Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
I would but its tied to my oculus account.

I deleted my Facebook account over a year ago and it instantly made a nice difference in my life. However, recently I ended up making another one for this very reason. I just created a new account, added a few family members as friends, verified my identity so they wouldn't flag my account as a dummy account, and left it alone. If anyone adds me as a friend I just ignore it.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
100% agree. Deleted mine during the BLM protests last summer because of the disgusting comments from people.

since then I also encouraged my immediate family to delete theirs as well. We talk more now on the phone and FaceTime because of it.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seriously thought about deactivating my account but never went through with it. I've stopped using the social media aspect of it, I haven't posted anything meaningful on Facebook for years. I use it only for birthdays, keeping up to date on certain community groups I'm a part of, contacting businesses and marketplace.

I also still have certain logins connected to Facebook, though I try to connect as many of them to Google as possible.

I also have an Instagram account but, like Facebook, I also don't use the social media function of it. I use IG to follow certain people and businesses who post updates about new stores and restaurants opening up in the city and stuff like that.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I deleted my account almost a year ago. Just before COVID was really making headlines. I was sick and tired of the political mud-slinging from the right-leaning members of my family and "friends". Honestly, I had wanted to drop it even before that, but this was just the final nail in the coffin. I can honestly say I haven't regretted it a single bit.

I still use Twitter often, but not in the same way I used facebook. I'm a happier person now.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been heavily considering deleting my FB, my feed is mostly ads or other things like that. I think most people I know moved onto Instagram. Every time I scroll through my feed I wonder why I even still have an account honestly. Might just write down birthdays of those I care about and be done with it.

I highly recommend deleting Twitter, too.

See Twitter I love because you can curate it to your tastes. You can avoid a lot of bullshit that way. I love my use of Twitter in the 3-4 years or so than I have with FB in like 9 years. There's really no contest for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Ipswich, England
never had a facebook account, never had a twitter account, and only follow 30 people on instagram i actual know (even then, 25 of them only post once a month)

i'd consider myself social media free, and always have been

the difference in my mental health and wellbeing, and outlook on life, is so far more advanced and rewarding than others around me it's frightening

i know what you've just read sounds arrogant, but it's true

when you're not part of these things you notice other peoples social decline with ease


Oct 25, 2017
I never go on Facebook, except for the comic Facebook group I'm on. I avoid the news feed completely.

Really the main reason I keep it is because everyone around here uses Facebook Messenger.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
It really is. Deleted after the last election in my country and never going back.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't used Facebook as you "should" in like 10 years. I do have a fake account that I use to visit certain groups with lots of people that share my hobby. It's quite good in that way, but I will never use it as I did 10 years ago.


Nov 11, 2018
red room
I deleted mine at the end of December. best thing I ever did. I don't even use messenger and barely open IG.

I use twitter and letterboxd for social media and that's it


Oct 26, 2017
Sometimes it's not the platform. It's the people using it.

Crazy to hear you guys seeing so many weird stuffs from peers or even suffering mentally. Is this a US thing?

I don't live in America, my friends only post normal stuffs like friends dinner, jokes and selfies. I only follow gaming and cute animal pages. So i have 0 exposure to whatever you guys are seeing.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Facebook is what you make of it, there's no need to add every family member, you're likely not even close to everyone in your family.

Twitter is a cesspool for sure tho.


Oct 27, 2017
Madrid, Spain
I haven't used it in ages either and I don't miss it one bit.

I didn't delete the account cause it is what I used to login into spotify. I once thought about undoing that, but I believe I read I would lose all my library and would have to start from scratch and it seemed like a this true? Maybe I should examine that again and see if it's possible


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I thought about deleting it but I learned a while ago to just delete anyone who holds terrible beliefs off my page. My Facebook is incredibly positive because the only people I keep on there are like minded friends and family. I don't pretend to like people because we grew up together or whatever. Deleting it all together is also just a good way to go about it though.

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't used it in ages either and I don't miss it one bit.

I didn't delete the account cause it is what I used to login into spotify. I once thought about undoing that, but I believe I read I would lose all my library and would have to start from scratch and it seemed like a this true? Maybe I should examine that again and see if it's possible
i deleted it and i used facebook to login into spotify, the only thing that changed is that my spotify username is now a bunch of numbers


Oct 27, 2017
Madrid, Spain
i deleted it and i used facebook to login into spotify, the only thing that changed is that my spotify username is now a bunch of numbers
oh cool, thanks...I thought I read (probably in the Spotify FAQ) that I couldn't. Great to know! Don't care about a 'numbered' account since I don't use it for anything other than listening to music


Dec 3, 2018
Totally, havent had one for five years now and i dont see a reason to go back in

Have an IG tho, but thats about 95% just for tattooers around the world im interested in


Dec 27, 2017
I'm still on Facebook for events, certain local communities, and for niche buy/seek groups that don't really exist elsewhere. I only check once or twice a day so I don't see myself leaving as I mostly use it as a tool and occasionally view drama from the sidelines at most.


