
Oct 25, 2017


We are proud to announce that Detroit: Become Human now has an official release date. On 25th May, you will finally have the chance to get your hands on Quantic Dream's most ambitious title to date.

In a dystopian vision of our near future, Detroit is the story of three androids, three machines designed to obey, who start to feel emotions. Confronted with persecution and the violence of society, they will all have to decide who they want to be.

Connor is a prototype designed to help human investigators on cases involving androids; Kara becomes a fugitive by empathising with a little girl, united in their dream of freedom; Markus will become the leader of the android revolution.

The player will control all three in turn, taking control of their destinies, and telling not only their individual stories, but also the story of their people and of their world.

Detroit is by far the most ambitious title ever created by Quantic Dream: with this game, we wanted to push our limits by creating the most bending game we have ever made.

Your actions have real and spectacular consequences: there are entire scenes that you can see or miss based on your actions, your closest allies may help you until the end or die just after you meet them, your destiny itself can be totally different depending on your choices. You must also be very careful with your three main characters, because any of them may die at any time.

Each story is almost as unique as your DNA: it is the result of the choices you made, the minor ones and the important ones, because in Detroit, all choices matter. You will need to observe, think, decide, feel, follow your intuition or your heart, to tell the unique stories of each character, and their stories will become your personal story.

Detroit explores many complex themes that resonate with today's world. Of course, it is about AI and the role of technology, but it is also more than anything about us, about our society, our dreams, our mistakes, our hopes. It is about what it means to be human: is it just about having flesh and bones, or does it mean more than that?

This game may be seen as controversial as it explores a number of sensitive topics that some people may consider inappropriate or taboo for video games, but maybe this is the most fascinating aspect of Detroit. We hope that it sparks some meaningful conversations and we're looking forward to hearing what you think about it.


Alright, can we please knock off the obviously trollish "will watch this on YouTube/Twitch!" bait posts?

If that is how you are going to experience the game, at least elaborate on that and don't make it look like a cheap attempt to bait people who are in this thread and excited for the title.

You have been warned.
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Oct 26, 2017
We are proud to announce that Detroit: Become Human now has an official release date. On 25th May, you will finally have the chance to get your hands on Quantic Dream's most ambitious title to date.

In a dystopian vision of our near future, Detroit is the story of three androids, three machines designed to obey, who start to feel emotions. Confronted with persecution and the violence of society, they will all have to decide who they want to be.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
A bit surprised it's launching just before E3.

Wondering where Spiderman will slot in now with May taken.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm interested in the concept, but I have never played a quantic dream game before and some of the opinions that I have read of their games in this fórum are off putting


Oct 25, 2017
Day zero!

Gow - April
Detroit - may
Spider-Man - June?

It will make that statement about all games shown at e3 with a 2018 date will be in the first half true


Nov 10, 2017
will absolutely, positively be waiting for impressions before going anywhere near this. i had enough fun with heavy rain, but, even at super-sales price, i still felt beyond: 2 souls was a waste of money (& time). as in, shockingly bad game :) ...

s y

Nov 8, 2017
User has been warned: drive-by bait post. We get it, the game is cinematic.
Will watch on YouTube day one!


Oct 27, 2017
Definitely will buy it, but will there be a demo available? QD made one for Heavy Rain before, so I am hoping they will release a short demo of the game.


Oct 26, 2017
Good timing.

One month after God of War, and two weeks before E3. Dark Souls remaster comes out on the same day, but genres are totally different so there should not be much audience crossover.


Oct 27, 2017
Defo getting it, Gonna shareplay with a friend so we can both make the decisions and outcome of the story etc. Loved Heavy Rain.
Oct 25, 2017
Nice. Sony seems to be really spreading out their releases this year. May is perfect for this sort of title.

I'm going to go ahead and say Spider-man is sometime in September.