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Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Biden is not going to run on a complete upheaval of the medical industry during the worst pandemic in modern history.
This is the best time to do it. I'm starting to think some people don't want change, even at some ill-defined point in the future, if a pandemic that's going to put 1/5 of the country out of work doesn't inspire them to make change
Oct 26, 2017
New Orleans
This is the best time to do it. I'm starting to think some people don't want change, even at some ill-defined point in the future, if a pandemic that's going to put 1/5 of the country out of work doesn't inspire them to make change
More people are going to go bankrupt from medical bills than ever, so of course this is the worst time to change how we fund healthcare.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017

fucking california



alt account
Jan 25, 2020
Trump is not the disease. He's a symptom that started in the 70s.

Biden isn't going to bring back Mitch McConnell back to reality and vote for what Biden ran.

We're just going to continue playing this game until the world burns.
It does feel like an endless loop that is impossible to escape. Democrats will continue to implement policies that are insufficient for solving the problems they are meant to address, and their constituents will keep voting for the ad-infinitum because they aren't Democrats.


Oct 25, 2017
It was one of the first times I took voting seriously, and he was the only guy who seemed like he gave a damn. I've learned my lesson though, I know the odds are stacked against anyone who's not two party.

Funny, now I remember that I think I took a test to find my candidate and the answer I got was Dennis Kucinich (can't remember if that was good or bad)...and yea, like friends have told me this before, this is a two-party system, hell the Simpsons have pointed out all those years ago. I don't blame Bernie running on a Dem ticket despite being independent, it would be insane to do so otherwise.

It will always be an uphill battle for any change.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
read this and send yourself a snake emoji

This article isn't a response to what I said.

Bernie supporters who start complaining about toxicity now and only when it's directed at them are not seeing the whole picture.

And the sentiment analysis tool they used is not that great.
  • I typed in "Pete is a rat" and it came back 7% positive, 89% neutral, 4% negative
  • I typed in the snake emoji and it returns "Unknown"
Tweets and memes are too short for the sentiment analysis to understand. It's not picking up on the antagonism.


Nov 8, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
these threats were a lot more relevant before you guys forgot to vote over the last month or so.

no one gives a fuck, do what u wanna do.

For real lol

Folks out here really acting like the majority of our generation gives a fuck or votes and they gotta get their egos stroked or else. Spending significant resource to convince the youth (especially the Bernie or bust faction) is a waste. Every election shows how much smoke is up the 'youth votes' ass.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Fact: Joe Biden will have the most progressive agenda of any Dem nominee in a general election and stands a good chance of winning control of the Senate to actually pass his agenda.

If you vote against Biden or don't vote at all because Biden is the nominee you don't want progressive legislation to ever pass.


Oct 25, 2017
Elections always remind me of how much of America's political process can be summed as such.

Voters-"Yeah, I care about problem X. Problem X is something we should really do more about...

...but like...are the solutions to problem X gonna raise my taxes at all?"

Do you just not have a reference point for "not fascist," or...?

America has always been a pretty fascist country in a lot of ways.

It's just been dialed up to 11 with Trump.

Biden will bring it down to a more comfortable 7 or 8. Might have to do some saber rattling with North Korea/help Israel curb stomp the Palestinians.


Oct 28, 2017
You've been shitting on BIden and saying you wouldn't vote for him for months. No one is going to waste their time trying to convince you.
Haven't. Unless you mean early in the primaries where everyone was wondering how he was doing so poorly. Besides I caught a month long ban for dismissing concerns of racism in a Bloomberg thread when I told people Bloomberg was better than Trump. And I've learned from that. I am not stanning for a racist centrist that just so happened to change his tune when it was convenient nor am I going to tell people to suck it up and vote for him despite his horrendous record of being wrong his entire career
Oct 25, 2017
Trump is not the disease. He's a symptom that started in the 70s.

Biden isn't going to bring back Mitch McConnell back to reality and vote for what Biden ran.

We're just going to continue playing this game until the world burns.

I assume you mean 1470s. Either way, disease is an timely metaphor. Both are best dealt with by flattening the curve. Mitigation will help more people more quickly than waiting for a silver bullet.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
This whole situation just shows how much M4A is needed, or at the very least, highlights how screwy our healthcare system is currently.

If they passed a public option tomorrow, that would be the best outcome for the situation we are in at the moment.

Tons of people are already hurting when it comes to health care. I luckily don't need it very much, but if I DID get this virus and it was bad, I'd be out tons of money due to my lovely insurance plan that we all love or something. And that is AFTER blue cross gets thousands a year from me in premiums from my employer. Then I have to meet that lovely deductible. All said and done, insurance company gets like 10k from me before dat private insurance plan kicks in.


Dec 14, 2017
I can't believe the DNC went through with the primaries while anyone that has the minimum amount of decency knows that everybody should stay home. Not that I am surprised...


Oct 26, 2017
shout out to the democrats for endangering the lives of their base in order to get them to vote against the guy who's inspired an entire generation which could have grown up to be their new base.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe the DNC went through with the primaries while anyone that has the minimum amount of decency knows that everybody should stay home. Not that I am surprised...
I've seen this come up a lot, but just FYI Tom Perez and The DNC have no control over a lot of the primaries. Governors/Legislators of the state do. Which is why Georgia and LA were postponed but others were not.


Oct 25, 2017
oh you're right a massive scale display of incompetence and corruption directly contributing to the spread of a pandemic probably won't cause any disillusionment. thanks for filling me in, my head was so empty before you came into my life.
Well it still sounds empty just now whining about something you don't know about


Dec 14, 2017
I've seen this come up a lot, but just FYI Tom Perez and The DNC have no control over a lot of the primaries. Governors/Legislators of the state do. Which is why Georgia and LA were postponed but others were not.
alright. Anyway, I just meant in general, that nothing like that should happen. In fact both Biden and Sanders should have left a message for the voters to not go vote, that staying at home is better than voting in the current situation. But I am assuming neither of them did it (one is afraid of completely losing the primaries, the other afraid of ressurecting the opponent...). This was the time for the 'party unity', they should have united to not vote and stay home.

edit. on top of that, I am sure someone in their teams said that it is a good time to have the primaries because Trump has all the attention now so with primaries they can have their winning speeches and maybe use it to bash Trump for a bit.... but man, you dont send voters to die (yeah, some will) just because you want to get a bit of press leading to the GE.
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