
The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Aurc being the usual buffoon I see. Game goes on sale and someone suggests it's a good time to jump in (which it is) and somehow that requires them to shit all over the new expansion.

"B.. but Reddit says w-"

No, fuck Reddit. They've been up in arms about something persistently since D1 launch. That they're upset over anything is no inherently worthwhile barometer of what needs to happen nor are the angled posts pandering to the fervour of the hour ever encompassing of what's actually happening, or what should change for the betterment of the game.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
So this means that people that own forsaken will also own the annual pass from year 2 on the 17th?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I really need a chart to understand what I need to buy if I want everything released for this game.

I still need to buy the Y1 annual pass, right?
The Forsaken Collection and Shadowkeep Digital Deluxe if you want everything to date, the upcoming expansion and all the seasons in Y3.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
What if i already own Destiny 2, the two expansions, and the standard edition of Forsaken?
Then you should get the AP pass free if I understand the OP correctly. Which means you just need the Shadowkeep Digital Deluxe for the next expansion and the Y3 content drops (or normal if you just want the expansion).


Oct 25, 2017
According to the tweet, if you own Forsaken, all remaining Year 2 content (Black Armory, Season of the Drifter and Season of Opulence) will be free as of September 17th.

On September 17th, all Year 1 content will be FREE. For those who already have Forsaken but none of the Year 2 DLC, all of that too, will be free on September 17th.

This promo is good for those who only played Year 1's content, haven't played at all or moving to a different platform.

If you have Forsaken and this year's annual pass, all you need going forward is Shadowkeep (and the Year 3 annual pass if you want) by October 1st.

Quoting myself for others to see.

Deleted member 420

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
then you'll get the annual pass for free on the 17th, and you can decide if you want shadow keep.
Then you should get the AP pass free if I understand the OP correctly. Which means you just need the Shadowkeep Digital Deluxe for the next expansion and the Y3 content drops (or normal if you just want the expansion).
Awesome, thanks! Glad I didn't grab the annual pass when it was on sale for $15 last month then.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Good deal for those who haven't jumped in yet, or Forsaken owners who were never interested in the annual pass content. Got yourself a good slew of content to go through before Shadowkeep.

How is this Destiny 2 "expansion" new but Borderlands 3 is "recycled expansion pack" tier.

Holy moly.

Do not attempt to engage with shark. He is a unique case of an individual that is best left to professionals from the OT to deal with.

I don't aim to argue in bad faith or troll at all, though.

It's just that the game has now lost me, and I think my reasons for that are quite valid.

Oh. So. Why are you here again?


Oct 28, 2017
Aurc being the usual buffoon I see. Game goes on sale and someone suggests it's a good time to jump in (which it is) and somehow that requires them to shit all over the new expansion.

"B.. but Reddit says w-"

No, fuck Reddit. They've been up in arms about something persistently since D1 launch. That they're upset over anything is no inherently worthwhile barometer of what needs to happen nor are the angled posts pandering to the fervour of the hour ever encompassing of what's actually happening, or what should change for the betterment of the game.
I know you don't like me, but this is not the time for name calling.

The subreddit, DestinyTheGame, has been a consistently great source of information, discussions, news, fan creations, funny meme submissions, and more since all the way back during the Destiny 1 beta of 2014. The fact that you'd aim to disparage them when they go against what you'd like to believe is sad. There's a ton of salt on that sub, to be sure, but also a metric fuckton of positivity, love, and passion, even more so than here on Era. It's a wide reaching community of people who appreciate Destiny, but who also want to see it improve and become everything it can be. How do I know all this? I browsed it a ton myself, back when I played Destiny. It's a great resource for any Destiny player, honestly, and it has been for years, even before Era existed.

They aren't a monolith, and characterizing them as such is a falsehood. I have a feeling you already know how much love and joy is posted to that subreddit on a day-to-day basis, but you're ignoring that and choosing to see them as saltmongers... for posting the facts you did not like to hear. Ah well.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I know you don't like me, but this is not the time for name calling.
I disagree. You pollute these topics and your attitude within them has long-since lost any sense of purpose. You're actively corrosive to them, compulsively finding any negative slant on the game regardless of how relevent it is to the discussion or OP.

