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Oct 25, 2017
Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this.
What is Biden's stance on immigration in relation to DACA? I know Bernie wanted to bring back DACA and give Dreamers a path to citizenship, but does anyone here know what Biden plans to do here? Thanks in advance.

Give dreamers citizenship, enforce the laws on the books, deport violent criminals.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point Warren should just back Biden and make a play to be his VP (which given his current condition could easily become a Prez position down the road).

At least she could keep him from going too far right.

She hasn't had both feet planted firmly with the progressive cause most of this entire primary so this play wouldn't seem that inauthentic.


Nov 18, 2017
So Bernie can only win if the moderate vote gets split four ways? Real strong candidate.

Instead of coming out with the expected lead Bernie lost because he still struggles with the African-American vote. He can rail against the establishment for the rest of his days but that isn't going to fix his campaign.
Clyburn was huge for Biden. That surge did help Biden. It would have been closer if not for that (still Biden wins). All you're doing is defending corporate interests by making the voters and that interest synonymous. You don't want us to attack those corporate interests? That's antithetical to being a progressive.
Oct 27, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Sanders isn't even a democrat. With no backing from the Democratic Party he wouldn't get anything done.
You have to sign a legally binding contract to run for president as a Democrat saying you will be officially registered as a Democrat nationally for as long as you represent the party in the primary, general, and as president.

Also that's a pretty shitty excuse when Biden literally prides himself on conceding to Republican demands.


Oct 25, 2017
The establishment/donor class of this country hates Elizabeth Warren, and are buying off the moderates - they would *never* allow Biden to have her as his VP.

And from a purely political standpoint, she couldn't even win her home state in the primary - what value does she bring the ticket that someone else couldn't?

In all likelihood, its going to be Pete Buttigieg. Having a gay VP would bring the progressive vote in terms of LGBTQ representation, without having to even pay any lip-service to getting anything resembling progressive policy positions through.
That's exactly why she'd be a good pick as an intra-party olive branch. People's biggest concerns with Biden are on financial policy because he was the Senator representing Delaware for decades. It'd be less about electioneering and more about shoring up internal concerns, much like how Pence got picked for Trump.

It's not going to be Pete. Pete doesn't add anything, doesn't have the background to take over as President, and while none of the candidates are fantastic on racial issues, Pete's spectacularly awful in a way that would likely hurt turnout.

Prodigal Son

Oct 27, 2017
that bernie florida ad is so fucking funny to me. in what context did obama ever say 'thats right feel the burn' again?

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Would be nice if instead of trying to get petty hashtags trending and feeling proud of themselves they would instead go out and actually, you know, vote?

Apparently they seem uninterested in actually affecting change and just enjoy complaining instead.
You really have no idea whether or not people spreading a hashtag voted or not. This is all pure conjecture. What's even the point of complaining about it? Plenty of people don't like Joe Biden. There is plenty of reason to dislike him. Go ask Anita Hill how she feels about the man.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Didn't these "35%" numbers exist from when Pete and Amy were still in? I don't believe 65% of Warren supporters were going to end up going to Biden and Bloomberg


Oct 29, 2017
Clyburn was huge for Biden. That surge did help Biden. It would have been closer if not for that (still Biden wins). All you're doing is defending corporate interests by making the voters and that interest synonymous. You don't want us to attack those corporate interests? That's antithetical to being a progressive.

If Clyburn endorsing Biden is the establishment Bernie is fighting against in action then he's delusional.

I want you to realize that the reason Bernie lost is because of Bernie. There's no existentialt threat that caused him to underperform last night. The youth vote didn't turn out and he preformed poorly with African Americans. That's why he lost.


Nov 18, 2017
Sanders isn't even a democrat. With no backing from the Democratic Party he wouldn't get anything done.
Anyone that wins would find it difficult to get anything done. The same left moderate right power structure will exist. If Bernie goes away, that doesn't make it more likely for Biden to get anything done. The moderates are as moderate as the Republican base allows them to be, hence why they're moderates. Meaning that just because Biden is more in line with them now (due to Bernie being left and Biden being right in this specific race), doesn't mean they will be in line with him when he's the left representative. The corporate interests will naturally want to preserve their wealth, and if Biden is the most left, they will side with whoever preserves their wealth more (the right or moderate).

