
Oct 25, 2017
Maine pisses me the fuck off. For giving us Susan Collins and Angus King not even bother running as a Dem.

Buuuut reliably voting Dems for President. What the fuck is this?
Aren't Bernie and King both Democrats just labeled as independent?

They always vote for the democrat to be leader, I didn't see any suggestion that, for instance in a 49-49 republican-democrat senate outcome that King might caucus with republicans instead.

I would assume that's how Mainers voting for him are thinking anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
"Don't vote for what you want, vote for what I want"..
Stop calling independent voters who vote green or other party stupid. It's condescending. Let people vote who they want to vote for.

As long as they dont want to complain about the outcome. Ranked choice is the only thing these people need to be pushing politicians on

I dont care if its condescending. Complaining about trump in a swing state when you voted for fucking jill stein is stupid


Oct 25, 2017
where's that troll who was posting about how he would only vote if his vote was the one that made a difference or whatever?

Don't want to link because dragging off-thread drama into another thread is frowned upon, but I will say that frustrated the hell out of me. Especially in the light of this news.

Congrats to Jim Glenn (and Mary)!


Oct 25, 2017
As long as they dont want to complain about the outcome. Ranked choice is the only thing these people need to be pushing politicians on

I dont care if its condescending. Complaining about trump in a swing state when you voted for fucking jill stein is stupid

They're voting for who they think is the best candidate.

If you want their vote the onus is on you to create a system that allows their vote to count for your preferred candidate.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't vote independent. Don't vote green. And for sure as fuck don't vote libertarian. Your vote matters. Use it.

I mean I get this point (as republicans are so much worse than others) but at the same time it's rather sad that this kind of thinking is why US is doomed to be two party state forever.


Oct 26, 2017
Maine pisses me the fuck off. For giving us Susan Collins and Angus King not even bother running as a Dem.

Buuuut reliably voting Dems for President. What the fuck is this?

angus king isn't "not bothering to run as a dem." he's doing it so the kinds of voters that put lepage in office as governor of maine are less likely to strive to replace him with a republican.

but yes "reliably votes D for president while electing lepage" is some lunacy and hopefully RCV helps now.

you get to list second/third/etc choices on your ballot. if nobody gets to 50% of the vote in the first count, they take the people who voted for the last-place candidate and check their second-choices to see if that pushes anyone over 50%. etc etc until someone breaks 50% or you're down to a clear winner.


Oct 30, 2017
""In truth, any man can make a difference. It is not given to us to know whether we shall succeed or not. In failure there is no disgrace. There can be but one ultimate shame… the cowardice of not having tried."" - Silver Surfer: Parables (1988), Stan Lee.
Oct 27, 2017
We're trying to pass a bond to build schools in my district because we are super over crowded. We are at 59.18% because Washington State constitution requires 60% super majority to pass bonds. It's obnoxious


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Fuck that episode of South Park where Stan doesn't want to vote because it isn't important. I know too many people who thought that episode was so insightful.
That's a great episode. It's all about the hypocrisy of people, as well as how awful enfranchised politicians typically are, and does a great job of showcasing it cleverly. If people take the wrong message from it, oh well.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
The only thing you can really do, effectively, is convince your peers to vote. You can't control who they vote for, but if you get people excited about voting (for whichever party) and spend enough time with them, eventually you'll probably get their vote for your particular party/view. Every vote counts, even future votes. If you tell your friend who's voting Libertarian "fuck you, don't vote", you may lose their vote for your party in the future.


Oct 25, 2017

"A House Republican who represents the northern part of Maine became the latest incumbent to be unseated as the Democrats' blue wave continues more than a week after Election Day.

2018 Maine Midterm Election Results

Democrat Jared Golden was declared the winner Thursday in Maine's 2nd Congressional District after trailing Rep. Bruce Poliquin in the initial tally of votes. But Golden was declared the winner thanks to Maine's new ranked-choice system of voting, which allows voters to rank candidates in their order of preference and to transfer their votes if no candidate gets more than 50 percent.

Maine Voters To Decide On Whether They'll Rank Candidates In Future Elections

It's the nation's first use of ranked-choice voting in a general election for a congressional seat. Maine voters ratified ranked-choice voting via a ballot initiative two years ago.

Golden thanked supporters on Thursday, telling them he would not raise money from lobbyists and corporate PACs and would stay accountable to his constituents.

While Golden was behind Poliquin by roughly 2,000 votes after initial voting, he won in the second round of the runoff by picking up second- and third-choice rankings from voters who chose independents Tiffany Bond and Will Hoar as their first or second choices on Election Day. The final vote was 50.53 percent to 49.47 percent, or about 3,000 votes."


Nov 15, 2017
local races especially are decided by surprisingly small margins. I live in a town of 30k people and the race for mayor and things like state rep sometimes get decided by a couple dozen votes.


Oct 28, 2017
Think in terms of Chemistry, an infinitely small sheet is nothing on it's own but when you add many together you get things like 3D objects.


Oct 28, 2017
I always tell myself that one of my preferred candidates will lose by one vote if I don't vote.


Oct 25, 2017
They're voting for who they think is the best candidate.

If you want their vote the onus is on you to create a system that allows their vote to count for your preferred candidate.
In the US, in a primary, sure.
But in the actual election, if not voting for the person -closest- to your ideal that has an actual shot at winning ends up getting the person with the opposite ideal in office?

Fuck that.

Sinema just eeked out a win in AZ. She used to be a Green candidate.
If the Green party candidate had not been on, or had urged her voters to vote Sinema, she probably would have won the night of the election, no contest.


Resettlement Advisor
They would stay home otherwise.

Tell your Democratic overlords to put in place IRV if you want their votes for your side (if you think they'll rank Democrats above Republicans at least)

We need ranked choice voting countrywide. It'd solve so many of our problems.
You should go a step further and try to implement our nation's Single Transferable Vote method, which is more proportional than Instant Runoff.


Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
But then how else you gonna get rid of this two party mess?
You can't though. You would have to switch to a Parliament style democracy to have viable third party or multi-parties. Our Senate system is highly biased towards a two-party system. In history there have been times where a third party was viable but it was short-lived in favor of two party rule.


Oct 28, 2017
It should be condescending.
Green, libertarian, weed party, ect ect
They're joke parties that do more harm than good in a democracy.
That's not a democracy. If it was you could vote for who ever you wanted. You're basically advocating eliminating parties when there should be proportional representation in the first place


Oct 25, 2017
I SUPPOSE there are safe districts where you could fool around. This isn't the political climate I want to fuck around in though.
There are loads of "safe" districts, depending on where you live. In my county, Republican candidates trounced Democratic candidates in every seat by 40-60%. Of course, only about 1/4 to 1/3 of the total population voted, so this might change if people would actually get out and goddamn vote.