
May 29, 2020
So, in their recent Reddit post, LucidGames stated that, among other changes, features and updates, the online multiplayer will use bots from now on. While I agree that this is going to improve the fun of people that are no having luck when trying to find online games, let's not forget that this is a game with online mode behind PS+ paywall. This means that, as a matter of fact, you will be paying to play online with the same opponents that you would have in offline mode.

Why doesn't Sony allow them to go free to play, instead of a paid product, a measure that would increase player count and allow free multiplayer? What do you think?


Apr 28, 2020
Man, I think I've played 30 or 40 minutes in this game and after that uninstalled.
I just assume some multiplayer games are really not for me.


Oct 27, 2017
So, in their recent Reddit post, LucidGames stated that, among other changes, features and updates, the online multiplayer will use bots from now on. While I agree that this is going to improve the fun of people that are no having luck when trying to find online games, let's not forget that this is a game with online mode behind PS+ paywall. This means that, as a matter of fact, you will be paying to play online with the same opponents that you would have in offline mode.

Why doesn't Sony allow them to go free to play, instead of a paid product, a measure that would increase player count and allow free multiplayer? What do you think?
because there is barley any content to grind/pay for.


Feb 13, 2018
Well chances are, you'll have to be subbed to PS+ to even play it, I think majority of players got it through PS+ when it came out, can't really imagine paying the $20 asking price for it.

With that being said, I liked the idea, but the execution lacked something for me. It really sucked at explaining key gameplay elements and afaik didn't have an option to try out various cars or characters.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Assuming they haven't already started working behind the scenes on transitioning to F2P, Sony may have decided the cost of pivoting is too high compared to its expected returns.
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Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I doubt moving to F2P would really help with the amount of PS5s out there. A decent chunk of the playerbase probably already tried it with PS+ and decided if they were interested or not. Sort of the issue with launching an exclusive multiplayer game early on where it's easy to fall into playerbase issues if it doesn't instantly click.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
For Honor has bots and it has a healthy playerbase. It's still getting consistent new content updates 5 years after launch. No doubt that DAS playerbase is suffering but bots aren't an indicator.

I think releasing it on PC with crossplay could help tremendously.
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Oct 27, 2017
So, in their recent Reddit post, LucidGames stated that, among other changes, features and updates, the online multiplayer will use bots from now on. While I agree that this is going to improve the fun of people that are no having luck when trying to find online games, let's not forget that this is a game with online mode behind PS+ paywall. This means that, as a matter of fact, you will be paying to play online with the same opponents that you would have in offline mode.

Why doesn't Sony allow them to go free to play, instead of a paid product, a measure that would increase player count and allow free multiplayer? What do you think?
Just a reminder that PUBG also has bots.

Just saying because the correlation between online paywall, having bots and player counts is not a thing.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
It's beyond dumb that they only made it free on PS+ for two months while no one was able to get their hands on a PS5. Would try it out for free but definitely not paying 20 bucks for it.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel sorry for the developers really, but I don't think any repackaging of this would really have worked. It's just not enjoyable enough to play so however many people were able to play the game, the user base was going to fall off of a cliff.

I feel like I've played a handful of these little multiplayer games over the last couple of years where they feel doomed on arrival. Rocket Arena, Worms Rumble, Bleeding Edge, Roller Champions and now this. I hope Knockout City does better, definitely the most promising, but I don't see where its legs come from. Even Fall Guys which obviously came out of the gate super strong fell off super hard.

In general it feels like a ton of developers that just underestimate what it takes to make a big multiplayer game these days when you're competing with free AAA GaaS.

The gameplay and modes is where this game falls down. I reckon the key mistake is making it arena derby oriented rather than racing oriented. A super zany version of wreckfest could have been extremely appealing in my opinion.


May 29, 2020
Just a reminder that PUBG also has bots.

PUBG can have 100 people matches, DAS has 16 people matches. If you can't fill a 16 people lobby with real people, there is a big problem. Furthermore, bots in PUBG helps decreasing the skill gap between new players and veterans, and allow newbies to not be overwhelmed when they first join. I think there is totally diffrent reasoning and justiification for bots implementation in those 2 games.

PS: and online multiplayer in PUBG is free, at least on PC.


Oct 27, 2017
Feel bad for the devs but It really should have been twisted metal. I don't understand why Sony doesn't utilize their ips from the ps1 days.


Jun 14, 2018
Bought it for 20€ because I missed the PS+ version. Uninstalled that shit after 1h.
Oct 27, 2017
A free-to-play revamp would not change anything at this point. The core game from Lucid is pretty solid and fun, although not for a very long time, but every decision regarding the content and economics has been a joke from Sony.

You get barebone content and yet you still lock the pseudo campaign behind a paywall. And on top of that you're supposed to jump into the usual battle pass train, come on. And don't even start with the fact this was supposed to be a 80€ game.

Unlike their top quality single player games, Sony has a very long way to go before finding any success in the multiplayer/GAAS genre. We'll see if they manage to not screw everything with the Firewalk Studios game.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Rocket league had bots when it launched on ps4 I think. I think I played them half the time because people would just drop out whenever they started losing.


Jun 15, 2018
I think I played for maybe half an hour before uninstalling. There's just....nothing there. I guess if you really enjoyed the core gameplay it could last longer, but it's so anemic to me. I can't even imagine the outrage if they'd released this as a full-priced product as the plan initially was.