Persisting in posting paragraph after paragraph about how you're not actually a troll while simultaneously trying to bait people down some wholly irrelevant rabbit hole full of trash arguments aimed purely to provoke.

When you persist in acting the buffoon in each occurrence don't be surprised when people inevitably take you for one.


Oct 28, 2017
I disagree. You pollute these topics and your attitude within them has long-since lost any sense of purpose. You're actively corrosive to them, compulsively finding any negative slant on the game regardless of how relevent it is to the discussion or OP.

Persisting in posting paragraph after paragraph about how you're not actually a troll while simultaneously trying to bait people down some wholly irrelevant rabbit hole full of trash arguments aimed purely to provoke.

When you persist in acting the buffoon in each occurrence don't be surprised when people inevitably take you for one.
Ya can't please everyone, and I'll accept that I'm not gonna win you (or a handful of others!) over, Kyuuji. It's all I can do.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess I got some decent playtime out of it, but I absolutely would have waited on buying the Forsaken collection if I'd known it would be $15 cheaper on Steam.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
your intent is disingenuous af. First of all this NEWS thread is about forsaken and the annual pass, not about shadow keep. Secondly, that thread you so conveniently chose to post now was made days ago. If you wanted to spread the good gospel as you speak, you would've just posted a thread on your own instead of derailing this one. Shadow keep is a completely different purchase from the information posed in this thread.

You literally shitpost in every gaming side thread on this game in bad faith, trying to be contrarian, and for what? You're free to talk about what's wrong with shadowkeep and destiny in your own thread. Stop stinking up other peoples threads for your own agenda, as has been stated multiple times, but you won't because you're a troll lol.
The ignore function is a chance at salvation.


Use it.
Last edited:


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I know you don't like me, but this is not the time for name calling.

The subreddit, DestinyTheGame, has been a consistently great source of information, discussions, news, fan creations, funny meme submissions, and more since all the way back during the Destiny 1 beta of 2014. The fact that you'd aim to disparage them when they go against what you'd like to believe is sad. There's a ton of salt on that sub, to be sure, but also a metric fuckton of positivity, love, and passion, even more so than here on Era. It's a wide reaching community of people who appreciate Destiny, but who also want to see it improve and become everything it can be. How do I know all this? I browsed it a ton myself, back when I played Destiny. It's a great resource for any Destiny player, honestly, and it has been for years, even before Era existed.

They aren't a monolith, and characterizing them as such is a falsehood. I have a feeling you already know how much love and joy is posted to that subreddit on a day-to-day basis, but you're ignoring that and choosing to see them as saltmongers... for posting the facts you did not like to hear. Ah well.
Most of those people are still going to buy and play the game, people are skimming over alot of the fundamental changes to the game and overreacting to things that haven't been fully shown off yet, this is very normal for r/DTG, they exaggerate a LOT. r/DTG is a tug-of-war of extremes, it's actually hilarious that you're calling them a credible source of opinions.


Oct 27, 2017
No problem. One thing I forgot to specifically mention though: if you get the deluxe edition of Shadowkeep on one platform, you'll at least gain access to the seasonal content on your other platforms (since the deluxe edition includes passes for each of year three's seasons). So if you want access to everything new over the next year on both PC and Xbox, you can buy Shadowkeep deluxe on one platform, and just get the regular version of Shadowkeep on the other instead of having to buy the deluxe version twice.

Wait the Y3 season pass is cross-buy? That's awesome news if I understood that right
Oct 27, 2017
This is great for those that were on the fence, but a little disappointed. I just purchased Forsaken and the Annual Pass last week for PC. I am happy to support them, but wish they would have announced this up front.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Oh, I did not expect to get the Year 2 stuff for free, nice. Waiting for it to be bundled with something else in the future paid off.


