more like a gimmick). Dualshock was better.

Agreed. I'm still of the opinion that the Dualshock 3 was best, mainly because of the battery life. The Dualsense is nice, but I genuinely don't understand how they shipped it with such poor battery life. The Edge is somehow even worse in that regard. All the other stuff like haptics and the touchpad and the lights are (IMO) gimmicks and I turn them off or down as much as I can. I will say it is comfortable though, at least.


Oct 25, 2017
I own both but if I had to chose one, it'd be the PS5 without hesitation because it has the games that I want most. Once you answer that question for yourself, you'll have an answer.