This same debate was played out under Obama. It's the same reason why many who defend Joe say "Biden will be to the left of Obama." If you apply that logic to today, just because Obama was to the right of Biden doesn't mean that it's somehow easier to pass his agenda than Biden's agenda. The same left moderate right power structure was there.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
That's exactly why she'd be a good pick as an intra-party olive branch. People's biggest concerns with Biden are on financial policy because he was the Senator representing Delaware for decades. It'd be less about electioneering and more about shoring up internal concerns, much like how Pence got picked for Trump.

It's not going to be Pete. Pete doesn't add anything, doesn't have the background to take over as President, and while none of the candidates are fantastic on racial issues, Pete's spectacularly awful in a way that would likely hurt turnout.

Agree to disagree then. Its very clear the democratic establishment is both trying to send a message to the progressive branch of the party, while the millionaire/billionaire class are ensuring that the policy positions of the candidate are as moderate as can be while appearing 'progressive' at first glance.

Trust - the only way the Democrats are gonna get me to vote for them now is if they put someone like Warren or Bernie on the ticket even in the VP capacity. Perhaps they'll do it as an olive branch, but my cynicism in the ruling class of the country tells me they will not go for it.

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
With Sanders and Warren off the ticket, any obligation I had in voting in the GE is effectively gone.

Good luck Biden and the D's; you'll need it.

Hope you're voting in a safe Dem state, look into local or state politics to see what you can do to continue the progressive agenda. US politics isn't determined solely by the presidential seat


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
that bernie florida ad is so fucking funny to me. in what context did obama ever say 'thats right feel the burn' again?
Yeeeaaaaaahhh, it's kinda ironic.

Just in case this wasn't rhetorical, it was during the 2016 convention where Obama was trying to extend an olive branch to Bernie supporters. Also, the visual was when Obama was basically telling Sanders to ease off the attack ads on Hillary when he was mathematically eliminated.

Shaun Solo

Oct 25, 2017
Warren drops out, endorses Bernie. Bernie picks Ayanna Pressley as VP. Wins every remaining state.

Oct 27, 2017
You really have no idea whether or not people spreading a hashtag voted or not. This is all pure conjecture. What's even the point of complaining about it? Plenty of people don't like Joe Biden. There is plenty of reason to dislike him. Go ask Anita Hill how she feels about the man.
Except that we have tangible data from last night showing that younger voters, the people who peruse and consume social media like twitter more than any demographic, were a smaller percentage of the electorate last night in comparison to 2016.

Nah, they ain't turning out like they should be.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That's his policy plan. Obviously the enforcement has its own context with ICE and the DHS.
The admin directs ICE and DHS activities. He previously served in administration in which that was clearly NOT the limited , very specific directive of ICE and DHS. Even then, anyone actually convicted of a violent crime won't be getting deported any time soon since they, you know, have to serve their sentence. Doesn't really track with the 3 million deportations in 8 years under the admin Biden was VP of.

I'm basically saying that believing that line is bullshit.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Except that we have tangible data from last night showing that younger voters, the people who peruse and consume social media like twitter most, were a smaller percentage of the electorate last night in comparison to 2016.

Nah, they ain't turning out like they should be.
Which negates none of what I said. Why are you whining about people complaining about Joe Biden?

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Agree to disagree then. Its very clear the democratic establishment is both trying to send a message to the progressive branch of the party, while the millionaire/billionaire class are ensuring that the policy positions of the candidate are as moderate as can be while appearing 'progressive' at first glance.

