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Oct 27, 2017
To clarify, I wasn't comment on you, just using your post as a jump off point.

For the youth- this isn't just a millennial voting habit problem- it a is a historic youth voting problem. I didn't vote the first 2 elections I could (poor, working, trapped at college with no understand how to vote), then I was in idealist phase for the next two. I took 4 elections for me to learn- you vote for change, even if it is incremental because it not just about you and your feeling.

I really did think being in the ERA Bernie bubble that the trend was going to be broken. But for all the talk- when it came to actual voting, it is just unbelievable to me youth did worst this primary, while voting number went up otherwise. It is not the DNC fault that people voted for a Democrat. It is Bernie's fault for not earning the votes. People are not receiving Biden Bucks for voting against Bernie.

Bernie has the right message, but is the wrong person to be running on it. For 30 some years in government, Bernie has little progress to show for his time served. The vast majority of the USA had no idea who Bernie was until 2015, and then he was mostly the not Hillary vote. Joe, has made mistake, but in 40+ years, he has done good stuff AND as personal connected with minority voters (just like Hillary did).

Bernie been talking a race from his ivory state- he still doesn't get it. You have to earn trust by putting in community time- not just spout scripted ideas. White men through history say lots of good things- but their track record of hold up their end of the bargain is abysmal. And the dog whistle of calling southern black voters part of the establishment, just damn, Bernie hasn't learned.

I'm in the acceptance phase- I wanted Warren, but after last night I am coming to grips with voting Biden.

I really thought Bernie was going to be the candidate for the dems. Not my first choice either, which was yang. I would of been good with Warren too. Im just upset, that with Biden it feels like same old same old. Hey, what can i do though, ill vote in primary and election and thats it. Its not worth my mental health either. This election taught me a couple of things already, local elections really matter just as much as big elections and honestly dont expect huge changes to happen because they probably wont.

I agree that Bernie really screwed himself on this. One important thing he should of learned from someone like Yang is inclusiveness and not dividing and attacking everyone else for not seeing your same view.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Her endorsing Bernie makes no sense right now if the ultimate goal is to beat Trump. All this is going to do is sow more division with voters in the likely event Biden is the nominee.

She drops out and supports Bernie. He loses the primary race. Biden picks Warren to be VP to bridge the gap.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Exit polls showed the same exact thing
What does this show:


Oct 25, 2017
It's too late, the damage is already done w Warren, we would have won Texas and Mass had she dropped out.

She may as well endorse Biden because she's helped Biden more than the liberal causes she pretends to support.
Once again, Warren's coalition is not 1:1 Sanders coalition despite the similar policy. The better polls I've seen have only 35% saying Sanders was their second choice. They also were the biggest group to say they want party unity. The group that wants that least? Sanders voters.

The race was in a lot of flux, she had a lot of cash on hand from a good Nevada showing and there was a question of what would happen with Amy and Pete's voters. If she dropped out a lot may have gone to Biden but waiting to see where the dice roll meant she would have a lot more options. If Sanders had done better on his own the better scenario is Warren keeping on with her coalition and winning more progressives and getting him her FULL support at the convention rather than maybe a soft 35-40% on a good day.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
You can't really get mad at Warren splitting the vote when we were entirely dependent on Bloomberg staying in the race to have a chance.


Oct 27, 2017
Her endorsing Bernie would make no sense right now, if the ultimate goal is to beat Trump. All this is going to do is sow more division with voters in the likely event Biden is the nominee.
There isn't really a compelling reason to treat a primary that is close to a dead heat as over. It only seems so dire because of the expectations a week ago where Bernie seemed like he could run up a lead


One Winged Slayer
Jan 16, 2018
yeah, it's pretty weird that bernie would say the establishment is responsible for joseph winning big and not the average voters who showed up to support him.
Average voters certainly showed up, but was it so much explicitly to vote for Joe Biden vs to vote for the guy they hear is the one who can win

How many of those voters decided over the past couple of days? A not insignificant portion of people just want someone who can beat Trump, want to be told who that is, and will vote for that person. I know people who think this way.

I mean look at this:

Strange, isn't it?

Unless you really do think the Biden campaign has managed to drum up all of this support by barely being present, which, why does anyone bother campaigning at all when they could have just done that


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Young people didn't bother to vote at all fucked Sanders. The establishment is a tired old excuse. The establishment were just relieved af they might win re-election this nov

it's interesting the degree to which these elections are showing people most Americans are not like me and my friends

Yeah, I think the biggest takeaway for me is that more than anything other influence or factor, this is mainly a failure on bernie's part unfortunately.

I wanted bernie to win. Like I know that it is critical to get someone in the white house that will at the barest of minimum entertain progressive ideas, but it would have been good to see at least two branches of government working lock step to make progressive policies a reality.


Nov 18, 2017
...what? Bernie is just wrong about why hes losing.
Are you saying the media has no affect on Biden winning? That Clyburn, Klobbz, Pete, and Beto didn't have an affect in combination with the former? That's what Bernie is saying.