Oct 27, 2017
They need it. They setup a battle pass and have a credits giveaway as part of play-at-home, yet I tried it the other day and was waiting for ever just for one match.

this just sounds so sad :|

Not really. Do you think you can turn up with a weird hero-car arena smashing game and you don't have to put the work in to make it popular?

There's a good idea in there but you have to work at it to make it better.
Oct 29, 2017
I hate to say I told y'all so but… I did.

The gameplay never felt right. Latency problems were rampant, taking away from every second crash that felt like a lottery. Cars were soap boxes that were sliding left and right unpredictably (thanks to that idiotic ability), making well timed T-Bones more dependent on pure luck than skill. On foot combat was abysmal and useless.

It just didn't feel good to play at all. Dropped it after a month. Just look at Wreckfest if you want a good feeling crashy destruction game.


Oct 29, 2017
Cant imagine how much this game would have struggled had they gone through with the 70$ price point it initially had.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
The gameplay is a total blast but there's just no incentive to keep playing.

There are hardly any maps, all of the modes that aren't deathmatch are running low on players, there's no real progression system to speak of other than overpriced skins unlocked through tedious grinding or microtransactions, and the single player stuff is unlocked with microtransactions after you complete the free first chapter.

They have such a great set of core mechanics, it just doesn't mean anything when there's no meat on the bone.
Oct 27, 2017
Making the game free to play isn't going to fix the problem that it doesn't have a long term draw. There's been a lot of these types of colorful seemingly creative but kind of shallow games lately, a multiplayer game isn't easy to keep people engaged in.


Feb 10, 2021
Man, that sucks. I like the studio and want them to do well, but the game just wasn't for me.

There's a lot I really liked about the game, but it was almost all to do with the presentation. I loved the character design and the art across the board, including the menus and UI. But I just don't really like multiplayer games, and couldn't gel with the car > on foot > car gameplay loop. There was just so little content for someone like me to want to dive into.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
The real test is going to be Factions 2.0 before Firewalk new title.

The leaked footage seemed to indicate that Factions 2.0 would be peer to peer. So itl'll probably fizzle out like all of Sony's multiplayer games to be honest.

I'm a huge fan of factions and Uncharted multiplayer but their peer to peer connections and low tick rates make them a very poor experience for anyone seriously interested in competitive multiplayer.

And Sony don't seem to know what they're doing with that type of thing. Only Guerilla Games seemed to have a clue (Killzone had dedicated servers, a server browser, clan support, leaderboards etc).

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
For Honor has bots and it has a healthy playerbase. It's still getting consistent new content updates 5 years after launch. No doubt that DAS playerbase is suffering but bots aren't an indicator.

I think releasing it on PC with crossplay could help tremendously.
You generally don't spend money to port things elsewhere if it's not a success to some degree. Can we say for sure a port would be wise?


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Also as for this game, it's not just a lack of content letting it down. The gameplay is shallow as fuck.

Honestly Sony should let Lucid have a go at the Twisted Metal IP. Prior to Destruction All Stars they made Switch Blade which has much better, and much more in-depth gameplay than DAS.


Oct 28, 2017
I feel sorry for the developers really, but I don't think any repackaging of this would really have worked. It's just not enjoyable enough to play so however many people were able to play the game, the user base was going to fall off of a cliff.

I feel like I've played a handful of these little multiplayer games over the last couple of years where they feel doomed on arrival. Rocket Arena, Worms Rumble, Bleeding Edge, Roller Champions and now this. I hope Knockout City does better, definitely the most promising, but I don't see where its legs come from. Even Fall Guys which obviously came out of the gate super strong fell off super hard.

In general it feels like a ton of developers that just underestimate what it takes to make a big multiplayer game these days when you're competing with free AAA GaaS.

The gameplay and modes is where this game falls down. I reckon the key mistake is making it arena derby oriented rather than racing oriented. A super zany version of wreckfest could have been extremely appealing in my opinion.

I agree it's just a very difficult market to break into and then maintain. Almost seems like lightning in a bottle sometimes as well.

Really you need to be MP as well. Or at least have a big % of the market covered.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I remember when they wanted to sell it like a full priced game, kinda feel bad for the team to be honest.


Oct 28, 2017
Feel bad for the team, but damn this game really needed another year or two in the oven imo. Felt really underbaked in mechanics and content.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 2, 2017
The game was already essentially f2p so redoing that isn't going to help. It's simply just not up to the quality levels of other games. I think another big issue with it is that they have team based modes but it never feels like they have any real team focus.

Also just wondering why is 'you still have to pay for online' in brackets. Are there examples where this is not the case on console? Is the bots a completely separate mode OP?


Nov 12, 2017
I'll admit I never played it online. The game has decent core mechanics and I'll jump in every few weeks for the challenges but the lack of arena variety really kills my desire to stick with it for more than 15 minutes.


Game Developer
Jun 10, 2018
Every game needs to have bots in online / training modes / whatever. And I'm saying this as someone that mostly works on games that don't do that. :D

It goes far beyond just sustaining a player count. It helps ease people into multiplayer experiences by first offering them a safer environment to get more familiar with the game first, before jumping into the real thing.

(I don't know if this game had this already, never had any interest in it to check.)


Oct 25, 2017
Man that's depressing.

Not much of an online gamer, so honestly the big thing that kept me away was the double whammy of my mic being on by default and turning it off too late, then having to hear my team throughout the match. I played one match and never came back because of that. What I played seemed solid.