Trust - the only way the Democrats are gonna get me to vote for them now is if they put someone like Warren or Bernie on the ticket even in the VP capacity. Perhaps they'll do it as an olive branch, but my cynicism in the ruling class of the country tells me they will not go for it.
I mean Kirblar is right that Pete adds nothing to the ticket.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rochester, New York
What kind of nefarious shit are you implying? I get that you hate Sanders, but you're teetering on the edge with nonsense like that.
You don't find it the least bit shifty that he remained in the primary in 2016 continuing to accept donations knowing full well he'd never be the nominee?

He constantly tried to fool people into thinking super delegates would pick him or there was absolutely some way he could win, so keep the cash flowing. I saw it as very predatory and misleading to keep collecting money by lying to people about his chances to be the nominee

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
I wasn't expecting Sanders to drop out today but would be great to see him admit that yesterday was not a victory for him and that he will try to do something different than just continue to attack the democratic party establishment. I know that his entire schtick is being unwavering with his convictions but sadly it appears that it doesn't appeal to the majority of voters.
Schtick? Jesus....
With Sanders and Warren off the ticket, any obligation I had in voting in the GE is effectively gone.

Good luck Biden and the D's; you'll need it.
this is how I feel


Oct 30, 2017



volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
With regards to DACA I would be surprised if very many come forward for it who weren't already known. Seeing how quickly it can go away would keep people from coming forward I'd think. One more reason we need to flip the Senate and nuke the filibuster, so we can get it legislatively.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017


Nov 18, 2017
You don't find it the least bit shifty that he remained in the primary in 2016 continuing to accept donations knowing full well he'd never be the nominee?

He constantly tried to fool people into thinking super delegates would pick him or there was absolutely some way he could win, so keep the cash flowing. I saw it as very predatory and misleading to keep collecting money by lying to people about his chances to be the nominee
I don't have a problem with a candidate staying in if it forces the other candidate to make concessions for the good of the people.
Oct 27, 2017
Which negates none of what I said. Why are you whining about people complaining about Joe Biden?
This isn't hard. If you're not happy about Biden, and I certainly am not, wouldn't it make sense to vote and ensure he doesn't win the nomination? It didn't happen last night. Voters who sat out 2016 went overwhelmingly to Biden. The voteshare of the 18-29 demographic was down compared to 2016. If you're going to whine you sure as hell better vote and make your voice heard when it actually matters too. That didn't happen.

Not sure why you're being so argumentative about it.


Oct 24, 2017
North America
Hope you're voting in a safe Dem state, look into local or state politics to see what you can do to continue the progressive agenda. US politics isn't determined solely by the presidential seat

See, the race that made me basically give up on American politics as a voter wasn't even this primary. Its the current House contest going on in Texas, where a house 'democrat' who is a Republican and literally goes out and stumps for GOP politicians in Texas is running against a democratic progressive challenger, and you have folks like Nancy fucking Pelosi supporting the fucking Republican in D-clothing.

The fact that so much of the establishment democratic system is putting money towards ensuring this asshole keeps his seat, a politician who takes tons of special interest money and then votes with/for Trump over 75% of the time in the last nearly 4 years, then you have the heads of the democratic party going out and endorsing this clown, made me realize that the fight over national politics simply doesn't matter. This is barely about left & right; its about rich versus everyone else. And they will divide us along race, class, and politics to ensure they keep theirs. And Americans are simply too fucking stupid to ever fight back.

Seeing the weight of the democratic establishment used in all manners against Bernie & Warren, and then seeing the American people refuse to take stock of the situation they are actually in, made me realize there is simply no end to this. The best thing to do is to make as much money as possible while you're young.


Oct 26, 2017
How's that? Trump literally said he could shoot someone on 5th ave and his base would still vote for him (or something to that effect).

It's idiotic to generalize Trump's 63 million voters as all stupid just the same as it is wrong to generalize Biden's black supporters just because they voted for him. Let's try not to generalize tens of millions of people mkay?


Oct 25, 2017

Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses

Exit polls for Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia found young voters aren't showing up at the polls as much as 2016.

You are using two stats(Twitter,youth turnout) without doing any sort of research that people who complain about Joe Biden are less/just/more likely to vote or less/just/more young. Just large assumptions based off nothing.
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