This forum is moderate as hell lol. Now you want us to pair the black population with the corporate interests so that we can't attack the corporate interests that control large parts of America? I get it from Biden's point of view. He's a corporate stooge. For this forum to defend that viewpoint is something else.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
1. Not dropping out and endorsing Bernie.
2. Accepting a super PAC that dumped 8 million dollars in negative attack ads on Bernie in super tuesday states.

Pretty messed up. That sounds like the behavior of someone running for president instead of the actions of someone trying to help Sanders win the presidency.
Oct 25, 2017
Lol not saying anything about a bias by RCP or anything but their delegate count has Biden winning NH... with 0 delegates. Def a typo, just kinda silly.

Check the bolded candidate for NH for anybody that wants a chuckle.


Oct 29, 2017
Are you saying the media has no affect on Biden winning? That Clyburn, Klobbz, Pete, and Beto didn't have an affect in combination with the former? That's what Bernie is saying.

This forum is moderate as hell lol. Now you want us to pair the black population with the corporate interests so that we can't attack the corporate interests that control large parts of America? I get it from Biden's point of view. He's a corporate stooge. For this forum to defend that viewpoint is something else.

So Bernie can only win if the moderate vote gets split four ways? Real strong candidate.

Instead of coming out with the expected lead Bernie lost because he still struggles with the African-American vote. He can rail against the establishment for the rest of his days but that isn't going to fix his campaign.


Oct 25, 2017
Bloomberg and Warren effectively cancelled each other out last night. I don't think the race changes much with them both gone, especially as Warren's coalition isn't necessarily going to translate 1:1 to Sanders like Biden's is.


Oct 28, 2017
Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this.
What is Biden's stance on immigration in relation to DACA? I know Bernie wanted to bring back DACA and give Dreamers a path to citizenship, but does anyone here know what Biden plans to do here? Thanks in advance.


Nov 18, 2017
I really thought Bernie was going to be the candidate for the dems. Not my first choice either, which was yang. I would of been good with Warren too. Im just upset, that with Biden it feels like same old same old. Hey, what can i do though, ill vote in primary and election and thats it. Its not worth my mental health either. This election taught me a couple of things already, local elections really matter just as much as big elections and honestly dont expect huge changes to happen because they probably wont.

I agree that Bernie really screwed himself on this. One important thing he should of learned from someone like Yang is inclusiveness and not dividing and attacking everyone else for not seeing your same view.
I supported Yang behind Bernie and Warren, which many progressives disagreed with that. Yang was doing the same as Bernie was. Yang was attacking the media for the same reason Bernie does, because they kept making blunders to erase the candidates (relative to respective success of campaigns) presence, compared to how they propped up Klobbz every time.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
She drops out and supports Bernie. He loses the primary race. Biden picks Warren to be VP to bridge the gap.

The establishment/donor class of this country hates Elizabeth Warren, and are buying off the moderates - they would *never* allow Biden to have her as his VP.

And from a purely political standpoint, she couldn't even win her home state in the primary - what value does she bring the ticket that someone else couldn't?

In all likelihood, its going to be Pete Buttigieg. Having a gay VP would bring the progressive vote in terms of LGBTQ representation, without having to even pay any lip-service to getting anything resembling progressive policy positions through.

soul creator

Oct 27, 2017
Are there any links that clarify whether the youth vote actually declined since 2016 in raw numbers, or did the raw numbers actually increase, but it was a lower share of the total vote (due to the increase in turnout for everyone else)?

It seems like those are two different questions, but I haven't been able to find which one actually occurred. It's theoretically possible that more young people overall came out to vote, but since everyone else was also motivated to turn out, they had less of an effect on the overall result.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
The animosity of the Warren/Sanders camps while the looming cloud of fascism continues to eat the country reminds me a lot of how 2019 was for Spain.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Lol not saying anything about a bias by RCP or anything but their delegate count has Biden winning NH... with 0 delegates. Def a typo, just kinda silly.
Hm. Yeah, I see it too. Weird fuck-up. Speaking of RCP bias, though, they're actually pro-Trump for future reference. I wouldn't look into the articles they put up, basically.
Oct 25, 2017
The animosity between Sanders and Warren supporters is the dumbest thing from this election. Seeing them unified would (hopefully) put the lid on all of that crap.
It's been stupid ever since that sexism story broke out a couple months ago and snow balled ever since then. It certainly hurt them both yesterday considering how fast the moderates united.


Oct 16, 2018
the one where he won the presidency lol

trump just went on stage and said a bunch of barely coherent bullshit and won every debate haha
Yes, he won the presidency.

After losing every debate.

The reason "debate" and "presidency" are two different words is that they are, in fact, two different things.
Oct 25, 2017
Her endorsing Bernie would make no sense right now, if the ultimate goal is to beat Trump. All this is going to do is sow more division with voters in the likely event Biden is the nominee.
Her becoming the liaison to the party would make more sense in ending the race in unity over fighting to the end. Some simple concessions like legal marijuana, $15 per hour, wealth tax and concessions on healthcare would help bridge the divide
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