Oct 25, 2017
Barring anonymous forums, I've been MIA off social media for years. It's been great not reading every detail of a relatives/colleagues/friends life. Makes catching up and socializing that much more interesting. Besides, if I really wanted to keep in touch we'd be texting anyway.


Jun 9, 2018
My Facebook is basically older family members at this point. My main "feed" is animal photos and sponsored posts by the CCR fan page I liked back in 2008.

IMO Instagram is worse from a mental health perspective. Facebook at least has some level of utility and encourages community interaction. Instagram on the other hand is purely a fake highlight reel of other people's lives.


Oct 27, 2017
The last year I have just blocked/removed any bullshit. But, facebook is still such a mess as a whole, obviously. Yesterday I reported a transphobic as fuck comic I saw posted publicly... nope, doesn't violate any policies. This morning I see something about Metallica being on Colbert last night, and one of the first comments I see is calling someone a homophobic slurs. Reported it... nope, doesn't violate any policies. Like, gee, I wonder why it is such a fucking cesspool.


Nov 14, 2017
White Plains, NY
Deleted my account after a messy breakup 3 years ago and never looked back, one of the best decisions I've ever made.

I actually cut down on my social media usage drastically after a bad breakup as well, because I wanted to cut her out of my life as much as I possibly could. It's been over 8 years now. My FB account still exists but I almost never log into it, and if I do, it's only to message someone or respond to an event. I could probably count on my fingers how many times I've logged in over the last 3 years. I deleted the app from my phone as well.

I feel like anything other than Facebook is a better use of my time, to be honest. And their data collection is absurd. Glad not to give them much anymore.


Apr 1, 2019
If I didn't have family & friends who use Facebook, I would've deleted it a long time ago.

As a matter of fact, I rarely use it compared to Twitter.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
I shut mine down last May, after ex dumped me and was struggling encountering our mutual friends on there. It was for the best.


Oct 27, 2017
People in my area doing mental gymnastics over the shooting of a black man being shot pointblank in the back by a cop on facebook is why I left it. The sheer apathy on parade. I had to leave facebook, and I intend to move away from my city. Definitely mental therapy.


Nov 25, 2017
Left years ago and all other social media except for reddit, which has it's own issues but it's great for specific information and groups/discussion.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Left a year or so ago and don't miss it. If I barely (even less than barely) kept in touch with family and friends on it, then it's not a loss if I don't keep in touch with them at all. There was only one friend on it that I might reach out to again at some point but I have his email and number so why facebook?


Oct 27, 2017
I mean I have it still, but I never update or rarely check in there. It's more like a storage of few pictures from back in the days that I keep there. I never had any mental instability caused because of Facebook. I've never been attached to any type of social media in any kind of way. But good on people who deletes them if that helps them out. The less we watch the screens the better.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Seattle, WA
I joined Facebook in the early days when you needed a .edu e-mail address and finally dropped it right after the 2020 election. No regrets, I don't miss it in the slightest.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I have not deleted mine, but I have completely stopped interacting with it other than Messenger. I don't even look at my timeline. Did this switch back in 2017.

It has seriously helped my mental health.
Sep 15, 2020
Like others I keep mine for the messaging aspect. I try to browse the feed but it's riddled with ads I just tune out and close the tab after a few scrolls.

The sponsored gaming pages similar to Kotaku I can understand why they throw that in the feed but I'll get ads for restaurants or food chains that are nowhere close to where I live.


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
I haven't deleted my account but I did delete the app. I still use it for the messenger like many here do it seems. FB is full of crap ads and stupid videos for me now anyway. Nothing important is lost.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
I suspended my Facebook account over a year ago and only use the Messaging app for people I can't communicate with any other way.

I am also never going back. It is wonderful. Noticeable improvement in mental health.
Oct 27, 2017
I've had FB since 2010 and I've thought about deleting it many times. I never used it much, though. I occasionally post pictures of key highlights in my life, but I haven't since graduating college. I think it's an easy way to keep in touch with family members and old friends (high school "friends), but I don't really talk to people over Messenger. I'm more into IG.

I've never had a problem with social media addiction because I'd rather spend my free time playing video games or reading books or doing physical activities outdoors. I probably check my FB feed like 2-3 times a week, only for a few minutes. There's a lot of good content on there, and I've never seen any toxic posts or behavior from own private circle. I'd rather spend my "social media" time and energy on forums like ERA.


Oct 31, 2017
Pacific Northwest
I would completely dump the ecosystem if it wasn't for messenger, ig messenger, and whatapp. I had the feed and dont use them. Trying to break my IG scrolling but tiktok has replaced a lot of that


Oct 25, 2017
Messenger is basically the only reason I haven't deactivated my account. I think I make maybe 2 posts a year if that and I don't use anything else on the site.

Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
I have my account for networking purposes. But I hid 90% of the people and I don't even look at the timeline.

I have a burner Twitter that is just for following news, but doesn't have anyone following me.

Instagram is almost entirely things of interest and not friend related. I have it set to private and don't respond to most requests.


Oct 25, 2017
Early in the Obama administration I started heavily curating my friends list. My feed is pretty chill.