Oct 27, 2017
Who would play a game where the backstabber has an advantage?
Fucking nonsense, if I ran into the open field and someone shot me from the unseen position, how is it my fault?
Is this the end of COD?

I really don't want to join the circlejerk, but man, we aren't talking about peakers advantage or anything like that with BF. We are 5 levels below what you would expect in COD, CSGO or Siege: you are NOT supposed to turn around and headshot the enemy after being fired upon. It is a miracle moment when the person manages to win a duel like that in other games.

Lewis headshot specialists make people quit BFV, being shot in the back is part of the game. Starting the round 40vs20 doesn't help.
Jun 1, 2018
Yeah thats a NO from me. I quit and deinstalled the game because EVERY match has a cheater with 100-2 ratio and dice REFUSES to do ANYTHING about it after a year


Dec 10, 2018
I'd also say the rampant cheating

Every person I have played with quit for the same reason. Rampant cheating. Some are saying that Euro/American servers are better/cheat free, but Asia/Pacific servers are a free for all for aimbots, wall hacks, flying, automatic sniper rifle and invisible player cheats.


Oct 25, 2017
Is the rampant cheating only on PC? i'm playing on PS4, and didn't see anything of that sort.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like 'basically everything we've done to the series to make it more immediate'.

BF has been scuppered for years by the removal of any sort of pacing from matches and replacing it with terrible, choke point heavy map design and about a billion ways to die in one bit instantly at any moment.

Although at least V doesn't have a 'you're losing so hey have a train that lets you click on a map to annoy other players' mechanic.


Oct 25, 2017
I play on PC.

The reason why I would quit a match is the lack of team balancing or a hacker joins a server. It's not because I got shot in the back. If your team is getting steam-rolled, be prepared to lose every match until you switch servers.


Feb 21, 2018
TTK should be way down the list of stuff that has to be fixed. DICE is completely disconnected from their userbase and apparently doesn't even play the game anymore cause they would know from the first game they play online that Cheating and lack of Team Balance & Team Switching is why people are stopping playing.

But yet, I see DICE developpers on this very forum saying that /r/battlefieldv is a very toxic community. Keep playing the ostrich DICE. You reap what you sow.


Feb 25, 2018
Sounds like 'basically everything we've done to the series to make it more immediate'.

BF has been scuppered for years by the removal of any sort of pacing from matches and replacing it with terrible, choke point heavy map design and about a billion ways to die in one bit instantly at any moment.

Although at least V doesn't have a 'you're losing so hey have a train that lets you click on a map to annoy other players' mechanic.


Quick ttk, lack of maps, choke hold map design and lack of synergy between vehicles and soldiers, introduction of prone making snipers just a complete annoyance.


Apr 4, 2018
Yeah thats a NO from me. I quit and deinstalled the game because EVERY match has a cheater with 100-2 ratio and dice REFUSES to do ANYTHING about it after a year
Thats why 3 years ago i went from PC to PS4 and never looked back. It took me almost a year to really get comfortable with controller but now its great.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I quit this game awhile back but is visibility still a problem?

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I always felt like the hit detection in Battlefield games was weird and janky as hell. Like you were shooting a ghost or something.

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York
PC is where most of the issues are. I doubt people quit for getting shot from the back, more like getting shot from an impossible location.

And in a perfect situation, most people quit because the squad they're in sucks and no one is teamworking.

Can't wait for Wake Island!
Oct 27, 2017
Team balance and matchmaking is it for me. Everyone multiplayer game I play seems to have all the good people on one team and the trash on the other. It's why sbmm, and elo sucks ass.

Agent 47

Jun 24, 2018
I just quit out of servers when the teams become too unbalanced. You can always tell when a match is going to be super one sided and you're going to get steam rolled, there's no fun in that in BF cause individual effort can only get you so far.


Prophet of Truth - Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 25, 2017
Reasons I quit:
1. Cheating
2. Team balance
3. I can't add or claim assignments in-game

Reasons why I don't quit:
1. Getting shot in the back


Oct 26, 2017
This patch announcement made me quit. So I guess it's good at shifting why people quit the game.

