
Oct 25, 2017

House Democrats announced a sweeping new Covid-19 stimulus bill on Tuesday with a price tag expected to be more than $3 trillion -- an amount that would stand as the largest relief package in history.

The legislation, which allocates more funding for state and local governments, coronavirus testing, and a new round of direct payments to Americans, sets up an immediate clash with the Republican-controlled Senate, where leaders have said another round of emergency funding is not yet needed.

Pelosi took aim at congressional Republicans who have argued that it would be better to first evaluate how already-enacted aid is implemented before moving ahead with another relief bill.

"For the families who are suffering though, hunger doesn't take a pause, rent doesn't take a pause, bills don't take a pause, the hardship of losing a job or tragically losing a loved one doesn't take a pause," Pelosi said, describing the crisis as "a historic challenge" and "momentous opportunity for us to meet the needs of the American people, to save their lives, their livelihoods and our democracy."

The package is expected to cost more than $3 trillion, according to a senior House Democratic aide. Three other aides also told CNN the price tag would be in the $3 trillion range. That would dwarf the stimulus measure enacted in March, which was more than $2 trillion and at the time amounted to the largest emergency aid package in American history.

The bill, which Democrats are calling the Heroes Act, would provide nearly $1 trillion for state and local governments, a $200 billion fund for essential worker hazard pay, an additional $75 billion for Covid-19 testing, tracing and isolation efforts, and a new round of direct payments to Americans of up to $6,000 per household, according to a fact sheet released by the House Appropriations Committee.

While congressional Republicans dismissed the bill as a liberal wish list on Tuesday, the legislation does not include some provisions that progressive Democrats wanted -- a result that some progressive are now expressing frustration over.

Prominent House progressives, including the so-called "squad" of freshman Democrats Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley, signed onto a letter to congressional leadership in both parties on Monday calling for recurring monthly payments as part of a new coronavirus bill.

Another progressive priority prompted pushback during a private call among House Democrats on Monday when Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state took issue with the bill because it was not expected to include the Paycheck Guarantee Act, a plan the Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairwoman had pushed to cover 100% of workers' wages up to $90,000 per year, according to three sources on the call.

Without some Republican support, the House bill cannot pass in the Senate. But unveiling legislation now gives Democrats an opportunity to showcase their priorities and outline their legislative vision for how to help a country in dire straits as a result of the devastating pandemic.

Republican Sen. John Cornyn reiterated Tuesday that he believes there is no "urgency" on passing another coronavirus relief bill when asked if the Senate will likely wait until after Memorial Day recess to take up phase four legislation.

"I don't think there's a sense of urgency to do it now because a lot of the money we've already appropriated hasn't been even gone out the door yet," the Texas Republican told reporters. "So, we're taking one day at a time."

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said the bill is "dead on arrival" in the Senate.

On phase four, Graham also said "Oh, God, no, no way" about whether the Senate will pass another coronavirus relief bill before the Memorial Day recess. But he added he's "sympathetic" to the idea that the economy will need additional help to recover.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
Voters need to be constantly reminded of who stands in the way of relief. And who it was who said 1200 dollars was enough to live off of.


Oct 25, 2017
Just one round of checks or is it monthly?

If its just one round its pointless when the virus is here for a while.

Shaun Solo

Oct 25, 2017
This is alright, but it should really be recurring relief checks. This isn't ending. And if this is all pie in the sky anyway, fucking go for what we want/need.

Shaun Solo

Oct 25, 2017
Seeing that it also calls for the extra weekly $600 for Unemployment to be extended to January (which is great), they should've tried to tie the relief checks to that same end date.


Nov 27, 2017
My guess is that the GOP will negotiate down this stimulus, get it out before the election to protect at-risk seats, then go full on fiscal conservative after November, especially if Biden wins.


Oct 27, 2017
They should've started with something more ambitious. Even in the unlikely event that this passes, it's going to be a shell of the bill after Republicans tear it apart.


Oct 30, 2017
This could literally save my life, but there is no way it will pass.


Nov 11, 2017
Republicans don't give a fuck. They've successfully convinced enough of their base to shit in their own mouths and riot about how they love the taste.


Oct 28, 2017
My guess is that the GOP will negotiate down this stimulus, get it out before the election to protect at-risk seats, then go full on fiscal conservative after November, especially if Biden wins.

This is exactly what they will do, which is why winning the senate is so important. Hopefully we can.
Oct 27, 2017
We're probably going to only get the checks out of this.

The states are going to continue to be fucked and put into a position where they have to reopen early. That can easily be Us vs Them'd by the republicans. As was seen by Bitch McConell and his "Why should we bail out the blue states" argument that had 0 negative consequences for him.

Hazard Pay should have ALREADY happened but it won't. I don't know why I feel like this has no chance but it's just a sinking feeling in my gut that tells me that no it won't happen.

The Testing is a great idea that should ideally be a sure thing but in this country it's not going to be and that pisses me off.

I think the checks are a sure thing because no one, not even the republicans can come up with a convincing argument about why they'd be a bad thing. Even trying to talk those down puts you in a position you don't want to be in if you're an elected official. The most they can do is get the final amount of money in the check down. But even 1200 was ridiculous. I don't think they can get it lower than that but that won't stop them from trying.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm down for unemployments $600 to be extended. Its been helping me and my family a lot. As was the checks.

But I feel like we're going to have this conversation again once that money runs out.


Oct 25, 2017
if i had to guess this has like a 60 percent chance of passing but cut down a bit. most americans are in support of more stimulus checks and the republicans and trump are actually doing pretty bad lately in the eyes of most of the country so if they want some brownie points they'll have to play ball


Oct 27, 2017
Is there any information about who gets hazard pay? I'm in construction and I've been working the whole time.I don't really need the money, but a little extra would be nice to put towards my student loans.


Nov 13, 2017
Another 1200 per person (does this mean more than 500 per kid) up to a max of 6000 per household, but who knows what the restraints are. People are going to see the three trillion number and think more is coming their way but that's not the case. The best thing about it (for survival) is the lengthening of the extra 600 on unemployment.


The Enlightened "this guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
The lack of recurring monthly checks is a chickenshit move if you're planning on using the Senate's polling against them.

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
sets a dangerous precedent imo. what if future elections will just be people voting for the party that promises to mail them checks? what then?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
On phase four, Graham also said "Oh, God, no, no way" about whether the Senate will pass another coronavirus relief bill before the Memorial Day recess. But he added he's "sympathetic" to the idea that the economy will need additional help to recover.

Oh, he's "sympathetic."

Good. That's good.


Oct 27, 2017
Millennials are pushing 40.

They're going to have to adjust their strategy in the next 10 years. Some of the lucky ones will be retiring!!!

Changing their core strategy is kinda antithetical to the entire conservative party. We really just gotta hope Trump was the last major speedbump to a more progressive country/world. Darkest before dawn and all that.

sets a dangerous precedent imo. what if future elections will just be people voting for the party that promises to mail them checks? what then?

I want to think you're being sarcastic, but I can't be sure.