Oct 25, 2017
Just when I thought I was done with Destiny, this may well pull me back in (the free annual pass that is)


Jul 11, 2018
Welp, I bought the annual pass on August 20th on PC, just put in a ticket to see if I can get a refund.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm slightly confused, why would I want the year 2 annual pass if the 2nd year of the game is already done? Do I somehow get items from that pass still? Does it not conflict with the new season?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm slightly confused, why would I want the year 2 annual pass if the 2nd year of the game is already done? Do I somehow get items from that pass still? Does it not conflict with the new season?

It just means all the DLC that was in the annual pass. There are some exclusive gear and activities from that DLC you wont get otherwise.


Oct 25, 2017
So the Forsaken Complete + Season 2 would basically be free for $25? Would that be all content right before Shadowkeep?


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Ok I'm all connected with PS4 and man alive I fucking hate this dual shock lol. Just finally comitted to the scuff. I have the Xbox controller and Brook adapter but then I won't be able to use headphones in game.

Just played broodhold for the first time, that was interesting to say the least.


Oct 26, 2017
I played Vanilla Destiny 2 on release, enjoyed it but got swept away with other things.

I was intending to play more again when it's free. Is this worth grabbing on Xbox for ÂŁ20? How much (time?) content is it?
Hundreds if you get hooked, but just purely new story/solo stuff, between Curse of Osiris, Warmind and Forsaken 30 hours easily and then massive end game options if you want to play more with the Annual Pass. It gets said a lot, but Destiny is in a really great spot at the moment.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Trolling a Community; Long History of Repeated Behavior
The Destiny hivemind at it's finest.

Namecalling, harassing, attacking someone who brings concerns about their favorite toy. And of course spamming the mods en masse to make sure the hivemind is safe.

Afin, if you guys can't stand differents opinions (or lack of praise), and you feel the need to erase whoever is what you like, grow up. Internet forums are not for childish behaviour like yours.


Oct 27, 2017
The Destiny hivemind at it's finest.

Namecalling, harassing, attacking someone who brings concerns about their favorite toy. And of course spamming the mods en masse to make sure the hivemind is safe.

Afin, if you guys can't stand differents opinions (or lack of praise), and you feel the need to erase whoever is what you like, grow up. Internet forums are not for childish behaviour like yours.

His opinion has nothing to do with this thread though. He could make his own thread to "warn" others about shadowkeep and persuade them to buy borderlands 3 instead. It's like going into a xbox thread and telling someone to buy a ps4 and vice versa. He probably learned from you Trim...if anything.


Aug 26, 2018
The Destiny hivemind at it's finest.

Namecalling, harassing, attacking someone who brings concerns about their favorite toy. And of course spamming the mods en masse to make sure the hivemind is safe.

Afin, if you guys can't stand differents opinions (or lack of praise), and you feel the need to erase whoever is what you like, grow up. Internet forums are not for childish behaviour like yours.

Honestly blown away Aurc was banned. Seemed to just be criticizing the game. That shark guy seemed a lot more aggressive and nothing happened to him.

Era a joke as usual.


Oct 27, 2017
I might actually buy this and I link my xbox account and now I can play mostly on PS4. Sweet.


Oct 25, 2017
All of Destiny 2 up to Shadowkeep for $25 is a fantastic deal. I paid $120 for it so far and thats without the Forsaken annual pass.

Warmind and Curse of Osiris are basically trash but including all of Forsaken is a great deal. Hundreds of hours there if youre new and want to grind for the best weapons and gear.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
All of Destiny 2 up to Shadowkeep for $25 is a fantastic deal. I paid $120 for it so far and thats without the Forsaken annual pass.

Warmind and Curse of Osiris are basically trash but including all of Forsaken is a great deal. Hundreds of hours there if youre new and want to grind for the best weapons and gear.
agreed. especially with the new drop rate buffs.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
oh nice. I was really close to buying it when it was cheap on bnet last month or whatever. Real glad I didn't now.