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
Cheating is REALLY bad on the PC version. I gave up on it entirely around the middle of the year.


Nov 2, 2017
My biggest problem with Battlefield is people still aren't focused on objectives. For god's sake... we've had this frickin' capture point mode for seventeen years!


Oct 27, 2017
except its not? if you have your back to the enemy, then you probably deserve that death. same way if you have gotten behind the enemy, you probably deserve that kill. i just recently started bfv back up and it seems like team balancing is the issue that deserves attention.
Jun 1, 2019
I've grown to really enjoy V over the last few months, I think the game is at a point were it doesn't need too many in-game changes tbh ( on consoles at least). I wasn't aware that the ttk is considered an issue with the community though, making it slower seems like an unnecessary fix to me.


Oct 25, 2017
The community is pretty furious as this is the justification for them changing the TTK of the weapons. DICE promises its not a TTK change and that guns will be more unique, but I guess we'll have to wait and see

People's frustrations are clears:

-Lag issues
-Awful team balancing

These are bigger concerns regarding quitting.

BFV is a significantly harder game and I definitely get shot more out of nowhere, especially with attrition not healing players to full HP, but it's a rewarding game too.


Oct 27, 2017
BFV looks and sounds absolutely fantastic but it's not really worth going through Origin's one-at-a-time patch installers only to see TTK being different again, weird performance issues and non-existent autobalancing. Iterative development is essential (and older BFs got tons of balancing patches too) but at this point it feels like no-one knows how the core gameplay should work and developers are fighting over the direction.
Last edited:

Hero Prinny

Oct 25, 2017
3 things make me quit matches (in this exact order):

1- cheaters
2- being placed into a match already in session on the losing team that its impossible to come back from (team balancing is fucking dogshit in this game and what makes it worse is that these aren't 5-10 minute matches, these shits can go up to like +30 minutes a match if you're doing conquest)
3- getting sniped non stop.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The game is fantastic on consoles and the proposed changes to some of guns sound great. There are really a handful of weapons that shine over all others, STG44, Thompson, Suomi, Lewis Gun, MG42 due to the way the rather simplistic damage model works in the game.

Changing things up so some guns (mainly automatics) are less viable outside of their intended ranges and changing bullets to kill, recoil, and magazine size on a per weapon basis to create niches and make more weapons more widely used is a good thing.

Right now you can succeed using stuff like the Garand, MP40, bolt action carbines, etc but you are at a severe disadvantage to the previously mentioned weapons in most cases.
Nov 23, 2017
Every game i've heard about that has such rampant cheating almost always tends to be the person saying it happened to be personally mad at cheaters, yet the game itself didnt have more or less cheaters than any other game...


Oct 27, 2017
SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil
This is why I love Halo. You can always face your enemy and still engage in combat.

The utterly nonsense fast ttk of Call of Duty Modern Warfare makes me so pissed about people killing me without even appearing on my screen.

Battlefield V is in the middle of the non sense ttk and perfectly playable like Halo.


Oct 25, 2017
Played a SHIT TON at launch, took a long break, and came back a bit after the Pacific stuff came out. Didn't ever really feel like cheaters were ever a problem (however, there were definitely some pilots in the Pacific stuff that made me rethink that, but my groups' consensus was more a balancing issue). What has made us not come back was general team balancing issues. We were constantly either steamrolling or getting steamrolled because team sizes would get so lopsided, and it very rarely ever corrected itself between matches (and even less so during the match). When teams are fairly matched, it's some of the most fun I've had in a game, but it just isn't ever consistent.

I did personally notice some further issues with getting killed from people I didn't see in the Pacific maps, but that honestly could be a combo of my eyesight and the color palette of those maps (it was more of an issue of being shot from somebody in front of me that I couldn't see vs somebody shooting me from behind). I also felt the tanks in the Pacific stuff were just ridiculous (lots of tanks holding way back in areas the defending team couldn't get to), but I hadn't had enough time to get good with the fliegerfaust (not sure if those are effective on tanks?), so maybe that would alleviate that (and same with the planes I guess?).


Oct 25, 2017
The game is perfectly playable on consoles. Team balance needs a bit of work tho. More often than not the game will be dominated by one side, and rarely will both team go down to sub 50 points in conquest.

Not to mention how utterly dumb some teams can be to the point where they won't even try to flank but instead continue to go head on in a narrow path getting shot at from everywhere.


Dec 10, 2018
This is why I love Halo. You can always face your enemy and still engage in combat.

The utterly nonsense fast ttk of Call of Duty Modern Warfare makes me so pissed about people killing me without even appearing on my screen.

Battlefield V is in the middle of the non sense ttk and perfectly playable like Halo.

Never play Arma 3. You may tear your hair out.


Oct 28, 2017
Rebought it on recent sale...and there s something wrong with this game i cant describe. Maybe its visibility or movemebt speed ot ttk....duno. Its not fun. Reinstalled bf1 and have more fun. Ps4 version.


Oct 25, 2017
I stop playing when the teams are unbalanced for the fifth match in a row and the opposing side ends up with a landslide victory because the game makes no attempt to auto balance.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like 'basically everything we've done to the series to make it more immediate'.

BF has been scuppered for years by the removal of any sort of pacing from matches and replacing it with terrible, choke point heavy map design and about a billion ways to die in one bit instantly at any moment.

Although at least V doesn't have a 'you're losing so hey have a train that lets you click on a map to annoy other players' mechanic.
Ya the newer ones feel like battlefront. Just run and die and repeat. That's what happened when they went in a more COD direction. Wish they stayed more like 1942 or BF4

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Is this game worth the $15 for online play alone?
It does some things better than BF1 and some things worse, I bought it for that price and don't regret it (on PS4, heard cheating is worse on PC), but I am disappointed by some things that are easily fixable but won't be.


Oct 27, 2017
(gets shot by a sniper from an impossible distance through a wall... in the back)

"Ahh, he got hit from behind, that explains it!"


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah thats a NO from me. I quit and deinstalled the game because EVERY match has a cheater with 100-2 ratio and dice REFUSES to do ANYTHING about it after a year
Hyperbole. I've been playing for around 50 hours on and off since launch and can't remember one time where i ran into a blatant cheater. You're saying every match has someone going 100+ kills? What region do you play in? Certainly does not happen in the EU servers i've been in.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 31, 2017
#1 reason I quit: flak cannons no longer rip ass, can't even kill a plane on a single strafe.


Oct 26, 2017
Can't recall getting shot in the back making me quit, probably has, but usually nothing you can do about it, so more a " of course they're behind me" reaction. Bad spawn though, I'd say about 90% of my rage quits is due to that. Not really a problem in BF, spawn trapping can be annoying but game was probably a loss regardless. I usually quit a BF game because I got bored after however long I played, especially in custom servers, some of them go on forever.


Dec 3, 2018
It's funny because I thought lag would be #1, I don't want to hear about your getting shot in the back crisis, Battlefield is a FPS designed around MASSIVE maps, and I'm sure Dice has something up their sleeves next for Battlefield.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm sure Dice has something up their sleeves next for Battlefield.

If they've shown anything is they completely disregard lessons learned from previous titles and keep doing so.
More than anything seem to be regressive in design, great features and such completely missing from new games.

I expect what they have up their sleeve is the next quick iteration with fewer features than 5, if you can believe that's possible.
Nov 2, 2017
What an odd take. Yeah shooting someone in the back should get you a kill. There could be a bazillion reasons why someone quits at that moment.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've played 90 hours since I got the game in June (compared to the 180 hours I put into BF4 over its entire lifetime and 210 hours in BF3) and I enjoy it more than I enjoyed BF4 and BF3, especially with the Pacific content.

I play on PS4 and I exclusively use the server browser to find games.